As for the Leash tease, I was in the elevator after the show with the couple that got called up on stage for Harvest Moon. Supposedly, they saw the setlist and said that Leash WAS on it and then crossed out. Don't know if it was Eddie just messing around more or not, but that is crazy !!!
*Official Marker in the Sand Fan Club Junkie*
Member # 0003
wont let the light escape from me
wont let the darkness swallow me
As for the Leash tease, I was in the elevator after the show with the couple that got called up on stage for Harvest Moon. Supposedly, they saw the setlist and said that Leash WAS on it and then crossed out. Don't know if it was Eddie just messing around more or not, but that is crazy !!!
if it was on the setlist, maybe they changed their mind and are saving it for the Philly show. that crowd is going to be LOUD.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Saturday nights show was beyond belief. I waited in line starting at 1 pm to try and get up close, and was able to pull 2nd row on Stoney's side. I was surrouned by the coolest fans, and there were no drunks to be found on our side. I knew as soon as Ed started Atlantic City that the night was going to be magical. It is by far my favorite Bruce song and Ed more than did it justice. Sleater-Kinney kicked all kinds of ass on their set. The songs off The Woods really rock harder than pretty much anything they have done, and that is saying alot because they have some great albums. The Danzig cover was great, highlighted by Jeff wearing the most fantastic wig I have ever seen in my life, lol. And to have Ed come out right after and do the Promised Land, it was beyond words. Oh, and Matt's tamborine playing is top-notch . So everything is already off to a fantastic start, and once the lights go out, all we see is Mike and Ed. That's when my heart possibly skipped a beat. Present Tense as an opener!!!! I'm suprised it took them this long to realize how good it works to start a show, but I'm glad they finally did. To see Jeff and Stone each come up to the stage right as their parts kick in, it was fantastic. Evolution, Save You, Insignificance all rocked hard. Leatherman sounded good as always. One of the many highlights of the evening was the best performance I've ever seen Matt Cameron give at the end of Immortality. The man is an animal, there are no words. Ed broke a string in Not For You and had to switch guitars in the middle, and the crowd just took over for him while he was switching, clapping and keeping the beat. He adknowledged this afterwards, thanking everybody. The whole Leash tease was cruel, but I knew it wasn't happening anyway. Jeff just kinda shrugged his shoulders and mouthed the words "We don't know it". The 1-2-3 punch of Breath, State and Porch was perhaps the best sequence I've heard at a PJ show so far. The energy in the room was through the roof at that point. Gone sounded great, and it was a treat to hear a song so close to it's inception as that one. Nothingman was another highlight for me. The last encore rocked, and hearing U is always a treat. Ace Frehley got 3 solos in RITFW, and he tore up each and every one of them. Mike looked soooo happy, I was so glad for him. To top off the evening, I got one of Stone's picks, which I've been dying to get forever. It was the perfect end to an incredible night! Sorry for going on so long, but it was truly a special evening!
makes much more sense to live in the present tense
I drove down from NYC on Friday night with only a ticket for friday night. Went to show and it was amazing. During the 2nd encore one of the security women caqught me having a cigarette and good naturedly had me put it out. Well I was polite to her and she and I struck up a conversation on my way out of the show. I asked her how I could get a ticket for Saturday and and she dais she'd help. Well what she got me was an unused Friday ticket and told me to try it and if there were any problems to ask for her and she'd get me in.
I waited for the crush of people going in at 9pm and made my move. When they scanned my ticket it beeped meaning that it was invalid and they let me in anyway.
So cool of the people at the door.
Met so many great people, too many to mention. Thanks you all.
I'm off to Boston right now to go catch U2 Monday.
See you all soon.
