I loved the toast. The coolest part was the crowds vibrations welcoming the little one. Vancouver loves you, come back soon.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
I totally loved it!!! I thought the whole night was perfect minus a couple things. I wanted to hear from others that went and get their thoughts i am also interested in knowing if it is going to be like this for the rest of the Tour or if it's just Vancouver.
Super Anal Security - I was on the floor and right by an aisle and security all night kept pushing me and my friends back into our seats even if we were just in the aisle. Even during the last song they kepty walking up and down the aisle telling us to keep it clear and to be in our seats. Correct if i am wrong but I was at a PEARL JAM concert....not the symphony.
No Beer - Doors opened at 630 and the show started at 730 with Pearl Jam getting on stage at 9 o'clock. So what time do you think they stopped serving beer??? Anyone....Anyone?? 9 O'CLOCK!!! What's with that, I have never been to a concert where they have shut down beer sales just as the opening band takes the stage.
$11.40 for 3 Waters - Since you could not buy beer after 9 my buddy decided to buy water. Bottled water was sold...but NOT allowed into the concert even though it was PLASTIC bottles. So he had to buy water in PLASTIC cups and for 3 water they charged him $11.40...
Those are my 3 complaints about the concert last night...just wanted to see if anyone else thought that part was lame that was there last night. I would love to hear from people who go the other shows if they had the same problems or if its just Vancouver and if the city really is becoming the "No Fun City"
Canadian Jackal
"and he who forgets...will be destined to remember..."
I was the guy dancing around towards the left of the floor. Oh god it was such a great concert. Being the hefty underage drinker I was I had a great time and Oasis is going to have to be damn good on thursday to compete.
Release was amazing, Better man, Daughter, Even Flow. ALIVE was the best song of the night. Plus Ledbetter and teenage wasteland were great.
I thought you pearl jam fans were going to be beardie lamo's but you were all great and i had a sweet time dancing on the floor with all the girls.
The most bittersweet thing about the show is the realization that it'll be a while before the guys roll through town again. I almost jumped in my car to drive to Calgary - it was that good.
What a show - 4th time I've seen PJ and it was the best of the lot. Eddie and Mike had crazy energy and intensity and the crowd was soooo into this show. I got great 10c seats (so much better than the last time - love the new seating policy). The band was into this show, the crowd sang along to every song and maybe 3 people sat in their seats in sold-out house.
The guys next to me were from Boston (one of them was seeing PJ for the 7th time and he said this was the BEST show he'd seen them do).
This was one of those concerts you remember... we've all been to those that are forgotten as soon as we get in our cars to go home... I left the show with no voice, completely and utterly euphoric - theres so much crap music in the mainstream and then you see PJ and the world is great again...
That was my 4th PJ show....saw Boise 2000 and Missoula 2003/Vancouver2003 (I actually picked up the hitchhikers mentioned in that show) and I thought that last nights show was the best I've seen. Sure the setlist didn't have alot of surprise (Bee Girl and some others not withstanding) but the sheer intensity and passion of the band and the crowd definately made the show amazing. I will see you all in Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon!!!
I had a blast, and the GLITTER TWINS were there w/our Stoney signs side-by-side, giving the man some love b/c he doesn't get enough of it!
The energy of the crowd that night was spectacular!:) I noticed from setting at row 24, the band was DEFINITELY feeling it! Everyone in our row was cool. We sat next to Prism and her friend, which was so cool! Seeing and meeting PJ family members definitely made my whole entire trip...thanks guys for all the love you guys bring:)
Onto the show...How could anyone argue w/RELEASE as the opener?! I mean, they hardly pull this song out :eek: This was VERY intense, as everyone was in shock by it.
And how could you NOT deny Stone's solos at that show?! PORCH?! DTE?! He was totally rockin' out. I screamed so much for him that my voice got scratched and left me in dire need of water We held up our signs throughout the show, at one point, he smiled at us for a while and waved good-bye to us at the end:) I love it when Stoney is feeling the energy of the crowd
Sadly, this and the Gorge are the only shows that I am going to, since I am poor and can't afford to take anymore time way from work. :( But, I can't wait for the US 2006...which I am looking forward to hanging out w/family
Thanks PJ for an AWESOME show and leaving me satisfied!;)
Mel-the only baby doll shirt I saw was a baby blue one that said Pearl Jam...it had nice lettering.:) and the stickers...oh man, it sucked that I was SO broke that I couldn't get any.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
First Pearl Jam show, and I'll never ever forget it. From the opening notes of Release, to the closing riff of Yellow Ledbetter... it was the best night of my life.
