You son of a bitch! You just ruined the show for me!
Good point though. Why go to all the effort to CGI the breath if it makes no sense to do it in the first place?
These writers really need to get their shit together.
Also, from the CDC episode in the first season...
The part of the brain they show that becomes "active" after death isn't part of any sensory reception. They wouldn't be able to smell or even see for that matter.
That whole CDC episode was beyond comical.
You son of a bitch! You just ruined the show for me!
Good point though. Why go to all the effort to CGI the breath if it makes no sense to do it in the first place?
These writers really need to get their shit together.
Also, from the CDC episode in the first season...
The part of the brain they show that becomes "active" after death isn't part of any sensory reception. They wouldn't be able to smell or even see for that matter.
That whole CDC episode was beyond comical.
Or hear the gun shot that moved them towards the farm... Those damn zombies are full of surprises
In the comics, they were only at the farm for a very short time and they stay at the prison for really long time. I'm wondering if that might be reversed or if we might see a season or two of the show at the prison. Also, Darrell and T-Dog do not exist in the comics and Sophia is still alive. Sophia and Carl grow up together in the comics. Anyway, that is my understanding of it. I wouldn't really let any of the comic "spoilers" ruin it for me. I do not think any spoilers exist here.
you mean Darryl isn't in the comics? that makes me not want to read the comics..
Yeah, I agree. He is my favorite male character on the show right now (Andrea is my favorite female). My whole point was that I do not want to see this thread split into comic readers non-comic readers. I personally have not read any of the comics, but I do not mind comic spoilers. There would be no point in making a show that follows the comics 100%, that would be no fun. Anyway, since this is the "all things zombie" thread, it seems to me that relating the comics to the show is fair game. We've discussed everything on here from Romero to "what if" it really happened. So, assuming people have not seen a Romero film, that would be potential a spoiler for them. Anytime you go on an internet forum to discuss a show/movie, there is always the possibility of seeing a spoiler. Anyway, aside from that Daryl (however he spells it) rocks my socks. I would want him on my side in the event it really happened. I also think that Merele (?) will be back and it will cause some friction between him and the group, but Daryl will stick with the group. That is just my thoughts.
That crap with Lori in the kitchen with Andrea was some of the most sexist sh#!.
it wasn't sexist. it was her role as a wife and mother living in the south, married to a cop. that's just reality in some parts.
Geography has nothing to do with it. I live in the South, it's not all "get in the kitchen woman" around here. I'm sure some women take on that role voluntarily, and decide it's their duty to do some of that stuff if they are being a stay at home mom and the husband has a job, but it's not part of the culture anymore than it would be in the rest of the country or continent.
I didn't meant to offend with mentioning the South. I wasn't trying to generalize a whole area, I don't actually think that the south is all "get in the kitchen woman", it's just how it is potrayed on tv most of the time. Am I wrong about that?
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I was talking to a guy at work today about all the inconsistencies in the show regarding what zombies do/don't do can/can't do, and he said that in at least one of Romero's films, there's a scene where a military guy is seen by some zombies shooting his automatic weapon. after the guy is killed, the zombie then copies what the guy was doing and "learns" to shoot, and then teaches other zombies to shoot and becomes their leader. :shock:
as all life evolves, so do viruses. so in theory, if the virus controlling the zombie's very being evolves, then so does the behaviour/ability of its host, which might give the writers a huge get out of jail free card with some liberties they have been taking.
that being said, I don't know that real viruses mutate while still in the same host, rather they mutate from host to host, but I digress.
I'm not a doctor, Jim, I'm a pool man!
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
You son of a bitch! You just ruined the show for me!
Good point though. Why go to all the effort to CGI the breath if it makes no sense to do it in the first place?
These writers really need to get their shit together.
Also, from the CDC episode in the first season...
The part of the brain they show that becomes "active" after death isn't part of any sensory reception. They wouldn't be able to smell or even see for that matter.
