i would not kill to have a-hole's life.
who are most of the ppl who would kill to have that life?
where do you dream this stuff up at?
and by the way... i am very relaxed. i am currently rubbing down all 47 of my a-hole posters hanging around my place
god bless you...i would love to be a famous athlete with 1 billion in the bank.....
but everyone is different ......
pretty sure i would trade as well.
hell...i'd trade to be a $10M scrub
and mamasan might have higher standards than arod, but lets be honest, he has a line 1000's deep knocking at his door...well maybe he doesn't since he was giving out his number at the park during a playoff game
i would not kill to have a-hole's life.
who are most of the ppl who would kill to have that life?
where do you dream this stuff up at?
and by the way... i am very relaxed. i am currently rubbing down all 47 of my a-hole posters hanging around my place
god bless you...i would love to be a famous athlete with 1 billion in the bank.....
but everyone is different ......
pretty sure i would trade as well.
hell...i'd trade to be a $10M scrub
and mamasan might have higher standards than arod, but lets be honest, he has a line 1000's deep knocking at his door...well maybe he doesn't since he was giving out his number at the park during a playoff game
What? You think it's wrong for a guy who's making 27 million a year... playing for a team in the playoffs that's getting smoked...himself playing so poorly that he gets benched..to worry about getting laid during a game.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
What? You think it's wrong for a guy who's making 27 million a year... playing for a team in the playoffs that's getting smoked...himself playing so poorly that he gets benched..to worry about getting laid during a game.
lets be honest.....Yanks weren't going anywhere....
yeah....i'd be more interested in sex at that point as well.
What? You think it's wrong for a guy who's making 27 million a year... playing for a team in the playoffs that's getting smoked...himself playing so poorly that he gets benched..to worry about getting laid during a game.
lets be honest.....Yanks weren't going anywhere....
yeah....i'd be more interested in sex at that point as well.
And that is AHips attitude as well. That's the problem.
Would I like to have $700 million dollars? YES
Would I like to have 1,000 woman chasing me? YES
Would I like to live the good life and have fancy things, etc...? YES
Do I want to worship A-Rod just because he has money? - NOPE
Do I think A-Rod is a d-bag? - YEP
Why? - Look at the first pic, enough said
Just because he has a ton of money doesn't mean that we should worship him. He is a OVER PAID baseball player who is a BITCH and no one likes him. No thanks! I am good just being a regular ol smuck.
Wakey wakey AWad. Did you have a nice night doing sweepie weepie?? Don't fwown, I have your baba waiting for you.
"hi DS...greetings from my mansion in'miami'....THE 2 blondes next to me say hi also"
hope you have a great day at your desk talking about me ....i'll be on my boat lounging in the sun for a few hours :corn:
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
Wakey wakey AWad. Did you have a nice night doing sweepie weepie?? Don't fwown, I have your baba waiting for you.
"hi DS...greetings from my mansion in'miami'....THE 2 blondes next to me say hi also"
hope you have a great day at your desk talking about me ....i'll be on my boat lounging in the sun for a few hours :corn:
But at least my coworkers and customers respect me. This guy has no respect from fans or teammates alike. No respect from the press. Zero respect from anyone. Can't put a price on that.
And as far as him lounging on his boat. That's what's wrong with the guy. I'm sure that's what's he doing while all the time basically stealing money from the Yankees.
Maybe it's time to start digging up some nuggets that Neilly has said about other players who I'm sure have more money then he does. There has to be some in the Ranger's thread I'm sure but all of a sudden you take this "holier than though" stance here. . :roll:
Wakey wakey AWad. Did you have a nice night doing sweepie weepie?? Don't fwown, I have your baba waiting for you.
"hi DS...greetings from my mansion in'miami'....THE 2 blondes next to me say hi also"
hope you have a great day at your desk talking about me ....i'll be on my boat lounging in the sun for a few hours :corn:
But at least my coworkers and customers respect me. This guy has no respect from fans or teammates alike. No respect from the press. Zero respect from anyone. Can't put a price on that.
