Two 10C Tix to the Halifax show-$120.00 (roughly)
Two Planes Tickets Birmingham, AL to Halifax-a bunch more money
Having a girlfriend who wins the silent auction for the band autographed hockey jersey-absolutely priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!
A great show in a great town......we loved our four plus days in Nova Scotia and plan on coming back sometime, hopefully soon.
Yes, we transported back some Keith's!!!! However, I did eat all the Tim Horton doughnuts before we got to the airport.
Awesome to have visitors for the show... glad you liked the beer, and doughnuts! Congrats on the jersey man, and come back anytime!
Awesome to have visitors for the show... glad you liked the beer, and doughnuts! Congrats on the jersey man, and come back anytime!
As the other half of the Alabama team, just a quick note to say that I've never been in a more gracious, welcoming place than Halifax! Absolutely beautiful with amazing people!!!! We can't wait to come back!
And as a PJ virgin...I've never, ever seen a show like that! (I will also never wear spike heeled boots to a PJ concert again!). To my seatmates on row seven...yeah...I was the red-head jumping up and down like a maniac during absolute favorite and one big "please, please let them play this" song! Don't forget to email me those pics! You guys were the best!
And beloved, at least one of those Keith's better still be in the 'frig when I get to your place!!!
The Daystar
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
I am so glad I saw this show, it was the best one I saw out of the three I attended. My friend told me that the St.john's show wasn't as great the the halifax one. I am glad that I made the decision to have food for a month rather than going to Newfoundland. After seeing the setlists for those shows I am glad that my last show was such a great show. I am glad that Pealr jam came to my hometown and gave such a good show. Definitly my favorite pearl jam concert.
As the other half of the Alabama team, just a quick note to say that I've never been in a more gracious, welcoming place than Halifax! Absolutely beautiful with amazing people!!!! We can't wait to come back!
I'm glad you had a great time. Halifax is a wonderful place. Just don't come back in February!
Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam love to play and this concert was no doubt’s the best performance I have ever seen in my life. What a show ....I wouldn't be able to describe it in words. His voice was AMAZING, never missed a note. He was going nuts on the stage and the place was crazy....more than anything I seen at any other Concert (and I saw Metallica, Ozzy, Tool etc). They played all the best songs and Vedder kept telling everybody how appreciated he was to play for them, it was about 3 hours long with one 5 minute break. I will definitely go see them again if they come around (and they said they would)...anyway AMAZING!.....oh yeah, I got these tickets as a Birthday gift, they were box seats with a Bar fridge which was so close to the stage (to the right) that I didn't need the binoculars to clearly see all their faces. There was so much positive energy in the air that I can’t stop thinking about it and the concert was 4 days ago!
As the other half of the Alabama team, just a quick note to say that I've never been in a more gracious, welcoming place than Halifax! Absolutely beautiful with amazing people!!!! We can't wait to come back!
And as a PJ virgin...I've never, ever seen a show like that! (I will also never wear spike heeled boots to a PJ concert again!). To my seatmates on row seven...yeah...I was the red-head jumping up and down like a maniac during absolute favorite and one big "please, please let them play this" song! Don't forget to email me those pics! You guys were the best!
And beloved, at least one of those Keith's better still be in the 'frig when I get to your place!!!
I would like to note that she is the better half of this team from Alabama....and I will save a Keith's for her.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Not sure this is the proper place to make this response, but since you all seem to be responding to Tybird's previous post, here it goes...
Thank you all for the marriage know who you are...sad what you guys will do for an autographed jersey...shame on you! :::she says with a grin:::
However, to answer all your questions in one fell swoop...
1. Lawyer...try not to hold it against me
2. Tiffany, classic setting, at least a carat
3. Yes, it's serious; no, I don't intend on "broadening my horizons" no matter how much I liked Halifax and Horton's Boston Creme Donuts
4. Yes, I do sound like Scarlett O'Hara and can ride a horse, shoot and cuss with the best belle you've ever seen
5. No, a lady never talks about her age, sex life, or lingerie preference
6. Jeans, pink tank top, black boots, red hair, row 7, yes, that prolly was me, and no, I don't think the shirt was totally obscene, maybe borderline...
7. And most importantly, yeah, I'd go see them again in a heartbeat...and you won't convince me that "Down" isn't the greatest song ever written.
Thanks for the ego boost, guys!
