It is one of the old all in one monstrous systems. I am definitely leaning towards just buying a new turntable and using my existing system as well. I will try the counterweight suggestion and see what occurs. My receiver and component system does have a phono input so all I would need is a turntbale so it shouldn't be too hard. I just like the vintage look of the old systems like that. Maybe I can keep it for sentimental sake and spin on a new table.
Everyone relax a bit. I have fixed turntables from the 20s and 30s (VICs) so THIS IS NOT A BIG ISSUE. Try the counterweight if you Can't Hardly Wait (if it has one) but anything is fixable, usually pretty cheaply, but there is a process. Start with A, PM me a GOOD PIC of the table, and IT"S ARM, THE WHOLE ARM. Solution A is a temporary fix, until Monday, when I can get a look at it. IT"S A NICE PIECE OF HISTORY, IT PLAYS, SO DO NOT GO TEARING INTO HISTORY, OR YOU MAY AS WELL JUST SEND ME YOUR HISTORIC VINYL ALSO. Again, this is easy, don't make it hard! NOW, i'm going to the mountains. If you get a tool anywhere near that thing before Monday, you are going to make it worse. The dimensions of turntables are different, and if you buy a later (70s) model you will need to Pre-Amp it to get any sound (Pain in the ass), so like I said, relax, I am going to meditate, and I will fix this on Monday.
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
"Mr. High-Fidelity" has indeed returned from his mountain retreat... I have 300 acres with a small cabin on it in upstate NY, near Hornell, up in the mountains, where I go to meditate. (Yes, i'm Buddhist). But I have returned clear headed, and full of bliss. I sowed poetry into the grass with every step I took, except for the bear....I ran like hell! So, first off, we all must be more blissful in our forum. Let's try a little kindness, maybe even a little helpfulness and everyone will have a sweat ass table to spin their black circles. I received a number of PMs that I will respond to tomorrow, when I get back to the shop. The report from the shop is that it was a banner weekend....thus preventing layoffs for another couple of months. Gotta love the holidays and the green disease So, I am officially back on the job. Tell me, Mr. rip this S&%T apart and drop in a new has the bootleg weekend fix worked? This I need to know to properly fix your issue, and since everyone seems to enjoy reading my rants and raves, let me know. High-Fidelity is on the job!
Now may everything, young or old, weak or strong, near or far, known or unknown, living or departed, or as of yet unborn, may everything be full of bliss. -buddha
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
"Mr. High-Fidelity" has indeed returned from his mountain retreat... I have 300 acres with a small cabin on it in upstate NY, near Hornell, up in the mountains, where I go to meditate. (Yes, i'm Buddhist). But I have returned clear headed, and full of bliss. I sowed poetry into the grass with every step I took, except for the bear....I ran like hell! So, first off, we all must be more blissful in our forum. Let's try a little kindness, maybe even a little helpfulness and everyone will have a sweat ass table to spin their black circles. I received a number of PMs that I will respond to tomorrow, when I get back to the shop. The report from the shop is that it was a banner weekend....thus preventing layoffs for another couple of months. Gotta love the holidays and the green disease So, I am officially back on the job. Tell me, Mr. rip this S&%T apart and drop in a new has the bootleg weekend fix worked? This I need to know to properly fix your issue, and since everyone seems to enjoy reading my rants and raves, let me know. High-Fidelity is on the job!
Now may everything, young or old, weak or strong, near or far, known or unknown, living or departed, or as of yet unborn, may everything be full of bliss. -buddha
I think we need to start a new thread for you, Mr. Hi-Fidelity.
I'm not sure what the title should be (maybe that should be your job), but i feel like, more than a State of the Union from our President, and more than any trivial stock market report or nightly news cast, that some sort of periodic Updates From the Record Shop would be of great benefit to all our hearts and minds.
Anyone who can successfully run a record shop full of stoners, while alternating between boot-stomping green diseasers, and sowing poetry with his soles while on a Buddhist retreat, who also likes the band, hates Tiffany, and has a Record Attack Dog (even if said dog is just a quirky literary device?) gets my vote for Status Update Guy.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"Mr. High-Fidelity" has indeed returned from his mountain retreat... I have 300 acres with a small cabin on it in upstate NY, near Hornell, up in the mountains, where I go to meditate. (Yes, i'm Buddhist). But I have returned clear headed, and full of bliss. I sowed poetry into the grass with every step I took, except for the bear....I ran like hell! So, first off, we all must be more blissful in our forum. Let's try a little kindness, maybe even a little helpfulness and everyone will have a sweat ass table to spin their black circles. I received a number of PMs that I will respond to tomorrow, when I get back to the shop. The report from the shop is that it was a banner weekend....thus preventing layoffs for another couple of months. Gotta love the holidays and the green disease So, I am officially back on the job. Tell me, Mr. rip this S&%T apart and drop in a new has the bootleg weekend fix worked? This I need to know to properly fix your issue, and since everyone seems to enjoy reading my rants and raves, let me know. High-Fidelity is on the job!
