Pat down my g/f's private area?.. I could care less. I know they are doing a job.
not sure, but I was under the impression that this was a govt thing.
Ok so you are ok with your girlfriend having her vagina touched by a stranger. So you don't have an issue if you are in a bar and someone does it?
Different scenario.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Just wondering...some of the rules that have come into place have been a result of the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber and those dudes in London, putting bomb making materials in bottles, none of these flights originated in the states. Also have all this extra security ever nabbed anybody?
For one I think the government is going overboard with all this security. Plus we give up our freedoms and rights to easliy and then the next incidence that happens the government will remove more of our rights and just say it's in the name of making us secure, and that scares me more than any terrorist because they are winning and we all seem the big loser.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I've come to expect my doctor to put on that rubber glove, dab it in a jar of Vasaline and stick his finger up my ass. Molestation? If done by some random dude in a bar... Yup. In a doctor's office... Nope. It is just part of the deal and if I didn't want his finger up my ass... I'd stop going to see him.
So now you are comparing someone who has attended 12+ years of medical school to someone who only needs a GED for a job?
And those doctors NEVER abuse patients, right?
You are missing the point... or i did not state it clearly enough.
The point is... when go in for my physical... I expect that finger up my ass. That's just part of what is to be expected. On the same note... when I purchase my plane fare... I expect to go through the security system at the airport that will now require I either choose to pass through the scanner (or I choose to be patted down by TSA Agents). I'm choosing to pass theogh the scanner because it takes less time.
Now... if I go to see my doctor because I sprained my ankle playing softball... and he sticks his finger up my ass... that is not part of the bargain and completely unexpected. Physical... finger up my ass. Sprained ankle... no finger up my ass. That is the expectation.
Also... both are choices i get to make. no one is making me get a physical and no one is making me fly to New York. Both are of my choosing and I understand what is to be expected with both.
Now... addressing your question... which isn't related to either flying or prostate exams... yes... SOME doctors molest their patients. What does that have to do with anything? SOME priests molest their alter boys... SOME teachers molest their students... SOME parents molest their children. How does that relate to Airport Security?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Exactly. Substitute government for bouncer. It's ok to allow it if the government is doing it. If it happened at a bar it would be sexual assault, the government gets a pass though.
When did people start giving up their Rights so easily?
But, the problem with this statement is this... you do not expect to be patted down at a bar... at least, not the bars I go to. When they start to pat down everyone that goes into a bar is the day I stop going to bars.
Again... it is your choice. Pass through the scanner.. and you don't have to get patted down (unless you have a load in your crotch). CHOOSE to pass on the scanner and guess what? You are getting patted down. You are still the one that gets to decide... scanner or pat down.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Exactly. Substitute government for bouncer. It's ok to allow it if the government is doing it. If it happened at a bar it would be sexual assault, the government gets a pass though.
When did people start giving up their Rights so easily?
But, the problem with this statement is this... you do not expect to be patted down at a bar... at least, not the bars I go to. When they start to pat down everyone that goes into a bar is the day I stop going to bars.
Again... it is your choice. Pass through the scanner.. and you don't have to get patted down (unless you have a load in your crotch). CHOOSE to pass on the scanner and guess what? You are getting patted down. You are still the one that gets to decide... scanner or pat down.
scanner vs patdown.. either way i dont want some strangers finger up my butt.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
scanner vs patdown.. either way i dont want some strangers finger up my butt.
You know how people put 'LOL' in their messages... but, you really don't know is they actually laughed out loud?
Well, I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Thanx for the laugh, Sweetheart.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Exactly. Substitute government for bouncer. It's ok to allow it if the government is doing it. If it happened at a bar it would be sexual assault, the government gets a pass though.
When did people start giving up their Rights so easily?
When we all started to believe it was the government's job to take care of us from cradle to the grave apparently.
yeah, and screw the drinking age too...damn gov't, squashing the rights of teens to drink in a bar...
oh wait, that doesn't bother you ignore it...funny how that works...
Wow, the ability for you to make some pretty big assumptions about others never fails to amaze me.
