Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
by the way... does this mean that when the economy is better that you'll support higher education standards, health care for all and keeping homeless seniors off the street?
i would rather be charitable with money left in my pocket than have the gov take it from me and put it where they think it's best...or are lobbied to.
the gubment is even making it so you can't deduct charitable contributions like you used to. Fuck that.
just like with everything else, the private sector can do it better, cheaper, smarterer.
so no, i don't want the government to give out free health care and homes because it's our money and we should be able to help our neighbors, if we choose, on our own.
if a friend was in need of a doctor and didn't have insurance, i would be inclined to pay his doctor bills. If a friend was homeless because they lost a job or fell on hard times, i would help them get back on their feet.
Looking for the government to do this is ruhtard.
not everybody can have all the same shit though. some win in life, some lose.
"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.'"
if a friend was in need of a doctor and didn't have insurance, i would be inclined to pay his doctor bills.
Really. You're going to shell over $150,000 for a kidney transplant. You're going to shell over $30,000 for setting broken bones and physical therapy after someone gets hit by a car. Well that's mighty kind of you.
Looking for the government to do this is ruhtard.
Do you think spelling things as wrong as possible makes you.. cool? Or funny? Or... what?
not everybody can have all the same shit though. some win in life, some lose.
fuck socialism.
Well, I'm glad the majority of Americans don't take such glee in watching their fellow Americans suffer. If wanting a higher standard of living for the average American and wanting a bright future for our youth makes me a "socialist," so be it.
Kinda sad (and sorry, here it comes again) that the gay guy with no kids is more concerned about the future of our country and what kind of world we're building for the next generation than the guy who puts his kids in his avatar.
Kinda sad (and sorry, here it comes again) that the gay guy with no kids is more concerned about the future of our country and what kind of world we're building for the next generation than the guy who puts his kids in his avatar.
yes, if it is that difficult to see how fucked we are and how far away we are from the country that we should be when we view from our own eyes as adult americans. to see it all we have to do is look at kids. the question is what kind of a country do we want to leave them? do we want to be the great society that the history teachers lie to them about or do we want to leave them in an economic freefall where nobody has jobs, everybody has guns, and nobody is in charge??
i feel sorry for the kids that are going to have to try to deal with the consequences of our actions right now and the world we are leaving for them to clean up. it reminds me of the Omar Bradley quote:
" Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living. "
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i would rather be charitable with money left in my pocket than have the gov take it from me and put it where they think it's best...or are lobbied to.
the gubment is even making it so you can't deduct charitable contributions like you used to. Fuck that.
just like with everything else, the private sector can do it better, cheaper, smarterer.
so no, i don't want the government to give out free health care and homes because it's our money and we should be able to help our neighbors, if we choose, on our own.
if a friend was in need of a doctor and didn't have insurance, i would be inclined to pay his doctor bills. If a friend was homeless because they lost a job or fell on hard times, i would help them get back on their feet.
Looking for the government to do this is ruhtard.
not everybody can have all the same shit though. some win in life, some lose.
fuck socialism.
This quote: "just like with everything else, the private sector can do it better, cheaper, smarterer." is a myth that many people believe in but I'm not sure it's true. Many things, I don't want the private sector doing, like law enforcement, managing public land (private companies get there sections within the forests to screw up). Do you want your private sector being the only ones making decisions in city planning and development? Let's let the private sector decide by themselves how clean our water and air should be! How about our city parks sponsored by McDonalds. If you want a private education, go ahead and go to a private school, just don't tell me that they're all better than public schools. I don't like private companies involved in military actions, either. Maybe you do. I like my fire dept and I don't want to rely on State Farm to send someone out to put out my house fire. Regarding health care, the private sector has had years to do something about costs, and annual increases in premiums of 10-15% each year shows they aren't doing a good job. I'd wish we'd take from other countries that have more public control of health care and keeps costs lower, but I'm just a crazy socialist.
"if a friend was in need of a doctor and didn't have insurance, i would be inclined to pay his doctor bills. If a friend was homeless because they lost a job or fell on hard times, i would help them get back on their feet."