Now may everything, young or old, weak or strong, near or far, known or unknown, living or departed, or as of yet unborn, may everything be full of bliss. -buddha
The bootleg suggestion did not work all that well unfortunately. So, I removed the back of the console and undid the turntable from the cabinet to see if I could just drop another one that fits the space. I would much rather keep the one that fits there for many purposes. There are a few knobs on the arm that I am not sure what they are. Maybe an anti-skate of counterweight? I am not sure.....
"Mr. High-Fidelity" has indeed returned from his mountain retreat... I have 300 acres with a small cabin on it in upstate NY, near Hornell, up in the mountains, where I go to meditate. (Yes, i'm Buddhist). But I have returned clear headed, and full of bliss. I sowed poetry into the grass with every step I took, except for the bear....I ran like hell! So, first off, we all must be more blissful in our forum. Let's try a little kindness, maybe even a little helpfulness and everyone will have a sweat ass table to spin their black circles. I received a number of PMs that I will respond to tomorrow, when I get back to the shop. The report from the shop is that it was a banner weekend....thus preventing layoffs for another couple of months. Gotta love the holidays and the green disease So, I am officially back on the job. Tell me, Mr. rip this S&%T apart and drop in a new has the bootleg weekend fix worked? This I need to know to properly fix your issue, and since everyone seems to enjoy reading my rants and raves, let me know. High-Fidelity is on the job!
Now may everything, young or old, weak or strong, near or far, known or unknown, living or departed, or as of yet unborn, may everything be full of bliss. -buddha
The bootleg suggestion did not work all that well unfortunately. So, I removed the back of the console and undid the turntable from the cabinet to see if I could just drop another one that fits the space. I would much rather keep the one that fits there for many purposes. There are a few knobs on the arm that I am not sure what they are. Maybe an anti-skate of counterweight? I am not sure.....
There appears to be an anti-skate on many of those turntables, judging by the pictures.
You should start with adjusting the counterweight first though. then move to the antiskate.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"Mr. High-Fidelity" has indeed returned from his mountain retreat... I have 300 acres with a small cabin on it in upstate NY, near Hornell, up in the mountains, where I go to meditate. (Yes, i'm Buddhist). But I have returned clear headed, and full of bliss. I sowed poetry into the grass with every step I took, except for the bear....I ran like hell! So, first off, we all must be more blissful in our forum. Let's try a little kindness, maybe even a little helpfulness and everyone will have a sweat ass table to spin their black circles. I received a number of PMs that I will respond to tomorrow, when I get back to the shop. The report from the shop is that it was a banner weekend....thus preventing layoffs for another couple of months. Gotta love the holidays and the green disease So, I am officially back on the job. Tell me, Mr. rip this S&%T apart and drop in a new has the bootleg weekend fix worked? This I need to know to properly fix your issue, and since everyone seems to enjoy reading my rants and raves, let me know. High-Fidelity is on the job!
Now may everything, young or old, weak or strong, near or far, known or unknown, living or departed, or as of yet unborn, may everything be full of bliss. -buddha
The bootleg suggestion did not work all that well unfortunately. So, I removed the back of the console and undid the turntable from the cabinet to see if I could just drop another one that fits the space. I would much rather keep the one that fits there for many purposes. There are a few knobs on the arm that I am not sure what they are. Maybe an anti-skate of counterweight? I am not sure.....
There appears to be an anti-skate on many of those turntables, judging by the pictures.
You should start with adjusting the counterweight first though. then move to the antiskate.
That is what I am thinking as well but, which knob is which? I don't want to go turning things without knowing what they are.
