TSA is not the enemy



  • Cosmo wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    Amazing that most of you have no problem going through a porno scanner or being sexually assaulted by some ignorant TSA thug, but you lose sleep and have serious issues with people from Arizona being asked for an ID.
    Air travel is not a right. We CHOOSE to fly from here to there and back again. We can choose NOT to abide by the rules and laws set forth by air carriers and law enforcement by choosing not to fly. And it does not single out one segment of our citizens and give the rest of us a free pass.
    It has just become part of the routine that comes with our choice to fly safely from L.A. to New York. You can avoid a pat down by simply passing through the scanner.
    Finally... if you think someone is jacking off to a black and white image of someone standing there with arms streched out when there are hundreds or thousands of free pictures and videos of people fucking on the Internet... well... I don't even know what to say about that.

    Regardless of what a screener may or may not do with a brief glance at a nude image of me, I am not comfortable with them seeing it at all. I absolutely feel that it is a violation.

    "Sexual harassment is determined by the victim and is subjective because what one person finds as sexually harassing behavior may be acceptable to another person."
    http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... n55187810/

    I think that having to choose between two types of sexual harassment to fly or not to fly at all is unreasonable. Flying is common enough that we should be able to expect do it without giving up rights normally protected by the fourth amendment.
    The odds of being the victim of a terrorist attack are so ridiculously low; I will never understand people that are willing to give up so much of their freedom for the perception of being safe. Let the statistics sink in and you’ll be fine.
    http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/0 ... _death.htm

    For those who believe our safety is worth any price, how do you feel about mandatory installation of breathalyzers in vehicles?
    According to statistics, it’s 9/11 out on our roads every few months thanks to drunk drivers.
    http://www.cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/I ... sheet.html
    We could probably reduce the number of alcohol related deaths dramatically if everyone had to prove their sobriety before starting their engines.
    I carried a watermelon
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Regardless of what a screener may or may not do with a brief glance at a nude image of me, I am not comfortable with them seeing it at all. I absolutely feel that it is a violation.

    "Sexual harassment is determined by the victim and is subjective because what one person finds as sexually harassing behavior may be acceptable to another person."
    http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... n55187810/

    I think that having to choose between two types of sexual harassment to fly or not to fly at all is unreasonable. Flying is common enough that we should be able to expect do it without giving up rights normally protected by the fourth amendment.
    The odds of being the victim of a terrorist attack are so ridiculously low; I will never understand people that are willing to give up so much of their freedom for the perception of being safe. Let the statistics sink in and you’ll be fine.
    http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/0 ... _death.htm

    For those who believe our safety is worth any price, how do you feel about mandatory installation of breathalyzers in vehicles?
    According to statistics, it’s 9/11 out on our roads every few months thanks to drunk drivers.
    http://www.cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/I ... sheet.html
    We could probably reduce the number of alcohol related deaths dramatically if everyone had to prove their sobriety before starting their engines.

    While you may feel these measure are violation and unreasonable...there are others that don't...

    it comes down to choosing to fly or not fly...and really, what "freedom" has been given up...? this outrage over this issue is funny to me...

    I also enjoy the toss-crap-to-the-wall arguments that are tied to this issue like your breathalyzer thing...fine, lets make them mandatory...I'll agree with you and say they are a good thing and all cars should have them...
  • inmytree wrote:
    Regardless of what a screener may or may not do with a brief glance at a nude image of me, I am not comfortable with them seeing it at all. I absolutely feel that it is a violation.

    "Sexual harassment is determined by the victim and is subjective because what one person finds as sexually harassing behavior may be acceptable to another person."
    http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... n55187810/

    I think that having to choose between two types of sexual harassment to fly or not to fly at all is unreasonable. Flying is common enough that we should be able to expect do it without giving up rights normally protected by the fourth amendment.
    The odds of being the victim of a terrorist attack are so ridiculously low; I will never understand people that are willing to give up so much of their freedom for the perception of being safe. Let the statistics sink in and you’ll be fine.
    http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/0 ... _death.htm

    For those who believe our safety is worth any price, how do you feel about mandatory installation of breathalyzers in vehicles?
    According to statistics, it’s 9/11 out on our roads every few months thanks to drunk drivers.
    http://www.cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/I ... sheet.html
    We could probably reduce the number of alcohol related deaths dramatically if everyone had to prove their sobriety before starting their engines.

