More Documents Released by WikiLeaks



  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,685
    Godfather. wrote:
    i love how this has opened up a serious dialogue, not only on the train, but in the country and the world at large, about the power of government, the cia, how we manipulate information secret or otherwise, and how we manipulate foreign leaders. i think people might finally be waking up to the fact that we might be the bullies or even the terrorists and not the victims we claim to be.

    I have to ask you (with no disrespect intended) if this bullie jacket you say we have is opened for the world to see what good will it do for us or anybody else involved ?
    I don't doubt that we are the biggest bullie on the block but do you think that's why we are not fighting wars on our land like other countries ?
    is it possible that American citizens have become complacent ? the fact that we don't have to deal with air attacks on or in our neighborhoods and cities,we all seem to have the "oh it wont happen her" attitude.
    I'm not saying that this is the case but just asking your thought on it.

    "is safty one of the rewards of being the biggest bullie on the block?"



    you make my brain want to die
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,685

    so we find out that saudi arabia funds al qaeda
    so we sell arms to saudi arabia
    so they can sell us oil
    so we can fight al qaeda

    and all you have to say is
    we are safe because we are the biggest bully
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    I have cables on all of you!

    can we get free show time or HBO ? LOL!!!

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    i love how this has opened up a serious dialogue, not only on the train, but in the country and the world at large, about the power of government, the cia, how we manipulate information secret or otherwise, and how we manipulate foreign leaders. i think people might finally be waking up to the fact that we might be the bullies or even the terrorists and not the victims we claim to be.

    I have to ask you (with no disrespect intended) if this bullie jacket you say we have is opened for the world to see what good will it do for us or anybody else involved ?
    I don't doubt that we are the biggest bullie on the block but do you think that's why we are not fighting wars on our land like other countries ?
    is it possible that American citizens have become complacent ? the fact that we don't have to deal with air attacks on or in our neighborhoods and cities,we all seem to have the "oh it wont happen her" attitude.
    I'm not saying that this is the case but just asking your thought on it.

    "is safty one of the rewards of being the biggest bullie on the block?"


    While your question wasn't directed towards me, I feel compelled to say something. There might be an aspect of safety that we realize by being the biggest bully in that no country is overtly going to start something with us, but what isn't taken into account is what the CIA terms "blowback". We have already experienced this when some terrorists flew a couple airplanes into the twin towers on account of our big bully status. So, in my opinion, safety isn't necessarily a reward. When you are a bully, eventually enough people who have been bullied by you will gather to usurp you, be it physically or through other means.

    XLNT point, growing up in America I have seen no other way and am learning more all the time, it sure is ugly and America is not the only one guilty of all this mess the countries seem to be involved in,sure would be nice to have world peace but with power being the main goal for several countries it looks like that will never happen.

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    ed243421 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    i love how this has opened up a serious dialogue, not only on the train, but in the country and the world at large, about the power of government, the cia, how we manipulate information secret or otherwise, and how we manipulate foreign leaders. i think people might finally be waking up to the fact that we might be the bullies or even the terrorists and not the victims we claim to be.

    I have to ask you (with no disrespect intended) if this bullie jacket you say we have is opened for the world to see what good will it do for us or anybody else involved ?
    I don't doubt that we are the biggest bullie on the block but do you think that's why we are not fighting wars on our land like other countries ?
    is it possible that American citizens have become complacent ? the fact that we don't have to deal with air attacks on or in our neighborhoods and cities,we all seem to have the "oh it wont happen her" attitude.
    I'm not saying that this is the case but just asking your thought on it.

    "is safty one of the rewards of being the biggest bullie on the block?"



    you make my brain want to die

    it's not already ? :lol:

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    ed243421 wrote:

    so we find out that saudi arabia funds al qaeda
    so we sell arms to saudi arabia
    so they can sell us oil
    so we can fight al qaeda

    and all you have to say is
    we are safe because we are the biggest bully

    it was a question g.....just a thought I asked truth to reply to,is this post your intelligent reply ?
    I sure hope you have more than that....... :roll:

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    So far this release of information has

    * Strained diplomatic relations worldwide
    * Embarrassed and undermined several prominent European leaders
    * Forced the U.S. to make new measures on security clearance, thus restricting different agencies from sharing information . . . thus increasing the chance of a successful terrorist attack
    * Increased tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia
    * Pissed off China
    * Set back any possible unification of North and South Korea
    * Told a cool story about a doctor escaping on horseback from Iran
    * Moammar Gadhafi likes voluptuous blondes
    * And apparently we have learned you are not subject to investigation if you carry more then $50M with you

    Wikileaks claims the information is being released to detail human abuse crimes. It is my opinion that this release of information actually decreases the overall stability in three key areas of the world . . . the Mideast, Korea, and China . . . thus increasing opportunities of human abuse crimes.