High Fidelity chiming in have answered your own question, but more on that later. First off, I see from your posts that you have gotten out the tool belt and started tearing into things.... :? As I have said before, this is not a big deal, but some people cannot resist the urge to tear into history. So, a few facts for thought before you go tearing anything else apart. The last year Sears made the Silvertone was 1972, so consider where you got it, where it has been, and how it was transported to your abode. OPTION A.) Now, if you insist of trying to rip out your deck and install something later than 72, but not NEW, go to the nearest Home Depot and buy yourself a role of duct tape, a sawzall (Look it up), a belt sander, super glue, and some gauze! Now, you have already took the back off, so your half way home on your quest to destroy history. The first step is to remove the black tabs that hold the deck in place. Now, place your left foot on the console surrounding the deck, and with a MIGHTY anger, tear the perfectly good deck out of the console and throw it in a dumpster. The second step is to go to your nearest guitar center and shell out $500.00US for a used 1973 deck with a with exactly 4" bigger than the aforementioned turntable in the dumpster. WAIT....don't forget to shell out at least $50.00US for a Pre-Amp, because the 80 watt Powered Amp Peak/30 Watt Music is also in the dumpster. If you want to save the $50.00US, use the previously mentioned duct tape to tape the speakers around your head, because without wiring in the pre-amp on a later model deck, you won't get but hardly a whisper of sound. (this is too complicated to explain, but trust me, I know). Now, take your "new to you" (USED) deck home, unpack the sawzall, and remove 2" of wood from the cabinet on either side of the hole where the perfectly fine deck used to rest comfortably. Don't worry about measuring, because it will be off balance anyway. Now while cutting away the value of the antique, DO NOT accidentally remove a digit. If you do accidentally cut off a finger, aim for the pinky, as this finger most closely resembles the size of a cartridge. Take a moment now to use the gauze and maybe some "quickclot" to stop the bleeding. Don't worry about the finger, the pinky is recessive. In a million years, we won't even have them. Now take the pinky to the belt sander and sand it down to a fine point and place in a safe drawer as a spare needle. As for the diamond tip, just pop out your wife's diamond from her great great grandmothers ring and superglue it to the tip. Now, slam the new deck in and "pray to play".
OPTION B.) You have already answered your own question in the first place. Lets take a moment to reflect upon the facts that have been presented. Your flimsy, 2010 pressing of Ten skips a bit, but The Band, a 180 Gram pressing with nice deep grooves plays like Vaseline. Some police officers and detectives may call this a "CLUE" :idea: YOUR NEEDLE/CARTRIDGE IS BURNT TOAST. It has most likely not been replaced in YEARS. You should be replacing them every 750 hours, MAX. Now, I pulled a cartridge for a Silvertone from the storage/parts room and took a look, and I am guessing your needle is as flat as Kansas. Take a small jeweler's flathead screwdriver and remove the 2 or 4 (depending on the year) screws and GENTLY slide the cartridge off the tone arm. Contact Needle Doctor and buy a new one. Wait 1 week for shipping. Take advantage of this week by using your new Sawzall to cut up other antiques around your home. When the new needle/cartridge arrives, install AFTER reading ALL the directions. Play Ten. Enjoy. Thats it. Anti-Skate is not an issue with the Silvertone.
All kidding aside, don't drop a bundle and create havoc. Just replace the cartridge. It probably has not been replaced since before 1972, so that is about a google hours. It's a process. Start with the obvious, then progressively work the problem.
Now, a winter meditation for us all: White Wholeness. White light is composed of all 7 colors of the rainbow, so it symbolizes wholeness and purity. Call the white images of snow to mind to reinforce your sense of wholeness and purity.
This is High-Fidelity signing off for the evening. Viva La Vinyl
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
High Fidelity chiming in have answered your own question, but more on that later. First off, I see from your posts that you have gotten out the tool belt and started tearing into things.... :? As I have said before, this is not a big deal, but some people cannot resist the urge to tear into history. So, a few facts for thought before you go tearing anything else apart. The last year Sears made the Silvertone was 1972, so consider where you got it, where it has been, and how it was transported to your abode. OPTION A.) Now, if you insist of trying to rip out your deck and install something later than 72, but not NEW, go to the nearest Home Depot and buy yourself a role of duct tape, a sawzall (Look it up), a belt sander, super glue, and some gauze! Now, you have already took the back off, so your half way home on your quest to destroy history. The first step is to remove the black tabs that hold the deck in place. Now, place your left foot on the console surrounding the deck, and with a MIGHTY anger, tear the perfectly good deck out of the console and throw it in a dumpster. The second step is to go to your nearest guitar center and shell out $500.00US for a used 1973 deck with a with exactly 4" bigger than the aforementioned turntable in the dumpster. WAIT....don't forget to shell out at least $50.00US for a Pre-Amp, because the 80 watt Powered Amp Peak/30 Watt Music is also in the dumpster. If you want to save the $50.00US, use the previously mentioned duct tape to tape the speakers around your head, because without wiring in the pre-amp on a later model deck, you won't get but hardly a whisper of sound. (this is too complicated to explain, but trust me, I know). Now, take your "new to you" (USED) deck home, unpack the sawzall, and remove 2" of wood from the cabinet on either side of the hole where the perfectly fine deck used to rest comfortably. Don't worry about measuring, because it will be off balance anyway. Now while cutting away the value of the antique, DO NOT accidentally remove a digit. If you do accidentally cut off a finger, aim for the pinky, as this finger most closely resembles the size of a cartridge. Take a moment now to use the gauze and maybe some "quickclot" to stop the bleeding. Don't worry about the finger, the pinky is recessive. In a million years, we won't even have them. Now take the pinky to the belt sander and sand it down to a fine point and place in a safe drawer as a spare needle. As for the diamond tip, just pop out your wife's diamond from her great great grandmothers ring and superglue it to the tip. Now, slam the new deck in and "pray to play".
