Which Pearl Jam song means the most to you?



  • Given2fly83Given2fly83 Canada Posts: 9
    edited April 2017
    Given To Fly

    I was at the Quebec City, Canada show on May 5 2016, and heard the beautiful dedication Eddie gave to a women that had recently lost a man she loved. I lost my brother tragically a few years ago so this dedication hit me right in the feels. Like Eddie knew exactly how I felt. That night I met Eddie randomly after the show and thanked him for always making his fans feel special.

    I had always wanted a tattoo in memory of my brother that was special and not too sad. The very next day in Quebec City I got a tattoo. "Given To Fly". My amazing brother was Given To Fly.

    I then ran into Mike McCready that same day. Thanked him for his music and as well, for his charity work with Crohns Disease etc. He was so kind. Unbeknownst to me, I was at that moment suffering from Crohns Disease.

    That weekend was such a special moment in my life. These guys are amazing people, so kind, so humble and helping people in ways they will never know.

    Today for my 3rd infusion of remicade for Crohns Disease, I wore my Pearl Jam shirt, sporting my "Given To Fly" tattoo. To hounor their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Mike's belated Birthday.

    Post edited by Given2fly83 on
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,342
    ^ Wow! Thanks for sharing! Stay strong!
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • It would be so much easier to choose an album, No Code kind of guided me through one of the darkest loneliest times of my life. I remember walking down the middle of the street, past the bricks, mid winter listening to that album day after day. If anything I'd take 3 songs from No Code and in this order they'd go smile, sometimes and present tense. They got me through some tough times. Honorable mention would be indifference, its kind of my redemption song, keeps me from giving up or giving in. As I'm sure we all feel there's so many good, powerful songs to choose from with so much inspiration and resolve behind them.
  • Love Boat Captain.

    I know it was written for a very specific event, but like all great art, the words transcend the event that prompted them.

    Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
    And there's just one word I still believe
    And it's love
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    Very cool, Given2fly83 !!!
    Much thanks for sharing and lucky you :)
    I really liked what you said to Eddie and Mike. :)
  • ShynerShyner Posts: 1,226
    Future days
  • fixingfixing Posts: 10
    Pap said:
    Burton wrote:
    I couldn't attempt to answer this question,
    but a few people have mentioned "present tense" and i'd like to tell a story :D

    I'm a musician, Making an album is all I've wanted to do with my life since i first heard "no code" and Live's "Throwing Copper", Present Tense was my first ever favorite song.

    Much later, I was going to see a girl.
    This was a big deal, I've suffered greatly from social anxiety most of my life, girls hate me, i'm ugly, a nerd, weird etc etc... you know the type.

    It had reached the point that i literally get the shakes trying to buy something at a shop if theirs a woman behind the counter.

    Just turning up at her door was the most difficult and courageous thing I've ever done.

    All the way there (was a 20 minute drive) i had Present Tense on repeat in the my car.
    I stopped 5 times in fear, 2 of those times i turned around and started heading home.
    Took over an hour to get there, but i did get there.

    About a year later the whole fiasco turned out to be about as productive as swallowing a cluster grenade, BUT that's not the point

