Woman called 'slut' by Limbaugh



  • 8181 Posts: 58,276
    is anyone upset over bill maher calling sarah palin the "c" word last year? i'd type the word but i know you can get banned for it here.

    no? nobody was upset about that? just the rush thing?

    oh....okay. just checking.

    81 is now off the air

  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,527
    81 wrote:
    is anyone upset over bill maher calling sarah palin the "c" word last year? i'd type the word but i know you can get banned for it here.

    no? nobody was upset about that? just the rush thing?

    oh....okay. just checking.


    ha. just funny how hypocritical people are about this stuff.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    What about the thousands of dollars men spend trying to get laid in college??? And unlike contraceptives, there isn't even a guarantee the money spent will work!

    Where is the outrage, I say! I want reparations, dammit!!!

  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,431
    is anyone upset over bill maher calling sarah palin the "c" word last year? i'd type the word but i know you can get banned for it here.

    no? nobody was upset about that? just the rush thing?

    oh....okay. just checking.

    difference is Limbaugh made a rush to judgment about a non-public figure who he knew almost nothing about other than she liked to use birth control pills. sarah palin was/is a public figure who the country has been exposed to many parts of her life. much more rational to judge someone you know a lot about vs. almost nothing.
  • RiotZactRiotZact Posts: 6,240
    is anyone upset over bill maher calling sarah palin the "c" word last year? i'd type the word but i know you can get banned for it here.

    no? nobody was upset about that? just the rush thing?

    oh....okay. just checking.

    I don't think those 2 situations are comparable. Honestly I know very little about either of these guys or the topic's, however when palin was called the "c" word that was an insult to Sarah and no one else, by calling that girl a slut Rush not only insulted her but literally MILLIONS of other women all across the world including several girls that I know personally that are NOT sluts. So I take personal offense to Rush's comments as opposed to Bill's comments about someone I don't know on a personal level by any sense of the word, so I believe that I and tons of other people have the right to be more upset and outspoken about Rush's comments that Bill's.
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    i think there's a little difference to in terms of calling one person a "cunt" (Maher, 2012), vs. Limbaugh insinuating that all women who use contraception are "sluts" that need to make sex tapes and upload them to the computer. Neither are particularly good, but I do believe there's a major difference here.
  • brianluxbrianlux Posts: 41,699
    Yes, let's be fair. Bill Maher (unfortunately, in my opinion) lost his job for speaking his mind. Now it time to can Rush. Efforts are being made along those lines.

    The other difference between Bill and Rush-- Bill is funny. Rush... you be the judge.
    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    pjhawks wrote:
    is anyone upset over bill maher calling sarah palin the "c" word last year? i'd type the word but i know you can get banned for it here.

    no? nobody was upset about that? just the rush thing?

    oh....okay. just checking.

    difference is Limbaugh made a rush to judgment about a non-public figure who he knew almost nothing about other than she liked to use birth control pills. sarah palin was/is a public figure who the country has been exposed to many parts of her life. much more rational to judge someone you know a lot about vs. almost nothing.
    That's exactly it. He also went on to say she is a prostitute and should post videos of herself online having sex for us to watch. She was advocating coverage of oral contraceptives not just for birth control, but for all of the medical reasons they are prescribed (ovarian cysts, etc). Ever wake up rolling around in agony because a cyst burst and find that oral contraception can prevent that from ever happening again? You'd want access to the medication too.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,527
    i think how you view the world through your political reading glasses greatly determines how you view these two insults.

    here's a nice point of view from a liberal on the daily kos:
    http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/03/0 ... ill-Maher-
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    I certainly side more with Bill than with Rush politically but he definitely deserved to be lit up for being a sexist asshat. At the same time I think the article points out correctly that Sarah Palin has some form of power and cultural capital, the young woman did not (maybe she does now?). Further the article didn't talk about the second, and perhaps more creepy, thing which was Rush's argument that any young women taking government sponsored contraceptives needed to pay that back by taping themselves and putting it on the internet. I suppose fake Palin-porn does exist, but Maher didn't even go there he just said some shameful sexist shit. Call it my political lens if you will, but I certainly think that makes what Rush said distincitively different and worse than what Maher said.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,230
    It's funny how the people who clearly support & listen to Rush come to hi's defense on this thread .....Yeah he spent three days bashing this chick vs Maher spent what an hr on the bitch Palin ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • iamicaiamica Posts: 2,628
    I honestly don't know why anyone listens to Rush Limbaugh. Every word out of his mouth is garbage.
    Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,527
    RW81233 wrote:
    I certainly side more with Bill than with Rush politically but he definitely deserved to be lit up for being a sexist asshat. At the same time I think the article points out correctly that Sarah Palin has some form of power and cultural capital, the young woman did not (maybe she does now?). Further the article didn't talk about the second, and perhaps more creepy, thing which was Rush's argument that any young women taking government sponsored contraceptives needed to pay that back by taping themselves and putting it on the internet. I suppose fake Palin-porn does exist, but Maher didn't even go there he just said some shameful sexist shit. Call it my political lens if you will, but I certainly think that makes what Rush said distincitively different and worse than what Maher said.