I had a blast, and the GLITTER TWINS were there w/our Stoney signs side-by-side, giving the man some love b/c he doesn't get enough of it!
The energy of the crowd that night was spectacular!:) I noticed from setting at row 24, the band was DEFINITELY feeling it! Everyone in our row was cool. We sat next to Prism and her friend, which was so cool! Seeing and meeting PJ family members definitely made my whole entire trip...thanks guys for all the love you guys bring:)
Onto the show...How could anyone argue w/RELEASE as the opener?! I mean, they hardly pull this song out :eek: This was VERY intense, as everyone was in shock by it.
And how could you NOT deny Stone's solos at that show?! PORCH?! DTE?! He was totally rockin' out. I screamed so much for him that my voice got scratched and left me in dire need of water We held up our signs throughout the show, at one point, he smiled at us for a while and waved good-bye to us at the end:) I love it when Stoney is feeling the energy of the crowd
Sadly, this and the Gorge are the only shows that I am going to, since I am poor and can't afford to take anymore time way from work. :( But, I can't wait for the US 2006...which I am looking forward to hanging out w/family
Thanks PJ for an AWESOME show and leaving me satisfied!;)
Mel-the only baby doll shirt I saw was a baby blue one that said Pearl Jam...it had nice lettering.:) and the stickers...oh man, it sucked that I was SO broke that I couldn't get any.
Hey Nadi!!
I'm glad you guys had a good time. 24th row...damn girl. I hope you two were able to see ok. What kind of 10C number did u have? (so I know what I'm in for here at the TO show lol).
Baby Blue T huh? Shit that is soo not my colour usually, and every show I've been to they've had a baby Blue baby T. I'll take a look next Sunday and see.
BTW I can't think your glitter twin enough for the 3 phone calls. Totally made my night. I gotta give Lyd my Cell number again cause after the second call my mom was getting pissed (it was after 2:30am here). hehe
I didn't care though I was shocked to be hearing PJ live!! I couldn't hear a word Lydia was saying in the third call...sounded like the show was over tho.
Anyways Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
I will say that of all the shows I've seen something like 25. The reaction from Eddie During "ALIVE" while the crowd was throwing thier fists and screaming Yeah...Yeah..Yeah" Was one of my greatest PJ moments. For those of you who weren't there listen to the download close your eyes and imagine Eddie with his back to the crowd and facing the people behind the stage... he turns around to the lights on and 30,00 fists in the air "yeah were still alive..." he was blown away. The smile he gave and the vibes thrown back and forth were unfreaking beliveable. There is a lot more to write I will throw together a Gorge/Vancouver recollection. All good i would say bring on the new shit.....
Coolest PJ Moment....
Watching Eddie swing his way around a dingy club in Tijuana Mexico by the pipes/plumbing. He was at least 30 feet up. He stopped on one of the speaker stacks...made some hand gestures for people to catch him and did a backward swan dive from 20 feet up... UNFREAKING believable
Hey Nadi!!
I'm glad you guys had a good time. 24th row...damn girl. I hope you two were able to see ok. What kind of 10C number did u have? (so I know what I'm in for here at the TO show lol).
Baby Blue T huh? Shit that is soo not my colour usually, and every show I've been to they've had a baby Blue baby T. I'll take a look next Sunday and see.
BTW I can't think your glitter twin enough for the 3 phone calls. Totally made my night. I gotta give Lyd my Cell number again cause after the second call my mom was getting pissed (it was after 2:30am here). hehe
I didn't care though I was shocked to be hearing PJ live!! I couldn't hear a word Lydia was saying in the third call...sounded like the show was over tho.
Anyways Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!