I split for a while to take care of family business and when I come back I get the best reading to date on the Train,I laughed so hard I had to pee....Cheap thrills and legal feel up's
I may not agree with everybody's complaints on the TSA feel fest but I love reading the back and forth arguments about it but seriously this is what safety has come to on a plane because some group of assholes targets airports as a way to cause damage and death.....hay I know ..lets blame Bush for all this groping, I'll bet he learned it from Clinton and lewinski so we can blame them as well then we throw Obama in the blame pot as well for not stopping all this freebie feel up
Sorry all I just couldn't help myself...this is just too dang funny.
Pat down my g/f's private area?.. I could care less. I know they are doing a job.
not sure, but I was under the impression that this was a govt thing.
Ok so you are ok with your girlfriend having her vagina touched by a stranger. So you don't have an issue if you are in a bar and someone does it?
ridiculous, and you've got to know that. i cant even take you seriously if you're going to make feeble attempts like this. come on man, can you answer what Cosmo said?
and yes, Vinny, this is being obtuse. I guarantee you there is nothing in the new tsa regulations that suggest an agent touch a womans labia inside her clothing. It is 100% an issue to be taken up with that employee.. it just like Cosmo said, there are priests, doctors, tailors,garbagemen, etc, who sexually assult people. This and the few other cases we have heard about are terrible, but what is the %? of the millions of people that are flying, there have been a few cases. maybe .0001%
So, no, this is not obviously an extreme case. All you have to do is a quick internet search on TSA abuses and MULTIPLE cases are going to pop up. Not obviously extreme in the least.
multiple cases are poping up, yes. How many of those people that are accused of sexual assual? Most are people who dont like the new stringent efforts of the tsa. The labia lady is the only one i've heard of specific sexual assult. again, 2-3 out of millions = extreme cases.
I've come to expect my doctor to put on that rubber glove, dab it in a jar of Vasaline and stick his finger up my ass. Molestation? If done by some random dude in a bar... Yup. In a doctor's office... Nope. It is just part of the deal and if I didn't want his finger up my ass... I'd stop going to see him.
So now you are comparing someone who has attended 12+ years of medical school to someone who only needs a GED for a job?
And those doctors NEVER abuse patients, right?
You are missing the point... or i did not state it clearly enough.
The point is... when go in for my physical... I expect that finger up my ass. That's just part of what is to be expected. On the same note... when I purchase my plane fare... I expect to go through the security system at the airport that will now require I either choose to pass through the scanner (or I choose to be patted down by TSA Agents). I'm choosing to pass theogh the scanner because it takes less time.
Now... if I go to see my doctor because I sprained my ankle playing softball... and he sticks his finger up my ass... that is not part of the bargain and completely unexpected. Physical... finger up my ass. Sprained ankle... no finger up my ass. That is the expectation.
Also... both are choices i get to make. no one is making me get a physical and no one is making me fly to New York. Both are of my choosing and I understand what is to be expected with both.
Now... addressing your question... which isn't related to either flying or prostate exams... yes... SOME doctors molest their patients. What does that have to do with anything? SOME priests molest their alter boys... SOME teachers molest their students... SOME parents molest their children. How does that relate to Airport Security?
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
exactly Cosmo, this is exactly what i was thinking.
I'm amazed that people can associate this stuff to a stranger in a bar. baffled really.
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
The ODD thing is that when I fly with my client on his private plane out of Palm Beach, DC, NJ or Martha's Vineyard we don't face ANY security as one does flying commercial. They are no removal of shoes, metal detectors, scanners, dog sniffers and hardly any armed security.
Basically, we arrive at the airport at PBI either drive up to plane, (DC, VA, NJ we're not allowed to do that) bags are dropped off and the pilot MAY ask me for ID. It's happened once or twice in 22 flights.
What this says to me is that the REALLY wealthy CAN NOT be inconvenienced.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
The ODD thing is that when I fly with my client on his private plane out of Palm Beach, DC, NJ or Martha's Vineyard we don't face ANY security as one does flying commercial. They are no removal of shoes, metal detectors, scanners, dog sniffers and hardly any armed security.
Basically, we arrive at the airport at PBI either drive up to plane, (DC, VA, NJ we're not allowed to do that) bags are dropped off and the pilot MAY ask me for ID. It's happened once or twice in 22 flights.
