***The VIC Fanviews Here, Aug 2, 2007***



  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 15,842
    I was pretty sure Ed said he wrote it.

    Yeah, you are right. He had trouble remembering the lyrics he wrote for the 2nd verse.
  • After 16 years of being a die hard fan of Pearl Jam, I have finally accomplished my goal of being a part of the crew for last night's show with an All Access laminate. Of all the shows I've ever seen throughout the years, THAT ONE LAST NIGHT was definitely the one to be there for, so it's a double plus. AMAZING. They were so ON!! The person that wrote out the setlist up there forgot to include Come Back in the sound check. I was able to watch the WHOLE soundcheck, and that was almost better than the show itself!! WOW!! Just think - to be one of only a handful of people in the room watching them practice and work out a couple of kinks in the songs is just incredible. I've watched one of their soundchecks before - years ago at the Key Arena in Seattle. I kind of snuck in for that one, so I had to be careful not to make my presense known. Yesterday however at the Vic, I was AUTHORIZED to be there and it was incredible!! After the band left Ed sat on a stool and was running through a couple of the songs he did as the opener. Pretty much everyone else had cleard the room except for the sound engineer, and Jeff, who came out to talk to some family members. I was transfixed. What a great show. I'll never forget that one. I got several bonuses from that show just being a member of the crew that are priceless. I'm so excited! That is definitely a MAJOR "check" off of my life's "must do before I die" list.
  • I really hate to simply echo all previous sentiments but it was the best show I've ever attended. All of the shows I've ever attended had something about them that made them special in their own way, but this show was like a fucking dream come true.

    I hate to hear of songs on the setlist that didn't get played usually and I sure would have loved to hear light years, I got shit, DF and CM (with DF being the only one I've never heard live)...but that would be like having your cake and eating it too.

    I was surprised at the poster line too; I had to block out a couple dudes that were hopping in line at an angle so that my wife, who was at the back of the original line wouldn't keep getting skipped...there's one in every crowd I guess; sorry if you didn't know where the line started bra but if you're reading this that was me in the Freaks shirt with pipes the size of your head, blocking you out - wasn't doing it to be a dick.

    Nick if you're on here it was great meeting you and thanks for the Guinness...I would have saved your spot anyway though.

    Alright, I have to say that Reign O'er Me was absolutely off the hook...I could go on and on...all or none! in hiding! Every damn song was like a breath of fresh air from all the other concerts and I don't mean that in a negative way because I can groove to any PJ tune...it was just a damn good show.
    Left the Porch
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,772
    voodoopug wrote:
    After giving this overnight to sink in...what a wonderful night. As a White Sox Fan, I didn't care for the Cubs song, but many appreciate it, so fine....

    Ed's opening set was a nice surprise and quite entertaining with Dead Man Walking being the highlight for me.

    All or None was a great opener as it threw all of us a curveball and following that by Education (very high energy from the crowd during this one!) was as good as it has gotten for me at a PJ show.

    The highlights for me were, in no order, now that I have had time to let it sink in:

    1. The quality of fans in the line. I had a great time talking to fans from all over and everyone was very good about holding spots in line when you left for food/water/bathroom/etc. It was also nice to see everyone sharing their food/water.

    2. Love Reign O'er Me - This was intense, I don't think I will ever get that feeling again at a show, Boom was on fire and Eddie nailed the vocals to the point where Roger would have tipped his cap.

    3. Undone - We were standing right in front of Stone for this one and the band nailed this one. I surely did not expect to here this one.

    4. Why Go - Normally not a big favorite of mine, but in between all the Lost Dogs songs, this just seemed to fit nice in the set and the crowd ate it up.

    5. Sonic Reducer - high point for crowd energy for the night (with Gods Dice up there too)

    6. Black Diamond - I gotta admit, I was a bit worried that this would suck when they couldnt get it started (looked like a problem with Jeff's Bass, but also perhaps with the memory of how to play the song too?), but once it got going, it was a trip, anytime I go to a show and here the debut of a song, its special.

    7. Cooperation of the fans near me. it was a pure treat to see the group in our front section holding spots for someone when they ran to the can.

    8. Seeing Ryan Dempster drinking and out late the night before a day game. Hopefully he will be hungover and unable to pitch well today as well as have severe "Beer SH*ts" today!