That's nice and all, but what about the guy who doesn't have friends, or all his friends are in the same boat he is? More false beliefs from you about how everyone would donate the difference to private charities if they didn't have to pay o so much in taxes.
great points. especially the ones about my kids and how it's such a shame. well played.
Also great idea about McDonalds taking care of the parks. You guys are hitting home runs. Now, if you want to learn something about gay marriage, or whatev, try reading what's going down with our next President. Take the blinders off first please. Let's try and keep this on topic. thanks pals.
This may be right up some of you alley because it is a long cut paste. cheers.
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Saturday he supports a federal limit on gay marriage and thinks a creator put life on Earth.
The Republican governor is considering a GOP presidential bid and preparing for his first political stop ahead of the key early primary in South Carolina, where social issues always play well. But Perry told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that a presidential campaign would concentrate on jobs, not evolution or gay marriage.
"The issue that is most important and most on people's minds is jobs," Perry said.
"The candidate that Americans can get excited about, that truly understands that and can deliver that, I think, is a candidate that is really going to excite the imagination and get the juices flowing of the electorate out there," he said. Pointing to an increase in employment in his state, the governor said he's cracked the code for figuring out how to create jobs.
Perry said the stimulus and job creation efforts of President Barack Obama haven't worked. "I think we poured about $4 trillion down that rat hole and government has not created a job," he said.
Supporters of the stimulus plan point out that jobs were saved because of the effort congressional Republicans opposed. And while Perry fought Washington over accepting a portion of Obama's economic stimulus package because of strings attached to the money, the state ended up using billions of the federal aid to balance the state budget, avoiding a possible financial disaster.
Perry, 61, said social issues should be decided state by state and even remarked that New York's passage of gay marriage law was that state's business. Still, he said he would support a constitutional amendment that takes away the power of the states to decide who can get married.
"Yes, sir, I would. I am for the federal marriage amendment," he said. "And that's about as sharp a point as I could put on it."
Perry has used more than words to support tempering evolution taught in schools with creationism.
This month, he appointed a biology teacher who disputes evolution as chairwoman of the Texas State Board of Education. In 2009, that 15-member board put the national spotlight on Texas in a debate that led to adopting standards encouraging schools to look at "all sides" of scientific theory. It now is considering educational materials that promote intelligent design even though a federal court ruled against teaching the theory that life on Earth is so complex that it must have come from an intelligent higher power.
"There are clear indications from our people who have amazing intellectual capability that this didn't happen by accident and a creator put this in place," Perry said.
"Now, what was his time frame and how did he create the earth that we know? I'm not going to tell you that I've got the answers to that," Perry said. "I believe that we were created by this all-powerful supreme being and how we got to today versus what we look like thousands of years ago, I think there's enough holes in the theory of evolution to, you know, say there are some holes in that theory."
If there's a creator for Perry's candidate-in-waiting campaign, it's his wife, Anita. Hours before his 2010 election to a third full term, Perry told the AP that his out-of-mainstream views were proof that he could never run for president. Anita Perry changed his outlook.
Perry said his wife's political instincts have always been spot-on. She was concerned about last year's passage of federal health care laws hurting innovation and care as well as a soaring national debt that would burden their children. While her husband had a good job already, she told him "you need to do your duty," Perry recalled.
"That was a very sobering conversation. It was one that made me sit down and reconsider my blanket rejection, if you will, of my interest in running for the presidency. I've gone from 'no way, no how' to 'I'm going to think about this' to getting comfortable in my heart and calm in my soul that this is an appropriate thing to do," Perry said.
"I still don't wake up every morning and go, 'Man, being a president of the United States is something I dream about every day,' no more than, I suppose, a soldier on June the 5th or June the 6th of 1944 looked forward to running up the beach at Normandy," he said.
No decision has been made. Perry said that could wait as long as until Labor Day. Nonetheless, he's on a well-worn candidate-in-waiting trajectory: raising his profile, planning stump speeches in early voting states; putting feelers out for staff, and working key donors to fuel a campaign that would spend hundreds of millions to clinch the primaries, nomination and general election.