What this says to me is that the REALLY wealthy CAN NOT be inconvenienced.
wealthy people live a completely different life than the rest of us. of course they can not be inconvenienced. it is just the paupers like the rest of us that have to go through all of that.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
The ODD thing is that when I fly with my client on his private plane out of Palm Beach, DC, NJ or Martha's Vineyard we don't face ANY security as one does flying commercial. They are no removal of shoes, metal detectors, scanners, dog sniffers and hardly any armed security.
Basically, we arrive at the airport at PBI either drive up to plane, (DC, VA, NJ we're not allowed to do that) bags are dropped off and the pilot MAY ask me for ID. It's happened once or twice in 22 flights.
What this says to me is that the REALLY wealthy CAN NOT be inconvenienced.
wealthy people live a completely different life than the rest of us. of course they can not be inconvenienced. it is just the paupers like the rest of us that have to go through all of that.
commercial flying is for losers and terrorists. or something like that.
-homer simpson
Post edited by catefrances on
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
TSA is not the enemy, but until something is done to secure all cargo the plane is carrying, all the scanning and patting you want to do are just a dog and pony show to make some people feel that "everything possible" is being done. In essence airport security is like a barn with a tiny front door you can barely get access to in order to keep the roaches out, but they forgot to build the back wall, where they can pour in all they want. The pat downs would not be so annoying if they weren't so patently stupid in light of the fact that it has as of yet been deemed too "expensive" to secure cargo.
Just wondering...some of the rules that have come into place have been a result of the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber and those dudes in London, putting bomb making materials in bottles, none of these flights originated in the states. Also have all this extra security ever nabbed anybody?
actually, all the extra tight security at airports now is a direct result of what happened on 9/11, and all those flights originated in the US.
Seriously, I cannot even fathom intelligent people think this enhances safety at all. When I first heard people supporting this nonsense I really thought it was a joke. Anyone who thinks our skies are safer because they are being screened by someone who just advanced past the rank of mall cop is delusional at best.
The simple (and more affordable) answer is to use dogs. Go through a metal detector, have your shoes, bags, laptops scanned, whatever and then walk by a dog that is trained to find explosives. NO ONE will get by if they have so much as a match stick in their pocket. Those animals are better than any machine or blockhead they've got manning those posts.
Keep in mind that if some psycho is set on blowing up a plane, they won't have a bomb strapped around their waste. He/she is going to be more than willing to insert the materials into any orifice they have available and those screeners won't come close to finding it. That's the unfortunate reality in all this.
Seriously, I cannot even fathom intelligent people think this enhances safety at all. When I first heard people supporting this nonsense I really thought it was a joke. Anyone who thinks our skies are safer because they are being screened by someone who just advanced past the rank of mall cop is delusional at best.
The simple (and more affordable) answer is to use dogs. Go through a metal detector, have your shoes, bags, laptops scanned, whatever and then walk by a dog that is trained to find explosives. NO ONE will get by if they have so much as a match stick in their pocket. Those animals are better than any machine or blockhead they've got manning those posts.
Keep in mind that if some psycho is set on blowing up a plane, they won't have a bomb strapped around their waste. He/she is going to be more than willing to insert the materials into any orifice they have available and those screeners won't come close to finding it. That's the unfortunate reality in all this.
That's great. When we get the number of trained dogs to scan every passenger in all of the airports, then we can pass on the mandatory scanners and pat downs.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
That's great. When we get the number of trained dogs to scan every passenger in all of the airports, then we can pass on the mandatory scanners and pat downs.
A good friend of mine is a dog trainer with the Army. The guy looks like the big hulking dude from Green Mile, but he is like a dog whisperer or something. Based on what I've seen him do with dogs over the years, I seriously doubt it would be an issue, it may take a few months to get enough of them trained, but it would definitely be doable.
That's great. When we get the number of trained dogs to scan every passenger in all of the airports, then we can pass on the mandatory scanners and pat downs.
A good friend of mine is a dog trainer with the Army. The guy looks like the big hulking dude from Green Mile, but he is like a dog whisperer or something. Based on what I've seen him do with dogs over the years, I seriously doubt it would be an issue, it may take a few months to get enough of them trained, but it would definitely be doable.