OPTION B.) You have already answered your own question in the first place. Lets take a moment to reflect upon the facts that have been presented. Your flimsy, 2010 pressing of Ten skips a bit, but The Band, a 180 Gram pressing with nice deep grooves plays like Vaseline. Some police officers and detectives may call this a "CLUE" :idea: YOUR NEEDLE/CARTRIDGE IS BURNT TOAST. It has most likely not been replaced in YEARS. You should be replacing them every 750 hours, MAX. Now, I pulled a cartridge for a Silvertone from the storage/parts room and took a look, and I am guessing your needle is as flat as Kansas. Take a small jeweler's flathead screwdriver and remove the 2 or 4 (depending on the year) screws and GENTLY slide the cartridge off the tone arm. Contact Needle Doctor and buy a new one. Wait 1 week for shipping. Take advantage of this week by using your new Sawzall to cut up other antiques around your home. When the new needle/cartridge arrives, install AFTER reading ALL the directions. Play Ten. Enjoy. Thats it. Anti-Skate is not an issue with the Silvertone.
All kidding aside, don't drop a bundle and create havoc. Just replace the cartridge. It probably has not been replaced since before 1972, so that is about a google hours. It's a process. Start with the obvious, then progressively work the problem.
Now, a winter meditation for us all: White Wholeness. White light is composed of all 7 colors of the rainbow, so it symbolizes wholeness and purity. Call the white images of snow to mind to reinforce your sense of wholeness and purity.
This is High-Fidelity signing off for the evening. Viva La Vinyl
Part of me is an idiot......just part of me because the part of me that isn't an idiot went and asked for help. So, what I did do was remove (carefully) the back of the console. I also very gently removed the black tabs that hold the table in place and lifted the table out. Since I have no patience at all I took the table to another place in town that would have a clue about these things. He looked and the table and needle under a microscope and said "did you know there are two needles on here" of course the idiot part of me did not know. It can be flipped from a LP needle to a 78 needle. So, I assume that I was only using the 78 needle because he had to flip it to the LP side. Eagerly, I took the table home plopped it all back in, secured it tightly, and put Ten on and imagine that! No skips! I still think I am going to buy a new cartridge and needle just to be sure. The cartridge is 57-8893D and the needle is 57-8811D. I will call needle doctor today! High Fidelity, you have really been a huge help. The live Talking Heads LP I bought that skipped didn't skip last night either. I am one super happy camper this morning. All I wanted was a vintage record player that works! I think I am pretty close to that now. Thanks again.