    While you may feel these measure are violation and unreasonable...there are others that don't...

    it comes down to choosing to fly or not fly...and really, what "freedom" has been given up...? this outrage over this issue is funny to me...

    I also enjoy the toss-crap-to-the-wall arguments that are tied to this issue like your breathalyzer thing...fine, lets make them mandatory...I'll agree with you and say they are a good thing and all cars should have them...
    have to disagree here inmytree. i don't think it's a toss-crap-to-the-wall argument at all. if the government is so concerned about peoples safety, why are they so selective about when to enforce additional measures to "ensure" it?

    there would be thousands and thousands more people who jump in their cars and drive after they have been drinking than there are people who are gonna go out and blow up a plane. í'd take my chances on a flight with a plane full of passengers who have not been patted down or been through the pervoscreener thanks. i've got more chance of being killed by some idiot on the road.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    have to disagree here inmytree. i don't think it's a toss-crap-to-the-wall argument at all. if the government is so concerned about peoples safety, why are they so selective about when to enforce additional measures to "ensure" it?

    there would be thousands and thousands more people who jump in their cars and drive after they have been drinking than there are people who are gonna go out and blow up a plane. í'd take my chances on a flight with a plane full of passengers who have not been patted down or been through the pervoscreener thanks. i've got more chance of being killed by some idiot on the road.

    help me understand...are you and adropinthepark saying the TSA should not be searching people because there is no law mandating breathalyzers in cars...?

  • inmytree wrote:
    have to disagree here inmytree. i don't think it's a toss-crap-to-the-wall argument at all. if the government is so concerned about peoples safety, why are they so selective about when to enforce additional measures to "ensure" it?

    there would be thousands and thousands more people who jump in their cars and drive after they have been drinking than there are people who are gonna go out and blow up a plane. í'd take my chances on a flight with a plane full of passengers who have not been patted down or been through the pervoscreener thanks. i've got more chance of being killed by some idiot on the road.

    help me understand...are you and adropinthepark saying the TSA should not be searching people because there is no law mandating breathalyzers in cars...?

    lol no, i'm not saying that. i'm asking why if the government is so concerned about peoples safety, are they so selective about when and how they will try to enforce it.

    adropinthepark posted a linked that said four times more people die each year from drink driving related injuries than the number of people killed on 9/11. these drink driving killings have been happening for years. not just since 9/11.

    or is it only people flying on planes that the government pretends to give a rats ass about?

    hope that is clearer ;)
  • norm wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    Q: Guess who just found out he needs to get his ass on a plane from the L.B.C. to Sea-Tac next week?
    A: The same guy that is going to stop by the TJMax on the way home tonight and pick up a cheap fricken' bikini to wear under his clothing through the scanners this Sunday.

    please take pics. :lol::lol::lol:


    Very nice...
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • unsung wrote:
    Amazing that most of you have no problem going through a porno scanner or being sexually assaulted by some ignorant TSA thug, but you lose sleep and have serious issues with people from Arizona being asked for an ID.

    That depends - are they doing it to everyone, or are they only doing it to people who fit a certain racial profile? The issue in Arizona wasn't that they were going to be asking people for IDs, it was that they were going to be targeting Mexicans and asking them for IDs, and Joe Public was going to be given the green light to complain about the cops if they weren't asking enough Mexicans for their IDs.

