I hate to say that Ed is a hypocrite, but...

Ok, so one thought at tonight's show came to mind. I know that everyone jumps on anyone who challenges the Gospel according to Vedder, but this remark jumped out at me. It was Ed's story about paddling down the Potomac, feeling the beauty of the city, and then in there he made a comment about seeing SUVs and vans on the roads from the river, thus taking away from the experience a bit; a snap to reality if you will. Well, what irks me about Mr. Environmentalist, is that throughout the day, taking in the touristy stuff of DC, I probably passed Eddie's tour buses a good 3 or 4 times; over the course of probably 5 hours. His two buses parked out on the side of the road were running every single time I passed it. The engines roared. How's that for a carbon footprint?
Just saying...
Just saying...
Post edited by Unknown User on
The Amish are the only ones who should make such comments. Good point!
We are all hypocrites to some degree, Ed included. Stop holding him to higher standards than the rest of us.
I am sure the SUVs were a distraction from the natural beauty he was enjoying. Did you not want him to come to your town and play, or not tell that story?
The man's tour buses were running in full engine for at least 5 straight hours. So yea, he shouldn't complain about people trying to get places in an SUV. Sorry.
This complaint is pretty far fetched..
He makes a good point. I'm sure his huge buses would distract people too. Sometimes Ed sounds really dumb with what he says.
Ed was just making conversation with the crowd.
I'm sure he wasn't. But being his buses, he is responsible for them. And two huge tour buses use up very little gas when running for hours and hours? Ha.
Every time I have seen them they have been running. I never gave it a second thought, but the original poster brings up a good point. Maybe Ed should look at himself before he bitches about cars on the road messing up his precious view.
I'm not complaining that he uses buses. I'm really not. But they were running for no reason at all. Then he complains about people trying to transport themselves in their automobiles.
I am sure like the rest of us, Ed wrestles with social responsibility and the demands of everyday life.
I don't think that your point (which I find very valid) is gonna get through that guy...
Perhaps there was a reason for the SUVs he saw traveling down the road, like bringing kids to school, rushing a loved one to the emergency room, etc. They should have all stayed home so he could have better scenery.
The original poster is right, people here jump on anyone who challenges the "gospel according to Vedder". If someone in your personal life had complained about that you would have called him out touring in these huge gas guzzling buses. But he's on stage with a guitar so everything he says is fine and can't be called into question.
Of course you find it valid because he agrees with Eddie Vedder.
How did people ever survive!
I am not saying someone has to live a perfect life before bitching, but you blind love of Eddie Vedder really amazes me in that you can't see that running two tour buses outside a venue for hours on end, every day of the tour and then to complain about people driving their cars (which get much better gas mileage than his tour buses) is hypocritical.
How would a solo artist, yes one performer, survive without traveling in two huge tour buses?
Nah. It's just a really silly thing to complain about, all things considered.
By the way, Pearl Jam usually goes to great lengths -- out of their own pockets -- to offset their carbon emissions for each tour. I'd assume Ed does the same on his own tour.
That's something he doesn't have to do, but does anyway. He puts his money where his mouth is. Do you?
for the least they could possibly do
It's silly because it's in conflict with what almighty Vedder says. His complaint is just as silly.
I drive cars that get low gas mileage. I don't get on stage every night and bitch about cars driving down the road either. Do you?
I don't think he agrees with Ed, there is nothing to agree with, Ed didn't make a comment on his own buses.
We have no clue as to whether Ed was in there or whether the people in that bus were hot and wanted to run the A/C and didn't give a shit about what Ed thinks about the environment....
I too think that there are many things that ruin our environment and I think that there are many more things I can do to lessen my carbon footprint, but because there is room for improvement in what I do doesn't mean that i can't have an opinion... that's where I agree with aNiMal.
It's just that I find this part a pretty big part of the story. I mean, if he truly wants to make a difference then why are these buses burning fuels in the middle of the street for no apparent reason? If he is really honest with everyone when he goes up there as the persona of "Eddie Vedder," (because that's what it is really, a persona) and then repeatedly speak about all of the great things he does with the environment, then why are his buses tearing a hole in the sky? I think it's a very fair question.
He agrees with Ed in his SUV comment.
I am bored
It is a valid question. It's a shame no one else can open their mind enough to see that.