Would you rather...



  • burned

    Would you rather drink somthing completly discusting or eat something equally as bad?
  • Green CircleGreen Circle Posts: 5,192


    have a few cat naps throughout the day


    sleep late knowing you'll be up later
    "...And I fight back in my mind. Never lets me be right.
    I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Sleep late.

    Would you rather go to Austria or Australia?
  • Green CircleGreen Circle Posts: 5,192
    The second one..I heard the first one isn't worth the hype.


    See Pearl Jam on the West Coast


    The East Coast
    "...And I fight back in my mind. Never lets me be right.
    I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    I've been lucky enough for both and I have to go with the East Coast.

    Would you rather Chevy Chase or Dan Akroyd?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415
    Chevy Chase. His movies tend to be funnier.

    Would you rather have Tim Tebow or Mark Sanchez as your QB?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Sanchez at this point.

    Would you rather break your left or right ankle?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415
    Left. That way I can still drive if I need to.

    Would you rather be sprayed in the eyes with Clorox Cleanup or have to snort all the acid from a C battery?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    I'll take the eyes.

    Would you rather eat a pound of bologna or a pound of ham?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415

    Would you rather eat nothing but head cheese for a month or have an air freshener that smells like diarrhea sprayed near your face every time you eat for a month?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    I'll take the spray.

    Would you rather be insignificant or infamous?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415

    Would you rather have ear hair so thick it makes it hard to hear or nose hair so thick it makes it hard to breathe and smell?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Ear hair.

    Would you rather have a plum or some cherries right now?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415

    Would you rather have Wavy Lays or regular Lays potato chips?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Wavy right now.

    Would you rather eat some tootsie rolls or a kit kat bar?
  • he.who.forgetshe.who.forgets Posts: 4,593
    kit kat all the way
    Would you rather drink a Gatorade or a Red Bull?
    We were but stones your light made us stars
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415

    Would you rather eat the hair off a barber shop floor or chew a piece of gum that was stuck under a table in a strip club's dressing room?
  • javis el errantejavis el errante Buenos Aires Posts: 6,140
    I guess the strip club thing, since I would probably be drunk and horny, so I'd do anything... but this is hypothetical, right? :P

    Would you rather have a glass of coca cola or a glass of pepsi?
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

  • he.who.forgetshe.who.forgets Posts: 4,593
    Coke all the way...but for some reason I prefer Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke.
    Would you rather temporarily (like 2 days) lose your sight or your hearing?
    We were but stones your light made us stars
  • NamiNami Newfoundland Posts: 5,997
    Coke all the way...but for some reason I prefer Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke.
    Would you rather temporarily (like 2 days) lose your sight or your hearing?


    Plain or Peanut M&Ms?
    Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
  • he.who.forgetshe.who.forgets Posts: 4,593
    Thin Mints or Tagalongs? (girls scout cookies)
    We were but stones your light made us stars
  • Thin Mints

    Would you rather be gossiped about or never be talked about at all?
  • javis el errantejavis el errante Buenos Aires Posts: 6,140
    Thin Mints

    Would you rather be gossiped about or never be talked about at all?

    never be talked about...

    would you rather have mexican or thai food?
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

  • Mexican

    Would you rather have mermaids or unicorns be real?
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    Magical Unicorns

    Rather find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or a pirates buried treasure?
  • Pot of gold

    Would you rather be kidnapped by terrorists or abducted by aliens?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415
    Abducted by aliens. I figure I've got a better shot at coming home alive that way. Plus, then I'd know that aliens exist.

    Would you rather spend the day playing an entire season of Madden in Franchise Mode or watching movies on demand?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Movies on demand.

    Would you rather be attacked by birds or bees?
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415

    Would you rather be super-glued to a toilet seat (pants down) or have your hands super-glued to your head (Police Academy style)?
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Super glued to my head.

    WOuld you rather have crab or lobster?
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