    Is everyone having to deal with the scanner/pat down routine at the airport, or is it predominantly being reserved for people who look like they might pray to Mecca?
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • Cosmo wrote:
    You are missing the point... or i did not state it clearly enough.
    The point is... when go in for my physical... I expect that finger up my ass. That's just part of what is to be expected. On the same note... when I purchase my plane fare... I expect to go through the security system at the airport that will now require I either choose to pass through the scanner (or I choose to be patted down by TSA Agents). I'm choosing to pass theogh the scanner because it takes less time.
    Now... if I go to see my doctor because I sprained my ankle playing softball... and he sticks his finger up my ass... that is not part of the bargain and completely unexpected. Physical... finger up my ass. Sprained ankle... no finger up my ass. That is the expectation.
    Also... both are choices i get to make. no one is making me get a physical and no one is making me fly to New York. Both are of my choosing and I understand what is to be expected with both.
    Now... addressing your question... which isn't related to either flying or prostate exams... yes... SOME doctors molest their patients. What does that have to do with anything? SOME priests molest their alter boys... SOME teachers molest their students... SOME parents molest their children. How does that relate to Airport Security?

    Wait... so the doctor ISN'T supposed to stick his hand up my arse when I've sprained my ankle?

    Son of a bitch...
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • I have to say, setting aside the notion of whether or not the TSA Happy Ending is right/wrong, does anybody else get the impression that Al Qaeda operatives are laughing their arses off over this? Since 9/11 they have managed to inconvenience almost every American who wants to travel anywhere as well as every foreigner who wants to travel to America, and on top of that they've managed to drive a wedge right down the middle of America that is so deep you now have half the country claiming the president is holding office illegally because he's a Muslim from Kenya. Forget flying planes into buildings, it looks like they're doing a better job of ruining America simply by turning its citizens on each other.
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • And now, for my fifth consecutive post on this topic (a sure sign that I really haven't had enough work on my desk today)

    http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news ... blades.ars
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Cosmo wrote:
    unsung wrote:
    Amazing that most of you have no problem going through a porno scanner or being sexually assaulted by some ignorant TSA thug, but you lose sleep and have serious issues with people from Arizona being asked for an ID.
    Air travel is not a right. We CHOOSE to fly from here to there and back again. We can choose NOT to abide by the rules and laws set forth by air carriers and law enforcement by choosing not to fly. And it does not single out one segment of our citizens and give the rest of us a free pass.
    It has just become part of the routine that comes with our choice to fly safely from L.A. to New York. You can avoid a pat down by simply passing through the scanner.
    Finally... if you think someone is jacking off to a black and white image of someone standing there with arms streched out when there are hundreds or thousands of free pictures and videos of people fucking on the Internet... well... I don't even know what to say about that.

    Regardless of what a screener may or may not do with a brief glance at a nude image of me, I am not comfortable with them seeing it at all. I absolutely feel that it is a violation.

    "Sexual harassment is determined by the victim and is subjective because what one person finds as sexually harassing behavior may be acceptable to another person."
    http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... n55187810/

    I think that having to choose between two types of sexual harassment to fly or not to fly at all is unreasonable. Flying is common enough that we should be able to expect do it without giving up rights normally protected by the fourth amendment.
    The odds of being the victim of a terrorist attack are so ridiculously low; I will never understand people that are willing to give up so much of their freedom for the perception of being safe. Let the statistics sink in and you’ll be fine.
    http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/0 ... _death.htm

    For those who believe our safety is worth any price, how do you feel about mandatory installation of breathalyzers in vehicles?
    According to statistics, it’s 9/11 out on our roads every few months thanks to drunk drivers.
    http://www.cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/I ... sheet.html
    We could probably reduce the number of alcohol related deaths dramatically if everyone had to prove their sobriety before starting their engines.
    All I know is this...
    Bikinis aren't cheap. I expected to find one for about 5 bucks at the TJ Maxx, but the cheapest one that would fit me was closer to 20.
    A co-worker told be to get one from the Goodwill. Yeah... right. I'm just trying to make a joke at the scanners, not contract a case of Chlamydia.
    So.... it turns out... i going to wear a cheap bra I bought at KMart. Not as funny as a bikini... but, still.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    inmytree wrote:
    have to disagree here inmytree. i don't think it's a toss-crap-to-the-wall argument at all. if the government is so concerned about peoples safety, why are they so selective about when to enforce additional measures to "ensure" it?