Hey Mel!! We could see okay. we were on Mike's side, but got a good view of the band though We used Lydi's #, I think it was 209xxx since she bought it already,and originally, her boyfriend was supposed to go, and I was supposed to get a ticket from someone else, but it fell through. He offered his ticket to me, since he wanted Lydi and I to have a show together at least. I feel guilty taking it from him.
hehe. yeah, she kept calling you, which was sweet. I totally forgot what other songs she called you for haha. Girl she made it a POINT to call you, I think she called you during Porch, if I am not mistaken...oh yeah, I think it was the one where all the band members where on Matt's drum set...EVERYONE in the band and they were playing to the people in the back. Pretty awesome!! I never would've thought I would EVER see that...Matt drumming, Jeff, Eddie, Mikey, and Stoney all playing to the back! :eek: :cool: those boys ALWAYS make it happen!
hehe. i am glad that you enjoyed the phone calls girl! and your show is next week...whohhhoooo. I am SO happy for you..I know the anticipation is killing you;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I had what I thought were amazing seats, thanks 10 Club... As I said to my friend, membership does have it's perks. I thought the band was amazing. Every song played put a smile on my face- Certainly was sweaty when it was all over... Do you think Pj will still be rocking when they're 60, like the stones are????
Hey Mel!! We could see okay. we were on Mike's side, but got a good view of the band though We used Lydi's #, I think it was 209xxx since she bought it already,and originally, her boyfriend was supposed to go, and I was supposed to get a ticket from someone else, but it fell through. He offered his ticket to me, since he wanted Lydi and I to have a show together at least. I feel guilty taking it from him.
hehe. yeah, she kept calling you, which was sweet. I totally forgot what other songs she called you for haha. Girl she made it a POINT to call you, I think she called you during Porch, if I am not mistaken...oh yeah, I think it was the one where all the band members where on Matt's drum set...EVERYONE in the band and they were playing to the people in the back. Pretty awesome!! I never would've thought I would EVER see that...Matt drumming, Jeff, Eddie, Mikey, and Stoney all playing to the back! :eek: :cool: those boys ALWAYS make it happen!
hehe. i am glad that you enjoyed the phone calls girl! and your show is next week...whohhhoooo. I am SO happy for you..I know the anticipation is killing you;)
Yes its killing me even more now!!
Ohh it was Porch?? All I could hear was the crowd during that one so I thought it was an encore break or something lol.
Her phone cut out quick too so its just as well. I'm overwhelmed she called me so much...but happy nonetheless. I had a SHIT day at work yesterday so that was JUST what the Dr. Ordered
So if you had her b/f's ticket, where did he sit?
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
I totally loved it!!! I thought the whole night was perfect minus a couple things. I wanted to hear from others that went and get their thoughts i am also interested in knowing if it is going to be like this for the rest of the Tour or if it's just Vancouver.
Super Anal Security - I was on the floor and right by an aisle and security all night kept pushing me and my friends back into our seats even if we were just in the aisle. Even during the last song they kepty walking up and down the aisle telling us to keep it clear and to be in our seats. Correct if i am wrong but I was at a PEARL JAM concert....not the symphony.
No Beer - Doors opened at 630 and the show started at 730 with Pearl Jam getting on stage at 9 o'clock. So what time do you think they stopped serving beer??? Anyone....Anyone?? 9 O'CLOCK!!! What's with that, I have never been to a concert where they have shut down beer sales just as the opening band takes the stage.
$11.40 for 3 Waters - Since you could not buy beer after 9 my buddy decided to buy water. Bottled water was sold...but NOT allowed into the concert even though it was PLASTIC bottles. So he had to buy water in PLASTIC cups and for 3 water they charged him $11.40...
Those are my 3 complaints about the concert last night...just wanted to see if anyone else thought that part was lame that was there last night. I would love to hear from people who go the other shows if they had the same problems or if its just Vancouver and if the city really is becoming the "No Fun City"
Sounds Like you were focused on the wrong part of the night...
New to the message pit! Saw PJ for the first time last night. I'd waited 12 years to see them live and I've nothing to say except that was an absolutely brilliant performance. I've seen some amazing concerts but this one took my breath away.
Vancouver, GM Place 2005
Vancouver, GM Place 2009
Seattle, EV Solo, Benaroya Hall 2011
Winnipeg, MTS Center, 2011
Manchester, June 2012
Phoenix, EV Solo, Comerica Theatre 2012
2nd show. 1st post.
tonnes of energy tossed from crowd to band and back.
anyone notice when Ed handed his beer(?) to a kid in the short seats backstage around the 2nd encore? the kid swigged and handed it back. only in Canada do we give EV his beer back...
not a lot of energy in the balcony, centre ice, 4th row. swaying couples dressed for the (otherthan 10) club. some stayed in their seats. still, an interesting view of the whole experience...tamborine celebrations...drum stick scrambles....and a bit of backstage. great show.
anyone know why Teenage Wasteland didn't come through on my download?
