Pet Peeves



  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,681
    This is a great thread!!

    Of course, I agree with all the common courtesy ones. I have some other pet peeves, too.

    Shopping carts. If I am parked two spots down from the cart return, and when I come out of the store your cart is resting on my car, it makes me want to kill you.

    Laziness. I am a high school teacher, and when kids are constantly asking me to get up and get a book from the shelf for them, it drives me nuts. I just got up to get mine, you can do the same. I am your teacher not your maid.

    Toothpaste. Do NOT leave your toothpaste-remnants in the sink after brushing your teeth. Do whatever it takes to get it down the drain, more water, your finger, whatever.

    This also goes for shaving. Males - if you shave in the sink, get rid of all your little whiskers!!!!! :x :x

    maybe the high schoolers aren't being lazy but just trying to check you out? :D

    shopping carts and toothpaste have to agree with you. how lazy are people that they can't take their carts another 50 feet to the cart return. and the toothpaste remants is annoying.

    shavings - have to plead guilty to this one at times though. in fairness i shave my head along with my face at least 2x a week, and those times there are hundreds of tiny hairs. sometimes hard to see and/or clean them all up. i do my best but have to admit don't always succeed on this one.

    new ones:
    joggers and bikers who insist on jogging/biking on crowded small side roads and/or in the street.

    personal phone calls at work at a volume others in the office can hear.

    convenience store workers asking me if i want a bag when i have more than one item. always assume the customer wants a bag, if i don't ill let you know i don't.
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    It seems to be the norm here in Smalbany that when you grab a coule of slices of pizza to go the person behind the counter askes if you want them heated up? :? No please sir, I'll heat them up myself. Actually why don't you just sit down and give me the ingredients, I'll make my own pizza. :fp:
  • LiLiNY81LiLiNY81 Posts: 775
    Ooooh how about the people that stand there and stalk the guy drying/cleaning out their car at the car wash?! They stand next to him and follow his every move. UGH annoys me so much. I understand you're paying for a service and expect it done correctly, but for cryin' out loud if you're gonna be that anal, do it yourself!
    "Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"
  • AzWickerAzWicker Posts: 1,162
    FYI: It is the law for bikers to be on the street.

    I do not enjoy drivers who have the right of way, but stop to let you go. You have the right of way, go, your going to cause an accident!

    People who dump toxic waste in the wetlands.

    I hate when I go to Walgreens and I am waiting in line and the phone rings. The cashier stops what he/she is doing and answers the phone. Really, I came all the way down here and I am buying something and you are giving priority to someone too lazy to get off their ass, really. And isn't their 5 "managers" in the back office who can answer that phone.
    Ed: 2011-07-09 2012-11-04
    PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
  • LiLiNY81LiLiNY81 Posts: 775
    AzWicker wrote:
    I hate when I go to Walgreens and I am waiting in line and the phone rings. The cashier stops what he/she is doing and answers the phone. Really, I came all the way down here and I am buying something and you are giving priority to someone too lazy to get off their ass, really. And isn't their 5 "managers" in the back office who can answer that phone.
    How about when the cashier is texting on their phone and act like you're bothering them with your purchase?
    "Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"
  • traveljunkietraveljunkie Posts: 663
    When the guy sitting next to me on the bus, the train, the plane thinks he can encroach on my space because I'm smaller than he is! Keep your legs and elbows in your designated area please and thank you.

    The sound of someone walking around the office in flip flops. Drives me mad. :twisted:
    “I worked really hard on this set. I just told you we’re gonna have a great night, so I don’t need any fuckin’ help from anybody.” EV, 7/2/09
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    When you call a business and you hear "thank you for calling (insert business name here) please hold". :x
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    AzWicker wrote:
    I go to Walgreens

    i think i see your problem. :lol:

    last time i stopped there, line was 4 deep, but the transaction count was like 7 or 8 deep. dumb woman was doing multiple transactions... transaction per person.....go to the end of the line. :fp:
    81 is now off the air

  • dougfloyddougfloyd Fishers, IN Posts: 2,583
    This is a great thread or maybe it's just that I feel like bitching today :lol:

    Too many to list, but mostly all the driving ones you guys have already mentioned. When the speed limit is 70 what the hell are you doing driving 65 in the left lane with nobody else around? Get over!

