Second: Where has everybody gone? Has the ETB startet early or has everybody gone to Dublin?
And speaking of Dublin. I'm so psyched to read all the great fanviews. Hope they keep getting better throughout the euro leg and can't wait till Berlin. Less than a month to go! Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh........
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Ok, I'll post something other than just a bump. Get ready for a rant!
Today I get home from work, fire up the PC and check my mail. First unread is from Easyjet and has the headline "cancelation of flight"!
Those fucking low life, no good, can't be trusted, sons of fucks!! I know there's been some trouble with Easyjet in the past, but I thought it was sortet by now. But I guess not.
So know I have to find planetickets and it's gonna cost a fortune, 'cause most seats are sold out. Thanks alot Easyjet! And you better be nice to me tomorrow and give me a full refund for both the cancelled flight and the return. And you might wanna start acting like a responsible airline, treat your customers with respect and get them planes in the air, for fucks sake!!
So consider yourselves warned. Don't fly Easyjet!
Ahhhhhh, felt good to vent that out. Sorry for all the cursing and if you work for "easy"jet, don't take this personal.
Well, I'll be damned if I'll let this minor detail spoil the moment. Berlin is less than a month away!!
And bump btw
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
geez - and they give you the money back and thats it for them??? i am sorry to hear that. I hope you´ll find another financially reasonable solution, but file a complain no matter what.
Just got of the phone with Easyjet. I was given a full refund and have now booked SAS to take me to Berlin. It's gonna cost me, but atleast SAS are trustworthy. I'm still flying Easyjet back from Berlin though. So I'll propably end up stranded in Berlin........An yes, Eneh, I could file a complain, but I'm pretty shure they have the right to do this. You should see the list of EU rules and regulations, they send me with the e-mail!! I bet they have an army of lawyers just wating to flood me with rules, regulations, directives and whatnot. So nevermind. It just isn't worth it.
and very jolly good morning bump to you too........
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
I might NOT be able to attend the Lisbon shows and stay on the bus on the night of the 4th. My mum just died.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Makes me feel sorta stupid complaining about minor travelmixups.....
~sometimes life don't leave you alone~
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
nah, i wouldnt file a complain to Easyjet but to some ahm, how do you call it, who represent costumer rights. if Easyjet pulls that stunt more often, they can do something.
but I am happy that everything is sorted out. are you flying to and from Tegel or Schönefeld?
@ ||Release_Me||
I am so sorry. I lack words. I hope you´ll get all the strength that you will need.
nah, i wouldnt file a complain to Easyjet but to some ahm, how do you call it, who represent costumer rights. if Easyjet pulls that stunt more often, they can do something.
but I am happy that everything is sorted out. are you flying to and from Tegel or Schönefeld?
I did complain to the Easyjet employee I talked to, but she can't really help it. I mean she listened, but just said that she was sorry. And what can she really say.....
On the way down, I'm flying to Tegel and the return is Schönefeld. Seems that Tegel is pretty far away from the Wuhlheide area. I'm thinking of taking the subway and/or bus to the hotel. Does anybody what it costs and which train/bus to take?
EDIT: Nevermind. Just found a comprehensive description on the hotels homepage. Total traveltime from Tegel to Wuhlheide is approx 1 hour, so taxi is out of the question.
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Taxi is out of question. But you just get into the bus X9 at Tegel. Make sure its the X9, thats the fast line, the 9 is taking ages. The bus leaves every 10 minutes. Well from Tegel to Wuhlheide you would need an AB Ticket (AB is Berlin zone). A ticket is worth a 2 hour ride. Costs I think 2,10 at the moment. (To Schönefeld its ABC, as Schönefeld is outside the town in zone C) The X9 takes you to Zoo (Zoologischer Garten). There you change into the S-Bahn. Dont even bother with the UBahn. Take the S9 heading for Schönefeld. Thats 13 stops til Schöneweide. There you get off and from there you take the tram.
Thanks for the info, Eneh. Will come in handy in a months time.
How come you know so much about public transportation in Berlin? Are you german?
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
lol - I thought you´ve guessed it by now. I am located in Berlin. Thats why I said: see you in Berlin.
Are you calling me slow?