High Fidelity chiming in have answered your own question, but more on that later. First off, I see from your posts that you have gotten out the tool belt and started tearing into things.... :? As I have said before, this is not a big deal, but some people cannot resist the urge to tear into history. So, a few facts for thought before you go tearing anything else apart. The last year Sears made the Silvertone was 1972, so consider where you got it, where it has been, and how it was transported to your abode. OPTION A.) Now, if you insist of trying to rip out your deck and install something later than 72, but not NEW, go to the nearest Home Depot and buy yourself a role of duct tape, a sawzall (Look it up), a belt sander, super glue, and some gauze! Now, you have already took the back off, so your half way home on your quest to destroy history. The first step is to remove the black tabs that hold the deck in place. Now, place your left foot on the console surrounding the deck, and with a MIGHTY anger, tear the perfectly good deck out of the console and throw it in a dumpster. The second step is to go to your nearest guitar center and shell out $500.00US for a used 1973 deck with a with exactly 4" bigger than the aforementioned turntable in the dumpster. WAIT....don't forget to shell out at least $50.00US for a Pre-Amp, because the 80 watt Powered Amp Peak/30 Watt Music is also in the dumpster. If you want to save the $50.00US, use the previously mentioned duct tape to tape the speakers around your head, because without wiring in the pre-amp on a later model deck, you won't get but hardly a whisper of sound. (this is too complicated to explain, but trust me, I know). Now, take your "new to you" (USED) deck home, unpack the sawzall, and remove 2" of wood from the cabinet on either side of the hole where the perfectly fine deck used to rest comfortably. Don't worry about measuring, because it will be off balance anyway. Now while cutting away the value of the antique, DO NOT accidentally remove a digit. If you do accidentally cut off a finger, aim for the pinky, as this finger most closely resembles the size of a cartridge. Take a moment now to use the gauze and maybe some "quickclot" to stop the bleeding. Don't worry about the finger, the pinky is recessive. In a million years, we won't even have them. Now take the pinky to the belt sander and sand it down to a fine point and place in a safe drawer as a spare needle. As for the diamond tip, just pop out your wife's diamond from her great great grandmothers ring and superglue it to the tip. Now, slam the new deck in and "pray to play".
OPTION B.) You have already answered your own question in the first place. Lets take a moment to reflect upon the facts that have been presented. Your flimsy, 2010 pressing of Ten skips a bit, but The Band, a 180 Gram pressing with nice deep grooves plays like Vaseline. Some police officers and detectives may call this a "CLUE" :idea: YOUR NEEDLE/CARTRIDGE IS BURNT TOAST. It has most likely not been replaced in YEARS. You should be replacing them every 750 hours, MAX. Now, I pulled a cartridge for a Silvertone from the storage/parts room and took a look, and I am guessing your needle is as flat as Kansas. Take a small jeweler's flathead screwdriver and remove the 2 or 4 (depending on the year) screws and GENTLY slide the cartridge off the tone arm. Contact Needle Doctor and buy a new one. Wait 1 week for shipping. Take advantage of this week by using your new Sawzall to cut up other antiques around your home. When the new needle/cartridge arrives, install AFTER reading ALL the directions. Play Ten. Enjoy. Thats it. Anti-Skate is not an issue with the Silvertone.
All kidding aside, don't drop a bundle and create havoc. Just replace the cartridge. It probably has not been replaced since before 1972, so that is about a google hours. It's a process. Start with the obvious, then progressively work the problem.
Now, a winter meditation for us all: White Wholeness. White light is composed of all 7 colors of the rainbow, so it symbolizes wholeness and purity. Call the white images of snow to mind to reinforce your sense of wholeness and purity.
This is High-Fidelity signing off for the evening. Viva La Vinyl
Part of me is an idiot......just part of me because the part of me that isn't an idiot went and asked for help. So, what I did do was remove (carefully) the back of the console. I also very gently removed the black tabs that hold the table in place and lifted the table out. Since I have no patience at all I took the table to another place in town that would have a clue about these things. He looked and the table and needle under a microscope and said "did you know there are two needles on here" of course the idiot part of me did not know. It can be flipped from a LP needle to a 78 needle. So, I assume that I was only using the 78 needle because he had to flip it to the LP side. Eagerly, I took the table home plopped it all back in, secured it tightly, and put Ten on and imagine that! No skips! I still think I am going to buy a new cartridge and needle just to be sure. The cartridge is 57-8893D and the needle is 57-8811D. I will call needle doctor today! High Fidelity, you have really been a huge help. The live Talking Heads LP I bought that skipped didn't skip last night either. I am one super happy camper this morning. All I wanted was a vintage record player that works! I think I am pretty close to that now. Thanks again.
How are those old ass speakers sounding?
They held up, it sounds like?
I would have assumed they were poop by now.
but ... ?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The speakers actually sound damn good for something of this age. I have a work Holiday party all day today but I will post a few pictures of the console tomorrow. The previous owner was the daughter of the original owners. She claimed her parents only used it slightly since the 60's. I am not sure of the date it was made. Since her parents passed she kept it covered in her garage. It is in great condition. I am really excited to get this going. Now if i could only find a PJ20 LP to celebrate it being in working order!