    i'm not saying they are identical. and rush is an absolute jack ass for saying what he said. but they are similar. if maher had called any other political figure that word, it wouldn't have got swept under the rug like it did. imagine if he called hillary a c-nt back in '08 or something? the left would never let him forget it. instead it's sarah palin and nobody brings it up except to draw comparisons to the rush thing a year or two later.
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    if you type Bill Maher and cunt into google you will see that leftists and what rush would call "feminazis" (presumably because to his surprise women are strong independent individuals) are not too happy with Maher. I think maybe you are assuming the mass media is generally left of center when in reality they just suck up to whoever is going to watch thru commercials, because real leftists don't let that shit go on either side - even if they hate the hell out of Sarah Palin.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,527
    RW81233 wrote:
    if you type Bill Maher and c-nt into google you will see that leftists and what rush would call "feminazis" (presumably because to his surprise women are strong independent individuals) are not too happy with Maher. I think maybe you are assuming the mass media is generally left of center when in reality they just suck up to whoever is going to watch thru commercials, because real leftists don't let that shit go on either side - even if they hate the hell out of Sarah Palin.

    the mahr thing happened quite a while ago and it was barely mentioned...until now for the most part.

    mahr would have been in a world of shit if he said that word in reference to clinton.

    by the way--might want to edit your post. mods are not very happy with that word. trust me on that one. ;)
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    it's what the guy said. i don't like that word, it's certainly demeaning, is often used (as was the case with maher) to reestablish male privilege, but it's what he said. i think another major difference here is that Rush has a loooooooooooong history of being a major d-bag, whereas Maher is an arrogant S-O-B but doesn't have that same long history.
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    http://newblackman.blogspot.com/2012/03 ... guage.html

    Bigger Than Rush: The Violence of Language and Language of Violence
    by David J. Leonard | NewBlackMan

    Rush Limbaugh has once again demonstrated the entrenched misogyny of American culture. Calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute,” among other things, is telling of both his own ideological foundation as well as society’s. Unfortunately, the conversation and public outrage has often drifted away from the broader issues of violence, sexism, and misogyny, away from the broader attack on girls and women, instead focusing on “politics,” on removing Rush from the airwaves, on sponsors, and myriad other issues. Increasingly, as Rush’s defenders cite double standards, whether in the form of societal acceptance of sexism within hip-hop or from liberal commentators, the debate is moving away from the issues of violence. In focusing on only Rush (he is reprehensible), the politics, and in debating claims about hypocrisy, we are failing to see Rush and his comments as a symptom thereby obscuring the consequences of this language and its place within the broader war against young girls and women.

    Rush Limbaugh once again illustrated the reasons we need to “occupy” the airwaves. As I wrote last month about Fox News and the soiling of already violent public discourse, the ubiquity of racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia within the public square represents a major threat:

    Racism, homophobia, immigrant bashing, misogyny and a general tone of violent rhetoric is almost commonplace at Fox. Their motto of “Fair and Balance” seems apt at this point where they are fairly balance with comments of racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia. The saturation has produced an almost normalizing effect whereupon progressives and society at large don’t even notice at this point, simply dismissing as Fox being Fox. Yet, the consequence, the pollution of the public discourse, the assault on the epistemology of truth, and an overall souring of the public airwaves with daily morsels of disgusting, vile, and reprehensible rhetoric, illustrates that “Fox being Fox” poses a serious threat to Democracy, not too mention justice and equality.

    Limbaugh’s recent comments are yet another example of “Rush being Rush” and the level of violence that “occupies” America’s airwaves. The demonization of women, the criminalization of blacks and Latinos, and the overall climate of racial/gender pathologizing are as commonplace as the scapegoating of hip-hop within today’s media. This is evident in the language of everyday life. Violent rhetoric has consequences evident in ubiquity of sexual violence, racial profiling, and job and housing discrimination. They matter not only because the words themselves are violent, but also because they provide a window into a larger structural reality; words matter because they hurt and because the sources of meaning, the history embedded in our language, and our sense of imagination all emanate from this place.