    Great time for sure, I will hopefully post some pictures tonite

    I'm glad you enjoyed the show Nice review, and your prediction of Ryan Dempster having "Beer Shits", must have been true, becuase he gave up 4 runs in a tie game in the 9th and lost it for the Cubs>HAHAHA
  • BMoore09BMoore09 Posts: 177
    Awesome show last night.

    I flew from South Florida, as I didnt think I'd get to see them anytime soon in my neck of the woods. (I wont be going to Lolla, I dont really like festivals.)

    But it sure did feel like a festival in some ways...I was out in the sun from 9am till the doors opened, and my energy was at an all-time low. Up until the second they came on, I felt dead. But as soon as Ed took the stage, the adrenaline started pumping.

    Ive been to 10 PJ shows from 2000-present, and Ive got to say this is the best concert experience Ive ever had. I used to rank the Tom Petty show I saw in 2002 as the best show Ive ever been to, but this one tops it by far. Not really because of the setlist, but because of how close I was...and how well I could see the guys. AND IT WAS LOOOOUD!

    Great times.
    West Palm Beach I, WPB II, Tampa, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville 2000
    West Palm Beach 2003
    Tampa 2003
    The VIC - Chicago 2007
    West Palm Beach 2008
    Tampa 2008
    Ed Solo 2008 NYC
    Philly 10/30/2009
    Columbus 2010
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    before I start reading others reviews, now that I'm back home in Cali, I'll get my thoughts down first...

    Hot day, but a breeze was present most of the day, after the sun dropped below the surrounding buildings in the late afternoon, the breeze disappeared for the most part, and the mugginess (not to be confused with muggleness, lol) started. The line was full of great fans, lots of new introductions, and meetings of old friends went on throughout the day. I spent 845 am until the doors opened up socializing. I made it a point to introduce myself and get names, because so many times we get to stories and chatting, and move on without formal introductions. I met at least 20 new people, and another 10 that I've talked with before but hadn't had a formal introduction. Add the 30 to 40 fans in line I already know, and think about who they know, and who they know knows, and we all knew each other at the show, one big happy hot and sweaty family.

    ...wave to all my friends...yeah

    So the doors open, we file in two by two...ok it wasn't that orderly, but it wasn't bad. my friend B and I decide to go for posters instead of spots on the floor, and get them fast, oh we had about 80 people or so in front of us in line to get in the show, moving forward...they came up with a great idea, one poster per person, stamped our hands, and gave us a coupon to redeem and get out posters after the show...we move on and actually get spots just left center of the stage right at the second railing. maybe 35 ft from stage, great spot, like watching your own private super large HD TV, lol.

    An hour later, Ed comes out, I look around and the floor is packed front to back side to side, the pre set Ed did was classic Ed, forgot the cubbies song lyrics, and just when all hope is lost, he remembers and finishes the song strong. If Cub fans don't adopt that song as their anthem, they aren't true Cubs fans, I was really impressed with the song, truely written with love.

    Pearl Jam takes the stage, and I'm glad, because in between Ed and PJ, I started to feel the day wear on me. I noticed several people throughout the night having to take a seat for a moment of recovery, and the fatigue was felt by the majority of the fans I think, only a small percentage were bouncing during the night, but we all made up with it with our voices.

    PJ's set was I believe the first set ever that was tailored with Ten Club members only in mind. Ask yourself, or go check, I don't think in the 700 or 800 live show's PJ has even done, you will not be able to find a show that at least two of the following six songs weren't played: Even Flow, Alive, Daughter, Betterman, Corduroy, Black. Let alone no Yellow Ledbetter, RITFW, Baba O'Reilly.

    Not sure how many times I was asked through out the day what the opening song was, but I have to believe All or None was on no one's list.

    All or None
    In Hiding
    I'm Open

    to start let everyone know without a doubt that tonight was dedicated to us, and not just those in attendance, but all Ten Clubbers, the entire Jamily.

    God's Dice is one of my favorite live song's. I've yet to have that song on a setlist of any show I've attended, and that show not be brilliant, special, memorable beyond others.

    I will say that coming up with a unique setlist late in the afternoon showed on a few songs, Mike's guitar seemed to have the volume on the amps wrong for the first part of the show, but it was fixed quickly each time.

    Rats had an slightly extended bridge and Stone solo, Stone also went off on Indifference at the end.

