
**Halifax Fanviews Here**



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    Listen I felt like I was sent through a time warp back to when I used to sit and listen to VS. Ten and Vit. all in a row over and over and just jonze. I couldn't even ask for a better concert. Everyone in Hali will be talking and preaching about it for quite along time. If for any reason Eddie or the band read this. Boys I've been waiting for this for a long time and so has everyone here. We will sing our hearts out for you and fill any venue you come to. We are probably some of the most dedicated fans you have i'm been singing and playing your songs since I was 12. I am now 23 and still die hard so. Keep us in mind. Couldn't of asked for a better show, it changed me and ripped my fuckin throat apart........Fuck Heineken, gimmie a fuckin Keith's.
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    i can't add much.

    my ninth show since the TEN tour in 92. by far the most amazing fucking thing i've ever seen. Man trilogy spread across three sets...Leatherman blew my mind. Off He Goes, Nothingman, Glorified G...BREATH. unfuckingbelievable.

    Daughter was truncated (no "shades go down" part or tag) but to hear it segue into Betterman was paradise.

    THANK YOU TEN CLUB! my wife and i, (40-somethings) were in the tenth row center right in front of Ed.

    A ten hour drive from Cape 'Liz Maine, and worth every second.

    Thanks PJ...thanks 10C...thanks fans who made it special and fantastic. I was in tears several times and lost five pounds during Leatherman.

    And still I haven't had a Keith's...;-)

    4/12/92; 8/9/92; 10/21/01; 12/8/02; 12/9/02; 7/2/03; 7/3/03; 9/28/04; 9/22/05; 5/24/06; 5/25/06; 6/24/08; 6/25/08

    ...there ain't gonna be any middle anymore...
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    go!go! Posts: 2
    Fucking amazing. I can't add anything to what has already been said. I just hope they return again sometime soon. It was the highlight of my life. Such a fun time. The atmosphere was filled with so much energy (and some weed).

    Yea, fuck it was awesome.
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    Touched wrote:
    Listen I felt like I was sent through a time warp back to when I used to sit and listen to VS. Ten and Vit. all in a row over and over and just jonze. I couldn't even ask for a better concert. Everyone in Hali will be talking and preaching about it for quite along time. If for any reason Eddie or the band read this. Boys I've been waiting for this for a long time and so has everyone here. We will sing our hearts out for you and fill any venue you come to. We are probably some of the most dedicated fans you have i'm been singing and playing your songs since I was 12. I am now 23 and still die hard so. Keep us in mind. Couldn't of asked for a better show, it changed me and ripped my fuckin throat apart........Fuck Heineken, gimmie a fuckin Keith's.

    if this is the same red i know, you fucking rocked the metro center. awesome getting to talk again after a while of being absent. wasent blood amazing.
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    I can't believe what i witnessed thursday night in halifax. YOU guys are by far the greatest fucking artists to ever grace the stage. Thank you so much for the best rock show in history. I seen you guys in vancouver and it was absolutly amazing, but this show in halifax is what i've been waiting for since i first listened to ten and vs, over and over again since i was in my early teens. I'm 23 now and you guys showed me the best fucking time of my life!!! For fuck sakes get Eddie a keith's .........CHEERS
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    mitchgo wrote:
    i can't add much.

    THANK YOU TEN CLUB! my wife and i, (40-somethings) were in the tenth row center right in front of Ed.

    A ten hour drive from Cape 'Liz Maine, and worth every second.

    Thanks PJ...thanks 10C...thanks fans who made it special and fantastic. I was in tears several times and lost five pounds during Leatherman.

    And still I haven't had a Keith's...;-)


    you gotta have a keith's. They are absolutely fabulous! And Pearl Jam.. they were awesome...
    We were practically behind you guys. My fiance and I. Section 52 row 11 seats 3 and 4.
    If I could I would see Pearl Jam again in a heart beat!
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    Psalty wrote:
    you gotta have a keith's. They are absolutely fabulous! And Pearl Jam.. they were awesome...
    We were practically behind you guys. My fiance and I. Section 52 row 11 seats 3 and 4.
    If I could I would see Pearl Jam again in a heart beat!

    You *were* right behind us! I was the tall balding guy jumping up and down like a moron during Leatherman. (sect. 51 seats 5 & 6.)

    It was like a religious experience. I can't wait for next summer's tour. I just can't believe how great the canada shows have been...they really sound like they've played 60 shows so far, instead of a dozen or so. How they are this hot after a long touring break, i have no idea. I have to chalk it up to the INSANE energy the Canadian crowds have brought to the shows. You certainly have to hand it to the folks in the Great White North...they have shown PJ some serious love.