    In a recent Daily Beast column, Kirsten Powers, citing examples of misogyny from the likes of Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, among others (not surprisingly as a Fox contributor she doesn’t cite any examples from her employer despite the following examples), argues that, “It’s time for some equal-opportunity accountability. Without it, the fight against media misogyny will continue to be perceived as a proxy war for the Democratic Party, not a fight for fair treatment of women in the public square.”

    While not buying the narrative that seeks to directly or indirectly excuse Rush’s comments by noting the sexism of the “left” as evidence of both a double standard and a selective denunciation of sexism from the right (see here for example and here and here and here and here and here), any effort to transform public discourse must account for all forms of violence and the ways that racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia pollute and define media culture. Rush’s comments are not an isolated incident (for him or talk radio) given his consistent demonization of Michelle Obama (#1, #2). Yet, Rush’s comments must also be understood in relationship to the disgusting comments from Michael Moore (among others), who responded to Limbaugh with the following tweets:

    I guess Romney knew that Rush, who made the mistake of saying what most Republicans think (women as sluts), had cost him the Nov. election.

    Or after losing 6 sponsors yesterday Rush decided he loved $ more than he loved calling women prostitutes. Musta been a tough call, eh Rush?

    Some sponsors don’t care how much Limbaugh apologizes: mmflint.me/Awf562 (I know – what were they doing there in the 1st place?)

    RT @pattonoswalt Ayn Rand would be very pleased with how the free market bitch-slapped Limbaugh today.

    Dear Rush: Please don’t stop! You say what the R candidates don’t. Voters must hear every day til Nov what Republicans truly think of women.

    Don’t give up, Rush! It’ s a WAR ON WOMEN & you’re the Supreme Leader. Keep reminding voters how hate & violence drives the Republican agenda

    Rush – As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who’s the prostitute now, bitch?

    And BTW Rush, your vile & vicious attacks on me over the years – I wear them as a badge of honor. You are sad & sick & I’ve always pitied u.

    The use of “bitch,” “bitch-slapped” and prostitute here, just as the sexualization of women from the likes of Bill Maher, is not a cover for the likes of Limbaugh. Sure, the ideological underpinnings and the larger visions of society are different, but that doesn’t sanction the language nor does it limit the consequences. Limbaugh’s comment read inside of a larger context points to the necessity of not simply removing Rush Limbaugh from the airwaves but transforming a society that needs and props up the Rushes in our mix.

    His recent comments also point to the importance of language and transforming that language throughout society. H. Sammy Alim brilliantly articulated the power of language and the necessity of transforming our collective consciousness: “What kinds of issues would Occupy Language address? What would taking language back from its self-appointed “masters” look like? We might start by looking at these questions from the perspective of race and discrimination, and answer with how to foster fairness and equality in that realm,” he wrote in The New York Times. The protest against Rush Limbaugh must be a reminder of the power of language and the importance in occupying both language and airwaves. It “teaches us that we give words meaning and that discourses are not immutable, and from the way indigenous movements have contested its use, which teaches us to be ever-mindful about how language both empowers and oppresses, unifies and isolates. . . .Pejorative, discriminatory language can have real life consequences.” The language of Rush Limbaugh and the language of Michael Moore, among others, have consequences evident in the sexualization faced by women, the sexual violence endured by girls and women, and the systemic discrimination experienced by women throughout society.

    Moreover, the relative silence regarding the persistent demonization of women of color, on and off the airwaves, illustrates how these consequences extend beyond individual instances. What does it tell us that Sandra Fluke has elicited rightful outrage but the daily assault faced by women of color elicits limited outrage from society at large?. Change will not come simply by denouncing, exposing, and demanding accountability from those who give voice to larger systems of violence. It is time to occupy the language and transform the airwaves. As Dr. Mark Anthony Neal notes, “We need some new strategies—this protest, petition, and wait for the apology, suspension, removal is getting old.” Rush’s abandonment by his sponsors, and his potential removal from the airwaves will not transform our language nor will it lead to the eradication of sexism unless we begin to transform the language, the airwaves, and the institutions that are the oxygen that sustains Rush Limbaugh and a larger culture that he represents.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,527
    RW81233 wrote:
    it's what the guy said. i don't like that word, it's certainly demeaning, is often used (as was the case with maher) to reestablish male privilege, but it's what he said. i think another major difference here is that Rush has a loooooooooooong history of being a major d-bag, whereas Maher is an arrogant S-O-B but doesn't have that same long history.