- C
96- Ed in Pvd, NYC 1, Hartford, Ft Lauderdale
98- Hartford, BOS 1&2 00- Bos 1&2
03- BOS 1,2&3, NYC 1 04- BOS 1 &2
05 - Borgotta 1&2
06 - Albany, CT, BOS 1&2, NYC 1&2, Vegas
08- MSG I & II - EV Solo NYC 1&2
10- BOS, MSG2
11- Ed PVD, NYC1
...I still can't find the right words to describe it. The band was on, the crowd was on, and it was just utterly amazing- in the true sense of the word.
that's the way i feel. i've been trying to think of how to express how i feel in this thread and i just can't. watching that show last night i just kept thinking of how lucky i was to be in the building. i don't even know where to start. the whole show was incredible. i'm glad there are other people here who can do it so wonderfully in these fanviews.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
One of the many highlights of the evening was the best performance I've ever seen Matt Cameron give at the end of Immortality.
that, my friend, is one of the best versions of Immortality(side by side with the Benaroya version for me). Matt's performance at the end had me like a deer caught in headlights.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
if it was on the setlist, maybe they changed their mind and are saving it for the Philly show. that crowd is going to be LOUD.
PJ's security gave me a copy of the setlist. i have all three pages. songs that were on it and either crossed off or not played were: soon forget, footsteps, corduroy, better man, bu$hleaguer, down, smile, and Yellow ledbetter with a ?.
there is no leash on the copy i have.
the last page seems like they just listed songs that they might want to play, then crossed some off and rearranged them (they have numbers next to the song title)
can you feel this world with your heart and not your brain?
Great Show. I was overall VERY impressed by the crowd. Very little pushing and only a handful of people "getting back to thier spot." I had a rough couple weeks lately traveling around in a car for untold hours in Canada, traveling to Amsterdam on a crappy plane with smelly europeans, then coming home for 1 night and then off to chaos. Well worth my travels to say the least. I was AMAZED at how much weed was there tonight. every other show people on the floor were being told, no, no, no. I was center maybe 15 rows back. I had no smoke, but as always I came prepared with a roach clip, and got passed 3 or 4 roaches that were useless to thier original owners. Great people everywhere, I only met one person from the board, but we didnt get a lot of time together. Great times and looking forward to the spring tour. Peace. Bear
Tell the Captain the boats not safe were drowning, turns out he's the one making waves.
This show was the biggest letdown.. I have seen PJ almost 20 times including montreal and ottawa....and this show's setlist sucked...most of the people there paid a real lot of they could atleast play some different songs... I am the guy who started the DROP THE LEASH chant after every song... and no it was not on the setlist... I have it if you want to see it.....This show was a big least mix it up a little ad some different licks in.. the new song was good but if we all dont know it we cant enjoy it... For a small venue the intensity was hurting... must have been all the high rollers who dont even know who pearl jam is.....
This show was the biggest letdown.. I have seen PJ almost 20 times including montreal and ottawa....and this show's setlist sucked...most of the people there paid a real lot of they could atleast play some different songs... I am the guy who started the DROP THE LEASH chant after every song... and no it was not on the setlist... I have it if you want to see it.....This show was a big least mix it up a little ad some different licks in.. the new song was good but if we all dont know it we cant enjoy it... For a small venue the intensity was hurting... must have been all the high rollers who dont even know who pearl jam is.....
20 times = BIG DEAL
starting the "drop the leash chant" = WHO CARES
any person who can't appreciate that setlist = AN UNGRATEFUL CLUELESS SO CALLED FAN
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Just back to Chicago after two GREAT Borgata shows.
Personally, I liked Friday nights show a little better than Saturday.
Although, Saturday did feature more surprises to the hardcore fans (plenty of B-sides plus a newly written tune Ed did solo).
The venue was great. The carpeted floors helped provide great acoustics.
The Borgata itself was a real classy joint.
An amazing show, words cannot describe the small venue...
The Leash tease was right before Don't Gimme No Lip, Ed basically said he was full of shit...there was a "drop the leash" chant before the second encore and Ed said maybe next year...
The end of the main set with Breath, SoLaT, and Porch was amazing...crowd was really rocking at the end of the set and Ed climbed the speakers on the side of the state...