And as far as him lounging on his boat. That's what's wrong with the guy. I'm sure that's what's he doing while all the time basically stealing money from the Yankees.
im sure he cares about that..... :roll:
as long as he has a few friends..he willbe able to live with it
its his fault the yankees chose to give him the money? if your boss offered u that money would you say no?
they had the chance to let him go...but chose not to
if u tell me you would turn it down...you're full of shit
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
Maybe it's time to start digging up some nuggets that Neilly has said about other players who I'm sure have more money then he does. There has to be some in the Ranger's thread I'm sure but all of a sudden you take this "holier than though" stance here. . :roll:
im not taking no stance..just find it amusing you are constantly abusing this guy like he is a nobody
i have disliked him since forever ....
fact of the matter is he lives a super sweet life,while we post on this jerkoff board
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
its his fault the yankees chose to give him the money? if your boss offered u that money would you say no?
they had the chance to let him go...but chose not to
if u tell me you would turn it down...you're full of shit
Exactly. Obviously A-Rod has not lived up to that contract, but no one can blame him for taking all that money. I'm no A-Rod fan, but everyone always seems to be harping on him and not Yankees management for giving him that ridiculous 10 year contract go a guy who was 32-33 years old at the time.
as long as he has a few friends..he willbe able to live with it
its his fault the yankees chose to give him the money? if your boss offered u that money would you say no?
they had the chance to let him go...but chose not to
if u tell me you would turn it down...you're full of shit
It's all about his efforts and the way he carries himself. Why is it he waited three months to have surgery? So the fucking baby can milk this shit well into next season. If he comes back (and god I hope he doesn't) he will have the surgery to fall back on for yet another year of his failures. If his hip was bothering him that bad he should have been on that table the following day for what this shit head gets paid. I believe for exactly ZERO seconds they need to wait so he can strengthen his hip. Absolute bullshit.
Maybe it's time to start digging up some nuggets that Neilly has said about other players who I'm sure have more money then he does. There has to be some in the Ranger's thread I'm sure but all of a sudden you take this "holier than though" stance here. . :roll:
im not taking no stance..just find it amusing you are constantly abusing this guy like he is a nobody
i have disliked him since forever ....
fact of the matter is he lives a super sweet life,while we post on this jerkoff board
Same can be sadi about Pearl Jam...a band you continuously bash on these boards.Can'tit?
as long as he has a few friends..he willbe able to live with it
its his fault the yankees chose to give him the money? if your boss offered u that money would you say no?
they had the chance to let him go...but chose not to
if u tell me you would turn it down...you're full of shit
It's all about his efforts and the way he carries himself. Why is it he waited three months to have surgery? So the fucking baby can milk this shit well into next season. If he comes back (and god I hope he doesn't) he will have the surgery to fall back on for yet another year of his failures. If his hip was bothering him that bad he should have been on that table the following day for what this shit head gets paid. I believe for exactly ZERO seconds they need to wait so he can strengthen his hip. Absolute bullshit.
he is done regardless.....yes he is a piece of shit .....yes he is a self absorbed douche
i just find it amusing how you bash his life....you can bash his horrible play all day,,,,but not the sweet life he leads because we would all trade places with his non baseball life in a heart beat
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
he is done regardless.....yes he is a piece of shit .....yes he is a self absorbed douche
i just find it amusing how you bash his life....you can bash his horrible play all day,,,,but not the sweet life he leads because we would all trade places with his non baseball life in a heart beat
Maybe it's time to start digging up some nuggets that Neilly has said about other players who I'm sure have more money then he does. There has to be some in the Ranger's thread I'm sure but all of a sudden you take this "holier than though" stance here. . :roll:
im not taking no stance..just find it amusing you are constantly abusing this guy like he is a nobody
i have disliked him since forever ....
fact of the matter is he lives a super sweet life,while we post on this jerkoff board
Same can be sadi about Pearl Jam...a band you continuously bash on these boards.Can'tit?
i suppose so..though my bashing is nowhere near as much..plus they have changed just within the past few years
at least he tries to play...Pearl Jam does nothing but rob all the fools on the porch
$400 for a record bunch of fools
pearl jam has become the exact opposite of what they stood for..... for 18 years mind you
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
he is done regardless.....yes he is a piece of shit .....yes he is a self absorbed douche
i just find it amusing how you bash his life....you can bash his horrible play all day,,,,but not the sweet life he leads because we would all trade places with his non baseball life in a heart beat
Not so sure about that.