My first ever show...blown away...intensity was incredible...I thought PJ (from reviews of 00/03 shows) would be more subdued...fuck that they were jumping around like crazy...intensity was incredible...crowd was the loudest crowd I have ever seen...saw the show from the deck side-stage (only show without 10C tix)..great view IMHO...heres a detailed review as I can remember
Release...fan of 13 years what better song to hear for your first ever live song...beautiful...stunning...was in complete awe...
Go...right into it...crazy the place was jumping right from the get-go...I was losing it...rocking out as I have never rocked out before...
Animal....allowed the crowd to reach a higher energy level....great song
Save You....amazing live...always a big fan but not a huge fan...Ed's intensity in the lyrics was crazy....I found the crowd to really enjoy this one...
Given 2 Fly - beautiful...(continued to rock out beyond all proportions)....Ed switched some lyrics but didnt catch them all....great tune...
Corduroy....the crowd energy by now was reaching an epic potential...by this time I was covered in sweat...just soaked.....just kept rocking out
LBC...IMHO the weakest song of the night...Ed had some Mic problems and I didnt hear most of the first verse...seemed from postion to be the bathroom break song for people (excluding me of course)...minus the problems still good...loved the love chant at the end....
Even Flow- first time seeing the band it was incredible...Jeff/Mike/Ed jumping around...MIke playing the first 30 seconds of his solo behind his head...crowd going nut...Ed gets the crowd to sing the final chorus saying everyone should know it by now...screamed my lungs out for that...very loud....
1/2 Full...my sections go grab a beer song...what a shame...another tune so much better live than the album....crazy good...Ed with the mirror very cool...
Daughter....WMA tag all I need to say....
Wishlist....loved it...Ed was pretty much flawless on the lyrics...really digged "I wish I came from a country that never went to war; wish I came from a country that helped its poor...etc"....got a huge yell from me....
Lukin....I think I pulled a neck muscle for this as my head was just a banging...
Grievance...heard it during sound check.....sucked up the neck pain and continued to rock my hardest....the passion in the song was amazing...
Immortaliy....one of my favorites of the night...blew me away....so haunting...so everything...lol...great tune...
Nothingman....great song...crowd was into it singing along...Ed sounded 100% on this one (his lyrical flubs through the show were really non-existent)
Down...got the crowd a rocking again...didnt need much though...place was so loud by now....
DTE....place goes nuts....people in the balcony I was in jumpng around like the place was burning down...men/women name it going fucking crazy...
Blood....by now if you can imagine I am a sweaty mess...Ed's screaming was just surreal...the balcony was going insane..IMHO the best song of the night for Ed intensity...my neck pain was gone until the next day...
Footsteps.................................almost had a heart attack...my first show and I hear this one...once I heard the harmonic i was dazed for seconds...thinking no fucking way....too bad I seemed to be the only person in my section to recognize this one...people were sitting down in my section...too bad was incredible...told my friend a couple months ago I would kill to hear this one but most likely would not hear it...guess I was wrong...
Small Town...very good sing along
U...another b-side....just love this song...so much more to it when done live...
Alive...can you say crazy...every person in that buidling pumping in their fists screaming....Ed just standing center stage with a look of awe looking around...at the end Ed swings the mike stand over his head as if he is pounding in the last spike of the CN railroad and BAM just pounds that fucker into the stage and walks off....I have never witnessed ANYTHING like this from any single song...I am shaking writing about it...so good....
Bee Girl...sweet tune....nice to hear it get some love...
Black...before the song Ed asks the crowd what whistling would sound like if everyone did it...all of a sudden everyone is whsitling...sounds like nails on a chalk board....Ed says "Whistling....not feedback"...good tune....
Porch...amazing...during the jam...Ed/Mike on the back of the drum kit, Jeff standing on the front...Stone beside...all just rocking out around Matt on the drum kit...crazy...momentum in the crowd reaching astronomical levels...then Ed rips out the last chorus and the place goes fucking crazy...
Side-Note- to the 10-15 people who left thinking the show was over...thanks for the laugh and some advice...leave when the lights come on...too funny..
IBIM - loved it way more than I expected...heard it during sound check as well...great cover...
Baba...band was having fun crowd was all smiles....band gives some love to those behind the stage...