    All in all, it's low level gossip that most every country knows if they have any kind of intelligence agency established. But nonetheless, if a someone is overweight, it hurts their emotions when they find out their friends have been talking behind their back about how fat they are, even if they are aware of the problem. In this case, the overweight people with hurt feelings are in charge of countries and have access to nuclear stockpiles.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,685
    Godfather. wrote:
    ed243421 wrote:

    so we find out that saudi arabia funds al qaeda
    so we sell arms to saudi arabia
    so they can sell us oil
    so we can fight al qaeda

    and all you have to say is
    we are safe because we are the biggest bully

    it was a question g.....just a thought I asked truth to reply to,is this post your intelligent reply ?
    I sure hope you have more than that....... :roll:


    what more do you need?

    don't you understand that i did answer your question?

    that's my opinion, what's yours?

    and how do you feel about saudi arabia?

    lemme guess, you think the america's deals with them are terrible

    but you are a true patriot and you love your country
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    sorry but i am not understanding your first question...if the bully jacket is opened for the world to see what good would it do for us or anybody else involved??? what is a bully jacket? i am guessing you are meaning the cloak of secrecy we have with dealing with foreign powers. our country manipulates nearly all policy events in the world. these documents highlight how we can get other countries to do the things we want them to do by threats of witholding money, aid, and military supplies/sales, or by imposing sanctions and refusing to trade with them. that is keeping other countries poor and that is manipulating the natural order of things. if a developing country wants to continue to develop it is only because we allow it to. that is why china is problematic for us, they hold much of our debt and are one of our biggest trade partners. if we tried to impose our will on them it would be placing our heads in the guillotine.

    i love my country godfather, and part of love is is to have high expectations for it's actions and it's motivations. we are supposed to have the "moral high ground", whatever the hell that means this month...i expect it to be up front and not be manipulating things from behind a curtain and strongarming other countries to do our bidding. i love my country the same as i love my sister and hope she does the right things, i can't help but be embarrassed and even feel shame or empathy sometimes when she fucks up badly. i feel the same way about my country. i hold it to high standards, and on the international front it has failed to meet those expectations for as long as i can remember...and yes, i do view my country as the bully of the world. what other country has so egregiously manipulated the policies of other countries?? these documents are embarrassing for our country, but if we were not doing embarrassing things and dirtywork we would not have had this egg on our face...

    as far as fighting wars on our land, use your brain and think about it for a few minutes, what armed force is going to stage an amphibious landing on our shores and take over our country? seriously, what army or collection of armies is going to actually invade our homeland? do you think 19 guys flying planes into a couple of buildings is the same thing as waging an aggreessive war on our soil? i don't. not at all. this is why i believe in my heart that the "we are fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here" is a bullshit justification for empire expansion and imposing our diplomatic will behind the barrel of a gun, and that outrages me...

    american citizens HAVE become complacent. they have been hypnotized by cable news and distracted by "news" without actually researching things themselves. complacency kills. and that is a fact. and we wonder why our kids are failing math and our health care is 30 something in the world and we wonder why our economy is in the shitter. it is a sad statement when the majority of our country feels that the wheels fell off in the days after jan 2009...

    no safety is not a reward for being the biggest bully on the block. being the biggest bully makes you a target. one kid might not be able to beat the bully in a fight, but a few other kids can defeat the bully in other ways, financially, economically, etc..

    Godfather. wrote:
    i love how this has opened up a serious dialogue, not only on the train, but in the country and the world at large, about the power of government, the cia, how we manipulate information secret or otherwise, and how we manipulate foreign leaders. i think people might finally be waking up to the fact that we might be the bullies or even the terrorists and not the victims we claim to be.

    I have to ask you (with no disrespect intended) if this bullie jacket you say we have is opened for the world to see what good will it do for us or anybody else involved ?
    I don't doubt that we are the biggest bullie on the block but do you think that's why we are not fighting wars on our land like other countries ?
    is it possible that American citizens have become complacent ? the fact that we don't have to deal with air attacks on or in our neighborhoods and cities,we all seem to have the "oh it wont happen her" attitude.
    I'm not saying that this is the case but just asking your thought on it.

    "is safty one of the rewards of being the biggest bullie on the block?"