On the day he appointed the school board member, Perry headed to the hospital for back surgery. Doctors had discovered a problem when he was 16. "It never caused me an ounce of problems until I got to be about 50 and then it got to be a nagging thing," he said. His doctor persuaded him to try surgery for the pain.
The avid jogger - he was a triathlete between 2002 and 2008 - said he's about 80 percent recovered. "When I'm fully recovered is when I get to start running again. I'm kind of hooked on running," he said. For now, he's swimming and hitting the treadmill for 1 1/2 miles a day, listening to a playlist that includes country singer Clay Walker and a North Dallas alternative rock band, Forever the Sickest Kids.
None of that is keeping him from the campaign circuit, he said. That includes his first political stop in South Carolina, planned for Aug. 13, to talk at a gathering in Charleston sponsored by the conservative website RedStates. The next day, Iowa voters will hold a straw poll designed to show early strength ahead of the state caucuses. Perry's not on the candidate list there and won't make a bid announcement while here.
The one-time Air Force cargo pilot said that won't create a problem getting his campaign airborne if he decides to run.
"I think we'll be able to break ground," he said, "even with a combat load on board."
great points. especially the ones about my kids and how it's such a shame. well played.
Also great idea about McDonalds taking care of the parks. You guys are hitting home runs.
Yes. Points you have chosen to ignore. Because, I guess, you're smart enough not to enter a debate you know you're going to lose. If people say I flaunt my personal life here too much, my only answer is "I don't show off my own kids."
Now, if you want to learn something about gay marriage, or whatev, try reading what's going down with our next President. Take the blinders off first please.
"Take the blinders off?"
This from the guy who refuses to talk about the intentionally and knowingly-destructive "abstinence only sex education" program that's helped boost welfare costs in Texas.
Let's try and keep this on topic. thanks pals.
The topic is wether Rick Perry is "what America needs" and the opinion of most people is "no, he's not." And that is, I'm sorry, "on topic."
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Saturday he supports a federal limit on gay marriage and thinks a creator put life on Earth.
And THAT is why I will fight tooth and nail to keep him out of any public office I can. The last thing we need is a president who believes in fairy tales. Look at what the last former governor who wanted a federal limit on marriage equality and believed in creationism did to our once-great country.
"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.'"
now that is funny shit. a straight fact too. the public does suck and big time. people are sheep and as simple minded as a pile of buffalo dung. not one swingin' dick has any fuckin heart or integrity amounting to $0.15 damn cents.
the public is to concerned about instant success and stupid bullshit like conveniences and how not to get the fuck up and work hard with a backbone.
how many politicians out there are honest? answer's simple... not very many (this goes for every jerk off in D.C. and the media)
how many people are blind and do not even vote? millions
the public is dumb, weak, lazy as shit, uneducated, classless, unoriginal, blind, spoiled rotten, and about half fucking useless.
Anyone who thinks something not backed by science should be taught in a science classroom is a fucking idiot.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
thank you POD for exposing the fraud of rick perry.
San Diego Sports Arena - Oct 25, 2000 MGM Grand - Jul 6, 2006 Cox Arena - Jul 7, 2006 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival - May 1, 2010 Alpine Valley Music Theater - Sep 3-4 2011 Made In America, Philly - Sep 2, 2012 EV, Houston - Nov 12-13, 2012 Dallas-November 2013 OKC-November 2013 ACL 2-October 2014 Fenway Night 1, August 2016 Wrigley, Night 1 August 2018 Fort Worth, Night 1 September 2023 Fort Worth, Night 2 September 2023 Austin, Night 1 September 2023 Austin, Night 2 September 2023
Re: private sector... Apple has more cash than the gubment right now.
Re: current occupant-he is gonna be the President that is going to bankrupt the USA.
"a Presidential campaign will concentrate on jobs...not evolution or gay marriage"
This makes so much sense. The moving vacuum is always quick to point out the injustices and all that sort of stuff...I get it. But, without a strong economy built by innovators and entrepreneurs with incentive to keep most of what they earn, NOBODY gets dick. I don't mean penis. I feel I have to clarify in this forum.