    I was so happy to get No More, but it was two other songs, Love Reign O'er Me and my surprise of the night Kiss's Black Diamond, never thought I'd here PJ do a Kiss song, though I always hoped for one since Mike is also such a big Kiss fan, Strutter, She, or Black Diamonds were my hopes, but I hadn't thought of it as a possibility for several years. Second encore rocked: Comatose, Black Diamond (1 + times, the shanked the first try, lol) Matt sounded good singing it, Mike really loved playing Ace's parts, and finished this encore with Sonic Reducer, always a crowd pleaser.

    B and I are big Ben Harper fans also, and fully expected Ben to make an appearance, and we got it to close out the show. It's always funny when Ben's in singing Indifference with Ed, because we all want to sing ever lyric, but we can't hang with Ben's soulfulness, lol. Crowd is loud singing with Ed on his parts, and tentative with Ben's. No doubt's though, the majority of PJ fan's love Ben Harper.

    I'm sure others were more descriptive than I, but I have one HUGE beef with many of my fellow attendee's. The BS ignorant one's that show the band no respect. Ed asked that we turn off the flashes, them allowing us to bring in camera's is a privilige, not a right at their shows, after Ed asked to cut off the flashes, about 85% did, others had me wishing I had Mr Fantastic's ability to stretch, I would have loved to slap each of the remaining flashers up side the head. I mean the band constantly gives so much to the fans, and you can't show a little respect? Well, many more jumped back in the flash bandwagon when the full band came out, and I expected Ed to stop at any moment, but he continued, and I let it go in my head, though I shook my head a few times during the night when it got flash crazy. I have to remember, PJ fans as people are no different than the rest of the country, basically selfish, as am I, each in our own ways.

    Sorry to end in a rant, meant to leave it out, but I couldn't let this go. Not that my rant will do any good other than helping me let go, lol.

    It was great seeing all, expect I'll see some of those I didn't actually meet, but saw many times walking around, at another show, and we'll say hey didn't I see you at...lol, then we'll meet officially, and for those that didn't get to go to the show, we were lucky, and we represented well.

    to all I spent time with yesterday, thanks for the memories my friends.

    beach out
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • chikevinchikevin Posts: 421
    voodoopug wrote:
    8. Seeing Ryan Dempster drinking and out late the night before a day game. Hopefully he will be hungover and unable to pitch well today as well as have severe "Beer SH*ts" today!
    as a white sox fan who wasn't able to get tix, this at least makes up for it a bit.

    i was surprized they used dempster when they did...considering they had wood warming up. guess they thought wood was the brotha who woulda been hungover since he's friends with ed.

    i have a feeling ed is kicking himself today about the cubs loss and knowing dempster was there. to be honest, since i got shut out...i don't mind him feeling a bit shitty right now. hehe.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    before I start reading others reviews, now that I'm back home in Cali, I'll get my thoughts down first...

    Hot day, but a breeze was present most of the day, after the sun dropped below the surrounding buildings in the late afternoon, the breeze disappeared for the most part, and the mugginess (not to be confused with muggleness, lol) started. The line was full of great fans, lots of new introductions, and meetings of old friends went on throughout the day. I spent 845 am until the doors opened up socializing. I made it a point to introduce myself and get names, because so many times we get to stories and chatting, and move on without formal introductions. I met at least 20 new people, and another 10 that I've talked with before but hadn't had a formal introduction. Add the 30 to 40 fans in line I already know, and think about who they know, and who they know knows, and we all knew each other at the show, one big happy hot and sweaty family.

    ...wave to all my friends...yeah

    So the doors open, we file in two by two...ok it wasn't that orderly, but it wasn't bad. my friend B and I decide to go for posters instead of spots on the floor, and get them fast, oh we had about 80 people or so in front of us in line to get in the show, moving forward...they came up with a great idea, one poster per person, stamped our hands, and gave us a coupon to redeem and get out posters after the show...we move on and actually get spots just left center of the stage right at the second railing. maybe 35 ft from stage, great spot, like watching your own private super large HD TV, lol.

    An hour later, Ed comes out, I look around and the floor is packed front to back side to side, the pre set Ed did was classic Ed, forgot the cubbies song lyrics, and just when all hope is lost, he remembers and finishes the song strong. If Cub fans don't adopt that song as their anthem, they aren't true Cubs fans, I was really impressed with the song, truely written with love.