    there would be thousands and thousands more people who jump in their cars and drive after they have been drinking than there are people who are gonna go out and blow up a plane. í'd take my chances on a flight with a plane full of passengers who have not been patted down or been through the pervoscreener thanks. i've got more chance of being killed by some idiot on the road.

    help me understand...are you and adropinthepark saying the TSA should not be searching people because there is no law mandating breathalyzers in cars...?

    lol no, i'm not saying that. i'm asking why if the government is so concerned about peoples safety, are they so selective about when and how they will try to enforce it.

    adropinthepark posted a linked that said four times more people die each year from drink driving related injuries than the number of people killed on 9/11. these drink driving killings have been happening for years. not just since 9/11.

    or is it only people flying on planes that the government pretends to give a rats ass about?

    hope that is clearer ;)

    It's doesn't ;););)

    Seriously, I'm ok with the gov't being selective...because the alternative is not so good...
  • Fear is BIG business.

    nuff said.
  • unsung wrote:
    Exactly. Substitute government for bouncer. It's ok to allow it if the government is doing it. If it happened at a bar it would be sexual assault, the government gets a pass though.

    When did people start giving up their Rights so easily?

    When we all started to believe it was the government's job to take care of us from cradle to the grave apparently.

    Bristow, VA (5/13/10)
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    cajunkiwi wrote:
    I have to say, setting aside the notion of whether or not the TSA Happy Ending is right/wrong, does anybody else get the impression that Al Qaeda operatives are laughing their arses off over this? Since 9/11 they have managed to inconvenience almost every American who wants to travel anywhere as well as every foreigner who wants to travel to America, and on top of that they've managed to drive a wedge right down the middle of America that is so deep you now have half the country claiming the president is holding office illegally because he's a Muslim from Kenya. Forget flying planes into buildings, it looks like they're doing a better job of ruining America simply by turning its citizens on each other.

    this has basically been my stand since 2001. the moment you act out of fear is the moment the terrorists win. we passed that moment so long ago. the war on terrorism will never be won by 'us' cause its already been won by the terrorists whove succeeded in getting countries to act as if 'every' next plane pulling away from the terminal will be hijacked.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    cajunkiwi wrote:
    I have to say, setting aside the notion of whether or not the TSA Happy Ending is right/wrong, does anybody else get the impression that Al Qaeda operatives are laughing their arses off over this? Since 9/11 they have managed to inconvenience almost every American who wants to travel anywhere as well as every foreigner who wants to travel to America, and on top of that they've managed to drive a wedge right down the middle of America that is so deep you now have half the country claiming the president is holding office illegally because he's a Muslim from Kenya. Forget flying planes into buildings, it looks like they're doing a better job of ruining America simply by turning its citizens on each other.

    this has basically been my stand since 2001. the moment you act out of fear is the moment the terrorists win. we passed that moment so long ago. the war on terrorism will never be won by 'us' cause its already been won by the terrorists whove succeeded in getting countries to act as if 'every' next plane pulling away from the terminal will be hijacked.
    you think terrorists care about airport security? why?

    dream the dream of other men...you will be no one's rival....
  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    You sheep are so funny, acting like there are real terrorists out there. Trying to blow up planes with secret underpants bombs. So we submit to being grouped or exposed to radiation so idiots can "feel safer" about a plane not blowing up. When will people wake up? This is not about your safety salve, it's about making Michael Chirtoff and others millions of dollars. They want to put these everywhere and the dumb asses that are afraid of airplanes blowing up are going to pave the way. When will the sheeple wake up?
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Commy wrote:
    cajunkiwi wrote:
    I have to say, setting aside the notion of whether or not the TSA Happy Ending is right/wrong, does anybody else get the impression that Al Qaeda operatives are laughing their arses off over this? Since 9/11 they have managed to inconvenience almost every American who wants to travel anywhere as well as every foreigner who wants to travel to America, and on top of that they've managed to drive a wedge right down the middle of America that is so deep you now have half the country claiming the president is holding office illegally because he's a Muslim from Kenya. Forget flying planes into buildings, it looks like they're doing a better job of ruining America simply by turning its citizens on each other.