Do you agree with teaching the bible in a science class? Yes or no and why?
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
i am pretty sure POD made a typo. he is a smart guy. we all make typos on here.
As I recall (and that was a while ago), it was a pretty obvious and intentional exaggeration in the tradition of Dr. Evil. Before I realized that it's hard for that to come across on a board such as this. Won't happen again.
and he is dead right about the undereducated thing. look at this forum, people take pride in their own ignorance.
Do you agree with teaching the bible in a science class? Yes or no and why?
i have never had the bible taught to me in a science class.
....But Perry told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that a presidential campaign would concentrate on jobs, not evolution or gay marriage.
"The issue that is most important and most on people's minds is jobs," Perry said.
....But Perry told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that a presidential campaign would concentrate on jobs, not evolution or gay marriage.
Yeah, that's just what all the Tea Party people said they were going to do in 2010. They were going to "focus on jobs from day one" and then the second they were elected, it was the "you have to look at a sonogram of your rapist's fetus before you abort" and the "it's illegal to have a miscarriage law" and the "make gay protection laws illegal law" and the "punish people for not being white while living in Arizona law" and the "take away health care from Grandma law."
Perry can blather on all he wants about the supposed "big picture" and how his extreme social positions won't really be talked about but I don't believe him. Besides... whether or not he is going to focus on jobs or not, his positions on those social issues go to his total lack of character and his complete lack of brains when it comes to actually seeing the damage his positions have done.
I don't plan on voting for anyone who would let his anti-sex stance over-ride what should be better judgement in the face of the total failure of his "teaching abstinence only works" policy.
House Speaker John Boehner held a conference call Sunday evening with House Republicans in which he urged them to support the package, declaring that the deal in place "meets our principles of smaller government." :thumbup:
"There is a framework in place that would cut spending by a larger amount than we raise the debt limit, and cap future spending to limit the growth of government," he said, according to a transcript provided by Boehner's office. "Now listen, this isn't the greatest deal in the world. But it shows how much we've changed the terms of the debate in this town."
And if you're dumb enough to think adding a "super congress" that can jam through whatever they want is "less government," it explains your support of Rick perry.
....But Perry told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that a presidential campaign would concentrate on jobs, not evolution or gay marriage.
Yeah, that's just what all the Tea Party people said they were going to do in 2010. They were going to "focus on jobs from day one" and then the second they were elected, it was the "you have to look at a sonogram of your rapist's fetus before you abort" and the "it's illegal to have a miscarriage law" and the "make gay protection laws illegal law" and the "punish people for not being white while living in Arizona law" and the "take away health care from Grandma law."
Perry can blather on all he wants about the supposed "big picture" and how his extreme social positions won't really be talked about but I don't believe him. Besides... whether or not he is going to focus on jobs or not, his positions on those social issues go to his total lack of character and his complete lack of brains when it comes to actually seeing the damage his positions have done.
I don't plan on voting for anyone who would let his anti-sex stance over-ride what should be better judgement in the face of the total failure of his "teaching abstinence only works" policy.
"it's illegal to have a miscarriage law"
wait what? who tried to pass this so I can call them and tell them how miscarriages work
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Sorry, I don't like the prospect that kids won't even be prepared for minimum wage jobs.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
by the way... does this mean that when the economy is better that you'll support higher education standards, health care for all and keeping homeless seniors off the street?
Because I kinda doubt that.
the gubment is even making it so you can't deduct charitable contributions like you used to. Fuck that.
just like with everything else, the private sector can do it better, cheaper, smarterer.
so no, i don't want the government to give out free health care and homes because it's our money and we should be able to help our neighbors, if we choose, on our own.
if a friend was in need of a doctor and didn't have insurance, i would be inclined to pay his doctor bills. If a friend was homeless because they lost a job or fell on hard times, i would help them get back on their feet.
Looking for the government to do this is ruhtard.
not everybody can have all the same shit though. some win in life, some lose.
fuck socialism.
And it all comes back to George Carlin:
"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.'"