YL - amazing better than imagined...Stone/Boom at the end standing with arms around each other watching Mike close it out...beautiful
Anyways now to Calgary tonight...first show with 10C tix...some side-notes...Mike has his hair dyed red, Stone sporting a beard, Ed did an inredible stage long summersault as he tripped over a mic cord that night...also met some 10Clubbers from LA and San Diego before the show...class acts...anyways till the next review...
Canadian Jackal IS right about the prices and handling at GM Place. They have always operated that way, as far as concession policies. Pretty stupid. You didn't even mention that the beer is watered down to a ridiculous level!
As for security, I think I can see both sides there. I am listening to Alive on the bootleg again, and even the memory of the energy gives me tingles- it was that crazy. Bad things can happen as well as good when it gets to that level- the place certainly wasn't set up for a mosh pit (This being my first concert in 2 years, and my first really big rock concert, I was kind of surprised about that).
But having said that, the concert I went to see there 2 years ago was the Eagles, and the PJ crowd was much better behaved, although the median age was probably 15 years younger.
I was not focusing on the wrong stuff. Trust me the concert was unreal, and like everyone has been saying the energy and everything was insane. I am just pointing out a couple things. I have been to other concerts at GM Place and NEVER seen the security like that or seen Beer sales shut down as the opening band opened up!!
Canadian Jackal
"and he who forgets...will be destined to remember..."
Enough with these great reviews. I can't afford all these shows. Can't someone just tell me it was just an average show. Who am I kidding? That $10 will be gone before the day's over.
Just got back, great show in Vancouver - but I have to agree with an earlier post - 10C had us up about 20 rows in the wings on Mike's side. For about 75% of the show you absolutely could not hear his guitar or it was really muffled. I have seen dozens of shows and have to say the quality of sound at this one was well below average. I think the monitors were pointed away from us and we were just at the point of the raised monitors to blare past us, but not to us. You could hear the rest of the band perfectly, but almost every solo of Mike's went unheard, you could see him going at it,, but where was the sound? Some of the softer tunes where less of the band was playing hard, you could hear him - but imagin Alive, Immortality and so forth with no guitar solo! Many other 10C members that were in that area had the same feelings. Long trip form Los Angeles for no Mike Mccready....
Just got back, great show in Vancouver - but I have to agree with an earlier post - 10C had us up about 20 rows in the wings on Mike's side. For about 75% of the show you absolutely could not hear his guitar or it was really muffled. I have seen dozens of shows and have to say the quality of sound at this one was well below average. I think the monitors were pointed away from us and we were just at the point of the raised monitors to blare past us, but not to us. You could hear the rest of the band perfectly, but almost every solo of Mike's went unheard, you could see him going at it,, but where was the sound? Some of the softer tunes where less of the band was playing hard, you could hear him - but imagin Alive, Immortality and so forth with no guitar solo! Many other 10C members that were in that area had the same feelings. Long trip form Los Angeles for no Mike Mccready....
i had that problem at the Fleetcenter shows last year...decent side seats but mccready's shredding was hard to catch....
This was my 10th show, I had fourth row floor seats right in the center. I thought it was great. Any show with footsteps and yellow ledbetter rocks in my book.
Yes its killing me even more now!!
Ohh it was Porch?? All I could hear was the crowd during that one so I thought it was an encore break or something lol.
Her phone cut out quick too so its just as well. I'm overwhelmed she called me so much...but happy nonetheless. I had a SHIT day at work yesterday so that was JUST what the Dr. Ordered
So if you had her b/f's ticket, where did he sit?
I am pretty sure it was porch...if not, then I have no clue
her b/f didn't go b/c he gave his ticket to me. So Lyd, Dolly and I went to Vancouver alone, while he stayed in Seattle for a while, and then met us at Vancouver. so thus, i feel so guilty. :(
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Unbelievable energy at this show! Highlights for me have to be the first four songs (Release > Go > Animal > Save You), which totally rocked my socks off! Also, Nothingman and Footsteps were amazing! Grievance kicked ass as usual and for some reason, the two versions of Alive from the Gorge and Vancouver were two of the bests that I've heard! Such a rockin' show! Thanks PJ, 10c, and Vancouver!!! The Gorge and Vancouver shows will forever be in my memory! What an amazing two days!!!!