    The point is, that song gave me the strength to face a full-blown phobia

    Nice story! Good for you! :thumbup: Welcome to the forums! :wave:
    Beautiful post, I understand where you come from.( I got ID)
    I read some where that the body is just vehicle for you?! Its 'who you are' inside that matters. Visual beauty is just that, not inner beauty. Sorry, hope this helps..
  • fixingfixing Posts: 10
    Given To Fly I was at the Quebec City, Canada show on May 5 2016, and heard the beautiful dedication Eddie gave to a women that had recently lost a man she loved. I lost my brother tragically a few years ago so this dedication hit me right in the feels. Like Eddie knew exactly how I felt. That night I met Eddie randomly after the show and thanked him for always making his fans feel special. I had always wanted a tattoo in memory of my brother that was special and not too sad. The very next day in Quebec City I got a tattoo. "Given To Fly". My amazing brother was Given To Fly. I then ran into Mike McCready that same day. Thanked him for his music and as well, for his charity work with Crohns Disease etc. He was so kind. Unbeknownst to me, I was at that moment suffering from Crohns Disease. That weekend was such a special moment in my life. These guys are amazing people, so kind, so humble and helping people in ways they will never know. Today for my 3rd infusion of remicade for Crohns Disease, I wore my Pearl Jam shirt, sporting my "Given To Fly" tattoo. To hounor their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Mike's belated Birthday.
    Wow! Thats like a PJ miracle! 
  • fixingfixing Posts: 10
    Amongst the Waves:
    Beautiful lyrics: remember back in the early days when you were young and less amazed.....what used to be a house of cards has turned into a reserviour.... 
    Have touched me deeply about overcoming dark days and being fragile, and getting stronger and overcoming.
    Ed's most touching lyrics in my humble opinion....
  • AG272077AG272077 Posts: 1
    Come Back.
    Lost my wife of 30 years. .This song says everything that I feel.
  • ShynerShyner Posts: 1,226
    Future days. A-side
    B side. Black
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,342
    Feel like a question's forming...
    And the answer's far
    I will be what I could be...
    Once I get out of this town...

    For the lights of this city...
    They have lost all feeling...
    Gonna leave 'em all behind me...
    Cause this time...

    I'm gone...
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • PB11041PB11041 Earth Posts: 2,808
    At this point it is four - Daughter, Light Years, Smile and Future Days

    My son passed away last year at age 13 after a life battling through a fairly rare form of epilepsy, it's assorted complications and a more recent development and diagnosis of Tachycardia (all three variations)

    I never have been the parent that foisted the music on my kids, I have always let them both be about their own things. But occasionally when I'd play pearl jam, the one song he would routinely say liked was Daughter.   Which brings some pangs of irony, given his illness, which led to intellectual disabilities, which led to frustration and challenges as parents.  But ultimately, a lot of learning, perspective and becoming a better person.  So I very much listen to Daughter with a much different perspective and reverence the last year.

    Light Years, speaks for itself, myself, my wife and our daughter have been given a lot of opportunity to see what kind of tremendous impact he had for such a young kid with so many obstacles.  A lot of people tell us all that we are really amazing, and that really only was because of his Light.

    all the crooked hearts, they may die but in us they still live on...

    His eminence has yet to show. 
    http://www.hi5sports.org/ (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)

  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,342
    ^ So sorry for your loss my friend... I love the fact that you found a way to always remember him as a source of optimism and new hope through the music of your (our) favourite band...
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • letwaydownletwaydown Posts: 6
    Light Years 
  • jacquelyncajacquelynca Posts: 372
    To pick one is really hard!  The album Vs literally saved my life <3  The songs Leash, Blood, Rearview mirror are my favorites from that album and have particular meaning to me when I was going through a really hard time mentally.  
    IG and twitter - @jacquelynincali

    1994 - Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Mountain View CA
    *** 1995 - 2015 High School, College, Broke, Having Kids***
    2016 - Temple of the Dog, Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium, San Francisco CA
    2017 - Eddie Vedder, Bourbon and Beyond, Louisville KY
    2018 - The Home Shows, Show 2, Seattle WA
    2019 - Eddie Vedder, Ohana Fest, Dana Point CA
    2020- Oakland Nights 1 and 2
    2020 - Ohana Fest
    2021 - Ohana Fest
    2022 - Oakland 1 and 2

    "Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy." -Peter Gabriel
  • DilvishDilvish Posts: 1
    Well for me it is the song Black.  Only because a few years before, my one true love did not want to be with me.  I know she is special.  I wanted so much to just be her special someone.  It took me a long time, and a lot of heartache to just be happy for her no matter what.  I turned 50 in January and met her again after almost 20 years, and the rush, the energy, the love is the same.  But I know she lights others sky now.   I wish it was mine, but I know that she is happy.
  • PJWGIIIPJWGIII Chicago, IL Posts: 811
    edited July 2018
    Release, Better Man, Present Tense, Black, Inside Job, Rearviewmirror, Thumbing My Way, and so so many more.
    "Red Rover, Red Rover, Mike McCready – Take Over!!" - E.V.