The Daystar
The Daystar
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
we arrived just around 1pm, found out i was row 9 on mikes side!!! (ended being last seat in row perfect) after i met up w/ my friends at motel we decided to go hang around the arena to try to hear soundcheck, finally around 5pm we did : cant keep, low light, breath, fortunate son (w/ corin) & a few more i forget
security was not too bad except for the goin over the line bullshit, i was really surprised that there was show posters left after the show and picked one up!
driftin pre-set, s-k were really tight i did end up missing mother as i had to go up to get a drink, i could NOT believe they were opening with hard to imagine!! amazing!
all the 'man' songs, in my tree, both singles soundtrack songs,lowlight, glorified g, bushleaguer so many first time treats for me, what a nite.
after the show we were way too drained to hit up any of the after parties, thanks for sharing all the pics so far friends, i'll see if mine turned out tomorrow and post em here if they do
Anyone know why the cops hauled that guy out? It was up in section 31-32 near the first 1/4 of the show. On the CD you can hear a boo for no apparent reason and this is when this guy was escorted out. It was the same area as the crazy curly haired jumping guy (CCHJG) who ran up and down all night.
PS - PJ needs to play Magnetic Hill next Aug/Sept - 85,000 fans...think about it!
Barrie Ont 1998
"A fuckin' football" EV
Halifax NS 2005
"Fetch me a new guitar, I sha'n't be playing this one" EV
Not the same section, but during "Corduroy" security hauled two guys out just back and to my left (I was sec. 52, row 3, seat 11) for smoking a joint. Horrible luck for them.
And yes, Magnetic Hill would be cool to see, but I seriously doubt PJ is into playing for 85,000 people outside.
"We've done really well with teenage death songs." -EV
And yes, Magnetic Hill would be cool to see, but I seriously doubt PJ is into playing for 85,000 people outside.
If they couldn't see playing Live8 because of festival seating, I don't see them playing festival seating for profit.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
I am on the same boat as everybody else Pearl Jam rocked Halifax!!! I am listening to the bootleg now and I am taken back to Thursday nite! To feel that much unity and energy with more than 9000 people was amazing. A friend of mine came with me and she wasn't a PJ fan, she never heard of them. Don't worry she is a foreigner!! Guess what? she now is a fan. She was totally moved by the experience!!! I must say Eddie seems truly gracious to his fans! Hopefully PJ enjoyed Halifax and they will be back sooner than later!! Then we can all get together again for another unforgettable nite! Man this bootleg is giving me goosebumps!!! Cheers!!
I was right behind you to the right...awesome seats eh? ;-) Man....Im really glad the guy behind me got it actually..he seemed to really be enjoying the show......I had to throw him a high five even though I was insanely jealous. haha...nah...I really was glad for him...Ive got the pic by the way..but it's blurry and I only see the top of his head..heheh..I will post it as soon as I can...
Ya, I'm insanely jealous of him as well but I know his sister who was with him, photographed them with the tambourine. I think I found a new buddy!
Sward, right behind me eh! Awesome! You mean all I had to do was turn around to finally met you. Damn.
"It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)
Anyone know why the cops hauled that guy out? It was up in section 31-32 near the first 1/4 of the show. On the CD you can hear a boo for no apparent reason and this is when this guy was escorted out. It was the same area as the crazy curly haired jumping guy (CCHJG) who ran up and down all night.
PS - PJ needs to play Magnetic Hill next Aug/Sept - 85,000 fans...think about it!
The BOO you heard was probably for "BOOM" and as for the Magnetic Hill it would be great but I don't think you'll see it happen the boys haven't been playing festivals since 2000 *LBC* "Lost 9 friends 5 years ago this past May" there are reasons behind everything.
"It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)
Ya, I'm insanely jealous of him as well but I know his sister who was with him, photographed them with the tambourine. I think I found a new buddy!
Sward, right behind me eh! Awesome!
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to stick the tambourine pic on here..woe is me...
Yeah..I was on the exact end of row 12, McCready side..on the ailse. I was a ball of sweat by the time the show was done..and I screamed like a little school girl through most of it. I'm ok with that ;-)
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to stick the tambourine pic on here..woe is me...
Yeah..I was on the exact end of row 12, McCready side..on the ailse. I was a ball of sweat by the time the show was done..and I screamed like a little school girl through most of it. I'm ok with that ;-)
Awesome ... I was in seat 4, fiance was in seat 3. I wearing the blue LBC Hoodie ... I took like 148 photo's myself . You can only post the link to the image. After that we're going to need to organise some PJ get togethers.
"It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)
Anyone know why the cops hauled that guy out? It was up in section 31-32 near the first 1/4 of the show. On the CD you can hear a boo for no apparent reason and this is when this guy was escorted out. It was the same area as the crazy curly haired jumping guy (CCHJG) who ran up and down all night.
PS - PJ needs to play Magnetic Hill next Aug/Sept - 85,000 fans...think about it!