I could be wrong, but i thought i heard when dogs are sniffing, they're sniffing for one particular scent, so they could actually miss something they're not sniffing for. maybe you could ask your friend about that?
Another great example of these glorified mall cops doing what they do best. This bullshit is nothing more than a power trip and has nothing to do with safety. I love how giving someone a blue shirt and rubber gloves all of a sudden makes these half brains feel important in their otherwise insignificant lives.
Another great example of these glorified mall cops doing what they do best. This bullshit is nothing more than a power trip and has nothing to do with safety. I love how giving someone a blue shirt and rubber gloves all of a sudden makes these half brains feel important in their otherwise insignificant lives.
i remember transitting through LAX a couple of years back and having an opened bottle of water in my bag. id totally forgotten it was there cause its such a commonplace thing. so anyways the security guard spotted it and semi freaked out at its presence saying youve got water you cant take that on the plane blah blah blah . i just said oh yeah sorry i forgot i had it and simply threw it in the bin provided. she was in near hysterics at the possibilities posed by this errant bottle. i thought chill girl or your gonna miss something way more important than a bottle of water. meanwhile i was allowed to take snowglobes on the plane... cause clearly the unknown liquid in them, widely assumed to be water, was not dangerous nor did it have the capacity to become so. and dont get me started on how many nailfiles ive lost to security due to my own stupidity and vague memory. :roll:
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Q: Guess who just found out he needs to get his ass on a plane from the L.B.C. to Sea-Tac next week?
A: The same guy that is going to stop by the TJMax on the way home tonight and pick up a cheap fricken' bikini to wear under his clothing through the scanners this Sunday.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I'm flying to Vegas tomorrow and I'm thinking about wearing an athletic cup through security.
Q: Guess who just found out he needs to get his ass on a plane from the L.B.C. to Sea-Tac next week?
A: The same guy that is going to stop by the TJMax on the way home tonight and pick up a cheap fricken' bikini to wear under his clothing through the scanners this Sunday.
please take pics.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Q: Guess who just found out he needs to get his ass on a plane from the L.B.C. to Sea-Tac next week?
A: The same guy that is going to stop by the TJMax on the way home tonight and pick up a cheap fricken' bikini to wear under his clothing through the scanners this Sunday.
For one I think the government is going overboard with all this security. Plus we give up our freedoms and rights to easliy and then the next incidence that happens the government will remove more of our rights and just say it's in the name of making us secure, and that scares me more than any terrorist because they are winning and we all seem the big loser.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
You are missing the point... or i did not state it clearly enough.
The point is... when go in for my physical... I expect that finger up my ass. That's just part of what is to be expected. On the same note... when I purchase my plane fare... I expect to go through the security system at the airport that will now require I either choose to pass through the scanner (or I choose to be patted down by TSA Agents). I'm choosing to pass theogh the scanner because it takes less time.
Now... if I go to see my doctor because I sprained my ankle playing softball... and he sticks his finger up my ass... that is not part of the bargain and completely unexpected. Physical... finger up my ass. Sprained ankle... no finger up my ass. That is the expectation.
Also... both are choices i get to make. no one is making me get a physical and no one is making me fly to New York. Both are of my choosing and I understand what is to be expected with both.
Now... addressing your question... which isn't related to either flying or prostate exams... yes... SOME doctors molest their patients. What does that have to do with anything? SOME priests molest their alter boys... SOME teachers molest their students... SOME parents molest their children. How does that relate to Airport Security?
Hail, Hail!!!
But, the problem with this statement is this... you do not expect to be patted down at a bar... at least, not the bars I go to. When they start to pat down everyone that goes into a bar is the day I stop going to bars.
Again... it is your choice. Pass through the scanner.. and you don't have to get patted down (unless you have a load in your crotch). CHOOSE to pass on the scanner and guess what? You are getting patted down. You are still the one that gets to decide... scanner or pat down.
Hail, Hail!!!
scanner vs patdown.. either way i dont want some strangers finger up my butt.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You know how people put 'LOL' in their messages... but, you really don't know is they actually laughed out loud?
Well, I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Thanx for the laugh, Sweetheart.
Hail, Hail!!!