    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    How is this person getting this information to leak in the first place
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    aerial wrote:
    How is this person getting this information to leak in the first place
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    lukin2006 wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    How is this person getting this information to leak in the first place
    Private Manning was behind the initial leak but I don't know if he has been associated with the major release of files.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    sorry but i am not understanding your first question...if the bully jacket is opened for the world to see what good would it do for us or anybody else involved??? what is a bully jacket? i am guessing you are meaning the cloak of secrecy we have with dealing with foreign powers. our country manipulates nearly all policy events in the world. these documents highlight how we can get other countries to do the things we want them to do by threats of witholding money, aid, and military supplies/sales, or by imposing sanctions and refusing to trade with them. that is keeping other countries poor and that is manipulating the natural order of things. if a developing country wants to continue to develop it is only because we allow it to. that is why china is problematic for us, they hold much of our debt and are one of our biggest trade partners. if we tried to impose our will on them it would be placing our heads in the guillotine.

    i love my country godfather, and part of love is is to have high expectations for it's actions and it's motivations. we are supposed to have the "moral high ground", whatever the hell that means this month...i expect it to be up front and not be manipulating things from behind a curtain and strongarming other countries to do our bidding. i love my country the same as i love my sister and hope she does the right things, i can't help but be embarrassed and even feel shame or empathy sometimes when she fucks up badly. i feel the same way about my country. i hold it to high standards, and on the international front it has failed to meet those expectations for as long as i can remember...and yes, i do view my country as the bully of the world. what other country has so egregiously manipulated the policies of other countries?? these documents are embarrassing for our country, but if we were not doing embarrassing things and dirtywork we would not have had this egg on our face...

    as far as fighting wars on our land, use your brain and think about it for a few minutes, what armed force is going to stage an amphibious landing on our shores and take over our country? seriously, what army or collection of armies is going to actually invade our homeland? do you think 19 guys flying planes into a couple of buildings is the same thing as waging an aggreessive war on our soil? i don't. not at all. this is why i believe in my heart that the "we are fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here" is a bullshit justification for empire expansion and imposing our diplomatic will behind the barrel of a gun, and that outrages me...

    american citizens HAVE become complacent. they have been hypnotized by cable news and distracted by "news" without actually researching things themselves. complacency kills. and that is a fact. and we wonder why our kids are failing math and our health care is 30 something in the world and we wonder why our economy is in the shitter. it is a sad statement when the majority of our country feels that the wheels fell off in the days after jan 2009...

    no safety is not a reward for being the biggest bully on the block. being the biggest bully makes you a target. one kid might not be able to beat the bully in a fight, but a few other kids can defeat the bully in other ways, financially, economically, etc..

    Godfather. wrote:
    i love how this has opened up a serious dialogue, not only on the train, but in the country and the world at large, about the power of government, the cia, how we manipulate information secret or otherwise, and how we manipulate foreign leaders. i think people might finally be waking up to the fact that we might be the bullies or even the terrorists and not the victims we claim to be.

    I have to ask you (with no disrespect intended) if this bullie jacket you say we have is opened for the world to see what good will it do for us or anybody else involved ?
    I don't doubt that we are the biggest bullie on the block but do you think that's why we are not fighting wars on our land like other countries ?
    is it possible that American citizens have become complacent ? the fact that we don't have to deal with air attacks on or in our neighborhoods and cities,we all seem to have the "oh it wont happen her" attitude.
    I'm not saying that this is the case but just asking your thought on it.

    "is safty one of the rewards of being the biggest bullie on the block?"


    xlnt reply thanks, I understand your answer(s) and and would agree and as far being attacked on our own shores do you recall the story during WW2 when there were 1 or 2 Japanese submarines off the coast of California ? I believe that the story goes that the figured it was a no win situation and turned around,
    So I would guess you are right on that call.

  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    Jason P wrote:
    lukin2006 wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    How is this person getting this information to leak in the first place
    Private Manning was behind the initial leak but I don't know if he has been associated with the major release of files.

    I stand corrected, I heard his name mentioned the other day on the news, I just assumed it taken all this time for Wikileaks to sort through it. Some enterprising person can start a video series "government behaving badly".
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    Godfather. wrote:
    xlnt reply thanks, I understand your answer(s) and and would agree and as far being attacked on our own shores do you recall the story during WW2 when there were 1 or 2 Japanese submarines off the coast of California ? I believe that the story goes that the figured it was a no win situation and turned around,
    So I would guess you are right on that call.

    i am familiar with that story about the subs, but really, are two sub crews going to be enough to storm a beach in california and take over a vast amount of territory?

    i'm just sayin. that is impossible.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    i am familiar with that story about the subs, but really, are two sub crews going to be enough to storm a beach in california and take over a vast amount of territory?

    i'm just sayin. that is impossible.
    Know your history . . .