I swear that crazy curly hair guy was tripping out on crack... he was FUCKED, he just walked up and down the aisle the entire night.. I'd be rocking out and he'd just come yupthrough the aisle and stare me down.. haha, I may have been close to you.
Awesome ... I was in seat 4, fiance was in seat 3. I wearing the blue LBC Hoodie ... I took like 148 photo's myself . You can only post the link to the image. After that we're going to need to organise some PJ get togethers.
I think that's a great fact, I think there would be a lot of new PJ fans who would like to get involved. I've talked to a lot of people who were moderate fans (in Halifax) and have gone past the point of no return (where we all reside!)
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to stick the tambourine pic on here..woe is me...
Yeah..I was on the exact end of row 12, McCready side..on the ailse. I was a ball of sweat by the time the show was done..and I screamed like a little school girl through most of it. I'm ok with that ;-)
You MUST stick the tambourine pic on here, you absolutely MUST, you MUST, do you hear me....I need to see it!!!
Ya, I'm insanely jealous of him as well but I know his sister who was with him, photographed them with the tambourine. I think I found a new buddy!
Sward, right behind me eh! Awesome! You mean all I had to do was turn around to finally met you. Damn.
I was just chattin' with my sister, told her that we might get together to travel for the next show. She wants to know if she's included "a new fan!!!"
I swear that crazy curly hair guy was tripping out on crack... he was FUCKED, he just walked up and down the aisle the entire night.. I'd be rocking out and he'd just come yupthrough the aisle and stare me down.. haha, I may have been close to you.
I saw him jumping all over, even going down to the usher lady. He ran accross a row of empty seats at one point (why they were empty, I can't say...maybe just looked that way cause we were all on our feet.)
I was in row J of Sec 32, from the right side in about half way. I was the guy with the ($55) red-headed sweatshirt (dib dib dib) sweatshirt (dib dib dib).
But did you see the cops take that other guy out very near the start of the show??
Barrie Ont 1998
"A fuckin' football" EV
Halifax NS 2005
"Fetch me a new guitar, I sha'n't be playing this one" EV
I think that's a great fact, I think there would be a lot of new PJ fans who would like to get involved. I've talked to a lot of people who were moderate fans (in Halifax) and have gone past the point of no return (where we all reside!)
I've been past that point for many many years now ... hmmm let's see since "Jeremy" was released.
We'll have to work out a so called reunion in the new year, I'm all came for helping to organise some stuff for it.
I was just chattin' with my sister, told her that we might get together to travel for the next show. She wants to know if she's included "a new fan!!!"
That all depends if she can pass the PJ initiation - she'll have to sign up to the forum ... and listen to PJ 24/7 after that we'll test her lyric and trivia knowledge.
"It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)
That all depends if she can pass the PJ initiation - she'll have to sign up to the forum ... and listen to PJ 24/7 after that we'll test her lyric and trivia knowledge.[/quote]
Right on, if she's up for that she's in, otherwise we'll have to drop her like a hot potatoe!! Is your fiance going to have to pass the test or is she already past her initiation???
This concert was unbelievable, truly. I felt so welcomed, so comfortable, such a warm feeling. The set list couldn't have pleased me any more. The atmosphere that the band created and continued to support throughout the show was one I have never experienced before at any rock show and believe I will never encounter again. The crowd was completely awestruck from the beginning note. If I had wings, I would have flown to St. John's just to sit outside the venue and listen some more.
I feel like the most lucky chick in the world that I was able to be part of this concert. I have downloaded the show and it sounds awesome. I will never forget this show.
Cheers to Pearl Jam for being the most modest, true, dedicated, humanistic rock and roll band in the world.
They have a link there to get bootleg mp3's of each show on the Canadian tour.....just need to download an application and have a credit card.
Awesome to have visitors for the show... glad you liked the beer, and doughnuts! Congrats on the jersey man, and come back anytime!
As the other half of the Alabama team, just a quick note to say that I've never been in a more gracious, welcoming place than Halifax! Absolutely beautiful with amazing people!!!! We can't wait to come back!
And as a PJ virgin...I've never, ever seen a show like that! (I will also never wear spike heeled boots to a PJ concert again!). To my seatmates on row seven...yeah...I was the red-head jumping up and down like a maniac during absolute favorite and one big "please, please let them play this" song! Don't forget to email me those pics! You guys were the best!
And beloved, at least one of those Keith's better still be in the 'frig when I get to your place!!!
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
I'm glad you had a great time. Halifax is a wonderful place. Just don't come back in February!
Not sure this is the proper place to make this response, but since you all seem to be responding to Tybird's previous post, here it goes...
