When people put on chap stick for a good minute straight
Now I'm just picturing someone going around and around their lips with the chapstick
That is exactly what happens!!! I know a couple people that do that. One is a guy even. He will talk to while he is putting on chap stick. It's like a routine thing. Go over top lip back and forth, then bottom, the around, then pat it down, then top, then bottom, then around, then mush lips together, then top, then bottom, then around, then pat. He is the most extreen one, but many other people do this I have seen. Your lips dont need to be that perfect!!!
I might be guilty of this.
I'll have to time myself later.
I have too many pet peeves, which is probably someone else's pet peeve!
That said ... when someone says could/would/should "of" instead of could/would/should have (could've). Man, that irks me.
“I worked really hard on this set. I just told you we’re gonna have a great night, so I don’t need any fuckin’ help from anybody.” EV, 7/2/09
I'm not sure who is more irritating. People who ask for directions at toll booths or the toll booth workers who give out directions.
With the internet, Navigation systems, smart phones, maps, gas stations, etc so readliy available why hold up a line of people wasting their time and gas because of your inablity to be prepared.
people who don't have EZ-Pass and still have to go through the toll lines that have booth workers
I'm not sure who is more irritating. People who ask for directions at toll booths or the toll booth workers who give out directions.
With the internet, Navigation systems, smart phones, maps, gas stations, etc so readliy available why hold up a line of people wasting their time and gas because of your inablity to be prepared.
people who don't have EZ-Pass and still have to go through the toll lines that have booth workers
OK got a new one
just came back from the community center picking up applications for the 2 older kids to go to their summer program (and the after school) all that is beside the point
the guy behind the desk is telling me about the applications and whatnot
and in the meantime he is also talking to his co-worker about needing to go to the bank and blah blah blah blah
and pretty much ignoring me except for handing me paperwork
so finally the other person took over the conversation, thank goodness
if it had been up to him i would have learned nothing about what the program is all about
so..... customer services reps who don't pay attention and have more important things to do than helping customers
RUDE! geez, man
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
People who feel they need to re-write the traffic code, and this goes for drivers AND pedestrians.
Pediestrians, if it is YOUR right of way, TAKE IT, don't rewrite it by waving the other driver on. If I stop for you, pedestrian, because you have a crosswalk and no walk/don't walk light, then go. If you do have a no walk/walk light, wait till it says WALK and don't just walk out into traffic without waiting for your light if cars are oncoming.
Drivers, if you have the right of way and I have the stop sign, then just go, don't turn it into you go, no you go, no you go. Just follow the rules as written and everyone will save time.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
People who knock or rattle a public restroom door every thirty seconds while you're in there kind of suck. I heard the knock on the door and I acknowledged that you're waiting. You don't need to pull on the door every thirty seconds. It's not going to make me go any faster and actually everytime you pull on the door I give you extra penalty time.
Salespeople who jump on you with a "Can I help you?" 5 seconds after you've walked in the door! Jeez. Let me have a look around first!
I'm in auto sales and this is a tricky one actually. I have customers that complain to me that they were not attended to fast enough and I have customers who complain to me that a salesperson was all over them to quick. You seriously wouldn't believe the amount of customers I will watch in the showroom walk in the front door (and this is true on especially busy days) wait there for about a minute and then just leave in disgust becasue no sales person was there. That's when I have to put my track shoes on.
Salespeople who jump on you with a "Can I help you?" 5 seconds after you've walked in the door! Jeez. Let me have a look around first!
I'm in auto sales and this is a tricky one actually. I have customers that complain to me that they were not attended to fast enough and I have customers who complain to me that a salesperson was all over them to quick. You seriously wouldn't believe the amount of customers I will watch in the showroom walk in the front door (and this is true on especially busy days) wait there for about a minute and then just leave in disgust becasue no sales person was there. That's when I have to put my track shoes on.
Well, certainly, different situations call for different levels of customer service. Like, say, when I'm at a restaurant and no one comes to take my drink order within the first minute. That's annoying. So, basically, I guess what I'm saying here is there is no way to win with me!
“I worked really hard on this set. I just told you we’re gonna have a great night, so I don’t need any fuckin’ help from anybody.” EV, 7/2/09
People who feel they need to re-write the traffic code, and this goes for drivers AND pedestrians.