Just spoke to someone at Needle Doctor. He was very helpful. He stated that they have a needle in stock but not a cartridge. He suggested fitting a new cartridge for the arm. The problem is that with mine there are only 3 "prongs" that fit. The Tetrad cartridge he suggested has 4. He said I would have to buy a bridge to fix that. I am not exactly sure what all that is. Am I better off buying a new needle and keeping the old cartridge? Thanks for the help....
i'm not sure i see why you need to replace the cartridge.
but then again, according to what you recently said, i'm not even sure why you need to replace the needle.
Didn't you just say it sounded fine?
If you want to ENSURE you've got optimum sound going through your tone arm, i GUESS it makes sense to replace the needle ... but if you've got SOUND (and it's not WAY fucked), i don't see ANY reason to replace the cartridge.
ask Mr. HiFi though.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You sir, are NOT an idiot. Everyone wants their gear to run great, much as I want your gear to run great. Never did I imply that you were an idiot, so lets not go and take things personally. But as you can see from my intimate knowledge of your deck, without ever seeing it, I kinda know what i'm talking about. I have been doing this for WAY TOO LONG, which will never be long enough. Regardless, you are correct about purchasing a new cartridge and needle. It's best to have the spare parts on hand when the old girl craps out. When replacing the needle, since I imagine it's the original cartridge, I would replace both. They will come in handy one late night when you are jonesing for some Tom Jones I Kid I Kid!!!! If Needle Doctor is going to break it off in your ass, money wise, just PM me and I will pull one from stock and cut you a deal (Cost to me is cost to you, I dont care about the $) and Needle Doctor can be a bit pricey. Listen man, if we can't laugh a little around here and relax a bit, this place will turn in to a dungeon. OUR VINTAGE VINYL HELP LINE thread will remain calm, blissful, and full of peace, or High Fidelity will take his anonymous help elswhere. I inject a bit of humor because it's fun, and people laugh, and thats fun. You happened to get to option C before I explained it, so good for you. And strangely, I woke up in a Talking Heads mood today, so I was spinning their True Stories LP when I saw this....weird! Anywho, glad you have all 10 fingers, and have a super duper holiday. If you need any further help, just let me know. Also, I have a pair of Bose speakers that I just rehabbed (Just the cones/magnets etc....Not the cabinet) that fit your speakers dimensions exactly. So if your speakers are toast (look for rips or tears (blowouts) in the cones), I will send you my set for free, and you can switch them out and send me the toast ones and then I will have another reason to ignore the customers ("I'M WORKING HERE PEOPLE, LEAVE ME ALONE"). Our customer service sucks Today a guy came in and asked for Loverboys Working For The Weekend :evil: Strangely, one of my better (soberer) employees had pulled the UK Import of just that from a lot yesterday, so she dug it out of the bin, and BLAM, another happy Loverboy fan :? Very Odd World We Live In. Later skater, Hi-Fi
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
I have the cartridge, no worries. Just replace the needle for now, we are not DJing for a crowd of 2000 at Club RA in Vegas with grandma's old Silvertone, so the cartridge can wait....don't bridge it, it just adds more shit to break, plus you loose fidelity in the transition. Keep what you got cooking. It appears you are cooking with gas, so keep it going. yeee hawwww
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
I must say, as much as I love my pair of Technics 1200 mk5s, it's cool to hear about these classic old console turns. Lots of great comments & stories. Maybe we need to have a special section on the site.
VIVA LA VINYL: Tales from the Record Store.
Mr. LongRoad/Hi-Fi can be the honorary moderator (when he's keeping the joint from burning...down). Ha.
Hi Fi, you are the man! I 100% know you didn't call me an idiot. I was trying to be a little funny as well. If we can't call ourselves an idiot then who can. So, I think I am just going to buy a new needle as you said just to keep one handy. I haven't inspected the speakers and they sound fine but, what do you suggest doing about the speakers? I wish you lived here in Iowa cause I would love to have ya over for a soda and we could listen to some vinyl! I was spinning Stop Making Sense by the Talking Heads. Seems as if we have some great taste in music.
Hi Fi, you are the man! I 100% know you didn't call me an idiot. I was trying to be a little funny as well. If we can't call ourselves an idiot then who can. So, I think I am just going to buy a new needle as you said just to keep one handy. I haven't inspected the speakers and they sound fine but, what do you suggest doing about the speakers? I wish you lived here in Iowa cause I would love to have ya over for a soda and we could listen to some vinyl! I was spinning Stop Making Sense by the Talking Heads. Seems as if we have some great taste in music.