    People on facebook constantly bragging about their kids or what they are doing or asking me to change my status to support some stupid made up cause like "love your daughter day". We get it, people love their kids, you don't deserve a medal for doing so.

    People at restaurants (like subway) who come in during lunch hour when it's busy and have a list of 20 sandwiches to order for people at work, I hate you.

    Stores with 20 registers and only 2 of them open.

    Not being able to buy alcohol on Sundays. Not really a pet peeve I guess but something else that drives me crazy.
    1998 - Noblesville
    2000 - Noblesville
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    2011 - EV solo St Louis, PJ20 Alpine Valley
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  • Mamasan23Mamasan23 Posts: 16,389
    RKCNDY wrote:
    mca47 wrote:
    Guys who think it's acceptable to wear a shirt without sleeves.

    would said shirts be plastered with the word 'Affliction'?

    Ahh!!! Those are the worst!!! A good friend of mine wore one the other day, I'm seriously debating my friendship with him :lol:
    WI '98,  WI '99 (EV),  WI '00,  Chgo '00,  MO '00,  Champaign '03,  Chgo '03,  WI '03,  IN '03,  MI '04,  Chgo '06:N1 & 2,  WI '06,  Chgo '07,  Chgo '08 (EV:N1),  Chgo '09:N1 & 2,  Chgo '11 (EV:N1),  WI '11:N1 & 2,  Philly '12,  Wrigley '13,  Pitt '13,  Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    DS1119 wrote:
    It seems to be the norm here in Smalbany that when you grab a coule of slices of pizza to go the person behind the counter askes if you want them heated up? :? No please sir, I'll heat them up myself. Actually why don't you just sit down and give me the ingredients, I'll make my own pizza. :fp:

    they have those places, didja know?
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    LiLiNY81 wrote:
    Ooooh how about the people that stand there and stalk the guy drying/cleaning out their car at the car wash?! They stand next to him and follow his every move. UGH annoys me so much. I understand you're paying for a service and expect it done correctly, but for cryin' out loud if you're gonna be that anal, do it yourself!

    I totally dislike those drying guys even being outside the car wash when I drive out. I understand that its their job and all, but I always feel like yes, I should tip them...but how much? Are these guys day workers? Are they making min. wage? Should I go all out since they seem so dedicated? WTF i just wanted to wash my car and go home thank you very much.
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • AzWickerAzWicker Posts: 1,162
    81 wrote:
    AzWicker wrote:
    I go to Walgreens

    i think i see your problem. :lol:

    Not too may choices at 11pm, but I avoid going when I can.
    Ed: 2011-07-09 2012-11-04
    PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
  • AzWickerAzWicker Posts: 1,162
    StillHere wrote:
    LiLiNY81 wrote:
    Ooooh how about the people that stand there and stalk the guy drying/cleaning out their car at the car wash?! They stand next to him and follow his every move. UGH annoys me so much. I understand you're paying for a service and expect it done correctly, but for cryin' out loud if you're gonna be that anal, do it yourself!

    I totally dislike those drying guys even being outside the car wash when I drive out. I understand that its their job and all, but I always feel like yes, I should tip them...but how much? Are these guys day workers? Are they making min. wage? Should I go all out since they seem so dedicated? WTF i just wanted to wash my car and go home thank you very much.

    Ed: 2011-07-09 2012-11-04
    PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    AzWicker wrote:
    StillHere wrote:
    LiLiNY81 wrote:
    Ooooh how about the people that stand there and stalk the guy drying/cleaning out their car at the car wash?! They stand next to him and follow his every move. UGH annoys me so much. I understand you're paying for a service and expect it done correctly, but for cryin' out loud if you're gonna be that anal, do it yourself!