Pediestrians, if it is YOUR right of way, TAKE IT, don't rewrite it by waving the other driver on. If I stop for you, pedestrian, because you have a crosswalk and no walk/don't walk light, then go. If you do have a no walk/walk light, wait till it says WALK and don't just walk out into traffic without waiting for your light if cars are oncoming.
Drivers, if you have the right of way and I have the stop sign, then just go, don't turn it into you go, no you go, no you go. Just follow the rules as written and everyone will save time.
in some cases i disagree with this. i walk a lot for exercise and when i come to a side street that is fed off a major road i often will wave person turning onto the side street to go so as not to hold up all the traffic on the main road. i'll then pass after they make the turn. i think it's more courteous to let the driver go before the pedestrian in those cases.
People who feel they need to re-write the traffic code, and this goes for drivers AND pedestrians.
Pediestrians, if it is YOUR right of way, TAKE IT, don't rewrite it by waving the other driver on. If I stop for you, pedestrian, because you have a crosswalk and no walk/don't walk light, then go. If you do have a no walk/walk light, wait till it says WALK and don't just walk out into traffic without waiting for your light if cars are oncoming.
Drivers, if you have the right of way and I have the stop sign, then just go, don't turn it into you go, no you go, no you go. Just follow the rules as written and everyone will save time.
in some cases i disagree with this. i walk a lot for exercise and when i come to a side street that is fed off a major road i often will wave person turning onto the side street to go so as not to hold up all the traffic on the main road. i'll then pass after they make the turn. i think it's more courteous to let the driver go before the pedestrian in those cases.
i believe in right of way....and if you have it take it, because if i have it, i WILL take it.
NOTHING irritates me more than going into a bathroom that has a bunch of stalls open...and a person taking the stall immediately next to you when there's clearly 20 open stalls! :evil:
I also can't stand people that never listen in a conversation - not necessarily the one-uppers, but the people that will hear what you say and go immediately into something about themselves.
People that expect you to call/text/email respond back to them within milliseconds of sending their message. I have a life and will get to you when I get to you!
But really I'm a pretty cheery person
WI '98, WI '99 (EV), WI '00, Chgo '00, MO '00, Champaign '03, Chgo '03, WI '03, IN '03, MI '04, Chgo '06:N1 & 2, WI '06, Chgo '07, Chgo '08 (EV:N1), Chgo '09:N1 & 2, Chgo '11 (EV:N1), WI '11:N1 & 2, Philly '12, Wrigley '13, Pitt '13, Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
NOTHING irritates me more than going into a bathroom that has a bunch of stalls open...and a person taking the stall immediately next to you when there's clearly 20 open stalls! :evil:
I HATE this. Give me some breathing room. I also hate when someone I know follows me into the bathroom and feels the need to have a conversation. I'm there to do one thing and it's not to talk to you :roll:
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
NOTHING irritates me more than going into a bathroom that has a bunch of stalls open...and a person taking the stall immediately next to you when there's clearly 20 open stalls! :evil:
I HATE this. Give me some breathing room. I also hate when someone I know follows me into the bathroom and feels the need to have a conversation. I'm there to do one thing and it's not to talk to you :roll:
You girls need to get woman laws passed. Men have laws already when it comes to stall and urinal use.
(but really it is....even though i'm doing it right now... there is a person in my life that has a complaint (or 10) for EVERYTHING and i do mean everything)
and that is annoying as anything else that can be annoying
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
(but really it is....even though i'm doing it right now... there is a person in my life that has a complaint (or 10) for EVERYTHING and i do mean everything)
and that is annoying as anything else that can be annoying
My biggest pet peeve is people who hold the door open for you with strings attached.
Really I need to thank you for something that you already had to do for yourself to enter the building/room. Its not like you left your newly adopted child with a homeless person, took a taxi across town and climbed 72 flights of stairs to open that door for me.
Guys who think it's acceptable to wear a shirt without sleeves.
would said shirts be plastered with the word 'Affliction'?
and to OP...i usually say, "Next time should I just let the door smash you in the face?"
thread integrity:
I learned this weekend I cannot stand bartenders who tell me "there is no such drink like that" and go on for 5 MINUTES about how 'wrong' I am, when I just ordered that drink LAST NIGHT, IN THIS VERY BAR. :twisted:
(the tanning bed fried more than just your skin lady, it fried your brain and attitude as well)
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
My biggest pet peeve is people who hold the door open for you with strings attached.