True true my friend. Now although I appreciate your very culturally sensitive reference to buddhists not drinking ("have you over for a soda"), I am not the best of buddhists and occasionally fall of the meditation wagon and into a bar It does appear that we have one of the last unlocked threads, so lets keep the positive karma flowing....I would take a look at the speakers and just check the cones for rips/tears/especially around the bubble (rim). If they have deteriorated, it will break up at higher frequency. Like I said, I have little projects so I can ignore the customers, so if you need a new set, just PM me and I will send you the recently rehabbed Bose for free, just send me back the split cones and magnets and I will have another "ignore the customers" project. Ow, and you are still not an idiot. Quite intelligent, in fact. I couldn't have waited until I returned from my mountain retreat to fix it. My deck is NEVER down. And if it goes down, we lock the door, flip the sign to closed, and ALL HANDS ON DECK until the old girl returns to life! We usually take the rest of the day off, since the sign is already turned around. Have a great day amigo! High Fidelity is OUT
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
3 feet High & Rising - DE LA SOUL
Psychanalysis - PRINCE PAUL
Binaural - PJ
possibly a couple Christmas gifts for quality control purposes:
Bill Cosby Talks to Kids Anout Drugs,
He's The DJ, I'm the Rapper - JAZZY JEFF/FRESH PRINCE...
hmmm, maybe some AXE. (David Axelrod, for those not familiar)
I got in a lot today from the auction, maybe 500 lps, and was just flipping thru and there they were.....The doors catalogue, all tan label first pressings, and 98% of the Hendrix catalogue, all first pressings also.
So, this weekend it will be PJ20 LP 2, some Hendrix, and LUCERO's 1372 Overton Park on blue vinyl (Over and over again). If you don't have this, you is rebellious, southern, and touching. This LP changed my life a bit, plus I kinda got HAMMERED with Ben (Lead Singer/Guitar) the last time they were in town. SERIOUSLY HAMMERED, then he put on one of the best shows I have ever seen. I SAID GOOD DAY.....GOOD DAY!!!!
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
I got in a lot today from the auction, maybe 500 lps, and was just flipping thru and there they were.....The doors catalogue, all tan label first pressings, and 98% of the Hendrix catalogue, all first pressings also.
So, this weekend it will be PJ20 LP 2, some Hendrix, and LUCERO's 1372 Overton Park on blue vinyl (Over and over again). If you don't have this, you is rebellious, southern, and touching. This LP changed my life a bit, plus I kinda got HAMMERED with Ben (Lead Singer/Guitar) the last time they were in town. SERIOUSLY HAMMERED, then he put on one of the best shows I have ever seen. I SAID GOOD DAY.....GOOD DAY!!!!
Awesome! Congrats on the finds. I am jealous.......
Now may everything, young or old, weak or strong, near or far, known or unknown, living or departed, or as of yet unborn, may everything be full of bliss. -buddha
I think we need to start a new thread for you, Mr. Hi-Fidelity.
I'm not sure what the title should be (maybe that should be your job), but i feel like, more than a State of the Union from our President, and more than any trivial stock market report or nightly news cast, that some sort of periodic Updates From the Record Shop would be of great benefit to all our hearts and minds.
Anyone who can successfully run a record shop full of stoners, while alternating between boot-stomping green diseasers, and sowing poetry with his soles while on a Buddhist retreat, who also likes the band, hates Tiffany, and has a Record Attack Dog (even if said dog is just a quirky literary device?) gets my vote for Status Update Guy.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The bootleg suggestion did not work all that well unfortunately. So, I removed the back of the console and undid the turntable from the cabinet to see if I could just drop another one that fits the space. I would much rather keep the one that fits there for many purposes. There are a few knobs on the arm that I am not sure what they are. Maybe an anti-skate of counterweight? I am not sure.....
There appears to be an anti-skate on many of those turntables, judging by the pictures.
You should start with adjusting the counterweight first though. then move to the antiskate.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That is what I am thinking as well but, which knob is which? I don't want to go turning things without knowing what they are.
maybe not your turntable but, a general idea:
OPTION B.) You have already answered your own question in the first place. Lets take a moment to reflect upon the facts that have been presented. Your flimsy, 2010 pressing of Ten skips a bit, but The Band, a 180 Gram pressing with nice deep grooves plays like Vaseline. Some police officers and detectives may call this a "CLUE" :idea: YOUR NEEDLE/CARTRIDGE IS BURNT TOAST. It has most likely not been replaced in YEARS. You should be replacing them every 750 hours, MAX. Now, I pulled a cartridge for a Silvertone from the storage/parts room and took a look, and I am guessing your needle is as flat as Kansas. Take a small jeweler's flathead screwdriver and remove the 2 or 4 (depending on the year) screws and GENTLY slide the cartridge off the tone arm. Contact Needle Doctor and buy a new one. Wait 1 week for shipping. Take advantage of this week by using your new Sawzall to cut up other antiques around your home. When the new needle/cartridge arrives, install AFTER reading ALL the directions. Play Ten. Enjoy. Thats it. Anti-Skate is not an issue with the Silvertone.