    I totally dislike those drying guys even being outside the car wash when I drive out. I understand that its their job and all, but I always feel like yes, I should tip them...but how much? Are these guys day workers? Are they making min. wage? Should I go all out since they seem so dedicated? WTF i just wanted to wash my car and go home thank you very much.


    yeah, maybe
    the WORST is when there are like 5 of them
    then what? i always feel like geez man, what now, do i part with a $20?
    so i just avoid :lol::lol:
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • LiLiNY81LiLiNY81 Posts: 775
    StillHere wrote:
    LiLiNY81 wrote:
    Ooooh how about the people that stand there and stalk the guy drying/cleaning out their car at the car wash?! They stand next to him and follow his every move. UGH annoys me so much. I understand you're paying for a service and expect it done correctly, but for cryin' out loud if you're gonna be that anal, do it yourself!

    I totally dislike those drying guys even being outside the car wash when I drive out. I understand that its their job and all, but I always feel like yes, I should tip them...but how much? Are these guys day workers? Are they making min. wage? Should I go all out since they seem so dedicated? WTF i just wanted to wash my car and go home thank you very much.
    Maybe it's different from where you are, but here the drying of the car and cleaning of the inside of it is part of the car wash. If you choose to have just the outside washed with no dry, then they don't do it.
    "Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"
  • LiLiNY81LiLiNY81 Posts: 775
    So just thought of a couple more:

    People at the ATM who choose to do ALL of their banking there. They deposit like 10 checks (one at a time), put cash in, take cash out, check balances. OMG just go to the f'n teller! If the bank is closed, then save it for morning, it won't process til then anyways!

    Passengers who put their feet up on the dash or out the window. It ain't your living room :nono:
    "Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"
  • dougfloyddougfloyd Fishers, IN Posts: 2,583
    LiLiNY81 wrote:
    People at the ATM who choose to do ALL of their banking there. They deposit like 10 checks (one at a time), put cash in, take cash out, check balances. OMG just go to the f'n teller! If the bank is closed, then save it for morning, it won't process til then anyways!

    :oops: That's me, well not to that extent but I hate going in to the bank, I do all my banking online but if I have to go I always use the ATM. Which reminds me, another compliant: relatives who send me a check as a birthday gift. Thanks, but you just gave me a chore to do, now I have to go to the bank, just save the 10 bucks, I'm good.

    And while we're at it, stop sending the christmas cards with the family newsletter bragging about all the "accomplishments" your family has done this year. I don't care that your kids made the honor roll, I can already tell from you bumper sticker...
    1998 - Noblesville
    2000 - Noblesville
    2010 - Noblesville
    2011 - EV solo St Louis, PJ20 Alpine Valley
    2012 - San Fran (Oracle)
    2013 - Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Cincy, St Louis, Detroit
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    2022 - Nashville, St Louis
    2024 - Noblesville, Wrigley
  • EnkiduEnkidu So Cal Posts: 2,996
    dougfloyd wrote:
    LiLiNY81 wrote:
    People at the ATM who choose to do ALL of their banking there. They deposit like 10 checks (one at a time), put cash in, take cash out, check balances. OMG just go to the f'n teller! If the bank is closed, then save it for morning, it won't process til then anyways!

    :oops: That's me, well not to that extent but I hate going in to the bank, I do all my banking online but if I have to go I always use the ATM. Which reminds me, another compliant: relatives who send me a check as a birthday gift. Thanks, but you just gave me a chore to do, now I have to go to the bank, just save the 10 bucks, I'm good.

    And while we're at it, stop sending the christmas cards with the family newsletter bragging about all the "accomplishments" your family has done this year. I don't care that your kids made the honor roll, I can already tell from you bumper sticker...

    Christmas letters, don't get me started. We used to be on a list - this totally obnoxious woman who would talk about how they spent spring break at "an exclusive resort." She'd use the word exclusive over and over and over. Pathetic. We got off her list, but somebody who was still on it and she talked about her son and how he'd gotten into "the best" fraternity at UCLA.

    This is probably already here, but I loathe people on cell phones in line, like at Starbucks who ignore the baristas. And the barista has to ask over and over and over, "Can I help you?" Yesterday I saw a man who didn't put down the phone, barked out his order, then snapped his fingers at the barista, like "hurry up."