Really. You're going to shell over $150,000 for a kidney transplant. You're going to shell over $30,000 for setting broken bones and physical therapy after someone gets hit by a car. Well that's mighty kind of you.
Do you think spelling things as wrong as possible makes you.. cool? Or funny? Or... what?
Well, I'm glad the majority of Americans don't take such glee in watching their fellow Americans suffer. If wanting a higher standard of living for the average American and wanting a bright future for our youth makes me a "socialist," so be it.
Kinda sad (and sorry, here it comes again) that the gay guy with no kids is more concerned about the future of our country and what kind of world we're building for the next generation than the guy who puts his kids in his avatar.
i feel sorry for the kids that are going to have to try to deal with the consequences of our actions right now and the world we are leaving for them to clean up. it reminds me of the Omar Bradley quote:
" Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living. "
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This quote: "just like with everything else, the private sector can do it better, cheaper, smarterer." is a myth that many people believe in but I'm not sure it's true. Many things, I don't want the private sector doing, like law enforcement, managing public land (private companies get there sections within the forests to screw up). Do you want your private sector being the only ones making decisions in city planning and development? Let's let the private sector decide by themselves how clean our water and air should be! How about our city parks sponsored by McDonalds. If you want a private education, go ahead and go to a private school, just don't tell me that they're all better than public schools. I don't like private companies involved in military actions, either. Maybe you do. I like my fire dept and I don't want to rely on State Farm to send someone out to put out my house fire. Regarding health care, the private sector has had years to do something about costs, and annual increases in premiums of 10-15% each year shows they aren't doing a good job. I'd wish we'd take from other countries that have more public control of health care and keeps costs lower, but I'm just a crazy socialist.
"if a friend was in need of a doctor and didn't have insurance, i would be inclined to pay his doctor bills. If a friend was homeless because they lost a job or fell on hard times, i would help them get back on their feet."
That's nice and all, but what about the guy who doesn't have friends, or all his friends are in the same boat he is? More false beliefs from you about how everyone would donate the difference to private charities if they didn't have to pay o so much in taxes.
Also great idea about McDonalds taking care of the parks. You guys are hitting home runs. Now, if you want to learn something about gay marriage, or whatev, try reading what's going down with our next President. Take the blinders off first please. Let's try and keep this on topic. thanks pals.
This may be right up some of you alley because it is a long cut paste. cheers.
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Saturday he supports a federal limit on gay marriage and thinks a creator put life on Earth.
The Republican governor is considering a GOP presidential bid and preparing for his first political stop ahead of the key early primary in South Carolina, where social issues always play well. But Perry told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that a presidential campaign would concentrate on jobs, not evolution or gay marriage.
"The issue that is most important and most on people's minds is jobs," Perry said.
"The candidate that Americans can get excited about, that truly understands that and can deliver that, I think, is a candidate that is really going to excite the imagination and get the juices flowing of the electorate out there," he said. Pointing to an increase in employment in his state, the governor said he's cracked the code for figuring out how to create jobs.
Perry said the stimulus and job creation efforts of President Barack Obama haven't worked. "I think we poured about $4 trillion down that rat hole and government has not created a job," he said.
Supporters of the stimulus plan point out that jobs were saved because of the effort congressional Republicans opposed. And while Perry fought Washington over accepting a portion of Obama's economic stimulus package because of strings attached to the money, the state ended up using billions of the federal aid to balance the state budget, avoiding a possible financial disaster.
Perry, 61, said social issues should be decided state by state and even remarked that New York's passage of gay marriage law was that state's business. Still, he said he would support a constitutional amendment that takes away the power of the states to decide who can get married.
"Yes, sir, I would. I am for the federal marriage amendment," he said. "And that's about as sharp a point as I could put on it."
Perry has used more than words to support tempering evolution taught in schools with creationism.
This month, he appointed a biology teacher who disputes evolution as chairwoman of the Texas State Board of Education. In 2009, that 15-member board put the national spotlight on Texas in a debate that led to adopting standards encouraging schools to look at "all sides" of scientific theory. It now is considering educational materials that promote intelligent design even though a federal court ruled against teaching the theory that life on Earth is so complex that it must have come from an intelligent higher power.