    Now if only I can catch Faithfull and Black Circle at my next show...;-)

    4/12/92; 8/9/92; 10/21/01; 12/8/02; 12/9/02; 7/2/03; 7/3/03; 9/28/04; 9/22/05; 5/24/06; 5/25/06; 6/24/08; 6/25/08

    ...there ain't gonna be any middle anymore...
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    mitchgo wrote:
    You *were* right behind us! I was the tall balding guy jumping up and down like a moron during Leatherman. (sect. 51 seats 5 & 6.)

    It was like a religious experience. I can't wait for next summer's tour. I just can't believe how great the canada shows have been...they really sound like they've played 60 shows so far, instead of a dozen or so. How they are this hot after a long touring break, i have no idea. I have to chalk it up to the INSANE energy the Canadian crowds have brought to the shows. You certainly have to hand it to the folks in the Great White North...they have shown PJ some serious love.

    Now if only I can catch Faithfull and Black Circle at my next show...;-)


    Hopefully tomorrow... GreenMonkey will have his pictures up! that's his goal or plan at least.... :)

    you weren't the only one jumping up and down, there were many others... it was all in all a great time.
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    I was a pearl jam concert virgin....and I must say Halifax's concert was well worth the wait!!! All I can say is thank-you...for bringing us real music along with your comapssion for what you do. My one wish is to see them again, tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough. Unreal.
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    Mitchgo, I'm eating my heart out right now - I'm originally from Halifax but didn't go to the show. I went to the T.O. show instead, where I live now. I'm listening to the Halifax boot right now and it sounds absolutely killer. The boys liked Hfx. by the sounds of it..... And I think you're right - the Canadian shows have really given the guys a shot of adrenaline.
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    Awesome show. I saw them in Calgary earlier in the month and both shows were amazing. Can't wait to see them again!

    Still upset I had the tambourine bounce off my hand :(
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    mackmrlx wrote:
    Awesome show. I saw them in Calgary earlier in the month and both shows were amazing. Can't wait to see them again!

    Still upset I had the tambourine bounce off my hand :(

    I had the first hand on it and there were lots more after me as well. But Kudos to the man who caught it in the end.
    "It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)

    2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
    2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
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    TouchedTouched Posts: 15
    edited October 2014
    I can't get this fuckin experience out of my head. For god sakes come back boys we will show you the same good time.
    don't forget.
    Post edited by Touched on
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    Not much more that I can add to the comments posted so far. Simply amazing. The guys were on top of their game and were clearly enjoying themselves. My seats were so far up in the nosebleeds that part of my stage view was blocked by the sky boxes. When folks stood up, I had no view. Soooooo....me and my buddies wandered down to the top concourse of the lower bowl. MUCH better view!

    I have about 20 (purchased) boots from over the past 5 years, and Halifax was easily one of the best, no question. I downloaded the show the next morning and it's been in "heavy rotation" in my mp3 player and vehicles ever since.

    To the boys: When ya comes back this way, gimme a jingle and I'll buys ya a round o' the Keiths at the Midtown!


    - Astronomer
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    go!go! Posts: 2
    I agree Touched, it was truly amazing. Me and a few of my buddies have been jamming out Pearl Jam songs the last few days now, so fun. I can only pray that they return very soon.
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    Everything has been pretty well said. Thursday night in Hali was awesome. The show rocked in all aspects of the word. My finace and I sat in Sec 52 row 1 seats 3 & 4 ... translated that's 11 row back to Eddie's right. They were awesome seats, I was hoping to be closer but no complaints at all. We sat beside some great ppl from Maine who we're taking in their third show, hope you guys made out great.

    The bands energy with superb and in prime form. 2 hrs and 45 minutes and if Eddie would have gotten 7 more Keiths I really think he would have played all night long. Every member didn't appear to want to stop. Jeff was jumping around like crazy, Mike was pacing before his riveting solo's like a madman, Eddie was going insane and Stone was groovin' like no other (he wasn't dancing though guys). And BOOM had one hell of solo as well, kudos BOOM!


    If anyone wants an image please pm me with your email and I'll send it to you. Some of the images are quite dark, so in the next week or so I'll be trimming down the number of images in the album.

    Kudos, to the band for going across Canada and stopping here Halifax. We hope, pray and believe that you well return to the Martimes in the next tour. Thanks so much for the music you make so well.
    "It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)

    2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
    2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
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    The show was amazing, great set list.