That whole CDC episode was beyond comical.
Cold bodies aren't going to give off breath, breathing or not.
Maybe they still have their senses, but their lungs don't need oxygen?
By the way, I forgot to mention this in my first post but this group of people are amazingly accurate in shooting weapons of all kinds from moving vehicles.
I was talking to a guy at work today about all the inconsistencies in the show regarding what zombies do/don't do can/can't do, and he said that in at least one of Romero's films, there's a scene where a military guy is seen by some zombies shooting his automatic weapon. after the guy is killed, the zombie then copies what the guy was doing and "learns" to shoot, and then teaches other zombies to shoot and becomes their leader. :shock:
as all life evolves, so do viruses. so in theory, if the virus controlling the zombie's very being evolves, then so does the behaviour/ability of its host, which might give the writers a huge get out of jail free card with some liberties they have been taking.
that being said, I don't know that real viruses mutate while still in the same host, rather they mutate from host to host, but I digress.
I'm not a doctor, Jim, I'm a pool man!
that was romero stretching the limits with the john legizamo one....Land of the dead its the one with the big african american zombie..
it really didn't work
as i have mentioned...i give credit to romero for trying different takes on the genre...however its hard to make them work aka..this one and the most recent one when they try to live with them
its hard to make his earlier/best movies any better....very limited in what a zombie can do
i do give him credit for trying
Post edited by neilybabes86 on
i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
Maybe they still have their senses, but their lungs don't need oxygen?
i agree...just pointing out that on the aftershow they made a point to say Zombies don't breathe...
but i guess they can sniff...the action of sniffing would be breathing in, right?
who cares though, right?!!...great show/episode
shouldn't have even brought it up :oops:
yeah, I was going to take it one step further.....if they eat, that must mean that they shit then, too right? ever seen a zombie on the toilet? I haven't, but now I want to!
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
listen....if anyone is gonna post comic spoilers...just give a heads up..simple
We will all have to just agree to disagree on this one. I really hate spoilers too, but I do not see how the comic spoils the show in any way (that is just the way I see it). The show is only loosely following the comic story line. The writers said earlier on Talking Dead in season 2 that they would not be following the comic series, that it would be pointless to do so. They also gave us a heads up that Michonne was coming way back when too. Chris flat asked when she was going to show up on one episode of the Talking Dead and they said it would be soon. The cast themselves have also stated that it's not if you die, but when. I don't think those of use talking about the comics are being insensitive, but that is just my opinion. Anyway, I will try to remember in future post to point this out, even though I do not think it's a spoiler.
FYI though: Bruce Willis is dead.
(If you want to be really pissed have somebody ruin that for you like my significant other did.)
but, honest question here: After reading back only the last 8-9 pages on here, where were the spoilers?
We can all see its a Prison
The creator of the story himself said what the hooded characters name was on the wrap-up show & seeing how she just showed up out of the blue with a Samurai Sword with 2 walkers attached to her kind of indicates shes not your ordinary person...aka Badass
Saying Daryl wasn't in the Comic doesn't spoil anything for the show
I actually stopped reading the Comics not far from where the TV show is now, because I didn't want it to interfere with the TV show Arc.
I didn't meant to offend with mentioning the South. I wasn't trying to generalize a whole area, I don't actually think that the south is all "get in the kitchen woman", it's just how it is potrayed on tv most of the time. Am I wrong about that?
I know you didn't mean to offend, and I wasn't offended, I was just clarifying. Like I said, I'm sure there are stay at home moms who do housework around here, but it's not just the way it is or part of society. Thinking back to when I was growing up I can't think of any friends who had a stay at home mom, both parents worked and chores were divided to the best of my memory. And the two friends of mine who have kids, oddly enough are both stay at home dads and the wives work.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Why was Lori mad at Rick for killing Shane when that's what she wanted him to do?
She was way out of line in my opinion. He was Rick's best friend, thus it was harder on him as he pointed out in his brilliant reality rant to the group at the end..