Wow, the ability for you to make some pretty big assumptions about others never fails to amaze me.
I know you are more intelligent than this. Being aware of an action does not inherently make said action justifiable.
I may not agree with everybody's complaints on the TSA feel fest but I love reading the back and forth arguments about it but seriously this is what safety has come to on a plane because some group of assholes targets airports as a way to cause damage and death.....hay I know ..lets blame Bush for all this groping, I'll bet he learned it from Clinton and lewinski so we can blame them as well then we throw Obama in the blame pot as well for not stopping all this freebie feel up
Sorry all I just couldn't help myself...this is just too dang funny.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
ridiculous, and you've got to know that. i cant even take you seriously if you're going to make feeble attempts like this. come on man, can you answer what Cosmo said?
and yes, Vinny, this is being obtuse. I guarantee you there is nothing in the new tsa regulations that suggest an agent touch a womans labia inside her clothing. It is 100% an issue to be taken up with that employee.. it just like Cosmo said, there are priests, doctors, tailors,garbagemen, etc, who sexually assult people. This and the few other cases we have heard about are terrible, but what is the %? of the millions of people that are flying, there have been a few cases. maybe .0001%
multiple cases are poping up, yes. How many of those people that are accused of sexual assual? Most are people who dont like the new stringent efforts of the tsa. The labia lady is the only one i've heard of specific sexual assult. again, 2-3 out of millions = extreme cases.
exactly Cosmo, this is exactly what i was thinking.
I'm amazed that people can associate this stuff to a stranger in a bar. baffled really.
Basically, we arrive at the airport at PBI either drive up to plane, (DC, VA, NJ we're not allowed to do that) bags are dropped off and the pilot MAY ask me for ID. It's happened once or twice in 22 flights.
What this says to me is that the REALLY wealthy CAN NOT be inconvenienced.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
commercial flying is for losers and terrorists. or something like that.
-homer simpson
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
actually, all the extra tight security at airports now is a direct result of what happened on 9/11, and all those flights originated in the US.
The simple (and more affordable) answer is to use dogs. Go through a metal detector, have your shoes, bags, laptops scanned, whatever and then walk by a dog that is trained to find explosives. NO ONE will get by if they have so much as a match stick in their pocket. Those animals are better than any machine or blockhead they've got manning those posts.
Keep in mind that if some psycho is set on blowing up a plane, they won't have a bomb strapped around their waste. He/she is going to be more than willing to insert the materials into any orifice they have available and those screeners won't come close to finding it. That's the unfortunate reality in all this.
That's great. When we get the number of trained dogs to scan every passenger in all of the airports, then we can pass on the mandatory scanners and pat downs.
Hail, Hail!!!
A good friend of mine is a dog trainer with the Army. The guy looks like the big hulking dude from Green Mile, but he is like a dog whisperer or something. Based on what I've seen him do with dogs over the years, I seriously doubt it would be an issue, it may take a few months to get enough of them trained, but it would definitely be doable.
I could be wrong, but i thought i heard when dogs are sniffing, they're sniffing for one particular scent, so they could actually miss something they're not sniffing for. maybe you could ask your friend about that?
Another great example of these glorified mall cops doing what they do best. This bullshit is nothing more than a power trip and has nothing to do with safety. I love how giving someone a blue shirt and rubber gloves all of a sudden makes these half brains feel important in their otherwise insignificant lives.
i remember transitting through LAX a couple of years back and having an opened bottle of water in my bag. id totally forgotten it was there cause its such a commonplace thing. so anyways the security guard spotted it and semi freaked out at its presence saying youve got water you cant take that on the plane blah blah blah . i just said oh yeah sorry i forgot i had it and simply threw it in the bin provided. she was in near hysterics at the possibilities posed by this errant bottle. i thought chill girl or your gonna miss something way more important than a bottle of water. meanwhile i was allowed to take snowglobes on the plane... cause clearly the unknown liquid in them, widely assumed to be water, was not dangerous nor did it have the capacity to become so.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
A: The same guy that is going to stop by the TJMax on the way home tonight and pick up a cheap fricken' bikini to wear under his clothing through the scanners this Sunday.
Hail, Hail!!!
please take pics.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say