I will say that of all the shows I've seen something like 25. The reaction from Eddie During "ALIVE" while the crowd was throwing thier fists and screaming Yeah...Yeah..Yeah" Was one of my greatest PJ moments. For those of you who weren't there listen to the download close your eyes and imagine Eddie with his back to the crowd and facing the people behind the stage... he turns around to the lights on and 30,00 fists in the air "yeah were still alive..." he was blown away. The smile he gave and the vibes thrown back and forth were unfreaking beliveable. There is a lot more to write I will throw together a Gorge/Vancouver recollection. All good i would say bring on the new shit.....
oh YES! everyone's fists in the air during the "YEAH" part was too cool!! I was on the floor, and you can see EVERYONE doing it in unison. It was by far, one of the best shows I went too. I mean, they busted out w/UNDONE, Footsteps and U?! HOLY CRAP!! :eek: I would SO love to see a video of that and Eddie's reaction.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Sounds like the show was great. Sounds like Ed might have had a bit more energy than he had at The Gorge show. Regardless, The Gorge was still rockin'!
"If you guys wanna stick around we're willing to make this the longest Pearl Jam show that ever has been played" -EV, State College, PA, 5/3/03
5/3/03-State College
9/1/05- The Gorge
7/22/06 & 7/23/06 THE GORGE!
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Super Anal Security - I was on the floor and right by an aisle and security all night kept pushing me and my friends back into our seats even if we were just in the aisle. Even during the last song they kepty walking up and down the aisle telling us to keep it clear and to be in our seats. Correct if i am wrong but I was at a PEARL JAM concert....not the symphony.
No Beer - Doors opened at 630 and the show started at 730 with Pearl Jam getting on stage at 9 o'clock. So what time do you think they stopped serving beer??? Anyone....Anyone?? 9 O'CLOCK!!! What's with that, I have never been to a concert where they have shut down beer sales just as the opening band takes the stage.
$11.40 for 3 Waters - Since you could not buy beer after 9 my buddy decided to buy water. Bottled water was sold...but NOT allowed into the concert even though it was PLASTIC bottles. So he had to buy water in PLASTIC cups and for 3 water they charged him $11.40...
Those are my 3 complaints about the concert last night...just wanted to see if anyone else thought that part was lame that was there last night. I would love to hear from people who go the other shows if they had the same problems or if its just Vancouver and if the city really is becoming the "No Fun City"
"and he who forgets...will be destined to remember..."
Release was amazing, Better man, Daughter, Even Flow. ALIVE was the best song of the night. Plus Ledbetter and teenage wasteland were great.
I thought you pearl jam fans were going to be beardie lamo's but you were all great and i had a sweet time dancing on the floor with all the girls.
What a show - 4th time I've seen PJ and it was the best of the lot. Eddie and Mike had crazy energy and intensity and the crowd was soooo into this show. I got great 10c seats (so much better than the last time - love the new seating policy). The band was into this show, the crowd sang along to every song and maybe 3 people sat in their seats in sold-out house.
The guys next to me were from Boston (one of them was seeing PJ for the 7th time and he said this was the BEST show he'd seen them do).
This was one of those concerts you remember... we've all been to those that are forgotten as soon as we get in our cars to go home... I left the show with no voice, completely and utterly euphoric - theres so much crap music in the mainstream and then you see PJ and the world is great again...
Hello Wolfgang.
long live PJ.
I had a blast, and the GLITTER TWINS were there w/our Stoney signs side-by-side, giving the man some love b/c he doesn't get enough of it!
The energy of the crowd that night was spectacular!:) I noticed from setting at row 24, the band was DEFINITELY feeling it! Everyone in our row was cool. We sat next to Prism and her friend, which was so cool! Seeing and meeting PJ family members definitely made my whole entire trip...thanks guys for all the love you guys bring:)
Onto the show...How could anyone argue w/RELEASE as the opener?! I mean, they hardly pull this song out :eek: This was VERY intense, as everyone was in shock by it.
And how could you NOT deny Stone's solos at that show?! PORCH?! DTE?! He was totally rockin' out. I screamed so much for him that my voice got scratched and left me in dire need of water
Sadly, this and the Gorge are the only shows that I am going to, since I am poor and can't afford to take anymore time way from work. :( But, I can't wait for the US 2006...which I am looking forward to hanging out w/family
Thanks PJ for an AWESOME show and leaving me satisfied!;)
Mel-the only baby doll shirt I saw was a baby blue one that said Pearl Jam...it had nice lettering.:) and the stickers...oh man, it sucked that I was SO broke that I couldn't get any.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Hey Nadi!!
