81 wrote: :fp: just start walking to madison when you get back from ATL. map shows i need to come up 43 unless i buzz towards chicago and come up 94
81 wrote: afroannnie wrote: and i'll be freeboobing we will be stopping
afroannnie wrote: and i'll be freeboobing
I'm a Truck wrote: 81 wrote: :fp: just start walking to madison when you get back from ATL. map shows i need to come up 43 unless i buzz towards chicago and come up 94 Seriously? Oh well then the one by my house is much better!
afroannnie wrote: 81 wrote: afroannnie wrote: and i'll be freeboobing we will be stopping I will distract you...you'll pull over..and then I'll spray you in the face with alcolic whipped cream. :twisted: my plan is working perfectly. :corn:
norm wrote: afroannnie wrote: Of course!and i'll be freeboobing you won't need a sign
afroannnie wrote: Of course!and i'll be freeboobing
kw18 wrote: What are you coming up on, 81? edit: never mind.
81 wrote: kw18 wrote: What are you coming up on, 81? edit: never mind. google says north to 12, and then onto I43 east. or I90 towards the city and then up 294 to 94 times are about the same, 90/294/94 adds 20 miles...but is a higher speed.
I'm a Truck wrote: 81 wrote: kw18 wrote: What are you coming up on, 81? edit: never mind. google says north to 12, and then onto I43 east. or I90 towards the city and then up 294 to 94 times are about the same, 90/294/94 adds 20 miles...but is a higher speed. If you're stopping by the one on my house we'll forgo the 294/94 bs and drive straight through my hood to 94, about 10 mins.
norm wrote: you guy can't even decide on where to be picked up? man, i hope it's one straight highway from chicago to missoula!
81 wrote: norm wrote: you guy can't even decide on where to be picked up? man, i hope it's one straight highway from chicago to missoula! it's because our friend from WI has to screw up logistics with being...well...from wisconsin. if it was just chicago, we'd all buzz out and meet up by my place. no worries norm, once we are grouped up, i'll handle navigation...i never get lost, except for that camden incident.
Dissidentman wrote: Yeah, 81's GPS is state of the art.
Dissidentman wrote: Not to mention 81's map of the area....
norm wrote: Dissidentman wrote: Yeah, 81's GPS is state of the art.
kw18 wrote: Yessir, this is shapping up to be an ... interesting trip!
81 wrote: kw18 wrote: Yessir, this is shapping up to be an ... interesting trip! you know...at the end of the day....i've got a ride and will be rolling with an angel....kw has a ride and will be riding with an angel...... i'm not sure i see the need to detour to Milwaukee.
I'm a Truck wrote: 81 wrote: kw18 wrote: Yessir, this is shapping up to be an ... interesting trip! you know...at the end of the day....i've got a ride and will be rolling with an angel....kw has a ride and will be riding with an angel...... i'm not sure i see the need to detour to Milwaukee. Screw you guys....
81 wrote: Nature Lover wrote: 81 wrote: not sure you could pick a worse pickup location :P one week packing warning. HI 81, can you pack the 1800 tequila....please!!! will do... honestly, do you like that shit?
Nature Lover wrote: 81 wrote: not sure you could pick a worse pickup location :P one week packing warning. HI 81, can you pack the 1800 tequila....please!!!
81 wrote: not sure you could pick a worse pickup location :P one week packing warning.
Nature Lover wrote: Yes, I just finished the last drop in the flask. thanks
rick1zoo2 wrote: bastards
just start walking to madison when you get back from ATL.
map shows i need to come up 43 unless i buzz towards chicago and come up 94
I will distract you...you'll pull over..and then I'll spray you in the face with alcolic whipped cream. :twisted: my plan is working perfectly. :corn:
doesn't really matter to me either way....kw will be coming up 94....google has me shooting up 12 to 43
edit: never mind.
"Let's check Idaho."
be warned, i may be packing as well,.....and have no problem aiming for clevage area's
wait until i tell unlost about this plan...
[quote="PJ_ROCKSok so i will now have to be their on Friday..... afroannie i will give you a proper thank you...
google says north to 12, and then onto I43 east. or I90 towards the city and then up 294 to 94
times are about the same, 90/294/94 adds 20 miles...but is a higher speed.
Gotcha. Well, like you said, I'm cutting straight up 94, so all these stops are more or less on the way for me. But it's settled now, right? This one: http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/parkride/lots/wauk6735.htm
"Let's check Idaho."
we can do that...i don't really care.....kw can swing by or we can all meet up at the 94 exit on the same road.
it's because our friend from WI has to screw up logistics with being...well...from wisconsin.
if it was just chicago, we'd all buzz out and meet up by my place.
no worries norm, once we are grouped up, i'll handle navigation...i never get lost, except for that camden incident.
Yeah, 81's GPS is state of the art.
that looks alot like a map of southern MA
in fairness to me, i was able to find dissidentman's hood.....after doing about 5 uturns. :fp:
Yessir, this is shapping up to be an ... interesting trip!
"Let's check Idaho."
you know...at the end of the day....i've got a ride and will be rolling with an angel....kw has a ride and will be riding with an angel......
i'm not sure i see the need to detour to Milwaukee.
:think: ...
... :shifty: ... :shh:
"Let's check Idaho."
wow....still have what you didn't drink in philly....will defiantly bring it....and a bottle or two of other "tasty treats"
that'll teach you to go and do something like say....buy a house.
rumor also has it.....the crowd will be laid back.
Get me out of my Vegas trip and get me a ticket to the show and I'll drive you to Montana.