    Pearl Jam takes the stage, and I'm glad, because in between Ed and PJ, I started to feel the day wear on me. I noticed several people throughout the night having to take a seat for a moment of recovery, and the fatigue was felt by the majority of the fans I think, only a small percentage were bouncing during the night, but we all made up with it with our voices.

    PJ's set was I believe the first set ever that was tailored with Ten Club members only in mind. Ask yourself, or go check, I don't think in the 700 or 800 live show's PJ has even done, you will not be able to find a show that at least two of the following six songs weren't played: Even Flow, Alive, Daughter, Betterman, Corduroy, Black. Let alone no Yellow Ledbetter, RITFW, Baba O'Reilly.

    Not sure how many times I was asked through out the day what the opening song was, but I have to believe All or None was on no one's list.

    All or None
    In Hiding
    I'm Open

    to start let everyone know without a doubt that tonight was dedicated to us, and not just those in attendance, but all Ten Clubbers, the entire Jamily.

    God's Dice is one of my favorite live song's. I've yet to have that song on a setlist of any show I've attended, and that show not be brilliant, special, memorable beyond others.

    I will say that coming up with a unique setlist late in the afternoon showed on a few songs, Mike's guitar seemed to have the volume on the amps wrong for the first part of the show, but it was fixed quickly each time.

    Rats had an slightly extended bridge and Stone solo, Stone also went off on Indifference at the end.

    I was so happy to get No More, but it was two other songs, Love Reign O'er Me and my surprise of the night Kiss's Black Diamond, never thought I'd here PJ do a Kiss song, though I always hoped for one since Mike is also such a big Kiss fan, Strutter, She, or Black Diamonds were my hopes, but I hadn't thought of it as a possibility for several years. Second encore rocked: Comatose, Black Diamond (1 + times, the shanked the first try, lol) Matt sounded good singing it, Mike really loved playing Ace's parts, and finished this encore with Sonic Reducer, always a crowd pleaser.

    B and I are big Ben Harper fans also, and fully expected Ben to make an appearance, and we got it to close out the show. It's always funny when Ben's in singing Indifference with Ed, because we all want to sing ever lyric, but we can't hang with Ben's soulfulness, lol. Crowd is loud singing with Ed on his parts, and tentative with Ben's. No doubt's though, the majority of PJ fan's love Ben Harper.

    I'm sure others were more descriptive than I, but I have one HUGE beef with many of my fellow attendee's. The BS ignorant one's that show the band no respect. Ed asked that we turn off the flashes, them allowing us to bring in camera's is a privilige, not a right at their shows, after Ed asked to cut off the flashes, about 85% did, others had me wishing I had Mr Fantastic's ability to stretch, I would have loved to slap each of the remaining flashers up side the head. I mean the band constantly gives so much to the fans, and you can't show a little respect? Well, many more jumped back in the flash bandwagon when the full band came out, and I expected Ed to stop at any moment, but he continued, and I let it go in my head, though I shook my head a few times during the night when it got flash crazy. I have to remember, PJ fans as people are no different than the rest of the country, basically selfish, as am I, each in our own ways.

    Sorry to end in a rant, meant to leave it out, but I couldn't let this go. Not that my rant will do any good other than helping me let go, lol.

    It was great seeing all, expect I'll see some of those I didn't actually meet, but saw many times walking around, at another show, and we'll say hey didn't I see you at...lol, then we'll meet officially, and for those that didn't get to go to the show, we were lucky, and we represented well.

    to all I spent time with yesterday, thanks for the memories my friends.

    beach out

    One of the best reviews I've read and I liked your comments also. Thanks! :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    wolfbear wrote:
    One of the best reviews I've read and I liked your comments also. Thanks! :)

    thanks, I just try and let it flow without thinking, and since it wasn't after the show like usual, I thought I'd leave out specifics that were going on like a certain little girl in the balcony, that looked to be putting some harry potter like magic on the crowd with her imaginary wand, lol
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    thanks, I just try and let it flow without thinking, and since it wasn't after the show like usual, I thought I'd leave out specifics that were going on like a certain little girl in the balcony, that looked to be putting some harry potter like magic on the crowd with her imaginary wand, lol
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • not4unot4u Posts: 512
    just finished watching some utube vids from the Vic... i'm a selfish motherfucker.
    we don't want war, but we still want more?
  • Gen5Gen5 Posts: 405
    to start let everyone know without a doubt that tonight was dedicated to us, and not just those in attendance, but all Ten Clubbers, the entire Jamily.

