The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
Would you rather go out to a shitty bar with good company, or an awesome place in the company of idiots?
Makes much more sense...
2011: East Troy, WI 1 & 2; Toronto ON 1 & 2; Hamilton ON
2012: Berlin, Germany 1& 2; Stockholm Sweden; Oslo Norway; Copenhagen Denmark
2013: Wrigley Field- Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA 1 & 2; Hartford, CT; Vancouver BC; Seattle, WA.
2014: Cincinnati, OH; St. Louis, MO; Moline, IL; Milwaukee, WI 2016: Wrigley Field- Chicago 1&2
2011: East Troy, WI 1 & 2; Toronto ON 1 & 2; Hamilton ON
2012: Berlin, Germany 1& 2; Stockholm Sweden; Oslo Norway; Copenhagen Denmark
2013: Wrigley Field- Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA 1 & 2; Hartford, CT; Vancouver BC; Seattle, WA.
2014: Cincinnati, OH; St. Louis, MO; Moline, IL; Milwaukee, WI 2016: Wrigley Field- Chicago 1&2
Travel to outer space or go deep sea diving?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
beer or wine
Would you rather take 4 4-day vacations each year or one 2-week vacation?
Chips and guac or chips and salsa?
Would you rather stick your finger in a pencil sharpener and turn the crank three times or pull out your thumb nail with a pair of plyers?
Poke a sleeping bear in a cave or run into a lion exhibit at the zoo covered in goose liver pate?
Blonds or Brunettes?
whiskey or vodka?
Party in a bar or drinks on your cabin porch with the sunset
Would you rather drive or fly somewhere on a road trip?
Retire to the beach or the mountains?
Talk on the phone or text?
Walk out of the bathroom with your fly open, or toilet paper trailing from your shoe?
Would you rather burn your dinner or pay for take out that sucks?
beer: bottle, can, or draft?
Would you rather see your favorite sporst team get blown out or lose a heartbreaker in OT?
would you rather see PJ open in a small venue or headline in a huge stadium?
Acoustic or Electric?
bass or guitar?
Would you rather go out to a shitty bar with good company, or an awesome place in the company of idiots?
2011: East Troy, WI 1 & 2; Toronto ON 1 & 2; Hamilton ON
2012: Berlin, Germany 1& 2; Stockholm Sweden; Oslo Norway; Copenhagen Denmark
2013: Wrigley Field- Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA 1 & 2; Hartford, CT; Vancouver BC; Seattle, WA.
2014: Cincinnati, OH; St. Louis, MO; Moline, IL; Milwaukee, WI
2016: Wrigley Field- Chicago 1&2
Would you rather play darts or pool?
Would you rather it snow or rain?
2011: East Troy, WI 1 & 2; Toronto ON 1 & 2; Hamilton ON
2012: Berlin, Germany 1& 2; Stockholm Sweden; Oslo Norway; Copenhagen Denmark
2013: Wrigley Field- Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA 1 & 2; Hartford, CT; Vancouver BC; Seattle, WA.
2014: Cincinnati, OH; St. Louis, MO; Moline, IL; Milwaukee, WI
2016: Wrigley Field- Chicago 1&2
Would you rather be Hannibal Lecter's cell mate or be on the run from Anton Chigurh?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Would you rather be stung by a jelly fish or pinched by a crab?
Get all the credit, but none of the money for writing Like a Rolling Stone
Get all the credit AND all the money for writing the complete works of Nickelback?
Would you rather have a bloody nose or a bloody lip?
Blood on your pants
Blood on your shirt?
Blood on my shirt. It's harder for me to find pants that fit becuase I'm tall and skinny like a mop.
Would you rather have a delicious meal that makes you sick or a terrible meal that's burned and dried out but you feel fine afterwards?
Would you rather stick your toe or finger into an eletrical outlet?
Be able to sing
Be able to play guitar?