FOX NEWS Implicated in Woman's Death
Posts: 6,363 ... an-s-Death
FOX Newscorp has a history of defending itself against claims that it distorts the truth and manipulates the news by claiming that it merely 'spins' what is perfectly interpretable political motivations and motivations behind legislation.
In particular, they have in the past claimed that what they do is merely 'reflect and report' on one of multiple ways to look at legal questions - and that they merely reflect a culture that looks for shortcuts and encapsulated ways of looking at complex problems.
Terms such as 'death panels' and 'Muslim brotheerhood' are purely hyperbole - not meant to be taken literally.
When Hallie Jean Mayes Knauss Culpepper, an elderly woman with health problems, fell in her home, a situation requiring medical intervention, she refused to go to the hospital - citing her fear of medical 'death panels' that might choose to mark her for euthanasia - and her refusal to see any of her health benefits turned over to "Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood". Instead, she refused all pleas for her to seek medical intervention - and died several days after her fall.
Woman Dies Over Fear of Death Panels
I am not sure what to make of this tragedy. Some will cruelly argue that she deserved what happened to her - that one should not make medical decisions based on media information.
Others will likely place the blame squarely on FOX Newcorp - a position I think goes too far in the other direction. While I believe they are complicit, I cannot see them as entirely responsible.
This paragraph says it all:
Don't write this woman off as some ignorant back-country hick. She clearly wasn't. She owned a company at one time. She paid attention to events and politics in the news, or at least, in the news as she understood it. She, like most of her neighbors, voted Republican. But until Fox News came along, Republicans weren't stupid. They had different philosophies about government and its role, but they weren't blatantly invested in advancing a lie-based ideology until Fox News came along.
And in that highlighted phrase lies the truth of the matter - and FOX's culpability in the death of an innocent person who relied on their 'reporting' as fact and their 'spin' as truth.
FOX Newscorp has a history of defending itself against claims that it distorts the truth and manipulates the news by claiming that it merely 'spins' what is perfectly interpretable political motivations and motivations behind legislation.
In particular, they have in the past claimed that what they do is merely 'reflect and report' on one of multiple ways to look at legal questions - and that they merely reflect a culture that looks for shortcuts and encapsulated ways of looking at complex problems.
Terms such as 'death panels' and 'Muslim brotheerhood' are purely hyperbole - not meant to be taken literally.
When Hallie Jean Mayes Knauss Culpepper, an elderly woman with health problems, fell in her home, a situation requiring medical intervention, she refused to go to the hospital - citing her fear of medical 'death panels' that might choose to mark her for euthanasia - and her refusal to see any of her health benefits turned over to "Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood". Instead, she refused all pleas for her to seek medical intervention - and died several days after her fall.
Woman Dies Over Fear of Death Panels
I am not sure what to make of this tragedy. Some will cruelly argue that she deserved what happened to her - that one should not make medical decisions based on media information.
Others will likely place the blame squarely on FOX Newcorp - a position I think goes too far in the other direction. While I believe they are complicit, I cannot see them as entirely responsible.
This paragraph says it all:
Don't write this woman off as some ignorant back-country hick. She clearly wasn't. She owned a company at one time. She paid attention to events and politics in the news, or at least, in the news as she understood it. She, like most of her neighbors, voted Republican. But until Fox News came along, Republicans weren't stupid. They had different philosophies about government and its role, but they weren't blatantly invested in advancing a lie-based ideology until Fox News came along.
And in that highlighted phrase lies the truth of the matter - and FOX's culpability in the death of an innocent person who relied on their 'reporting' as fact and their 'spin' as truth.
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this womans death was tragic for sure but now some momo is trying to blame fox for her choices ?
I would have to file this under...gotta laugh !
What company did she own?? and how does that relate to her paranoia? Was this a multinational company or did she knit socks and sell them on the internet.
I would expect something a little more fact driven from you.
and tried to get my teeth gold pated with inset 1/4 ct diamonds...I'm going to sue t-mobile...
what more facts do you need? ... she cited blatant lies put forth by right wing media outlets like fox news as the reason she didn't want care ...
sooo she had no logical thought of her own ? that tells me she may have had mental disorders...possibly ?
to spread outright disinformation and lies under the guise of "news" is atrocious.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
for sure there are other factors ... but it doesn't change the fact that fox news is the propaganda arm of the right and that they will sensationalize and lie to push their agenda ... there are many people who watch and take fox news at face value - obviously they lack the critical thinking skills required to make better judgements ... and this is one of the consequences ... another is a whack load of ignorance and misinformed ... <see global warming> ... most fox watchers think its a hoax ... but yet none of these people can debate the topic and rely on right wing "news" sources for their position and talking points ...
if you follow the links ... you will get to this ... posting on facebook from her daughter ...