I mean he is such a quality human being.
im talking about his cash and houses... not what he does hour to hour
and im sorry..but i just don't believe you about trading places
as long as i can keep my family ..friends and wifey i would switch in a second
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
im talking about his cash and houses... not what he does hour to hour
and im sorry..but i just don't believe you about trading places
as long as i can keep my family ..friends and wifey i would switch in a second
He's a liar, drug abuser, adulterer, has zero respect from fans and teammates, has a body that's breaking down from roids, supposedly has a great love of baseball and tradition yet will in all likelihood not get into the HOF or even have his number retired...yeah it doesn't sound so bad. Hope he enjoys his money.
funny ..you're abusing a guy worth 3/4 of a billion $
i don't like him either....although he beat the phillies
but its just funny that you are abusing him
hmmmm..let me give up my money and girls becasue DS doesn't like me :?
this is one of shallowest comments i've seen in a while.
no wonder you are spending your life's savings on lottery tickets
someone is still bitter that this bum beat them in the WS
the phillies dream of a mini back to back dynasty was shattered :nono:
and its far from my life savings....you keep that communion money under your bed and sing "soon forget " all day
my comment was directed at literally everything else you said. i've disliked arod way before he was even on the yankees. plus i like derek jeter.
and you are on you're way to spending about a half million dollars on lottery tickets throughout your life. i guess you don't understand how money works.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
and you are on you're way to spending about a half million dollars on lottery tickets throughout your life. i guess you don't understand how money works.
funny ..you're abusing a guy worth 3/4 of a billion $
i don't like him either....although he beat the phillies
but its just funny that you are abusing him
hmmmm..let me give up my money and girls becasue DS doesn't like me :?
someone is still bitter that this bum beat them in the WS
the phillies dream of a mini back to back dynasty was shattered :nono:
and its far from my life savings....you keep that communion money under your bed and sing "soon forget " all day
my comment was directed at literally everything else you said. i've disliked arod way before he was even on the yankees. plus i like derek jeter.
and you are on you're way to spending about a half million dollars on lottery tickets throughout your life. i guess you don't understand how money works.
why does my lotto bother you? do i tell you or care how you spend or don't spend your money ?
and actually im quitting most of my numbers starting today.....since you care so much
its become to much of a hassle to go play them everyday
no don't you go wasting your money on the crappy eagles and phillies ya hear :roll:
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
and you are on you're way to spending about a half million dollars on lottery tickets throughout your life. i guess you don't understand how money works.
i do understand how money works...you spend it
or you can take it to the grave ...i'd rather spend it
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
and you are on you're way to spending about a half million dollars on lottery tickets throughout your life. i guess you don't understand how money works.
i do understand how money works...you spend it
or you can take it to the grave ...i'd rather spend it
we need a financial advice thread up in here ASAP...
(as unsolicited as it may be: if you are planning on dying in 20 years, go ahead and spend it. if you plan on living into your 70's or 80's and don't want to work your whole entire life...save/invest. plus if you have any kids, it may be nice to leave something behind too )
okay back to arod--i would love to read about him being broke in 10 years. i hope he spends his money like neilly
god bless you...i would love to be a famous athlete with 1 billion in the bank.....
but everyone is different ......
pretty sure i would trade as well.
hell...i'd trade to be a $10M scrub
and mamasan might have higher standards than arod, but lets be honest, he has a line 1000's deep knocking at his door...well maybe he doesn't since he was giving out his number at the park during a playoff game
What? You think it's wrong for a guy who's making 27 million a year... playing for a team in the playoffs that's getting smoked...himself playing so poorly that he gets benched..to worry about getting laid during a game.
lets be honest.....Yanks weren't going anywhere....
yeah....i'd be more interested in sex at that point as well.
And that is AHips attitude as well. That's the problem.
