Westboro Baptist Chuch continues the Devil’s work

Why is it that these so called God fearing people only come out of the woodwork to inflict additional pain upon others in their time of need? Seems to me they do more work in the name of the Devil than in the name of God.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/0 ... 06319.html
Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims
Westboro Baptist Church, the Topeka church known for its inflammatory anti-gay protests, plans to picket the funerals of the six people gunned down in Arizona on Saturday.
In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, "THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER -- 6 DEAD!" The message continues:
God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC--hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come.
The flier claims that the shooting of both a House member and a federal judge -- the latter of whom was killed -- is god's punishment for judicial and Congressional action against the WBC. "God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He's sitting in Heaven laughing at you!" the announcement reads.
In graphic language, it continues:
Your federal judge is dead and your (fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner) Congresswoman fights for her life. God is avenging Himself on this rebellious house! WBC prays for your destruction--more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner--all. Your doom is upon you!
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/0 ... 06319.html
Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims
Westboro Baptist Church, the Topeka church known for its inflammatory anti-gay protests, plans to picket the funerals of the six people gunned down in Arizona on Saturday.
In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, "THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER -- 6 DEAD!" The message continues:
God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC--hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come.
The flier claims that the shooting of both a House member and a federal judge -- the latter of whom was killed -- is god's punishment for judicial and Congressional action against the WBC. "God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He's sitting in Heaven laughing at you!" the announcement reads.
In graphic language, it continues:
Your federal judge is dead and your (fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner) Congresswoman fights for her life. God is avenging Himself on this rebellious house! WBC prays for your destruction--more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner--all. Your doom is upon you!
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Post edited by Unknown User on
it's just a matter of time before they piss off the wrong people.
old saying "that what makes ya can break ya".
When these people protested the funerals of AIDS victims throughout the 80s and 90s... no one gave a shit, because really... who in America really gives a shit is a fag dies, right? That's right... NO ONE!!!
So, then they figured out that protesting the death of soldiers and linking them to gays in America would get them more publicity. Guess what? IT WORKED!!!
So, they go with what works.
How to get rid of them? Quit giving them the publicity they so fervently desire.
Hail, Hail!!!
Perhaps someone can immobilize the church leadership so that the brainwashed followers can go free.
Educate the weak-minded church members so that they will see the errors of their judgement. Give them some hope, and hopefully they will leave the church.
Ya but what do we do with this power? and what does that make us? and...., na Fuck it their Evil!
It makes us decent people!
And they are the prime example of how weak the human mind can be, especially when raised on such bullshit. What bugs me the most is that they brainwash their children to believe all this.
Although, I myself am not religious.
If Fred Phelps and his nutjob crusaders don't get hit with a lightning bolt from a higher power soon, I'll have cemented my beliefs that there is no God.
Maybe when things get heated Kat should interject and force us to talk about the WBC so we can all get along again
Regarding the term, 'Real Christian'. Who gets to decide who is a 'real' Christian... and who isn't?
I ask this because I read statements condemning the Phelps Clan as not 'representing Christianity' from the very same people who say Al Qaeda speaks for all of Islam. Why can't the Westboro Baptist Church represent all of Christianity?
I mean, they quote from the Bible... right there, in Leviticus... homosexuality is an abomination, right? Don't Christians believe the Bible is the truth? And God judgement upon us is because we are so tolerant towards homosexuality... or, at least, it might be, right?
I remember when AIDS first hit the scene and there were bumperstickers that said, 'Hooray For AIDS' becuase 'Real Christians' thought God was punishing them for being gay by giving them GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency). It wasn't just the fanatical Phelps types... it was a lot of 'average Americans'. I saw this in the liberal Sodom of The West (a.k.a. Los Angeles, CA.). What was it like in East Dumfuk, Alabama?
Anyway... I detest the Phelps people and all of the hatred they spew. But, I don't know if I can say whether or not they are or aren't 'Real Christians'. What is a 'Real Christian', anyway?
Hail, Hail!!!
That aside, I'll attempt to answer some of your questions...
Yes, "real Christians" consider homosexuality to be a sin. However, the extent to which homosexuals have been vilified is not necessarily a "real Christian" theme. I mean, it's not even in the 10 Commandments, so I'm not real sure about how "bad" (to put it mundanely) a sin homosexuality is.
I may not have many posts, but I've been on this board a long time. I can't remember a single post where anyone said al Quaeda speaks for all of Islam. I'm sure there are people here who are less tolerant of Islam than you, but that's not quite the same thing.
Anyhow, we can at least agree that Phelps is a moron and a sonofabitch..
"Nothing says stand back and be silent like a Hells Angels presence," he said.
the one thing i'll add is anyone can take a single verse from the Bible and use it to support almost any behavior/ideology, that doesn't make it a Christian behavior/idea. a quote without context is a dangerous thing.
love it!
That being said, I think they're scientifically illiterate, intellectual dwarfs who are sick in the head and completely useless as human beings. But, the more religious people generally are, the more mentally weak they tend to be. These guys are the cream of the crap.
Should we be happy that a known criminal organization is coming to terrorize a mostly law-abiding family which will no doubt have children present?
I don't see how this is a good thing at all.
+1. Brilliantly stated.
the god of moses and the past laws were then superceded by christ's teachings (christians), at least that is my understanding of christianity. The old testament gave way to the new. So to be true christians is not to act like the WBC. In stead they are almost denying that Christ was the son of God by their actions. Not saying other sects of christianity are better, but they certainly shouldn't be teaching this type of behavior.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I love it !...crime and politics are one in the same.
The New Testament is pretty tame compared to the Old (it's still kinda ridiculous, though). But, that leads me to wonder why anyone would follow such a ridiculous book then. You either have to ignore the God of the OT, which would mean that you clearly don't find Him to be infallible, OR, you'd have to accept him in both incarnations, which means you'd, by pure definition, be fine with things like murder and rape and selling your daughter into slavery. Pretty fucking stupid either way, in my opinion.
Your point is well said, though.
Politics? I'm talking about small children potentially being assaulted or killed by a notoriously vile and hateful gang of criminals. What does that have to do with politics?
If we, as a society, are to look at something of that nature as a good thing, then what makes us any different than these sick fucks in the WBC that we're so ready to detest?
Some of the children in that family are too young to know that they've been indoctrinated into an insane cult. Don't put it past the chipper, quality individuals of Hell's Angels to attack a small child, either.
I agree to a point, however, I think that instead of saying that God is fallible you could simply assert he(?) decided to go a different path. Not necessarily that the first was "wrong" but that he decided to choose another path...hard to say...I mean, that certainly cannot be the only issue you have with christianity or any religion in general, they all seem like following magic, however that is what separates them and their followers, is the belief in the unknown, or faith.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Then you're no better than the members of the WBC.
They should be put in harm's way because their opinions offend people who harbor different opinions. What kind of people who feel that way can call themselves civilized with a straight face?