    Ten Club "Ambassador" (recap-writer) - DEEP.pearljam.com
    Contributor & Patron - liveon4legs.com
    : Chicago 2 (Wrigley Field) 8/20 | 20(20)22: St Louis 9/18 | 2023: Chicago 2 (United Center) 9/7, Indianapolis (Deer Creek) 9/10 | 2024: Vegas 5/16-&-18, Indy? Wrigley 2?

    2018: CURE Benefit Show (Chicago - Navy Pier) 10/15

    RIP: Andy, Kurt, Chris
                                       * * * * * * * * *
  • iamkylehiiamkylehi New York Posts: 4
    Most definitely Elderly Woman Behind A Counter In A Small Town. I’m only 19 and I discovered Pearl Jam in my early high school days and I fell in love instantly. That song makes me feel so many different emotions and I never get tired of hearing it. 
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,342
    ^ Welcome friend! :smile:
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • iamkylehiiamkylehi New York Posts: 4
    Thank you! I finally became a 10 Club Member and I’m glad I get to join this family of fans on a deeper level
  • I got id is the It's a more powerful song I've heard.
    "Mandamos nosso amor para Cristiano e sua noiva com essa música..."
    I got ID
  • cwoycheesecwoycheese Springfield, Missouri Posts: 27
    Tough to name one. These are off to top of my head. 

    Low Light
    Long Road

  • cwoycheesecwoycheese Springfield, Missouri Posts: 27
    iamkylehi said:
    Most definitely Elderly Woman Behind A Counter In A Small Town. I’m only 19 and I discovered Pearl Jam in my early high school days and I fell in love instantly. That song makes me feel so many different emotions and I never get tired of hearing it. 
    Like the song too...reminds me of where I grew up.  
  • rhanishanerhanishane NSW Australia Posts: 505
    edited October 2018
    At the moment I'm loving "come back" especially from the Berlin 2010 Youtube footage & 10 year anniversary of the Roskilde tragedy... I just love that version so much it has so much meaning. 
    I wasn't able to listen to music for a long time.. I just turned 40 and went deaf in my mid 20's. Lucky for me i now have a cochlear implant as i am 100% deaf without it. I only have it on my left side and have about 95% hearing now. I was about 14 years old when i first heard Pearl Jam. Living in Australia and only hearing music with friends. Pearl Jam was the first and last music magazine i ever bought as a teenager and designed a CD cover for them in yr 9 graphics class. Ive been reliving the old Pearl Jam days and i still dress like a teenager and probably look like one too cause I'm tiny.  My family think I'm Pearl Jam obsessed and maybe i am  but they don't understand the nostalgia it brings to me listening to them. I've always loved the albums Ten, Vs & Vitalogy but i really do just love anything they create. Eddies Ukele album and soundtrack to "Into the Wild" as well... All absolute lyrical,  musical geniuses if you ask me. I'm just enjoying being able to connect with that sound again... don't ever take your hearing for granted!! 
    Post edited by rhanishane on
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,342
    If it's illegal to be in love...
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • ConorKavanaghConorKavanagh Ireland Posts: 1,148
    I will light the match this morning, so I won't be alone.
    Dublin 2006
    Dublin 2010
    Madrid 2018
    Werchter 2022
    London 1 2022
    London 2 2022
    Krakow 2022
  • I have suffered from depression most of my life, since I was a freshman in high school. Then at 19 I lost my right leg in a snowmobile accident. Depression took over my life and alcohol became my fix. I was in the lowest place in my life and Down became my anthem. 

    One day the symptoms fade. Think I'll throw these pills away.
    And if hope could grow from dirt like me. It can be done.

    I am now a couple weeks away from 2 years of sobriety. I am couple months away from 5 years post amputation. I have lost 70 lbs, workout everyday, bought a home. And Pearl Jam has been my light. 

    Footsteps has always held a special place too. Even with no one to direct your anger at screaming. “If there was a reason, it was you!” Can really be healing. 
  • Glorified KCGlorified KC KCMO Native Posts: 2,759
    I wish I was a sacrifice, but somehow still lived on.
  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,342
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
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