Ed did the new song (I guess it's called Gone) acoustic...
Ed called a couple that had just gotten married (he asked the crowd if anyone had gotten married in the last day) and sang Harvest Moon to them while they slow danced on the stage...I would consider getting married if it meant getting to go up on stage...
Leatherman was well received, no one was really expecting that...
Ace Freeley played RITFW with the band and had an amazing guitar lights came up for the song...
an all around amazing show - I cannot speak because I have no voice, they were on from 9:00 to 11:40 and that small venue was great...
damn this boot cracks me up so hard -
love the "drop drop dropping the leash" haha in spin the black circle - awesome
DROP THE LEASH DROP THE LEASH DROP THE LEASH DROP THE LEASH DROP THE LEASH DROP THE LEASH!!!!! I was front row on the rail...we were responsible for starting a few of those
Sorry is the fool who trades his soul for a corvette, thinks he'll get the girl he'll only get the mechanic...
It's like 16 hours since we left the show and I still can't find the right words to describe it. The band was on, the crowd was on, and it was just utterly amazing- in the true sense of the word. I was a little nervous after Friday night (lackluster, *in my opinion* setlist, coupled with idiots next to me) but Saturday surpassed my ridiculously high expectations.
My sincerest apologies to those sitting around me- I lost my shit at the start of nearly every song.
I don't know who of you I met down in AC, my roomate and I were the ones in the homemade song request tshirts- I had Soldier of Love for Friday night and Breath for Sat night; she had In Hiding. Thanks for making it so much fun. We'll see you in 06!
i spotted your shirts - when they played breath i thought of you glad you. ths show was truly amazing.
Set list: Present Tense, Save You, Insignificance, Given To Fly, Dissident, Even Flow, Leatherman, Immortality, Lukin, Not For You/(Modern Girl by Sleater Kinney), Wishlist, Don't Gimme No Lip, Breath, State of Love and Trust, Porch
1st encore: Gone (new song), Bee Girl, Harvest Moon by Neil Young, Nothingman, Once, Alive
2nd encore: Spin The Black Circle, Glorified G, U, Leaving Here, Rockin' in the Free World (by Neil Young)
This show was the biggest letdown.. I have seen PJ almost 20 times including montreal and ottawa....and this show's setlist sucked...most of the people there paid a real lot of they could atleast play some different songs... I am the guy who started the DROP THE LEASH chant after every song... and no it was not on the setlist... I have it if you want to see it.....This show was a big least mix it up a little ad some different licks in.. the new song was good but if we all dont know it we cant enjoy it... For a small venue the intensity was hurting... must have been all the high rollers who dont even know who pearl jam is.....
Well, if I went to the show and chanted for 1 song the whole entire night and they didn't play it I'd be pissed too. This isn't MTV Total Request Live just enjoy the concert!!
Randall's Island 96----NJ 1 '06
14 shows and counting
Set list: Present Tense, Save You, Insignificance, Given To Fly, Dissident, Even Flow, Leatherman, Immortality, Lukin, Not For You/(Modern Girl by Sleater Kinney), Wishlist, Don't Gimme No Lip, Breath, State of Love and Trust, Porch
1st encore: Gone (new song), Bee Girl, Harvest Moon by Neil Young, Nothingman, Once, Alive
2nd encore: Spin The Black Circle, Glorified G, U, Leaving Here, Rockin' in the Free World (by Neil Young)
holy shit. Thank you Pearl jam!! GO JEFF WITH THOSE ASS KICKIN *makin me weak* BASS SOLOS DURING LEAVIN HERE *DROOLS* GIMME GIMME GIMME SOME MORE!! hahahahahah STONE IS A FUCKING PIMP!! Stone you put the pimp hand down on the stonies ponies... hahahaha
ok seriously was Ace wandering around the floor like in front of the soundboard?
i had a blast at this show!! *waves* nice seeing everyone again!! sorry if i was a complete chatterbox.. lol.