I'm glad you guys had a good time. 24th row...damn girl. I hope you two were able to see ok. What kind of 10C number did u have? (so I know what I'm in for here at the TO show lol).
Baby Blue T huh? Shit that is soo not my colour usually, and every show I've been to they've had a baby Blue baby T. I'll take a look next Sunday and see.
BTW I can't think your glitter twin enough for the 3 phone calls. Totally made my night. I gotta give Lyd my Cell number again cause after the second call my mom was getting pissed (it was after 2:30am here). hehe
I didn't care though I was shocked to be hearing PJ live!! I couldn't hear a word Lydia was saying in the third call...sounded like the show was over tho.
Anyways Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!
Watching Eddie swing his way around a dingy club in Tijuana Mexico by the pipes/plumbing. He was at least 30 feet up. He stopped on one of the speaker stacks...made some hand gestures for people to catch him and did a backward swan dive from 20 feet up... UNFREAKING believable
Hey Mel!! We could see okay.
hehe. yeah, she kept calling you, which was sweet. I totally forgot what other songs she called you for haha. Girl she made it a POINT to call you, I think she called you during Porch, if I am not mistaken...oh yeah, I think it was the one where all the band members where on Matt's drum set...EVERYONE in the band and they were playing to the people in the back. Pretty awesome!! I never would've thought I would EVER see that...Matt drumming, Jeff, Eddie, Mikey, and Stoney all playing to the back! :eek: :cool: those boys ALWAYS make it happen!
hehe. i am glad that you enjoyed the phone calls girl! and your show is next week...whohhhoooo. I am SO happy for you..I know the anticipation is killing you;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Yes its killing me even more now!!
Ohh it was Porch?? All I could hear was the crowd during that one so I thought it was an encore break or something lol.
Her phone cut out quick too so its just as well. I'm overwhelmed she called me so much...but happy nonetheless. I had a SHIT day at work yesterday so that was JUST what the Dr. Ordered
So if you had her b/f's ticket, where did he sit?
Sounds Like you were focused on the wrong part of the night...
"hello wolfgang!"
Vancouver, GM Place 2009
Seattle, EV Solo, Benaroya Hall 2011
Winnipeg, MTS Center, 2011
Manchester, June 2012
Phoenix, EV Solo, Comerica Theatre 2012
tonnes of energy tossed from crowd to band and back.
anyone notice when Ed handed his beer(?) to a kid in the short seats backstage around the 2nd encore? the kid swigged and handed it back. only in Canada do we give EV his beer back...
not a lot of energy in the balcony, centre ice, 4th row. swaying couples dressed for the (otherthan 10) club. some stayed in their seats. still, an interesting view of the whole experience...tamborine celebrations...drum stick scrambles....and a bit of backstage. great show.
anyone know why Teenage Wasteland didn't come through on my download?
I think Ed was talking about Nicolas Cage's soon to be baby boy. He was sitting side stage on Mike's side.
Release...fan of 13 years what better song to hear for your first ever live song...beautiful...stunning...was in complete awe...
Go...right into it...crazy the place was jumping right from the get-go...I was losing it...rocking out as I have never rocked out before...
Animal....allowed the crowd to reach a higher energy level....great song
Save You....amazing live...always a big fan but not a huge fan...Ed's intensity in the lyrics was crazy....I found the crowd to really enjoy this one...
Given 2 Fly - beautiful...(continued to rock out beyond all proportions)....Ed switched some lyrics but didnt catch them all....great tune...
Corduroy....the crowd energy by now was reaching an epic potential...by this time I was covered in sweat...just soaked.....just kept rocking out
LBC...IMHO the weakest song of the night...Ed had some Mic problems and I didnt hear most of the first verse...seemed from postion to be the bathroom break song for people (excluding me of course)...minus the problems still good...loved the love chant at the end....
Even Flow- first time seeing the band it was incredible...Jeff/Mike/Ed jumping around...MIke playing the first 30 seconds of his solo behind his head...crowd going nut...Ed gets the crowd to sing the final chorus saying everyone should know it by now...screamed my lungs out for that...very loud....
1/2 Full...my sections go grab a beer song...what a shame...another tune so much better live than the album....crazy good...Ed with the mirror very cool...
Daughter....WMA tag all I need to say....
Wishlist....loved it...Ed was pretty much flawless on the lyrics...really digged "I wish I came from a country that never went to war; wish I came from a country that helped its poor...etc"....got a huge yell from me....