I say "see you in Berlin" all the time. That doesn't mean that I live in Berlin though. Just means that I'll have blast there in less than a month!! :D:D Woohooooooooo
Anyways the ETB should be well on it's way now. Hope you're having the best time of your life and give us an update, when you get a chanche.
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Keeping this thread on page one is a full time (Inside)job!
Roskilde 30-06-00
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Second: Where has everybody gone? Has the ETB startet early or has everybody gone to Dublin?
And speaking of Dublin. I'm so psyched to read all the great fanviews. Hope they keep getting better throughout the euro leg and can't wait till Berlin. Less than a month to go! Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh........
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Hopping on the tour bus on Monday... woohoo!!!
Proud member of the European Touring Bus 2006!
this place only makes sense bumping when we get input as well, besides so many *bumps*, people. So looking forward for bus-stories. i am so curious.
I´ll hope you are all packing and/or on the way...
Today I get home from work, fire up the PC and check my mail. First unread is from Easyjet and has the headline "cancelation of flight"!
Those fucking low life, no good, can't be trusted, sons of fucks!! I know there's been some trouble with Easyjet in the past, but I thought it was sortet by now. But I guess not.
So know I have to find planetickets and it's gonna cost a fortune, 'cause most seats are sold out. Thanks alot Easyjet! And you better be nice to me tomorrow and give me a full refund for both the cancelled flight and the return. And you might wanna start acting like a responsible airline, treat your customers with respect and get them planes in the air, for fucks sake!!
So consider yourselves warned. Don't fly Easyjet!
Ahhhhhh, felt good to vent that out. Sorry for all the cursing and if you work for "easy"jet, don't take this personal.
Well, I'll be damned if I'll let this minor detail spoil the moment. Berlin is less than a month away!!
And bump btw
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
and good *bump* night!
and very jolly good morning bump to you too........
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
I'm so sorry for your loss. Makes me feel sorta stupid complaining about minor travelmixups.....
~sometimes life don't leave you alone~
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
That's awful... I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and thoughts your way.
Proud member of the European Touring Bus 2006!
I am so, so sorry to hear your mum passed away, Ross. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your loved ones.
I'm so sorry Ross. Thinking of you at this sad and difficult time. *hugs*
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
*big hugs* i'm sorry, man.
nah, i wouldnt file a complain to Easyjet but to some ahm, how do you call it, who represent costumer rights. if Easyjet pulls that stunt more often, they can do something.
but I am happy that everything is sorted out. are you flying to and from Tegel or Schönefeld?
@ ||Release_Me||
I am so sorry. I lack words. I hope you´ll get all the strength that you will need.
Ross just wanted to say how sorry I am and am thinking of you.
I did complain to the Easyjet employee I talked to, but she can't really help it. I mean she listened, but just said that she was sorry. And what can she really say.....
On the way down, I'm flying to Tegel and the return is Schönefeld. Seems that Tegel is pretty far away from the Wuhlheide area. I'm thinking of taking the subway and/or bus to the hotel. Does anybody what it costs and which train/bus to take?
EDIT: Nevermind. Just found a comprehensive description on the hotels homepage. Total traveltime from Tegel to Wuhlheide is approx 1 hour, so taxi is out of the question.
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Taxi is out of question. But you just get into the bus X9 at Tegel. Make sure its the X9, thats the fast line, the 9 is taking ages. The bus leaves every 10 minutes. Well from Tegel to Wuhlheide you would need an AB Ticket (AB is Berlin zone). A ticket is worth a 2 hour ride. Costs I think 2,10 at the moment. (To Schönefeld its ABC, as Schönefeld is outside the town in zone C) The X9 takes you to Zoo (Zoologischer Garten). There you change into the S-Bahn. Dont even bother with the UBahn. Take the S9 heading for Schönefeld. Thats 13 stops til Schöneweide. There you get off and from there you take the tram.
How come you know so much about public transportation in Berlin? Are you german?
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Are you calling me slow?
I say "see you in Berlin" all the time. That doesn't mean that I live in Berlin though. Just means that I'll have blast there in less than a month!!
Anyways the ETB should be well on it's way now. Hope you're having the best time of your life and give us an update, when you get a chanche.
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Keeping this thread on page one is a full time (Inside)job!
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07