Really I need to thank you for something that you already had to do for yourself to enter the building/room. Its not like you left your newly adopted child with a homeless person, took a taxi across town and climbed 72 flights of stairs to open that door for me.
...And you're the reason I started this post But for real, if I stand there holding the door open for you as you walk up, say "thank you," it's courteous.
I also can't stand when I hold the door open for ONE person and a whole army walks through. Same thing with drivers...when leaving a crowded parking lot. Just because I let one person cut in front of me, I'm not letting the entire line behind them go!
"Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"
Smokers that think "outside" is their ashtray. -> Smokers with car ashtrays that have never been used.
I agree with this. I'm a smoker and I always use my car ashtray and outside ashtrays. If there are none outside, I'll put it out on the bottom of my shoe and throw it in a trash can. I see people at work that are literally feet from the outside tray and yet still toss them on the ground. UGH.
Here's another: People that don't wash their hands in the bathroom!! OMG. I don't see how anyone WOULDN'T want to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Damn, sometimes I go in there just to fix my hair and I still wash my hands
"Now YOU listen. When we are on this ship, you are to refer to me as 'Idiot' not 'You Captain'!"
My biggest pet peeve is people who hold the door open for you with strings attached.
Really I need to thank you for something that you already had to do for yourself to enter the building/room. Its not like you left your newly adopted child with a homeless person, took a taxi across town and climbed 72 flights of stairs to open that door for me.
...And you're the reason I started this post But for real, if I stand there holding the door open for you as you walk up, say "thank you," it's courteous.
I also can't stand when I hold the door open for ONE person and a whole army walks through. Same thing with drivers...when leaving a crowded parking lot. Just because I let one person cut in front of me, I'm not letting the entire line behind them go!
when leaving the Phillies game on Sunday, there were 45K people at the Phillies game and 20+K at the Flyers and EVERYONE took their turn leaving out of the parking lot. It was kinda nice, I've never been a part of such an orderly retreat in this area before. Just had to put that out there.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Of course, I agree with all the common courtesy ones. I have some other pet peeves, too.
Shopping carts. If I am parked two spots down from the cart return, and when I come out of the store your cart is resting on my car, it makes me want to kill you.
Laziness. I am a high school teacher, and when kids are constantly asking me to get up and get a book from the shelf for them, it drives me nuts. I just got up to get mine, you can do the same. I am your teacher not your maid.
Toothpaste. Do NOT leave your toothpaste-remnants in the sink after brushing your teeth. Do whatever it takes to get it down the drain, more water, your finger, whatever.
This also goes for shaving. Males - if you shave in the sink, get rid of all your little whiskers!!!!! :x :x
Of course, I agree with all the common courtesy ones. I have some other pet peeves, too.
Shopping carts. If I am parked two spots down from the cart return, and when I come out of the store your cart is resting on my car, it makes me want to kill you.
Laziness. I am a high school teacher, and when kids are constantly asking me to get up and get a book from the shelf for them, it drives me nuts. I just got up to get mine, you can do the same. I am your teacher not your maid.
Toothpaste. Do NOT leave your toothpaste-remnants in the sink after brushing your teeth. Do whatever it takes to get it down the drain, more water, your finger, whatever.
This also goes for shaving. Males - if you shave in the sink, get rid of all your little whiskers!!!!! :x :x
OMG the whiskers in the sink thing! Don't get me started. It is sooooooo gross! :nono:
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I might be guilty of this.
I'll have to time myself later.
I have too many pet peeves, which is probably someone else's pet peeve!
That said ... when someone says could/would/should "of" instead of could/would/should have (could've). Man, that irks me.
people who don't have EZ-Pass and still have to go through the toll lines that have booth workers
just came back from the community center picking up applications for the 2 older kids to go to their summer program (and the after school) all that is beside the point
the guy behind the desk is telling me about the applications and whatnot
and in the meantime he is also talking to his co-worker about needing to go to the bank and blah blah blah blah
and pretty much ignoring me except for handing me paperwork
so finally the other person took over the conversation, thank goodness
if it had been up to him i would have learned nothing about what the program is all about
so..... customer services reps who don't pay attention and have more important things to do than helping customers
RUDE! geez, man
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Pediestrians, if it is YOUR right of way, TAKE IT, don't rewrite it by waving the other driver on. If I stop for you, pedestrian, because you have a crosswalk and no walk/don't walk light, then go. If you do have a no walk/walk light, wait till it says WALK and don't just walk out into traffic without waiting for your light if cars are oncoming.