Why was Lori mad at Rick for killing Shane when that's what she wanted him to do?
She sucks!
If I was Rick, I'd convince Daryl, TDawg, Hershel and Maggie to leave the rest behind.
Daryl is a badass.
TDawg seems fun.
Hershel could keep you alive.
Why not Glenn you ask? I like Glenn, but with few female options, I'd want dibs on Maggie!
listen....if anyone is gonna post comic spoilers...just give a heads up..simple
We will all have to just agree to disagree on this one. I really hate spoilers too, but I do not see how the comic spoils the show in any way (that is just the way I see it). The show is only loosely following the comic story line. The writers said earlier on Talking Dead in season 2 that they would not be following the comic series, that it would be pointless to do so. They also gave us a heads up that Michonne was coming way back when too. Chris flat asked when she was going to show up on one episode of the Talking Dead and they said it would be soon. The cast themselves have also stated that it's not if you die, but when. I don't think those of use talking about the comics are being insensitive, but that is just my opinion. Anyway, I will try to remember in future post to point this out, even though I do not think it's a spoiler.
FYI though: Bruce Willis is dead.
(If you want to be really pissed have somebody ruin that for you like my significant other did.)
I don't mind people talking about the comics...but you've got to realize that some of us are 100% in the dark here....we know pretty much everything is a spoiler. I don't even watch the Talking Dead. That host annoys me, and I can't bring myself to watch a show anout a show (no offense anyone, to each their own)....but ya...a simple *spoiler alert* for speculation based on the comics, is all anyone should need, then we can only blame ourselves if we read it.
your Sixth Sense comment reminded me of watching a baseball game in the mid-90's....Kevin Spacey was in the crowd...when the camera was on him, the idiot commentator says 'and there's Keyser Soze taking in the game this afternoon' ....I had only watched it like a week before that. I'd have been so pissed if someone ruined that movie for me.
but, honest question here: After reading back only the last 8-9 pages on here, where were the spoilers?
We can all see its a Prison
The creator of the story himself said what the hooded characters name was on the wrap-up show & seeing how she just showed up out of the blue with a Samurai Sword with 2 walkers attached to her kind of indicates shes not your ordinary person...aka Badass
Saying Daryl wasn't in the Comic doesn't spoil anything for the show
I actually stopped reading the Comics not far from where the TV show is now, because I didn't want it to interfere with the TV show Arc.
So far the book and tv show have been different with only a few thing things the same. It's great for me because it's like I'm in TWO Walking Dead universes. I was late to the book. I started reading it after I watched about half of the first season. I went out and bought all 95 or so issues. I HIGHLY recommend the book. It's great. Michonne is my favorite character in the book, hopefully she will be just as great in the show...and yes she is a BADASS.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
why is there a debate on tv conversation vs. comic conversation...the thread title does say "and all things zombie"
By the way, I forgot to mention this in my first post but this group of people are amazingly accurate in shooting weapons of all kinds from moving vehicles.
right?! i was thinking that too while watching. they didn't miss once.. but i guess you could say they've been practicing and stuff..
You son of a bitch! You just ruined the show for me!
Good point though. Why go to all the effort to CGI the breath if it makes no sense to do it in the first place?
These writers really need to get their shit together.
Also, from the CDC episode in the first season...
The part of the brain they show that becomes "active" after death isn't part of any sensory reception. They wouldn't be able to smell or even see for that matter.
That whole CDC episode was beyond comical.
you mean Darryl isn't in the comics? that makes me not want to read the comics..
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
I didn't meant to offend with mentioning the South. I wasn't trying to generalize a whole area, I don't actually think that the south is all "get in the kitchen woman", it's just how it is potrayed on tv most of the time. Am I wrong about that?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
as all life evolves, so do viruses. so in theory, if the virus controlling the zombie's very being evolves, then so does the behaviour/ability of its host, which might give the writers a huge get out of jail free card with some liberties they have been taking.
that being said, I don't know that real viruses mutate while still in the same host, rather they mutate from host to host, but I digress.
