**St. John's 9/24 Fanviews Here**



  • maybe eddie will do a backflip into the crowd in philly.......thatd be cool

    I'll catch him when he falls.
    We had wonderful times... but terrible timing...
  • MJCMJC Posts: 1
    That was my first show, and it lived up to everything I hoped it would be! That guy who got dumped by the lady Eddie had up on stage must feel like a bag of shit for sure!
    What a performance...i'll be talking about it for the rest of my life!
  • The show was amazing. Everyone needs to understand just how rare it is to get a band still at their peak to visit St. John's. We're geographically screwed! That's what makes Pearl Jam different - I mean, a full fledged Canadian tour? Fantastic! And no better place to end up. That's why you're seeing so many people completely stoked about the show. The show itself was phenomenal, but for a lot of people, it was the biggest concert they've ever seen in Newfoundland. The only possible comparison might be The Hip.

    I got to chat with a few "Jammers" on George Street after the show (and a few drinks!). Everyone was having a blast. I think most of them had gone on a special Pearj Jam pub crawl, and gotten screeched in (Welcome to Newfoundland!) to boot! There were folks there from Winnipeg, Milwaukee, T.O., Moncton. It was great! By the way, I hope you're all feeling okay this morning. :)

    Here's to another great night of music and partying in St. John's!
    To the band: Thanks! It was worth the wait! But you better not wait another fourteen years to come back. :P
  • St. John's is the only way to end a tour. You have to plan to fly the band out of here to anywhere else. The flight to England is shorter than the flight Toronto. If the band are planning to perform again in the next two weeks after the ST. John's "leg" of the tour, then they need to use their second touring stage because their gear will never catch up to them in time if it's travelling by road.

    Starting a tour works here, too. Bands rent the venues for the rehearsals pre tour and hang around here for weeks blending in and soaking up the sun/fog/rain/wind/sun/warm/cold. Didn't Dylan and Tina Turner both do that?

    Dance and Sing along with Shed Devils at http://www.sheddevils.com/
  • BTW, something I forgot to mention is that I went to school with Kelly (the girl who Ed brought up on stage). Also, her last name is Harvey, not Henry as Ed kept saying.

    Anyway, I know one of the guys that got to go backstage with Kelly. I'm pretty good friends with his girlfriend. Apparently, he got to have a beer and smoke a J with Ed. And I thought meeting Mike and Stone was cool. ;)

    EDIT: He's going back again tonight.
  • Awesome show! I'm now trying to figure out if I can afford to go tonight too. About the cameras, I assumed they weren't allowed in so I stuffed mine in my bra. When I got in there was a sign saying "No professional cameras or video cameras" but I wouldn't take a chance on that. Find a friend with a nice rack and have her bring the camera for you!
  • Awesome show! I'm now trying to figure out if I can afford to go tonight too. About the cameras, I assumed they weren't allowed in so I stuffed mine in my bra. When I got in there was a sign saying "No professional cameras or video cameras" but I wouldn't take a chance on that. Find a friend with a nice rack and have her bring the camera for you!

    Tonight might be different, but last night there were scalpers offering tickets for $50 as we walked to mile one from the delta side. tonight might be different. Try to keep those prices near face value, if you can. Everybody wins.

    Dance and Sing along with Shed Devils at http://www.sheddevils.com/
  • no offense, but doesn't it say Bad?
    Yes, it does, but at the Toronto show, some people had identified the song incorrectly.
    RI 9/28/96; MSG 9/10/98; 2000: Want 8/23, 8/24 & 8/25; 2003: LI 4/30, LV 6/6, MSG 7/8 & 7/9, Mans 7/11, & Holm 7/14; 2005: Ott 9/16, Tor 9/19, AC 9/30 & 10/1, Phil 10/3; 2006: L.S. 5/4, IP 5/5, Alb 5/12, Bos 5/24, Cam 5/27 & 5/28, ER 6/1, ER 6/3, PIT 6/23, SF 7/18, Hon 12/9.
  • murph83murph83 Posts: 122
    absolutely incredible!!! i didn't even know what to say after the show, completely blown away. VERY high energy show. Whipping, do the evolution and spin the black circle all back to back!!! that was amazing.