"There are clear indications from our people who have amazing intellectual capability that this didn't happen by accident and a creator put this in place," Perry said.
"Now, what was his time frame and how did he create the earth that we know? I'm not going to tell you that I've got the answers to that," Perry said. "I believe that we were created by this all-powerful supreme being and how we got to today versus what we look like thousands of years ago, I think there's enough holes in the theory of evolution to, you know, say there are some holes in that theory."
If there's a creator for Perry's candidate-in-waiting campaign, it's his wife, Anita. Hours before his 2010 election to a third full term, Perry told the AP that his out-of-mainstream views were proof that he could never run for president. Anita Perry changed his outlook.
Perry said his wife's political instincts have always been spot-on. She was concerned about last year's passage of federal health care laws hurting innovation and care as well as a soaring national debt that would burden their children. While her husband had a good job already, she told him "you need to do your duty," Perry recalled.
"That was a very sobering conversation. It was one that made me sit down and reconsider my blanket rejection, if you will, of my interest in running for the presidency. I've gone from 'no way, no how' to 'I'm going to think about this' to getting comfortable in my heart and calm in my soul that this is an appropriate thing to do," Perry said.
"I still don't wake up every morning and go, 'Man, being a president of the United States is something I dream about every day,' no more than, I suppose, a soldier on June the 5th or June the 6th of 1944 looked forward to running up the beach at Normandy," he said.
No decision has been made. Perry said that could wait as long as until Labor Day. Nonetheless, he's on a well-worn candidate-in-waiting trajectory: raising his profile, planning stump speeches in early voting states; putting feelers out for staff, and working key donors to fuel a campaign that would spend hundreds of millions to clinch the primaries, nomination and general election.
On the day he appointed the school board member, Perry headed to the hospital for back surgery. Doctors had discovered a problem when he was 16. "It never caused me an ounce of problems until I got to be about 50 and then it got to be a nagging thing," he said. His doctor persuaded him to try surgery for the pain.
The avid jogger - he was a triathlete between 2002 and 2008 - said he's about 80 percent recovered. "When I'm fully recovered is when I get to start running again. I'm kind of hooked on running," he said. For now, he's swimming and hitting the treadmill for 1 1/2 miles a day, listening to a playlist that includes country singer Clay Walker and a North Dallas alternative rock band, Forever the Sickest Kids.
None of that is keeping him from the campaign circuit, he said. That includes his first political stop in South Carolina, planned for Aug. 13, to talk at a gathering in Charleston sponsored by the conservative website RedStates. The next day, Iowa voters will hold a straw poll designed to show early strength ahead of the state caucuses. Perry's not on the candidate list there and won't make a bid announcement while here.
The one-time Air Force cargo pilot said that won't create a problem getting his campaign airborne if he decides to run.
"I think we'll be able to break ground," he said, "even with a combat load on board."
Yes. Points you have chosen to ignore. Because, I guess, you're smart enough not to enter a debate you know you're going to lose. If people say I flaunt my personal life here too much, my only answer is "I don't show off my own kids."
"Take the blinders off?"
This from the guy who refuses to talk about the intentionally and knowingly-destructive "abstinence only sex education" program that's helped boost welfare costs in Texas.
The topic is wether Rick Perry is "what America needs" and the opinion of most people is "no, he's not." And that is, I'm sorry, "on topic."
And THAT is why I will fight tooth and nail to keep him out of any public office I can. The last thing we need is a president who believes in fairy tales. Look at what the last former governor who wanted a federal limit on marriage equality and believed in creationism did to our once-great country.
now that is funny shit. a straight fact too. the public does suck and big time. people are sheep and as simple minded as a pile of buffalo dung. not one swingin' dick has any fuckin heart or integrity amounting to $0.15 damn cents.
the public is to concerned about instant success and stupid bullshit like conveniences and how not to get the fuck up and work hard with a backbone.
how many politicians out there are honest? answer's simple... not very many (this goes for every jerk off in D.C. and the media)
how many people are blind and do not even vote? millions
the public is dumb, weak, lazy as shit, uneducated, classless, unoriginal, blind, spoiled rotten, and about half fucking useless.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
thank you POD for exposing the fraud of rick perry.