    B and I are big Ben Harper fans also, and fully expected Ben to make an appearance, and we got it to close out the show. It's always funny when Ben's in singing Indifference with Ed, because we all want to sing ever lyric, but we can't hang with Ben's soulfulness, lol. Crowd is loud singing with Ed on his parts, and tentative with Ben's. No doubt's though, the majority of PJ fan's love Ben Harper.

    I'm sure others were more descriptive than I, but I have one HUGE beef with many of my fellow attendee's. The BS ignorant one's that show the band no respect. Ed asked that we turn off the flashes, them allowing us to bring in camera's is a privilige, not a right at their shows, after Ed asked to cut off the flashes, about 85% did, others had me wishing I had Mr Fantastic's ability to stretch, I would have loved to slap each of the remaining flashers up side the head. I mean the band constantly gives so much to the fans, and you can't show a little respect? Well, many more jumped back in the flash bandwagon when the full band came out, and I expected Ed to stop at any moment, but he continued, and I let it go in my head, though I shook my head a few times during the night when it got flash crazy. I have to remember, PJ fans as people are no different than the rest of the country, basically selfish, as am I, each in our own ways.

    beach out

    first part about the jamily, you brought tears to my eyes!! WOW....that is something I think the rest of us need to hear!!

    The part with Ben is soooooo friggin' TRUE!! hahahahahahahaha.....I love it....=)

    And the last part.....thank you for ranting.....
    ~~Rain Love~~


  • Still HereStill Here Posts: 661
    to start let everyone know without a doubt that tonight was dedicated to us, and not just those in attendance, but all Ten Clubbers, the entire Jamily.

    Wasn't able to be there (fuck work)...so I'll take this and put it in my shirt pocket right in front of my heart, because from the sounds of it, (I've read every word/thought/review on this thread so far) the night was truly special.

    See you all on Sunday! (NO WORK)
    PJ: Toledo-9/22/96. E. Lansing-8/18/98. Detroit-8/23/98. Detroit-10/7/00. Detroit-6/25 & 6/26/03. Toledo-10/2/04 [VFC]. Detroit-5/22/06. Chicago-8/5/07 [Lolla]. Cleveland-5/9/10. Baltimore-10/27/13.

    EV: Honolulu-4/21 & 4/22/07 [Kokua]. Detroit-6/26/11.
  • Sawyer wrote:
    ....nothing jotted in a forum could do this experience justice.......but i would equate it to having a child:)

    This isn't a bad comparison. It's Saturday morning and I still can't wipe the smile off my face from that show.
    6/26-27/98, 6/13/99, 8/15/00, 10/12/00, 10/17-18/00, 12/09/02, 4/03/03, 6/09-10/03, 10/22/03, 9/28/04, 10/05/04, 8/29/05, 9/11-12-13/05, 5/27-28/06, 7/2-3/06, 7/22-23/06, VIC, 8/5/07, 6/24-25/08...
  • Great Show. Ran to the restroom during one of the breaks, It was full of some guys in a circle smoking joints. As I walked into the room to take a piss I was in a haze...

    They finished up the j and left, I was left alone, some guy walked in as I was washing my hands and said "It smells like an NFL locker room in here!"

    I thought that was funny.
  • mozman88mozman88 Posts: 38
    Highlight: Being second row balcony dead center, EVERYTHING!
    Lowlight: Dipshits sitting at a local bar making bootleg wristbands....I think 10C went after them and I hope the fucker who lended his to them to copy got banned.

    2000 - Indianapolis(8/18)
    2003 - Champaign(4/23), Indianapolis(6/22),
    Columbus(6/24), Hershey(7/12)
    2006 - Chicago (5/16), Chicago (5/17), Cincinnati (6/24)
    2007 - Vic -Chicago (8/2), Lollapalooza - Chicago (8/5)
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    Gen5 wrote:
    first part about the jamily, you brought tears to my eyes!! WOW....that is something I think the rest of us need to hear!!

    The part with Ben is soooooo friggin' TRUE!! hahahahahahahaha.....I love it....=)

    And the last part.....thank you for ranting.....

    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    Still Here wrote:
    Wasn't able to be there (fuck work)...so I'll take this and put it in my shirt pocket right in front of my heart, because from the sounds of it, (I've read every word/thought/review on this thread so far) the night was truly special.