    I just wished they had played Given to Fly and Present Tense. Other than that there are no complaints.
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    lannerslanners Posts: 458
    i just want to thank everyone who posted pictures. since my seats were up in the upper bowl, behind the executive boxes, there was no point in bringing a camera. not only that, i missed out on seeing some things because of where i was sitting, so these photos have just enhanced an already unforgettable evening.

    thank you thank you thank you!
    i. am. mine.
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    I haven't been able to read through the rest of the posts here, but I've got to put in my two cents. Thursday night was probably the greatest show I've ever been part of - and I feel that we were all a part of it after listening to the re-broadcast on Q104 in Halifax last night... when Vedder let the crowd sing the first verse of Betterman, it was simply amazing... and even cooler to hear it on the Radio. I'm downloading that bootleg NOW :) Even more amazing was that Vedder said that he was "honored that [we] know the words."

    Obviously an experience we'll never forget. I mean, any time you see Eddie Vedder sing half a song with a can of Keith's on his head, it something that'll be etched in your memory for a lifetime :)

    Thanks for the memories, boys!
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    maybe it's my home town bias but this is my faovirte show so far, but there is one left to go.
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    I have NEVER been so satisfied with a band! The show in halifax was just AMAZING and i would do everything to see them again! they were perfect, and I was so emotional. I have never felt so a part of a show, the audience was like on big happy family, it was great! They were great, and I quote the halifax newpaper the chronicle herald' if your kicking yourself for not getting tickets to this show you aren't kicking yourself hard enough' whoop!:D
    'Heineken, fuck that shit, get me a Keiths' Ed Vedder Halifax 2005
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    swardsward Posts: 586
    Sward, I was one of the first guys to touch it, and I know the guy who caught it :D ... I was on the 11th row in the center section.

    I was right behind you to the right...awesome seats eh? ;-) Man....Im really glad the guy behind me got it actually..he seemed to really be enjoying the show......I had to throw him a high five even though I was insanely jealous. haha...nah...I really was glad for him...Ive got the pic by the way..but it's blurry and I only see the top of his head..heheh..I will post it as soon as I can...
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    sward wrote:
    I was right behind you to the right...awesome seats eh? ;-) Man....Im really glad the guy behind me got it actually..he seemed to really be enjoying the show......I had to throw him a high five even though I was insanely jealous. haha...nah...I really was glad for him...Ive got the pic by the way..but it's blurry and I only see the top of his head..heheh..I will post it as soon as I can...

    Really need to see that pic, and you're right I was having the time of my life, so happy that PJ offers these bootlegs, sure makes the withdrawals easier to handle. Still totally pumped!!!!!
    I AM MINE !!!!!
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    tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Two 10C Tix to the Halifax show-$120.00 (roughly)
    Two Planes Tickets Birmingham, AL to Halifax-a bunch more money
    Having a girlfriend who wins the silent auction for the band autographed hockey jersey-absolutely priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A great show in a great town......we loved our four plus days in Nova Scotia and plan on coming back sometime, hopefully soon.

    Yes, we transported back some Keith's!!!! However, I did eat all the Tim Horton doughnuts before we got to the airport.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
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    SssSss Posts: 10
    Just got back from Halifax today!
    What an amazing time!
    My head's still spinning from all the excitement!
    Kind of sad it's all over though...
    Thanks Pearl Jam!

    Anyone got any pics from around section 53???
    The world does not belong to us
    We belong to the world
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    Hey does anybody have the Halifax concert they would like to trade for the Ottawa show? Harvest Moon is unreal and the crowd is full of energy and lively on all tracks. The ending of Black is one of the best you've never heard.

    Let me know macass5@hotmail.com
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    Cheers to all that attended the show from elsewhere ... it was awesome to share the experience with you.
    "It comes in a 8-pack where's the other 7. We've got band member up here they're dry ... We'd like some more beer, beer for the band and all our friends. Let's go." - Vedder (2005.09.22 Halifax)

    2003.06.29 ~ Montreal
    2005.09.22 ~ Halifax
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    tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Cheers to all that attended the show from elsewhere ... it was awesome to share the experience with you.
    Thank you....it was more than a pleasure to visit the lovely city and province.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
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    The show was amazing, great set list.

    I just wished they had played Given to Fly and Present Tense. Other than that there are no complaints.

    I thought the show was incredible, easily my favorite show of all time (live or boot) but I was surprised by how little of Yield was played and PT is my fave PJ song so it would have been nice but really when it was all said and done, great show and possibly one of the, if not the best of the Canadian Tour.
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    Does anyone know if/where I can get a download of the Halifax show? I was there and it was fantastic and I want to hear it again!
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