    Can't to see them again tonight!!!
  • *speechless*
    Visit my Blog : Understanding Eli

    >>St. John's, Newfoundland, 09/24/05 & 09/25/05<<
  • I was in the second row on the floor, almost centre, on Stone's side. I wore my In My Tree shirt, I know Ed and possibly Mike saw it but they didn't play In My Tree... maybe tonight?!

    Ed falling backwards, sidewides and tripping at least 3 times.
    Fucking up the beginning of Leavin' Here 4 times.
    PRESENT TENSE! I hadn't heard it live before last night.
    Cool show poster.
    Being that fucking close to the band.

    So much more... gotta head out to show #2!
    Makes much more sense to live in the Present Tense.

    Shows: 05/30/03, 09/02/05, 09/04/05, 09/05/05, 09/24/05, 09/25/05, 07/22/06, 04/02/08 (EV solo), 08/08/09, 08/23/09, 08/24/09, 09/25/09, 09/21/11, 09/23/11, /9/30/12, 12/02/13... many more to come!
  • Thanks for bringing back (again) Cant Keep!
  • I can't get over the setlist from last night. So much from Ten and Vs., even "Black" and "Alive" which I thought weren't played so much live. And no new songs at all. It was like listening to the greatest hits album.

    I've only seen them once before last night, and the setlist was nothing like that. Is it possible they wanted to bring all their "A" songs, since they hadn't been here before?
  • Tobin wrote:
    Teenage Wasteland...That was Amazing!!!

    It's not F**king Teenage Wastland it's F**king Baba O' F**king Reily. I hate it when people screw this up.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    Ok..LONG POST COMING...just got back to Halifax from the St.John's and I am already going through bouts of sadness that I had to miss tonights. I have a feeling they are going to put on a doozy!!

    So...yesterday....let's start from the beginning.

    Have to send a thanks out to a girl on the bus heading to the Mile One Stadium. I asked her what stop we had to get off on..and she told us it was the same as hers..since she works at the Delta nearby...she proceeded to tell us that she heard the band was staying there....so....

    We decided to have a few beer at the hotel restaurant..just in case..first of all it was close to the arena and second of all...well you know...so..we picked up our 10C seats...Row 8 Stoney side..Thanks 10C..and thanks to all the shorties in front of me..amazing view....but back to earlier...

    So....we head to the hotel bar..and sit out on a patio area near the elevators that everyone was in and out of...We are there about 15 mins when I look at the front door of the hotel and see some red hair...and sure enough..it's Mike McCready....He and Stone pass us by and we give a wave and Mike stops....and we ask if we can shake his hand...No prob.....he was very nice.....as we have often heard...said we love em..and can't wait for the show...he thanks us and moves on..Stone waves from the elevator....so...20 mins later....Mike passes us again...and nods and waves over and says enjoy the show....wow..awesome....anyways..we decided they were on their way back for the soundcheck..and the rest of the band must be there...so..we debate leaving...but my buddy said we should grab another beer before we go...so......we do...and within about 5 minutes of that decision, out walks Eddie with one of his security guys (I think)...well...my bud says..."Hey Eddie..have a great show tonight..and waves...so Ed stops in his tracks and essentially waves us over....so we were there in a half second and I let him know I have been a fan for a long time..as does my bud and that we saw em in Halifax etc...and basically that they are great...so...here's the thing..Ed is holding my hand the whole time..hahah..I wasn't sure whether to let go or not..hahah..but he point at my shirt and said that he really liked it....Well..I almost whipped it off and gave it to him..ahhaha...anyways...he was very gracious and nice and mosied on with a smile and a wave back....so.....not to trivilize that in the remaining few minutes we proceed to meet every band member (Stone..this time hand shake, Boom..same...Matt...same)...saw Jeff walking..but only was able to shout out a high and receive one back!!...awesome.....but gotta say..to meet Ed was the pinnacle and I was glad he was so easy going..made it that much better. We made a point to not ask for anything..so..we have no pics..or autographs..but I think it helped us get to meet em..and thanks guys for being so great. Phew..long winded...it was an amazing show..and we met a lot of really cool PJ fans...to the guy and girlfriend from Ontario..PM me...you guys were really nice...And to the girl and her sis that got front row (I call you Hoody! hhaha) please PM me as well if you see this..very cool people..and...to the girl and her boyfriend...who got the setlist...please PM me too...I forgot to get all of your names..and you guys were all great. Sorry for the long post all..and enjoy the show tonight..bedtime for me. hahahahah
  • aNiMaL wrote:
    He climbed the rafters during Last Kiss?? I would have expected it during a more rocking song. :confused:

    He climbed a rope ladder and serenaded the folks sitting behind the stage. There wasn't any acrobatics. He just climbed up, sang to them for a while & climbed down again. His bodyguard helped him down the last couple of steps and then he stumbled & fell, but he was already back on the floor when that happened.
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • It's not F**king Teenage Wastland it's F**king Baba O' F**king Reily. I hate it when people screw this up.
    Dude, cool it... yeah, sure it's called baba o'riley... but a lot of people only know it as teenage wasteland... big deal, no need to freak out. Some people just don't know any better
    "If you love somebody, set them free... If someone loves you, don't fuck up." - E.V.
  • I was at the show last night.... one word.... AMAZING!!!!!

    I never ever thought that Pearl Jam would be playing my hometown, little St. John's, ever... but low and behold last night I was in attendance for the first show that Pearl Jam played in Newfoundland.

    It was my fisrt show even though I've been a long time fan, I'm not as lucky as some of you 10C guys that follow the band around, but I thouroughly enjoyed every single second of the show. The guys sounded awsome, and energy to boot. I think the guys were really into the second encore because Jeff and Mike never stopped jumpin around the whole time.

    The highlights for me were definetly Present Tense, Grievance, Gimmie No Lip, and the last three songs of the show... what a way to close out a show.

    Only regrets.... I should've gotten tickets for tonight as well!!!!
  • FlameHead wrote:

    I feel the same way, it's hard to formulate my thoughts, the whole thing still seems surreal. It really was amazing & high energy. As it happens I had two giants standing in front of me, partitally blocking my view, so I had to do a lot of duck & weave, but it was still amazing.
    Glad to see that Kelly Harvey girl got treated so well by the band. An opportunity of a lifetime to be up on stage with Ed & the band. I wonder how her ex-boyfriend felt when all that was going on! Haha. She also got to hang out sidestage with Ed's stunningly beautiful significant other, who had baby O in her arms for most of the show, and was bouncing her in her arms to the music! They had those big ear muff things on her that the guys on the airport runways wear to protect her hearing, very cute! :)
    Very amazing show!
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • V V wrote:
    sounds like a great night, thanks for sharing

    note to SEA do u mean "The Beat" ?? not English Beat !!!

    the band is called English Beat, you should pick up their record its pretty good
    ~It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not - ?~

    ~You laugh because I am different, I laugh because you are all the fucking same -?~

