Would you rather ride a water slide into a pool of raw sewage or spend the night in a sleeping bag filled with decomposing animal parts and hungry maggots?
I'll go with the 6 old ladies. The need for frequent rest stops would increase the liklihood that one of them will wander off and drop the number to 5 old ladies.
Would you rather hang upside down with your hands behind your back and have the juice from a package of hot dogs dropped into your nose one drop every 60 seconds or be strapped to a spinning wheel and have raw ground beef thrown at you?
Would you rather spend 2+ months trapped 3 miles underground, (like the Chilean miners) only all by yourself with nothing but sunflower seeds, some granola bars and bottles of tepid water before being rescued (after which you are nicely compensated and become a bit of a National celebrity), OR be mistaken for a terrorist and flown to an undisclosed location where you spend 2 weeks being endlessly interrogated, water boarded, and experience sleep deprivation(lights left on, loud music blaring) until being quietly released without even an apology.
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Would you rather be kidnapped, shipped to Africa and forced into slave labor, harvesting cocoa beans for 3 years, OR work 8 hours a day, Monday - Saturday
in a bottle depot in your hometown for 4 years?
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
would you rather swim in school of piranha with an open wound, or steal a carcass from a pride of lions?
Assembly Hall-Apr 23 2003 Alpine Valley-Jun 21 2003
Grant Park-Aug 5 2007 United Center-Aug 23 2009
United Center-Aug 24 2009 Alpine Valley-Sep 3 2011
Alpine Valley-Sep 4 2011 Wrigley Field-Jul 19 2013
Would you rather pour a teaspoon of salt directly into your eye or sniff a teaspoon of pepper?
Rather build a snow fort or a sandcastle?
Would you rather fight a cobra in a locked room or a lion?
would you rather hit your funny bone daily or stub your toe daily?
Assembly Hall-Apr 23 2003 Alpine Valley-Jun 21 2003
Grant Park-Aug 5 2007 United Center-Aug 23 2009
United Center-Aug 24 2009 Alpine Valley-Sep 3 2011
Alpine Valley-Sep 4 2011 Wrigley Field-Jul 19 2013
be blind or no sense of smell
die young and happy or old and miserable
Assembly Hall-Apr 23 2003 Alpine Valley-Jun 21 2003
Grant Park-Aug 5 2007 United Center-Aug 23 2009
United Center-Aug 24 2009 Alpine Valley-Sep 3 2011
Alpine Valley-Sep 4 2011 Wrigley Field-Jul 19 2013
rather have body odor or greasy hair
Would you rather drive a nail through your hand or foot?
Would you rather have to saw your arm off like in that movie '27 Hours' or take your chances running through a field filled with land mines?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Would you rather be a crooked doctor who breaks the laws to heal the sick or a great lawyer who can prove the guilty innocent?
would you rather see the lockness monster or big foot?
would rather fly or sail around the world
Would you rather visit Washington state or Washington D.C.?
would you rather read an actual book or read one on one of those tablet things
Would you rather be attacked by a werewolf or a zombie?
would you rather get frostbite or burned by scolding hot water
If you went to prison for 10 years, would you rather work in the laundry department folding laundry or in the kitchen washing dishes?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Would you rather take a ride in an industrial washing machine or dryer?
Would you rather lotion tissues or vicks tissues
Would you rather drink a glass of raw chicken juice or a glass of Mexican tap water?
Would you rather be shot or stabbed?
Shot - with a BB gun
you have a time machine, will take you either to the very first PJ show or Apline 2011...
Would you rather be chased by a pack of wolves or a pack of hyenas?
Would you rather ride a water slide into a pool of raw sewage or spend the night in a sleeping bag filled with decomposing animal parts and hungry maggots?
Would you rather ride in a minivan for 5 hours with six crying babies or six over talkative elderly women who are hard of hearing?
Would you rather hang upside down with your hands behind your back and have the juice from a package of hot dogs dropped into your nose one drop every 60 seconds or be strapped to a spinning wheel and have raw ground beef thrown at you?
Would you rather spend 2+ months trapped 3 miles underground, (like the Chilean miners) only all by yourself with nothing but sunflower seeds, some granola bars and bottles of tepid water before being rescued (after which you are nicely compensated and become a bit of a National celebrity), OR be mistaken for a terrorist and flown to an undisclosed location where you spend 2 weeks being endlessly interrogated, water boarded, and experience sleep deprivation(lights left on, loud music blaring) until being quietly released without even an apology.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Would you rather spend a night in a locked totally blacked out room with a King Cobra or three Brown Recluse spiders?
Would you rather be kidnapped, shipped to Africa and forced into slave labor, harvesting cocoa beans for 3 years, OR work 8 hours a day, Monday - Saturday
in a bottle depot in your hometown for 4 years?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self