oh and to the drunk fuck that decided to grind on my leg, spill your drink and then grabass/octopushands to see if ya spilled it on my ass? thanks that was fun.. *still smellin good thanks to LUSH*
SMitty there were like tons of people chanting drop the leash.. ehhh...hopefully tonite they'll play it.. if not PLEASE PLAY SMILE!!
fuck im gonna start a JEFF chant in philly just cuz.. oh wait im gonna do it like this J - E - F -F
**Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
From the moment Ed took the stage to play Atlantic City I had goosebumps. It ended with me being a sweaty, voiceless happy fan. I took my girlfriend to the show, her first. She is not a big fan, but she had a blast, I think she enjoyed watching how I get lost in the music and let loose even more. I thought the crowd was great, I was near the back of GA and had plenty of space to dance around. When Matt came out to play the tamborine with Sleater Kinney I lost it. I kept thinking about Fonzi playing the bongo's on Happy Days (showing my age). I was impressed with Sleater Kinney tonight, in my opinion they sounded better than when they opened for them in Hershey. When they broke out "Mother" I was wondering how they would pull it off, but they did a great version. As for Pearl Jam they were incredible. I was mad that I was wishing for summer to be over in anticipation for this show, but it was well worth it. I was lucky enough to get tickets from ticketbastard, but I would have paid the $$$ ebay was getting, not that I agree with that. It looked like the band was having as much fun as the crowd, their energy was great even while still recuperating from the night before. I met some great fans before, during and after the show. I was amazed at how loud the crowd was and how they got the floor shaking. I don't think any show will rival this one for me. The venue was intimate and the setlist was great. I was only hoping they would have played Footsteps to complete the mamasan trilogy.
My only regret was that I was not able to meet more fans after the show.
u guys really need to get out more and see more shows... this show was not that good... ottawa was a great show... and the 3 day tour in boston was unbelievable.....
These two Borgata shows were fucking unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in the front row in front of Mike/Mike's speakers both nights (and finally met wonderful board members....solat, lips, thatgirl, chromiam...hi guys! I had a blast)! Amazing!!!!!!!!!! To see Mike and Eddie so close (Eddie came over to our side a few times on 9/30) was just unreal! I need to get my pictures developed ASAP! Just to be in the room at such intimate shows were incredible! The shock from the band both nights was priceless....they so weren't expecting the crowds to be as ridiculous as they were!
10/1.....friggin amazing!!!!!!! The crowd singing the entire first verse of "Porch" was just chilling! During "Not For You" Eddie pointed out how beautiful it was how the crowd took over the song and it showed a real sense of community! "Leash" god, what can I say????? I honestly had an ounce of hope that we actually convinced them to play seemed so possible at that point! After chanting "DROP THE LEASH" intensely quite a few times, Eddie said "Point well taken...maybe next year"!!!! "Breath" and "Solat" back to back...awesome!!!! Opening with "Present Tense" was beautiful!!! I've never gotten to see "Leatherman" or "U" live, so that was a treat for me! "STBC" was great with the "Leash" insert! The crowd was crazy on "Given To Fly"! And to just be honored with a new song was priceless!!!!! "Gone" was beautiful and I couldn't be happier to have been in the crowd to hear it for the first time!
One other thing...I'm not sure if anyone else already posted this, but before "Bee Girl" Eddie said "We were gonna save this for Philly"....which I'm hoping means they have a lot of surprises for us tonight!!!!! I'll see you all tonight in Philly.............I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DC 6/14/98
NJ 8/28 & 8/29/98
NJ 9/1 & 9/2/00
PA 4/28/03
NJ 7/5 & 7/6/03
NY 7/8/03
PA 7/12/03
PA 10/1/04
DC 10/11/04
NJ 9/30 & 10/1/05
PA 10/3/05
NJ 5/27 & 5/28/06
DC 5/30/06
NJ 6/1 & 6/3/06
WA 7/22 & 7/23/06
IL 8/5/07
NJ 6/19 & 6/20/08
DC 6/22/08
NY 6/24 & 6/25/08
NY 7/1/08
PA 10/27, 10/28, 10/30 & 10/31/09
u guys really need to get out more and see more shows... this show was not that good... ottawa was a great show... and the 3 day tour in boston was unbelievable.....