    ~Education is the most powerfull weapon you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela~
  • fpafpa Posts: 18
    Hold Crap, that was awesome. First concert ever and all I cAn say is wow.
    Sorry guys this might just turn into a novel, but need to share my excitment for this band!!!
    To start the night off me and the girl i was sharing my 10c seat decided to go to My Brothers Place for supper and a few drinks before the show. So we were there and within like 5 minutes the sound check starts. . . .HOLY FUCK. Can't Keep, Dont Givme No Lip (kinda twice cause they played it once in its entirety and they Ed asked to go over the riffs again, i cant believe im blanking out (sorry too much craziness on my mine to think clearly) but it was either Thermor Christ or Crown of Thorwns. . . .( FUCK WHY CANT I REMEMBER THAT grrrr), and Thumbing My Way (not in that order either) which is probably my FAVOURTIE slow pj tune. I was on cloud nine, didnt think things could top that till the show. With that the security guard fucks up and lets some of us in the resturant down to the merchandise table (before the doors open) and we rushed down, i got there first or second and bought a black limited edition hoddie,kinda sad they only had small sizes left in the green girls one, but I got the black one and the poster. As i was passing misses the money the security start freaking out at us for being there before doors open (oops but in all fairness we asked the first one before the left). They try to usher us back up but i already had the hoddie on and about to give misses the cash. Not sure if the others got anything.

    With that my luck started to change. Before we head down for a smoke before the show starts but I make a trip to the bathroom first and SOMEHOW left my poster IN THE BATHROOM, i was SICK lol so pissed. In my sadness I went out for a smoke and what not and met a great bunch of you guys from here (forum) and all over the states and canada before the show, you guys are a GREAT bunch of fans, hope you enjoyed your stay!

    My fan club tixs were decent (row v....like 20 or something) but there was these really tall fuckers in fuckers in front of us lol. I only got to see Eddie some of the time between these two guys heads if i moved the right way, awesome view of Mike and Jeff though. ANYWAYS, The show starts and Im ROCKING OUT singing to the top of my lungs, cheering and clapping, LOVING the show, but the people around me IN FAN CLUB SEATS just didnt seem that into it. I think i was the only one in my row that sang to songs besides Daughter, Alive and Last Kiss. The show progress (amazing THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) the girl in front of me SITS DOWN. . . .I start looking up in the stands and alot of people were sitting especially during the first encore I was kinda sad for a bit cause the crowd didnt seem that into it. . . .We might have made up for it during the sing alongs, house lights up, seeing everyone so into it, I was impressed how loud we were!!

    Thought i was gunna get to hear Sitting By the Dock of the Bay when Eddie was talking about looking out his hotel window ("seeing the dock and the bay and all the ocean around" or something close to that), it was close.

    The second encore is tearing the place down and during Yellow Ledder better a few people rushed up towards the front, being pretty close I said fuck this im in. The security started sending people back to there seats after a bit and me and the girl i was with just kinda stood in some seats that were empty (so woulda moved in a heart beat if their owners returned). They were like second row from the crowd right up front. . . .anyways I CAUGHT MATT'S STICK....really made up for losing the poster earlier, highlight for sure

    Ed climbing that ladder/rope, Mike rocking out, Stone singing Dont Giveme No Lip, PORCH, BABA O'REILY which is my favourtie cover, Lukin, EVERYTHING!!! Couldnt ask for a better first concert.

    HUGE Thanks Pearl Jam for making stop a little place called St John's. Im still in awe for the love they show their fans for making this stop. Frig even some Canadian Bands dont stop here during a "cross country tour", aparently Canada stops in Halifax. :) Thanks for rocking St. John's.

    Stay tuned for another novel on my Sunday night's show!
    I still can't believe PEARL JAM in Newfoundland

    I love you I love you I FUCKING love you
  • V VV V Posts: 5,191
    the band is called English Beat, you should pick up their record its pretty good

    ok i checked it and for some odd reason they call themselvies The English Beat on US release. Here in UK, name The Beat...i remember them in the charts as a kid, "Mirror in the bathroom" was their bigest hit here......... check this and i agree their did some good songs

    ~~~~~~~~~~ PINK FLUFFY LOVE PSYCHO~~~~~~~~~~
    Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
  • all i got to say is that the show on sat. just blew me away. i knew it was going to be wicked but holy shit man. eddie vedder sang his balls off. like an hour into it i was like " there's no way he can keep this up, he's gonna loose his voice or something". after two hours of rockin the place to pieces the band was just as fresh as when they started. i don't think there's a band in the world can top what i experienced at that show. the band was on fucking fire, i don't know what else to say. Thanks for the rock and roll

    longtime/ lifetime fan

    Eddie then told a nice story about a girl who got screwed out of tickets by her boyfriend who took this other chick. So Eddie's friend who met the girl, got her VIP passes, Eddie then brought her up on stage and the revenge was in order. He made some funny comments and then sang Leaving Here.