    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    patriot act in reverse.

    doesn't feel so good does it fuckers?
  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,685
    Commy wrote:
    patriot act in reverse.

    doesn't feel so good does it fuckers?


    i love to see them scrambling like the corrupt fucks they are

    and those who say the leaks only do harm and will cause loss of lives

    do not understand that the damage was done before the leaks

    the damage that is america's attitude of dominance
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    xlnt reply thanks, I understand your answer(s) and and would agree and as far being attacked on our own shores do you recall the story during WW2 when there were 1 or 2 Japanese submarines off the coast of California ? I believe that the story goes that the figured it was a no win situation and turned around,
    So I would guess you are right on that call.

    i am familiar with that story about the subs, but really, are two sub crews going to be enough to storm a beach in california and take over a vast amount of territory?

    i'm just sayin. that is impossible.

    true but the point is that during war time we were wide open and the subs thought different and left.

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    Godfather. wrote:
    true but the point is that during war time we were wide open and the subs thought different and left.

    and i am saying that an amphibious assault on our shores, a military offensive even by 3000 sub crews, which japan did not have, on our massively long and reasonably well defended western coast at that time was not going to yield any sort of defeat of the US. i do not deal in historical hypotheticals, rather what has actually happened. i will ask you again, something that nobody on this board or any other seems to be willing to answer, what country or small group of countries will mount a military attack on the homeland of the US? the answer is none. we are too powerful. that is not arrogance, that is fact. sure russia might be able to lob a few missiles ay us, but that is not the same thing as attacking and occupying/taking over territory as everyone fears would happen. our enemies will not attack here, rather they will attack our interests in other countries and draw us into a fight abroad where supply lines are stretched too thin. they would rather fight us in their homeland because they know the lay of the land and we do not. this is how empires have been defeated throughout history. they do not call afghanistan "the place where empires die" for no reason.

    but back to the leaks, i doubt that these leaks will cause any attacks on our homeland. it makes our diplomts look arrogant, and our foreign policy makers look like driven, dominating, self righteous assholes, but i do not think our alliances will be damaged very much, other countries need relationships with us and vice versa....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Godfather. wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    xlnt reply thanks, I understand your answer(s) and and would agree and as far being attacked on our own shores do you recall the story during WW2 when there were 1 or 2 Japanese submarines off the coast of California ? I believe that the story goes that the figured it was a no win situation and turned around,
    So I would guess you are right on that call.

    i am familiar with that story about the subs, but really, are two sub crews going to be enough to storm a beach in california and take over a vast amount of territory?

    i'm just sayin. that is impossible.

    true but the point is that during war time we were wide open and the subs thought different and left.


    in 1942 japanese subs sat off sydney and launched midget subs that entered sydney harbour. they sank the HMAS kuttabul killing 19 sailors. the eastern suburbs of sydney were also shelled by japanese fire. 4 japanese submariners killed during the raid were cremated and their ashes taken back to japan.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    unsung wrote:
    he has been wanted for questioning for weeks in that rape case in sweden.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    Maybe this is old news but it was breaking, I think the Interpol warrant is new. ... n-assange/ ... es/?hpt=T2
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    i read earlier today that if he were tried in the US he would most likely be tried for treason, but he is not a us citizen so that can not happen. the other way is they would accuse him of spying but it would be a very difficult case to prove and he would most likely be found not guilty. some evidence would most likely be inadmissable in court. the federal laws regarding espionage and state secrets were written in 1914 and do not really apply in today's world....kinda funny how that works out...looks like we need to update some laws and expand that government another size...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    so why are the republicans calling for execution of the leaker for treason, when cheney, and libby committed treason by outing a covert cia operative for political reasons??? ... 89964.html
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    How come... someone telling us that Saudi Arabia sells oil to us and funds Al Qaeda... is WORSE than Saudi Arabia selling us oil and funding Al Qaeda?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    oh the irony of pentagon secrets being spread all over the internets. :lol::lol::lol:
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    we knew this would happen. ... tml?hpt=T1

  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,685
    Godfather. wrote:
    we knew this would happen. ... tml?hpt=T1



    what exactly did you know was going to happen

    that he was gonna "whistle-blow" on all of the corruption in world politics

    and the interpol would put out a warrant on him for a rape charge he probably did not commit?

    outstanding work, g
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

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