MGM Grand - Jul 6, 2006
Cox Arena - Jul 7, 2006
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival - May 1, 2010
Alpine Valley Music Theater - Sep 3-4 2011
Made In America, Philly - Sep 2, 2012
EV, Houston - Nov 12-13, 2012
Dallas-November 2013
OKC-November 2013
ACL 2-October 2014
Fenway Night 1, August 2016
Wrigley, Night 1 August 2018
Fort Worth, Night 1 September 2023
Fort Worth, Night 2 September 2023
Austin, Night 1 September 2023
Austin, Night 2 September 2023
IMO, this thread will be a victory thread in just over a year.
and thanks POD...you really NAILED IT!
charitable donations to hospitals and higher education are in my families blood...btw.
Re: current occupant-he is gonna be the President that is going to bankrupt the USA.
"a Presidential campaign will concentrate on jobs...not evolution or gay marriage"
This makes so much sense. The moving vacuum is always quick to point out the injustices and all that sort of stuff...I get it. But, without a strong economy built by innovators and entrepreneurs with incentive to keep most of what they earn, NOBODY gets dick. I don't mean penis. I feel I have to clarify in this forum.
Sorry y'all. I'm a realist. Cry me a river
Well and how his fans pat themselves on the back for being under-educated, smug, stubborn and clueless.
And incapable of defending their positions.
If this is the kind of idiocy that we're going to see in 2012, Obama is going to be able to not campaign and win with a land slide.
What's a land slide? Are you just trying to be cool spelling shit wrong.
What about the time you said we were giving 10 trillion dollars in tax "breaks" to oil companies?
Go Texas! Let's bring back the USA to it's former glory!
Run Rick Run!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
and he is dead right about the undereducated thing. look at this forum, people take pride in their own ignorance.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
As I recall (and that was a while ago), it was a pretty obvious and intentional exaggeration in the tradition of Dr. Evil. Before I realized that it's hard for that to come across on a board such as this. Won't happen again.
i have never had the bible taught to me in a science class.
....But Perry told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that a presidential campaign would concentrate on jobs, not evolution or gay marriage.
"The issue that is most important and most on people's minds is jobs," Perry said.
again, big picture boys and girls.
Yeah, that's just what all the Tea Party people said they were going to do in 2010. They were going to "focus on jobs from day one" and then the second they were elected, it was the "you have to look at a sonogram of your rapist's fetus before you abort" and the "it's illegal to have a miscarriage law" and the "make gay protection laws illegal law" and the "punish people for not being white while living in Arizona law" and the "take away health care from Grandma law."
Perry can blather on all he wants about the supposed "big picture" and how his extreme social positions won't really be talked about but I don't believe him. Besides... whether or not he is going to focus on jobs or not, his positions on those social issues go to his total lack of character and his complete lack of brains when it comes to actually seeing the damage his positions have done.
I don't plan on voting for anyone who would let his anti-sex stance over-ride what should be better judgement in the face of the total failure of his "teaching abstinence only works" policy.
in other news....
House Speaker John Boehner held a conference call Sunday evening with House Republicans in which he urged them to support the package, declaring that the deal in place "meets our principles of smaller government."
"There is a framework in place that would cut spending by a larger amount than we raise the debt limit, and cap future spending to limit the growth of government," he said, according to a transcript provided by Boehner's office. "Now listen, this isn't the greatest deal in the world. But it shows how much we've changed the terms of the debate in this town."
Woot all you want, we can see what you are.
"it's illegal to have a miscarriage law"
wait what? who tried to pass this so I can call them and tell them how miscarriages work
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I understand I am in the minority on this moving train. Unless when you say "we" you are talking about that hamster in your pocket....
Great new Rick Perry spot runningn in Iowa.
http://content.usatoday.com/communities ... iowa-ad-/1
Run Rick run!