Lukin....I think I pulled a neck muscle for this as my head was just a banging...
Grievance...heard it during sound check.....sucked up the neck pain and continued to rock my hardest....the passion in the song was amazing...
Immortaliy....one of my favorites of the night...blew me away....so haunting...so everything...lol...great tune...
Nothingman....great song...crowd was into it singing along...Ed sounded 100% on this one (his lyrical flubs through the show were really non-existent)
Down...got the crowd a rocking again...didnt need much though...place was so loud by now....
DTE....place goes nuts....people in the balcony I was in jumpng around like the place was burning down...men/women name it going fucking crazy...
Blood....by now if you can imagine I am a sweaty mess...Ed's screaming was just surreal...the balcony was going insane..IMHO the best song of the night for Ed intensity...my neck pain was gone until the next day...
Footsteps.................................almost had a heart attack...my first show and I hear this one...once I heard the harmonic i was dazed for seconds...thinking no fucking way....too bad I seemed to be the only person in my section to recognize this one...people were sitting down in my section...too bad was incredible...told my friend a couple months ago I would kill to hear this one but most likely would not hear it...guess I was wrong...
Small Town...very good sing along
U...another b-side....just love this song...so much more to it when done live...
Alive...can you say crazy...every person in that buidling pumping in their fists screaming....Ed just standing center stage with a look of awe looking around...at the end Ed swings the mike stand over his head as if he is pounding in the last spike of the CN railroad and BAM just pounds that fucker into the stage and walks off....I have never witnessed ANYTHING like this from any single song...I am shaking writing about it...so good....
Bee Girl...sweet tune....nice to hear it get some love...
Black...before the song Ed asks the crowd what whistling would sound like if everyone did it...all of a sudden everyone is whsitling...sounds like nails on a chalk board....Ed says "Whistling....not feedback"...good tune....
Porch...amazing...during the jam...Ed/Mike on the back of the drum kit, Jeff standing on the front...Stone beside...all just rocking out around Matt on the drum kit...crazy...momentum in the crowd reaching astronomical levels...then Ed rips out the last chorus and the place goes fucking crazy...
Side-Note- to the 10-15 people who left thinking the show was over...thanks for the laugh and some advice...leave when the lights come on...too funny..
IBIM - loved it way more than I expected...heard it during sound check as well...great cover...
Baba...band was having fun crowd was all smiles....band gives some love to those behind the stage...
YL - amazing better than imagined...Stone/Boom at the end standing with arms around each other watching Mike close it out...beautiful
Anyways now to Calgary tonight...first show with 10C tix...some side-notes...Mike has his hair dyed red, Stone sporting a beard, Ed did an inredible stage long summersault as he tripped over a mic cord that night...also met some 10Clubbers from LA and San Diego before the show...class acts...anyways till the next review...
As for security, I think I can see both sides there. I am listening to Alive on the bootleg again, and even the memory of the energy gives me tingles- it was that crazy. Bad things can happen as well as good when it gets to that level- the place certainly wasn't set up for a mosh pit (This being my first concert in 2 years, and my first really big rock concert, I was kind of surprised about that).
But having said that, the concert I went to see there 2 years ago was the Eagles, and the PJ crowd was much better behaved, although the median age was probably 15 years younger.
"and he who forgets...will be destined to remember..."
i had that problem at the Fleetcenter shows last year...decent side seats but mccready's shredding was hard to catch....
I am pretty sure it was porch...if not, then I have no clue
her b/f didn't go b/c he gave his ticket to me. So Lyd, Dolly and I went to Vancouver alone, while he stayed in Seattle for a while, and then met us at Vancouver. so thus, i feel so guilty. :(
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
oh YES! everyone's fists in the air during the "YEAH" part was too cool!! I was on the floor, and you can see EVERYONE doing it in unison. It was by far, one of the best shows I went too. I mean, they busted out w/UNDONE, Footsteps and U?! HOLY CRAP!! :eek: I would SO love to see a video of that and Eddie's reaction.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
5/3/03-State College
9/1/05- The Gorge
7/22/06 & 7/23/06 THE GORGE!
*waves at Kat* i'll be rockin' the Flyers jersey again at Philly... party at my place
Upcoming boyhitscar concerts:
11/7/07 - Allentown Pa
11/11/07 - Hartford Ct