    If I'd been the barista I would have grabbed his phone and shoved it up his nose. Asshole.
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    speaking of starbucks

    it's america....we use small, medium and large, not random made up words
    81 is now off the air

  • dougfloyddougfloyd Fishers, IN Posts: 2,583
    81 wrote:
    speaking of starbucks

    it's america....we use small, medium and large, not random made up words

    :lol::lol::clap::clap: This is part of why I hate Starbucks, it shouldn't take you 20 words to order a coffee. I stick to Dunkin Donuts.
    1998 - Noblesville
    2000 - Noblesville
    2010 - Noblesville
    2011 - EV solo St Louis, PJ20 Alpine Valley
    2012 - San Fran (Oracle)
    2013 - Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Cincy, St Louis, Detroit
    2016 - Lexington, Wrigley
    2018 - Wrigley
    2022 - Nashville, St Louis
    2024 - Noblesville, Wrigley
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    dougfloyd wrote:
    81 wrote:
    speaking of starbucks

    it's america....we use small, medium and large, not random made up words

    :lol::lol::clap::clap: This is part of why I hate Starbucks, it shouldn't take you 20 words to order a coffee. I stick to Dunkin Donuts.

    just order medium. they seem to be able to handle it. :lol:
    81 is now off the air

  • dougfloyddougfloyd Fishers, IN Posts: 2,583
    81 wrote:

    just order medium. they seem to be able to handle it. :lol:

    That's alright, I don't really like their coffee anyway, I usually just make my own at home. Mine doesn't cost $3 a cup :D
    1998 - Noblesville
    2000 - Noblesville
    2010 - Noblesville
    2011 - EV solo St Louis, PJ20 Alpine Valley
    2012 - San Fran (Oracle)
    2013 - Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Cincy, St Louis, Detroit
    2016 - Lexington, Wrigley
    2018 - Wrigley
    2022 - Nashville, St Louis
    2024 - Noblesville, Wrigley
  • curlygirly9curlygirly9 Vancouver, WA Posts: 1,872
    Oh boy. I have a ton too, most of them involving asshat customers, since I work retail. My favorite exchange with a customer went like this:

    Me: Hi, how are you doing today?
    Them: Silence...."What?"
    Me: How are you, today?
    Them: "Oh"

    Also, I don't drive, don't even have a car, so as a pedestrian, I almost get run over every fucking day, because people have no patience. You're in a car, with a roof over your head! Wait until I cross the street before you start driving!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
    Rose Garden Arena - Nov 02, 2000, Key Arena - Oct 22, 2001, Key Arena - Dec 08, 2002, Key Arena - Dec 09, 2002, Clark County Amphitheater - Sep 26, 2009
  • EnkiduEnkidu So Cal Posts: 2,996
    I have another one - women with jogging strollers. Not all women, but why do some women feel like they own the sidewalk? Yesterday we were nearly run down while walking the dog. And I see women jog off sidewalks into the street in front of cars while they're ignoring walk/don't walk signs - did I miss the "I'm special and it's all about ME when I'm jogging with my child" rule?
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    dougfloyd wrote:
    81 wrote:

    just order medium. they seem to be able to handle it. :lol:

    That's alright, I don't really like their coffee anyway, I usually just make my own at home. Mine doesn't cost $3 a cup :D

    i am too intimidated to order in a starbucks
    i have NO IDEA what is what
    nor do i really care to know
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
    Middle aged females...
    Who have all the fucking answers.....

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • JennytreeJennytree Posts: 5,340
    Oh boy. I have a ton too, most of them involving asshat customers, since I work retail

    Everyone should work in retail for 6 months, like they make some people enroll in the Army or do community work when they finish school! It'd make everyone realise how horrible others can be sometimes.

    One of my pet peeves - my housemates not wiping the counter-top down after they've finished cooking. Srsly, it takes two f*ckin' seconds... :x :oops:
    This is me:

  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    people are stupid or play it stupid,
    people use me only when they need me..
    people think they know me..
    people dont respect the pain other people dealing with..
    people dont have manners
    and thoses eat with their mouth open..that sound killing me..

    and bad parents..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • madtowndavemadtowndave Minneapolis, MN Posts: 4,013
    People who write checks at checkout counter. I see your debit/ credit card...use it!

    This is more of an annoyance, but the tones that air during the "emergency warning system".....can't stand them.
    E.V. Milwaukee-08
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