Who are u again...When I want your opinion I'll give it to you!
If I had known then what I know now.....
"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it."
Marcus Aurelius
so your gonna give me my opinion.. makes a lot of sense... the show was good not great...get over it.. ive seen much better.. its not a big deal.... i was disappointed..the setlist besides the new song and ace was very generic...I was looking for some new variations of some songs... almost everyone paid at least 300 dollars a ticket some paid a lot more.. they could have at least played leash.. and i was not waiting for one song the whole time.. i would have been happy with masters of war or driftin.. oceans.. i can go on
One thing just hit me. I thought it was funny when Ed said Mike's guitar pulled a muscle. And then commented that he wondered if the guitar ever imagined that it would go from playing Peggy Sue to get abused by Mike. They definitely were having fun on stage that night.
Ace fucking TORE UP the solos on RITFW. I was never a big KISS fan, but let me tell you, he was ripping that song up with his 007 t-shirt. Seeing him jam with Mike and Stone right on top of him was incredible. You could see how into it they were. It was incredible.
I'm thinking about changing my screenname to ACEIZGOD
As for the Leash tease, I was in the elevator after the show with the couple that got called up on stage for Harvest Moon. Supposedly, they saw the setlist and said that Leash WAS on it and then crossed out. Don't know if it was Eddie just messing around more or not, but that is crazy !!!
*Official Marker in the Sand Fan Club Junkie*
Member # 0003
wont let the light escape from me
wont let the darkness swallow me
if it was on the setlist, maybe they changed their mind and are saving it for the Philly show. that crowd is going to be LOUD.
1 ticket = 2 shows
I drove down from NYC on Friday night with only a ticket for friday night. Went to show and it was amazing. During the 2nd encore one of the security women caqught me having a cigarette and good naturedly had me put it out. Well I was polite to her and she and I struck up a conversation on my way out of the show. I asked her how I could get a ticket for Saturday and and she dais she'd help. Well what she got me was an unused Friday ticket and told me to try it and if there were any problems to ask for her and she'd get me in.
I waited for the crush of people going in at 9pm and made my move. When they scanned my ticket it beeped meaning that it was invalid and they let me in anyway.
So cool of the people at the door.
Met so many great people, too many to mention. Thanks you all.
I'm off to Boston right now to go catch U2 Monday.
See you all soon.
- C
98- Hartford, BOS 1&2
00- Bos 1&2
03- BOS 1,2&3, NYC 1
04- BOS 1 &2
05 - Borgotta 1&2
06 - Albany, CT, BOS 1&2, NYC 1&2, Vegas
08- MSG I & II - EV Solo NYC 1&2
10- BOS, MSG2
11- Ed PVD, NYC1
And a ton more. 85 shows and counting
that's the way i feel. i've been trying to think of how to express how i feel in this thread and i just can't. watching that show last night i just kept thinking of how lucky i was to be in the building. i don't even know where to start. the whole show was incredible. i'm glad there are other people here who can do it so wonderfully in these fanviews.
that, my friend, is one of the best versions of Immortality(side by side with the Benaroya version for me). Matt's performance at the end had me like a deer caught in headlights.
wow what a night!!!
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
PJ's security gave me a copy of the setlist. i have all three pages. songs that were on it and either crossed off or not played were: soon forget, footsteps, corduroy, better man, bu$hleaguer, down, smile, and Yellow ledbetter with a ?.
there is no leash on the copy i have.
the last page seems like they just listed songs that they might want to play, then crossed some off and rearranged them (they have numbers next to the song title)
20 times = BIG DEAL
starting the "drop the leash chant" = WHO CARES
any person who can't appreciate that setlist = AN UNGRATEFUL CLUELESS SO CALLED FAN
Personally, I liked Friday nights show a little better than Saturday.