Would I like to have 1,000 woman chasing me? YES
Would I like to live the good life and have fancy things, etc...? YES
Do I want to worship A-Rod just because he has money? - NOPE
Do I think A-Rod is a d-bag? - YEP
Why? - Look at the first pic, enough said
Just because he has a ton of money doesn't mean that we should worship him. He is a OVER PAID baseball player who is a BITCH and no one likes him. No thanks! I am good just being a regular ol smuck.
this is one of shallowest comments i've seen in a while.
no wonder you are spending your life's savings on lottery tickets
"hi DS...greetings from my mansion in'miami'....THE 2 blondes next to me say hi also"
hope you have a great day at your desk talking about me ....i'll be on my boat lounging in the sun for a few hours :corn:
But at least my coworkers and customers respect me. This guy has no respect from fans or teammates alike. No respect from the press. Zero respect from anyone. Can't put a price on that.
And as far as him lounging on his boat. That's what's wrong with the guy. I'm sure that's what's he doing while all the time basically stealing money from the Yankees.
someone is still bitter that this bum beat them in the WS
the phillies dream of a mini back to back dynasty was shattered :nono:
and its far from my life savings....you keep that communion money under your bed and sing "soon forget " all day
im sure he cares about that..... :roll:
as long as he has a few friends..he willbe able to live with it
its his fault the yankees chose to give him the money? if your boss offered u that money would you say no?
they had the chance to let him go...but chose not to
if u tell me you would turn it down...you're full of shit
im not taking no stance..just find it amusing you are constantly abusing this guy like he is a nobody
i have disliked him since forever ....
fact of the matter is he lives a super sweet life,while we post on this jerkoff board
Exactly. Obviously A-Rod has not lived up to that contract, but no one can blame him for taking all that money. I'm no A-Rod fan, but everyone always seems to be harping on him and not Yankees management for giving him that ridiculous 10 year contract go a guy who was 32-33 years old at the time.
It's all about his efforts and the way he carries himself. Why is it he waited three months to have surgery? So the fucking baby can milk this shit well into next season. If he comes back (and god I hope he doesn't) he will have the surgery to fall back on for yet another year of his failures. If his hip was bothering him that bad he should have been on that table the following day for what this shit head gets paid. I believe for exactly ZERO seconds they need to wait so he can strengthen his hip. Absolute bullshit.
Same can be sadi about Pearl Jam...a band you continuously bash on these boards.Can'tit?
he is done regardless.....yes he is a piece of shit .....yes he is a self absorbed douche
i just find it amusing how you bash his life....you can bash his horrible play all day,,,,but not the sweet life he leads because we would all trade places with his non baseball life in a heart beat
Not so sure about that.
I mean he is such a quality human being.
i suppose so..though my bashing is nowhere near as much..plus they have changed just within the past few years
at least he tries to play...Pearl Jam does nothing but rob all the fools on the porch
$400 for a record
pearl jam has become the exact opposite of what they stood for..... for 18 years mind you
im talking about his cash and houses... not what he does hour to hour
and im sorry..but i just don't believe you about trading places
as long as i can keep my family ..friends and wifey i would switch in a second
He's a liar, drug abuser, adulterer, has zero respect from fans and teammates, has a body that's breaking down from roids, supposedly has a great love of baseball and tradition yet will in all likelihood not get into the HOF or even have his number retired...yeah it doesn't sound so bad. Hope he enjoys his money.
my comment was directed at literally everything else you said. i've disliked arod way before he was even on the yankees. plus i like derek jeter.
and you are on you're way to spending about a half million dollars on lottery tickets throughout your life. i guess you don't understand how money works.
why does my lotto bother you? do i tell you or care how you spend or don't spend your money ?
and actually im quitting most of my numbers starting today.....since you care so much
its become to much of a hassle to go play them everyday
no don't you go wasting your money on the crappy eagles and phillies ya hear :roll:
i do understand how money works...you spend it
or you can take it to the grave ...i'd rather spend it
we need a financial advice thread up in here ASAP...
(as unsolicited as it may be: if you are planning on dying in 20 years, go ahead and spend it. if you plan on living into your 70's or 80's and don't want to work your whole entire life...save/invest. plus if you have any kids, it may be nice to leave something behind too )
okay back to arod--i would love to read about him being broke in 10 years. i hope he spends his money like neilly