    See you all on Sunday! (NO WORK)

    still have a huge grin on my face after this one...I usually say it's a "karma thing" that I've been able to be at so many great shows, missed many also, but this one I was straight up lucky to have been at.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • Great Show. Ran to the restroom during one of the breaks, It was full of some guys in a circle smoking joints. As I walked into the room to take a piss I was in a haze...

    They finished up the j and left, I was left alone, some guy walked in as I was washing my hands and said "It smells like an NFL locker room in here!"

    I thought that was funny.

    Not that the NFL should be excluded from hitting the blunts but his joke would have been funnier if he said NBA; are you sure he didn't say NBA? LOL
    Left the Porch
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Posts: 4,895
    they played Hard To Imagine finally when I was there! How could I say anything but positive things. Knew once the first word Trouble left Ed's Mouth we were in for a geat night. They delivered.

  • JTRJTR Posts: 347
    Mine also has Light Years and Id, unplayed.
  • Gremmie95Gremmie95 Posts: 749
    Hmmm, where to begin. I've been thinking the last few days on how to articulate this experience, and have not had much success. As everyone mentioned, the humanity in the line was fantastic. People buying gatoraid and water for others, holding spots in the line for piss breaks.......fantastic.

    We were not one of the early birds. We arrived in Chicago around 2:00pm, checked into our hotel, ate some lunch, then jumped on the brown line to the Belmont stop. Upon seeing the line, we made our way down to Vaughans Pub and had some brews.

    We made our way to the line around 6:00 and given the size of the venue, we werent to concerned about the wait or where we would sit. As I said before hand, as long as we are in the building were in good shape. That turned out to be VERY true.

    As far as the set went...we didn't know what to expect. I assumed we would hear some rare songs given the nature of the show but..........DAMN! All or None was a fantastic opener, one I was not expecting. That pretty much describes most every song. My wife and I kept looking at each saying, "What the hell are they going to play next?!?!?!" I could go through every song and say the same thing so I'll spare you. Highlights for me: Trouble, Chicago song, All or None, Down, Low Light, Love Reign O'er me, In Hiding, Undone, Hard to imagine, and Indifference and, well, every other song played! See? I still can't sum it up!!!!

    If you were there, you understand what I mean, if not....I hope a boot of this is released in the future. This was, by far, the greatest of the 11 shows I have seen the fellas. It will be hard to ever replicate this type of show.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    The Vic was a wet dream...
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    and Kudo's to the 10c and vic staff for doing the posters THE RIGHT WAY. available after the show with plenty for everyone. it was good to see all the fans that wanted a poster for personal reasons was able to get one. and it was good to see a strict limit on one per person.

    good job!
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 15,842
    my2hands wrote:
    and Kudo's to the 10c and vic staff for doing the posters THE RIGHT WAY. available after the show with plenty for everyone. it was good to see all the fans that wanted a poster for personal reasons was able to get one. and it was good to see a strict limit on one per person.

    good job!

    Exactly! I did not buy a poster originally because I didn't want to worry about it during the show. But I bought one after Ed's set when I saw they were doing the ticket thing, and my friend was able to buy one after the show. Perfect! Too bad it isn't possible to do this for the stadium shows. Maybe it is, but I doubt it.
  • A little more from the Vic-

    Two were out already-
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGbojGSokus - Trouble
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdwu3A6z_jA - Cubbie's Tune

    Black Diamond and No More War are new-

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su20JBcVus8 - Black Diamond
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPF-sknT8d4 - No More War

    The sound could be better but what do you expect from a little hand held-
    Someone commented they had audio- I have friend who can do the mix- PM Me.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    the only thing smoking more than me at the show was mikes guitar! :D

    nice heads up by the guy with the redsox hat behind me trying to keep me out of trouble. i appreciate it :cool:
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    you should have a yearly reunion show. every august 2nd. at the vic. bring ben every year. standing tix to all alumni

    just an idea for you guys to toss around :rolleyes:

    kat? sea? ;)
  • dan_alivedan_alive Posts: 123
    Hi guys,

    What a great setlist! Down here in Oz, and probably all around, we are wondering if anyone recorded this show? I read through this thread and i saw no mention of this question :)

    Thanks for the lucky bastards who went to the show for the snippets of memories ;)

    "It is I, with the empty bladder!"

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