I know this personally. FOX News killed my precious mother, Hallie. She watched FOX religiously. And when she fell ten days before she died, she refused to go to the doctor because, "I don't want Obamacare to get all of my information! she declared, recalling the warnings from FOX News "anchors." She was emphatic. She was not going to consort with the muslim enemy. As she made out her will she told her lawyer, "I don't want any of my money going to the Muslim Brotherhood!" And her last protestation dealt with "Obama's death panels." Mother died just days later. I hold FOX News responsible for my mother's death.
No Godfather, people are just completely stupid, right? hehehehe
I'm sure sorry your mom chose to watch Fox News. There are plenty of other things to watch or not watch. I am still sorry for your loss.
Fox News can't make you stupid. If you're stupid, you're stupid. Watching CNN wasn't going to make this lady any smarter. If the argument for blaming Fox News is that they had commentators on the air mention things like "death panels" and this lady believed it, then that would seem to indicate that she didn't get her news from any other sources that would have explained that there wouldn't be death panels. That doesn't sound like an intelligent decision to me. She also doesn't sound like a sweet little old lady when she's quoted as referring to Muslims as "the enemy." Those sound like the words of a narrow-minded, ignorant person and you can't honestly say that she was a wonderful open-minded, smart, loving woman until one day she turned on Fox News and was brainwashed and turned into a bigot.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
if you read my further post ... i mention that obviously this woman did not have the critical thinking skills necessary ... the thing is tho ... she "trusted" fox news ... we should be able to "trust" our media outlets especially when they present information as "news" ... fox is the worst of all the media outlets for spreading lies ...
Anyone who believes the media to that degree is an idiot. Fox shouldn't be held responsible for this.
for the sake of discussion ... i pose this question to you ...
if you as a parent tell your children that people of somewhereland want to kill you utilizing a formula of fear and hate ... what do you think your children will think of people from somewhereland?
That doesn't mean that Fox News amde this woman stupid and it doesn't mean that they're responsible for her death. I'm sure this woman's family and doctors tried to convince her that there weren't any death panels and she refused to believe them. I don't recall Fox News ever saying anything along the lines of, "There will be death panels. Your family and doctors might tell you otherwise, but don't believe them for a second because it's a trap." Also, at 85 years old there was a fairly slim chance that she would have survived anyway. Anesthesia is very dangerous to someone at that age (it's what killed my grandmother at about the same age but she knew the risk involved and didn't want to decline the surgery and be confined to a wheelchair) and she surely would have needed it if her injuries were severe enough to cause her death.
So she trusted people giving their opinions on Fox News (because the people mentioning death panels weren't the news anchors, they were the commentators) more than her own family? That's not Fox's fault.
to the world that is not what they once knew. Add dementia and other
health problems to the mix and their decision making skills are greatly reduced.
Family or care givers are needed to guide every move and watch over them closely.
Some will not seek medical help because they do not trust the medical profession.
Fox news or otherwise.
Here is where family members intercede. The elderly are the responsibility
of their family or care givers not a TV station. The notion Fox News is responsible is ridiculous.
If there is any blame it is with the family that did not take control of the situation
get her immediate medical care and perhaps subsequent assisted living care.
When one is elderly and not thinking clearly refusal on their part does not exist,
no one was looking after this woman, to me that is the crime and the saddest
contributing factor to her death.
LOL Support Free Speech... As long as you say exactly what we tell you you're allowed to say :?
the media is already regulated ... you can't swear ... you can't show boobs ... you can't show a lot of things ... there used to be a thing called the fairness doctrine ... till reagan saw fit to get rid of it ...
media outlets especially under the guise of "news" should be held to the highest journalistic integrity ... i see nothing wrong with that ...
of her family they are the ones responsible for her demise. There comes a time to step in
they missed it.... sadly not the first time this has happened to an elderly person.
* Story was picked up off Facebook
* Account was written by her son
* Son states he is a committed Occupy activist
* Son states he hates Fox News
* Editors / bloggers pushing this story exhibit anti-Fox News predisposition
That is all we know that is true. At no point in the Facebook post does the son indicate the cause of death or what injuries were suffered in the fall.
All we know for sure is that we have a grieving son who is extremely biased against Fox News and blames Fox News for the death of his mother.
Considering the story is a warning of how people can run with possibly biased and unconfirmed information from media outlets, the irony of media outlets pushing this same notion is quite outstanding.
Good points