Drivers, if you have the right of way and I have the stop sign, then just go, don't turn it into you go, no you go, no you go. Just follow the rules as written and everyone will save time.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I'm in auto sales and this is a tricky one actually. I have customers that complain to me that they were not attended to fast enough and I have customers who complain to me that a salesperson was all over them to quick. You seriously wouldn't believe the amount of customers I will watch in the showroom walk in the front door (and this is true on especially busy days) wait there for about a minute and then just leave in disgust becasue no sales person was there. That's when I have to put my track shoes on.
Well, certainly, different situations call for different levels of customer service. Like, say, when I'm at a restaurant and no one comes to take my drink order within the first minute. That's annoying. So, basically, I guess what I'm saying here is there is no way to win with me!
in some cases i disagree with this. i walk a lot for exercise and when i come to a side street that is fed off a major road i often will wave person turning onto the side street to go so as not to hold up all the traffic on the main road. i'll then pass after they make the turn. i think it's more courteous to let the driver go before the pedestrian in those cases.
i believe in right of way....and if you have it take it, because if i have it, i WILL take it.
I also can't stand people that never listen in a conversation - not necessarily the one-uppers, but the people that will hear what you say and go immediately into something about themselves.
People that expect you to call/text/email respond back to them within milliseconds of sending their message. I have a life and will get to you when I get to you!
But really I'm a pretty cheery person
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
You girls need to get woman laws passed. Men have laws already when it comes to stall and urinal use.
Its people complaining about their pet peeves
(but really it is....even though i'm doing it right now... there is a person in my life that has a complaint (or 10) for EVERYTHING and i do mean everything)
and that is annoying as anything else that can be annoying
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I agree. I blame the teachers.
Really I need to thank you for something that you already had to do for yourself to enter the building/room. Its not like you left your newly adopted child with a homeless person, took a taxi across town and climbed 72 flights of stairs to open that door for me.
Ohh and Facebook preachers.
PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
people with thier tablets resting agaist the steering wheel drivers
people texting away will driving drivers
people that cut me off drivers
all in the span of a quick trip to the airport and back. :fp:
i can understand why people stand on bridges and shoot at motorists...not that i condone that action....but i can sure can understand it.
would said shirts be plastered with the word 'Affliction'?
and to OP...i usually say, "Next time should I just let the door smash you in the face?"
thread integrity:
I learned this weekend I cannot stand bartenders who tell me "there is no such drink like that" and go on for 5 MINUTES about how 'wrong' I am, when I just ordered that drink LAST NIGHT, IN THIS VERY BAR. :twisted:
(the tanning bed fried more than just your skin lady, it fried your brain and attitude as well)
- Christopher McCandless
I also can't stand when I hold the door open for ONE person and a whole army walks through. Same thing with drivers...when leaving a crowded parking lot. Just because I let one person cut in front of me, I'm not letting the entire line behind them go!
Then the TV criminals for not shooting the cop that just gave up their gun.
Smokers that think "outside" is their ashtray. -> Smokers with car ashtrays that have never been used.
PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
Here's another: People that don't wash their hands in the bathroom!! OMG. I don't see how anyone WOULDN'T want to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Damn, sometimes I go in there just to fix my hair and I still wash my hands
when leaving the Phillies game on Sunday, there were 45K people at the Phillies game and 20+K at the Flyers and EVERYONE took their turn leaving out of the parking lot. It was kinda nice, I've never been a part of such an orderly retreat in this area before. Just had to put that out there.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Of course, I agree with all the common courtesy ones. I have some other pet peeves, too.
Shopping carts. If I am parked two spots down from the cart return, and when I come out of the store your cart is resting on my car, it makes me want to kill you.
Laziness. I am a high school teacher, and when kids are constantly asking me to get up and get a book from the shelf for them, it drives me nuts. I just got up to get mine, you can do the same. I am your teacher not your maid.
Toothpaste. Do NOT leave your toothpaste-remnants in the sink after brushing your teeth. Do whatever it takes to get it down the drain, more water, your finger, whatever.
This also goes for shaving. Males - if you shave in the sink, get rid of all your little whiskers!!!!! :x :x
OMG the whiskers in the sink thing! Don't get me started. It is sooooooo gross! :nono:
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~