I'm not a doctor, Jim, I'm a pool man!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Maybe they still have their senses, but their lungs don't need oxygen?
Just saying.
We, as a culture, have really gone insane with the spoilers.
i agree...just pointing out that on the aftershow they made a point to say Zombies don't breathe...
but i guess they can sniff...the action of sniffing would be breathing in, right?
who cares though, right?!!...great show/episode
shouldn't have even brought it up :oops:
that was romero stretching the limits with the john legizamo one....Land of the dead its the one with the big african american zombie..
it really didn't work
as i have mentioned...i give credit to romero for trying different takes on the genre...however its hard to make them work aka..this one and the most recent one when they try to live with them
its hard to make his earlier/best movies any better....very limited in what a zombie can do
i do give him credit for trying
Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
RNDM- 11/27/12
PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
yeah, I was going to take it one step further.....if they eat, that must mean that they shit then, too right? ever seen a zombie on the toilet? I haven't, but now I want to!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
We will all have to just agree to disagree on this one. I really hate spoilers too, but I do not see how the comic spoils the show in any way (that is just the way I see it). The show is only loosely following the comic story line. The writers said earlier on Talking Dead in season 2 that they would not be following the comic series, that it would be pointless to do so. They also gave us a heads up that Michonne was coming way back when too. Chris flat asked when she was going to show up on one episode of the Talking Dead and they said it would be soon. The cast themselves have also stated that it's not if you die, but when. I don't think those of use talking about the comics are being insensitive, but that is just my opinion. Anyway, I will try to remember in future post to point this out, even though I do not think it's a spoiler.
FYI though: Bruce Willis is dead.
(If you want to be really pissed have somebody ruin that for you like my significant other did.)
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
but, honest question here: After reading back only the last 8-9 pages on here, where were the spoilers?
We can all see its a Prison
The creator of the story himself said what the hooded characters name was on the wrap-up show & seeing how she just showed up out of the blue with a Samurai Sword with 2 walkers attached to her kind of indicates shes not your ordinary person...aka Badass
Saying Daryl wasn't in the Comic doesn't spoil anything for the show
I actually stopped reading the Comics not far from where the TV show is now, because I didn't want it to interfere with the TV show Arc.
I know you didn't mean to offend, and I wasn't offended, I was just clarifying. Like I said, I'm sure there are stay at home moms who do housework around here, but it's not just the way it is or part of society. Thinking back to when I was growing up I can't think of any friends who had a stay at home mom, both parents worked and chores were divided to the best of my memory. And the two friends of mine who have kids, oddly enough are both stay at home dads and the wives work.
She was way out of line in my opinion. He was Rick's best friend, thus it was harder on him as he pointed out in his brilliant reality rant to the group at the end..
If I was Rick, I'd convince Daryl, TDawg, Hershel and Maggie to leave the rest behind.
Daryl is a badass.
TDawg seems fun.
Hershel could keep you alive.
Why not Glenn you ask? I like Glenn, but with few female options, I'd want dibs on Maggie!
your Sixth Sense comment reminded me of watching a baseball game in the mid-90's....Kevin Spacey was in the crowd...when the camera was on him, the idiot commentator says 'and there's Keyser Soze taking in the game this afternoon'
Sounds like she could be my bff....
So far the book and tv show have been different with only a few thing things the same. It's great for me because it's like I'm in TWO Walking Dead universes. I was late to the book. I started reading it after I watched about half of the first season. I went out and bought all 95 or so issues. I HIGHLY recommend the book. It's great. Michonne is my favorite character in the book, hopefully she will be just as great in the show...and yes she is a BADASS.
point, 81...your move next poster
right?! i was thinking that too while watching. they didn't miss once.. but i guess you could say they've been practicing and stuff..