wow a very fair and honest question,very cool.
the reason I don't think he's done a great job is because he seems to have done nothing to improve on the mess he was promicing to clean up at least a little we're still at war job's are still a issue..and giving out money was cool but it did nithing to help Americas mess we're in and every time he says he has a plan the next thing we hear is that it was blocked by congress or he trys to make the rep. and dems happy at the same time and ends up getting walked all over(for a man that's been that been to all 57 states thats a shame )
I believe he really wanted to stop the war but soon as he was elected he stepped right into the wolf's den and got eaten up due to his lack of experiance in ploitics with the heavey my opinion he had no idea what he was getting into..well every time I watch the news that's what it looks like to me,I also don't like some of the idea's he has like allowing citizenship to all the or most of the imagrents here illegally now, I don't like the idea of raising taxes. theres more but I gatta get back to work
your point is a fair one, that he spends too much time trying to be bi-partisan. I hope he's learning that he's going to get nothing done that way. is that way ideal? of course it is. but he's proving to the nation that politics don't work that way. you can't try to work with the opposition. you have to do you what you can do achieve what you wanted to, regardless of bipartisanship.
it sucks, but it's the reality. the republicans have done nothing but try to derail everything he has tried to do in favour of making him look bad. Am I saying that dems wouldn't have done the same thing if McCain was in office? nope. I'm just saying it's a shame that's what happens.
agree ! :thumbup: it just bums me out that he don't know how to stand up to them and do what's right.
agree ! :thumbup: it just bums me out that he don't know how to stand up to them and do what's right.