    Actually, it was Jill Vedder herself who gave her the tickets. I was on stage rocking out with her. I got to go backstage and meet the band and everything. I have to say that The Vedders are hands down the most GENUINE, down-to-earth people I've ever had the privilege to meet. Two very beautiful souls. I also told Eddie to say hi to Neil Young for me! Awesome!
  • yeah they could definately find a better way to close a show--

    looks like the people at the show tonight were easy to please-- a lot of people would say this what somewhat of a generic set.. glad to see everyone enjoyed it so much

    tomorrow's set will be better

    Ya, it was, but I thought it was going to be alot moreso just because it was their first time in Newfoundland, so I was half expecting alot more of their 'mainstream'.... So I was pleasantly surprised! I don't think my mind allows for complaints when it somes to PJ anyway.. lol so would have pleased me either way!
  • murph83murph83 Posts: 122
    I am just actually realizing what a fucking amazing show this was!!

    To everyone, download this bootleg!!! every song was amazing!!

    everyone needs to hear present tense!

    ...and the version of porch is the best one i have ever heard, it starts off slow with the crowd singing then picks up about a minute into the song. un-fucking-believable!!!!!
  • Lost_ClayLost_Clay Posts: 1,085
    spent friday at friends house in halifax ended playin bass and jammin out some ramones w/ them fuck yeah, i got about 2 hours sleep that nite and headed out for the shuttle bus to the airport saw quite a few pearl jam fans on my flight including sophie and sam, met a couple from san francisco as well. i've already blahberred(is this a word?) about meeting stone, mike and jeff but that pretty much happened next around noon!!! following that i was energized and hiked up to signal hill, just amazing sights up there WOW, after i got my 10C tix of course, row 8 mike's side, saw the guys in the touring van, really cool fellas

    wintersleep were pretty good, that drummer is a machine

    the 1-2 punch of nothing as it seems & given to fly floored me, first times for me, lukin was really kick ass too, it's like too fast to sing or rock out to !! heh

    present tense was off the hook followed by dont gimme no lip??! AWESOME!!

    1st encore was great, rearviewmirror was intense as hell and whipping afterwards!!! awesome, spin the black circle was great, leavin here fuck ups were hilarious and first time seeing baba & ledbetter awesome =)
    "ah fuck it get in trouble"

    06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
  • fpafpa Posts: 18
    murph83 wrote:
    I am just actually realizing what a fucking amazing show this was!!

    To everyone, download this bootleg!!! every song was amazing!!

    everyone needs to hear present tense!

    ...and the version of porch is the best one i have ever heard, it starts off slow with the crowd singing then picks up about a minute into the song. un-fucking-believable!!!!!

    Hahah Porch was insane, I had to blow up a draw for that song, cant get it outta my head either........
    I still can't believe PEARL JAM in Newfoundland

    I love you I love you I FUCKING love you
  • I don't have any words to describe that concert..but i'll try.
    I was really really really lucky to be able to go to two shows!. They were both Amazing!. I spent at least 19 hours downtown in 2 days hoping to see the band...but to no avail!. I did get to see Eddie getting out of the Limo. I almost cried. And on Sunday when he opened the show himself with "Hide your Love Away"....it was Awsome!!
  • Red LukinRed Lukin Posts: 2,994
    My girlfriend was able to get the set list from this show, and we ran into a few band members, as well as Eddie's wife and daughter in St. John's.

    We just got home from the trip and will post pictures later. What an amazing experience; from the pub crawl, the bars (Gorge Street is wicked), the landscape, and of course the people. Amazing!
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