I will distract you...you'll pull over..and then I'll spray you in the face with alcoholic whipped cream. :twisted: my plan is working perfectly. :corn:
be warned, i may be packing as well,.....and have no problem aiming for clevage area's
well that's better than up the nose..at least then my eyes won't tear up. :corn:
I will distract you...you'll pull over..and then I'll spray you in the face with alcoholic whipped cream. :twisted: my plan is working perfectly. :corn:
be warned, i may be packing as well,.....and have no problem aiming for clevage area's
well that's better than up the nose..at least then my eyes won't tear up. :corn:
i know where to get a pair of tix and how to get tossed off a plane. :corn:
get me a plane ticket and I will have your concert ticket
oh, and I have a hotel reservation too
Is cubby girl bringing whip cream and will you guys be having another whipcream fight!!!
rumor has it, everyone is bring cream to MT.....
Ha!! Pretty sure I wouldn't have a problem getting myself tossed off a plane :?
Dammit Rick we clearly have our life priorities out of whack :fp:
don't cross your cream streams
"Let's check Idaho."
:think: :wtf:
maybe it is a good thing that I am not coming
I've been privy to said cream streams...and let me tell you...at the end of the day all you have is a mess and broken dreams my friend. Broken dreams.
be at the flamingo on ramp of I-15 at 10am on thursday
I don't get into Vegas until Thursday night :evil:
wow you really don't wanna go to montucky, do ya?! :fp:
This will cheer you up!
well that's better than up the nose..at least then my eyes won't tear up. :corn:
drinking :fp:
watching you set up a tent with no light
drinking :fp:
picking us up from the Hawthorne.
no wait.....we're driving all day, i think you should pick us up.
I fully admit that my mind is completely in the gutter today.
I will be better behaved on the road trip.