Thank you all for the marriage know who you are...sad what you guys will do for an autographed jersey...shame on you! :::she says with a grin:::
However, to answer all your questions in one fell swoop...
1. Lawyer...try not to hold it against me
2. Tiffany, classic setting, at least a carat
3. Yes, it's serious; no, I don't intend on "broadening my horizons" no matter how much I liked Halifax and Horton's Boston Creme Donuts
4. Yes, I do sound like Scarlett O'Hara and can ride a horse, shoot and cuss with the best belle you've ever seen
5. No, a lady never talks about her age, sex life, or lingerie preference
6. Jeans, pink tank top, black boots, red hair, row 7, yes, that prolly was me, and no, I don't think the shirt was totally obscene, maybe borderline...
7. And most importantly, yeah, I'd go see them again in a heartbeat...and you won't convince me that "Down" isn't the greatest song ever written.
Thanks for the ego boost, guys!
The Daystar
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
security was not too bad except for the goin over the line bullshit, i was really surprised that there was show posters left after the show and picked one up!
driftin pre-set, s-k were really tight i did end up missing mother as i had to go up to get a drink, i could NOT believe they were opening with hard to imagine!! amazing!
all the 'man' songs, in my tree, both singles soundtrack songs,lowlight, glorified g, bushleaguer so many first time treats for me, what a nite.
after the show we were way too drained to hit up any of the after parties, thanks for sharing all the pics so far friends, i'll see if mine turned out tomorrow and post em here if they do
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
PS - PJ needs to play Magnetic Hill next Aug/Sept - 85,000 fans...think about it!
"A fuckin' football" EV
Halifax NS 2005
"Fetch me a new guitar, I sha'n't be playing this one" EV
And yes, Magnetic Hill would be cool to see, but I seriously doubt PJ is into playing for 85,000 people outside.
Edit: Never mind -- there is a Boom chant after Breath, so I guess he was there.
Ya, I'm insanely jealous of him as well but I know his sister who was with him, photographed them with the tambourine. I think I found a new buddy!
Sward, right behind me eh! Awesome! You mean all I had to do was turn around to finally met you. Damn.
2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
The BOO you heard was probably for "BOOM" and as for the Magnetic Hill it would be great but I don't think you'll see it happen the boys haven't been playing festivals since 2000 *LBC* "Lost 9 friends 5 years ago this past May" there are reasons behind everything.
2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to stick the tambourine pic on here..woe is me...
Yeah..I was on the exact end of row 12, McCready side..on the ailse. I was a ball of sweat by the time the show was done..and I screamed like a little school girl through most of it. I'm ok with that ;-)
Awesome ... I was in seat 4, fiance was in seat 3. I wearing the blue LBC Hoodie ... I took like 148 photo's myself
2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
I swear that crazy curly hair guy was tripping out on crack... he was FUCKED, he just walked up and down the aisle the entire night.. I'd be rocking out and he'd just come yupthrough the aisle and stare me down.. haha, I may have been close to you.
I think that's a great fact, I think there would be a lot of new PJ fans who would like to get involved. I've talked to a lot of people who were moderate fans (in Halifax) and have gone past the point of no return (where we all reside!)
You MUST stick the tambourine pic on here, you absolutely MUST, you MUST, do you hear me....I need to see it!!!
I was just chattin' with my sister, told her that we might get together to travel for the next show. She wants to know if she's included "a new fan!!!"
Hope this works.......
Who me?? Or my sister?? LOL
I saw him jumping all over, even going down to the usher lady. He ran accross a row of empty seats at one point (why they were empty, I can't say...maybe just looked that way cause we were all on our feet.)
I was in row J of Sec 32, from the right side in about half way. I was the guy with the ($55) red-headed sweatshirt (dib dib dib) sweatshirt (dib dib dib).
But did you see the cops take that other guy out very near the start of the show??
"A fuckin' football" EV
Halifax NS 2005
"Fetch me a new guitar, I sha'n't be playing this one" EV
Hold the horse's man ... shes taken and married.
I've been past that point for many many years now ... hmmm let's see since "Jeremy" was released.
We'll have to work out a so called reunion in the new year, I'm all came for helping to organise some stuff for it.
That all depends if she can pass the PJ initiation - she'll have to sign up to the forum ... and listen to PJ 24/7 after that we'll test her lyric and trivia knowledge.
2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
Right on, if she's up for that she's in, otherwise we'll have to drop her like a hot potatoe!! Is your fiance going to have to pass the test or is she already past her initiation???
I feel like the most lucky chick in the world that I was able to be part of this concert. I have downloaded the show and it sounds awesome. I will never forget this show.
Cheers to Pearl Jam for being the most modest, true, dedicated, humanistic rock and roll band in the world.