All kidding aside, don't drop a bundle and create havoc. Just replace the cartridge. It probably has not been replaced since before 1972, so that is about a google hours. It's a process. Start with the obvious, then progressively work the problem.
Now, a winter meditation for us all: White Wholeness. White light is composed of all 7 colors of the rainbow, so it symbolizes wholeness and purity. Call the white images of snow to mind to reinforce your sense of wholeness and purity.
This is High-Fidelity signing off for the evening. Viva La Vinyl
Sept. 21, 2011 - Calgary Saddledome
Dec. 2, 2013 - "THE BLIZZARD SHOW" -Calgary Saddledome
Whiter Than The Snow
More Subtle Than The Ether Is The Self,
The Spirit Within Me,
I Am That Self,
That Self Am I...
rinse, wash, repeat.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Part of me is an idiot......just part of me because the part of me that isn't an idiot went and asked for help. So, what I did do was remove (carefully) the back of the console. I also very gently removed the black tabs that hold the table in place and lifted the table out. Since I have no patience at all I took the table to another place in town that would have a clue about these things. He looked and the table and needle under a microscope and said "did you know there are two needles on here" of course the idiot part of me did not know. It can be flipped from a LP needle to a 78 needle. So, I assume that I was only using the 78 needle because he had to flip it to the LP side. Eagerly, I took the table home plopped it all back in, secured it tightly, and put Ten on and imagine that! No skips! I still think I am going to buy a new cartridge and needle just to be sure. The cartridge is 57-8893D and the needle is 57-8811D. I will call needle doctor today! High Fidelity, you have really been a huge help. The live Talking Heads LP I bought that skipped didn't skip last night either. I am one super happy camper this morning. All I wanted was a vintage record player that works! I think I am pretty close to that now. Thanks again.
They held up, it sounds like?
I would have assumed they were poop by now.
but ... ?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i'm not sure i see why you need to replace the cartridge.
but then again, according to what you recently said, i'm not even sure why you need to replace the needle.
Didn't you just say it sounded fine?
If you want to ENSURE you've got optimum sound going through your tone arm, i GUESS it makes sense to replace the needle ... but if you've got SOUND (and it's not WAY fucked), i don't see ANY reason to replace the cartridge.
ask Mr. HiFi though.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
VIVA LA VINYL: Tales from the Record Store.
Mr. LongRoad/Hi-Fi can be the honorary moderator (when he's keeping the joint from burning...down). Ha.
Sept. 21, 2011 - Calgary Saddledome
Dec. 2, 2013 - "THE BLIZZARD SHOW" -Calgary Saddledome
True true my friend. Now although I appreciate your very culturally sensitive reference to buddhists not drinking ("have you over for a soda"), I am not the best of buddhists and occasionally fall of the meditation wagon and into a bar
Psychanalysis - PRINCE PAUL
Binaural - PJ
possibly a couple Christmas gifts for quality control purposes:
Bill Cosby Talks to Kids Anout Drugs,
He's The DJ, I'm the Rapper - JAZZY JEFF/FRESH PRINCE...
hmmm, maybe some AXE. (David Axelrod, for those not familiar)
Anyone else?
Sept. 21, 2011 - Calgary Saddledome
Dec. 2, 2013 - "THE BLIZZARD SHOW" -Calgary Saddledome
"Thriller" Michael Jackson
"Vitalogy" PJ
and some Christmas albums
So, this weekend it will be PJ20 LP 2, some Hendrix, and LUCERO's 1372 Overton Park on blue vinyl (Over and over again). If you don't have this, you is rebellious, southern, and touching. This LP changed my life a bit, plus I kinda got HAMMERED with Ben (Lead Singer/Guitar) the last time they were in town. SERIOUSLY HAMMERED, then he put on one of the best shows I have ever seen. I SAID GOOD DAY.....GOOD DAY!!!!
Awesome! Congrats on the finds. I am jealous.......
would be fun to refurbish the guts with modern equipment but keep the exterior vintage.
Like mine?