    this has basically been my stand since 2001. the moment you act out of fear is the moment the terrorists win. we passed that moment so long ago. the war on terrorism will never be won by 'us' cause its already been won by the terrorists whove succeeded in getting countries to act as if 'every' next plane pulling away from the terminal will be hijacked.
    you think terrorists care about airport security? why?...

    i imagine they at the least would certainly be amused by all the hullabaloo going on in regards to security. watching the infidels running around trying to avert another 9/11... and in doing so drill down ever harder on their own citizens. and those ordinary flyers. thats what i meant. what did you mean by whether terrorsits care...?
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    I need to start my own homeland security defense contractor business.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    unsung wrote:
    I need to start my own homeland security defense contractor business.

    I know some guys you might like when you start hiring. ;)

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    thought you all might find this interesting,it kinda sheds a new light on what TSA will get away with...maybe.
    politicians that own stake in these company's.
    http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2010 ... _Companies

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    thought you all might find this interesting,it kinda sheds a new light on what TSA will get away with...maybe.
    politicians that own stake in these company's.
    http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2010 ... _Companies

    Actually... that sheds a light on nothing.
    The company, L-3 Communications http://www.l-3com.com is a relatively small to mid-sized, publicly traded company. If you have a retirement fund, there is a possibility that YOU may own some of their stocks, if part of your portfolio includes investments in small to mid cap companies. It is a U.S. based company that employs U.S. citizens and manufactures an array of communications technology for aerospace applications and is a vendor for other U.S. companies, such as Boeing, Lockheed/Martin and Raytheon.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    SolarWorld wrote:
    You sheep are so funny, acting like there are real terrorists out there. Trying to blow up planes with secret underpants bombs. So we submit to being grouped or exposed to radiation so idiots can "feel safer" about a plane not blowing up. When will people wake up? This is not about your safety salve, it's about making Michael Chirtoff and others millions of dollars. They want to put these everywhere and the dumb asses that are afraid of airplanes blowing up are going to pave the way. When will the sheeple wake up?
    Thank you for clearing this all up!
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    thought you all might find this interesting,it kinda sheds a new light on what TSA will get away with...maybe.
    politicians that own stake in these company's.
    http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2010 ... _Companies

    Actually... that sheds a light on nothing.
    The company, L-3 Communications http://www.l-3com.com is a relatively small to mid-sized, publicly traded company. If you have a retirement fund, there is a possibility that YOU may own some of their stocks, if part of your portfolio includes investments in small to mid cap companies. It is a U.S. based company that employs U.S. citizens and manufactures an array of communications technology for aerospace applications and is a vendor for other U.S. companies, such as Boeing, Lockheed/Martin and Raytheon.

    wow!! thanks cosmo.

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    thought you all might find this interesting,it kinda sheds a new light on what TSA will get away with...maybe.
    politicians that own stake in these company's.
    http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2010 ... _Companies

    Actually... that sheds a light on nothing.
    The company, L-3 Communications http://www.l-3com.com is a relatively small to mid-sized, publicly traded company. If you have a retirement fund, there is a possibility that YOU may own some of their stocks, if part of your portfolio includes investments in small to mid cap companies. It is a U.S. based company that employs U.S. citizens and manufactures an array of communications technology for aerospace applications and is a vendor for other U.S. companies, such as Boeing, Lockheed/Martin and Raytheon.

    wow!! thanks cosmo.

    Yeah. i hate it when news organizations try to create things that are not there... just to create an atmosphere of fear and confusion.
    Like, it is not illegal for anyone to own stock. And $2,000.00 worth? How much does some like Kerry have in his portfolio... hundreds of millions? A couple billion? What is 2 grand to him?
    Now... If Kerry OWNED L-3 Comm... and was on the appropriations committee that said only L-3 Comm. could bid on fitting all of the domestic airports with image scanners... then, yeah... that would be a problem.
    But, it isn't the case and this type of story isn't news at all. It is political bullshit. How about them being the ones who uncover the fact that our tax dollars are funneled to Al Qaeda via Saudi Arabia and Qatar... instead of WikiLeaks?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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