    again...it depends on your own personal viewpoint regarding their histories. maher's show was cancelled for a rather douchebagery comment (again-depends on your viewpoint. i'm sure some here, probably you, agreed with what he said. to each his own).
  • Phantom PainPhantom Pain Posts: 9,876
    RW81233 wrote:
    it's what the guy said. i don't like that word, it's certainly demeaning, is often used (as was the case with maher) to reestablish male privilege, but it's what he said. i think another major difference here is that Rush has a loooooooooooong history of being a major d-bag, whereas Maher is an arrogant S-O-B but doesn't have that same long history.

    again...it depends on your own personal viewpoint regarding their histories. maher's show was cancelled for a rather douchebagery comment (again-depends on your viewpoint. i'm sure some here, probably you, agreed with what he said. to each his own).

    I just got my Mom tix for Mother's Day to see Bill Maher down in AC at Ceasars

    She's not offended by the "C" word
    My drinking team has a hockey problem

    The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill

    A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
    Fuck Sandra Fluke!!!

    Oh Wait...


    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
    Somebody should have paid for Sandra Flukes parents birth control!!!!!

    We could have avoided this entire situation......

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
    So did this lady spend $3000.00 on birth control pills???

    Or did she spend $3000.00 on condoms???
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
    How is Sandra Fluke paying for her Law School at Georgetown???

    Just curious....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Stardog3..Stardog3.. Posts: 1,527
    How is Sandra Fluke paying for her Law School at Georgetown???

    Just curious....

    scholarships and student loans
    Stardog3.. wrote:
    How is Sandra Fluke paying for her Law School at Georgetown???

    Just curious....

    scholarships and student loans
    Shes bitching about spending $3000.00 on condoms??
    Wait till she has to pay back that student loan.

    Then she can really start bitching...

    Unless of course her new fame leads her to new riches.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Stardog3..Stardog3.. Posts: 1,527
    Stardog3.. wrote:
    How is Sandra Fluke paying for her Law School at Georgetown???

    Just curious....

    scholarships and student loans
    Shes bitching about spending $3000.00 on condoms??
    Wait till she has to pay back that student loan.

    Then she can really start bitching...

    Unless of course her new fame leads her to new riches.....

    With all the other medications there out there that are covered by insurance, i.e. Viagra, among others, I think it's fair to fight for this to be covered. At least she's not on the other hand, fighting to outlaw contraception. Now THAT'S something I'd be worried about.
  • The hypocrisy on the subject is unbelievable but not at all surprising. The footage of a reporter asking two female senators if they were bothered by Maher's comments on Palin was utterly hilarious. Is Obama going to return Maher's contribution?

    I also find it laughable that when the obviously leftist media rips Rush and then the lone right wing leaning network brings to light the exact same thing, Fox is always the joke....the bunch of clowns. CNN and the others are so far left its not even funny and anyone who doesn't believe that is fooling themselves. Equal representation for all right? One is no different than the other.

    And of course the words of both of those guys are despicable. Both are d-bags. Rush may be an asshat but good God who on earth could seriously say Maher isn't....and no he's not funny....he's just a cocky, arrogant dickhead
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • RedMosquito22RedMosquito22 Posts: 8,158
    There isn't a bigger d-bag than Rush Limbaugh
    Member 164xxx

    8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13

    More to Come....
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,527
    The hypocrisy on the subject is unbelievable but not at all surprising. The footage of a reporter asking two female senators if they were bothered by Maher's comments on Palin was utterly hilarious. Is Obama going to return Maher's contribution?

    I also find it laughable that when the obviously leftist media rips Rush and then the lone right wing leaning network brings to light the exact same thing, Fox is always the joke....the bunch of clowns. CNN and the others are so far left its not even funny and anyone who doesn't believe that is fooling themselves. Equal representation for all right? One is no different than the other.

    And of course the words of both of those guys are despicable. Both are d-bags. Rush may be an asshat but good God who on earth could seriously say Maher isn't....and no he's not funny....he's just a cocky, arrogant dickhead

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    There isn't a bigger d-bag than Rush Limbaugh
    Technically, we would have to get both Rush and Michael Moore on a scale to be for sure ... I know a few ranchers that may have cattle scales available to get the job done.

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