Although, Saturday did feature more surprises to the hardcore fans (plenty of B-sides plus a newly written tune Ed did solo).
The venue was great. The carpeted floors helped provide great acoustics.
The Borgata itself was a real classy joint.
damn this boot cracks me up so hard -
love the "drop drop dropping the leash" haha in spin the black circle - awesome
- Eddie Vedder, San Francisco 7-16-06, after botching Sometimes, the night's opener
Atlantic City: 09/30/05, 10/01/05
i spotted your shirts - when they played breath i thought of you glad you. ths show was truly amazing.
How I choose to feel is how I am
my whole life is like a picture on a sunny day
Well, if I went to the show and chanted for 1 song the whole entire night and they didn't play it I'd be pissed too. This isn't MTV Total Request Live just enjoy the concert!!
Randall's Island 96----NJ 1 '06
14 shows and counting
holy shit. Thank you Pearl jam!!
ok seriously was Ace wandering around the floor like in front of the soundboard?
i had a blast at this show!! *waves* nice seeing everyone again!! sorry if i was a complete chatterbox.. lol.
oh and to the drunk fuck that decided to grind on my leg, spill your drink and then grabass/octopushands to see if ya spilled it on my ass? thanks that was fun.. *still smellin good thanks to LUSH*
SMitty there were like tons of people chanting drop the leash.. ehhh...hopefully tonite they'll play it.. if not PLEASE PLAY SMILE!!
fuck im gonna start a JEFF chant in philly just cuz.. oh wait im gonna do it like this J - E - F -F
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
DUDE!! I was totally thinking the same thing. Does anyone know if he went?...I didn't read the whole thread.
"do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"
Good news people..Ive converted another person!!!!!!!!!!!
"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it."
Marcus Aurelius
My only regret was that I was not able to meet more fans after the show.
Excuse my rambling. See you in Philly!!
10/1.....friggin amazing!!!!!!! The crowd singing the entire first verse of "Porch" was just chilling! During "Not For You" Eddie pointed out how beautiful it was how the crowd took over the song and it showed a real sense of community! "Leash" god, what can I say????? I honestly had an ounce of hope that we actually convinced them to play seemed so possible at that point! After chanting "DROP THE LEASH" intensely quite a few times, Eddie said "Point well taken...maybe next year"!!!! "Breath" and "Solat" back to back...awesome!!!! Opening with "Present Tense" was beautiful!!! I've never gotten to see "Leatherman" or "U" live, so that was a treat for me! "STBC" was great with the "Leash" insert! The crowd was crazy on "Given To Fly"! And to just be honored with a new song was priceless!!!!! "Gone" was beautiful and I couldn't be happier to have been in the crowd to hear it for the first time!
One other thing...I'm not sure if anyone else already posted this, but before "Bee Girl" Eddie said "We were gonna save this for Philly"....which I'm hoping means they have a lot of surprises for us tonight!!!!! I'll see you all tonight in Philly.............I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NJ 8/28 & 8/29/98
NJ 9/1 & 9/2/00
PA 4/28/03
NJ 7/5 & 7/6/03
NY 7/8/03
PA 7/12/03
PA 10/1/04
DC 10/11/04
NJ 9/30 & 10/1/05
PA 10/3/05
NJ 5/27 & 5/28/06
DC 5/30/06
NJ 6/1 & 6/3/06
WA 7/22 & 7/23/06
IL 8/5/07
NJ 6/19 & 6/20/08
DC 6/22/08
NY 6/24 & 6/25/08
NY 7/1/08
PA 10/27, 10/28, 10/30 & 10/31/09
Who are u again...When I want your opinion I'll give it to you!
"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it."
Marcus Aurelius
One hour until the trek to Philly begins....
I'm thinking about changing my screenname to ACEIZGOD