australia.. the dumb blonde



  • pjfan31pjfan31 Posts: 7,335
    Give her a few more years. Then if she doesn't get it it's time to worry.

    My brother in law is a really intelligent guy, but jokes go over his head at times. He starts laughing like 5 minutes later
    Sydney 11/02/2003
    Sydney 14/02/2003
    Sydney 07/11/2006
    Sydney 18/11/2006
    Sydney 22/11/2009
    EV Sydney 18/03/2011
    EV Sydney 19/03/2011
    EV Sydney 20/03/2011
    Melbourne 24/01/2014
    Sydney 26/01/2014
    EV Sydney 13/02/2014
    Byrnzie wrote:
    If you are not living in the society how can you know the nuances.
    How can you be an anarchist in a society , when you dont live in it.

    lots of people have ideas, why is hers the only one you bring to the table. I find that interesting.
    The female Eunach makes her an expert on everything ??

    She was born and raised there. I was born in England but I've lived in Asia the past 4 years, so is anything I say about England now irrelevant?

    And I've not read the female Eunach, but I did read 'White Fella Jump Up'. Did you even read the above excerpt from that book that I quoted on the first page of this thread?

    Having Studied
    Australian Economic history. Including a large study of aboriginal economics
    Australian Sociology

    having lived here for 41 years with a 6 month trip to europe.
    I read about the first 200 words then skimmed that trash.
    her views are plain simplistic and stupid.

    we want a society in our country where everyone has the same chance regardless of sex, race and wealth .
    You and her browbeat us for saying aboriginals have a problem with alcahol. its a fact but we are racist because we say it. Our government is racist beacuse it bans the use of alcahol in some communities.

    I say give those kids in those communities a beter education is more inportant than allowing alcahol. but hey take us to the human rights commision over it
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    You and her browbeat us for saying aboriginals have a problem with alcahol. its a fact but we are racist because we say it. Our government is racist beacuse it bans the use of alcahol in some communities.


    where in this passage is greer browbeating us...

    good deal of energy has been expended on diagnosing the malaise that leads to high levels of alcoholism, addiction and crimes of violence in Aboriginal society. Whitefella spiritual desolation is seldom admitted, let alone discussed. Problem drinking affected whitefellas long before it made devastating inroads into Aboriginal society, and continues to wreak havoc today. It is one of a galaxy of self-destructive behaviours making a continuum with suicide, drug abuse, reckless driving and self-harming, all of which are rife in the "lucky" country.

    just seems a statement of fact to me.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
    didnt say that the browbeating was in that specific text.
    study her work, her statments you will find plenty.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    didnt say that the browbeating was in that specific text.
    study her work, her statments you will find plenty.

    oh i see... so you were referring to something she said that isnt evident in the extract byrnzie posted?

    next time can you be more specific... makes it easier to debate. also makes it easier for us to know what youre talking about.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • didnt say that the browbeating was in that specific text.
    study her work, her statments you will find plenty.

    oh i see... so you were referring to something she said that isnt evident in the extract byrnzie posted?

    next time can you be more specific... makes it easier to debate. also makes it easier for us to know what youre talking about.

    i definitely agree with some of the things she said in the extract Byrnzie posted. not all though.

    what she on an about when she talks of "feral" kids who occasionally attend secret gatherings deep in national forests where strange things are done and said and strange substances ingested? like it's something that's exclusive to Australia? no idea what she is on about.
    i definitely agree with some of the things she said in the extract Byrnzie posted. not all though.

    what she on an about when she talks of "feral" kids who occasionally attend secret gatherings deep in national forests where strange things are done and said and strange substances ingested? like it's something that's exclusive to Australia? no idea what she is on about.[/quote]

    and thats what pisses me off
    its like Its only australians who have destroyed a civilisation. like its our fault what our forebears did.
    we are left to fix what has happened. and most want to do just that, but we have to also wear the collective guilt as well.
    not fair at all
    didnt say that the browbeating was in that specific text.
    study her work, her statments you will find plenty.

    oh i see... so you were referring to something she said that isnt evident in the extract byrnzie posted?

    next time can you be more specific... makes it easier to debate. also makes it easier for us to know what youre talking about.

    again I will say that I refuse to read all of that dribble. go back read how many times i said that. Now If i said i didnt read it
    maybe actually reading what I said will help you understand what Im debating. I talked of her body of work, didnt I

    Now im gunna quickly skim that documents for her brow beating just to make you smile
    The day white Australians can look in the mirror and say 'I am Aboriginal' is the day their tormented country
    hardly tormented
    Blackfellas are not and never were the problem. They were the solution, if only whitefellas had been able to see it.
    so the whitefellas are the problem are we
    the country I love has been crazily devastated by whitefellas
    yep thats right aint it
    Australia's "sophisticated recreational lifestyle" comes at a huge cost in terms of non-renewable resources.
    interesting that some of the biggest mines in this country are on aboriginal land but hey blame the white man
    self-destructive behaviours making a continuum with suicide, drug abuse, reckless driving and self-harming, all of which are rife in the "lucky" country.

    We hate this country because we cannot allow ourselves to love it. We know in our hearts' core that it is not ours.
    I love this place, I love all of it, the bush , the desert. I was born here just like 50 thoasand years of aboriginals and 200 years of europeans have been born here. I have the same damn rights as the next person

    just a few but it says plenty
  • KatKat Posts: 4,930
    a peeing contest about countries and pride in country? Fini.

    Such an inflammatory article. Not ok. Thanks, all.
    Falling down,...not staying down
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