Question: So we got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas, and it came with a three-month free trial to Nintendo Online, which has all the old-school games that I can actually play (Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Punch-Out, etc.).
Do any Switch gamers know if I need to pay for the service once the free trial runs out to continue to play those games? I'm not interested in playing those games with someone in Belfast; I just want to play the games. And as far as I can tell, there are no game cartridges for the Switch that have these old-school games.
Question: So we got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas, and it came with a three-month free trial to Nintendo Online, which has all the old-school games that I can actually play (Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Punch-Out, etc.).
Do any Switch gamers know if I need to pay for the service once the free trial runs out to continue to play those games? I'm not interested in playing those games with someone in Belfast; I just want to play the games. And as far as I can tell, there are no game cartridges for the Switch that have these old-school games.
Yes in order to keep using and playing those games you have to have an active online account.
Question: So we got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas, and it came with a three-month free trial to Nintendo Online, which has all the old-school games that I can actually play (Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Punch-Out, etc.).
Do any Switch gamers know if I need to pay for the service once the free trial runs out to continue to play those games? I'm not interested in playing those games with someone in Belfast; I just want to play the games. And as far as I can tell, there are no game cartridges for the Switch that have these old-school games.
Yes in order to keep using and playing those games you have to have an active online account.
Build a Retropie. Can literally have any game you can think of up through PS1 for free (equipment may run about $50-$80).
Just checked this out. Cool concept, but not great for Luddites like me.
Edit: Maybe I can tell a young person what games I want, and they can program the doohickey.
It's actually pretty easy.
People have done all the work already developed the entire thing into various stylings, games, etc. They are contained in singular img files, most of them hosted at arcade punks. You just download a file, flash it onto a mini SD card and you're ready to go. The hardest thing would be configuring a controller (which is easy because it prompts you right when it detects a controller).
There are many easy to follow YouTube vids out there
Xbox Game Pass is adding a serious collection of sports game in the next month ... Madden 21, NHL 21, NBA2K21, some soccer games, and Star Wars Squadrons. They just added Dirt 5 which came out at launch of the new gen a week ago. If they add MLB the Show (no chance in hell), I may not need to purchase a retail game again ... although I did pick up Assetto Corsa Competizione for $30 (see F1 thread for a video). Pretty amazing sim racing game for consoles.
Game Pass has pretty much cured my game buying addition. Too many quality titles to choose from. It's like if Netflix, if Netflix actually had good movies to watch.
Xbox Game Pass is adding a serious collection of sports game in the next month ... Madden 21, NHL 21, NBA2K21, some soccer games, and Star Wars Squadrons. They just added Dirt 5 which came out at launch of the new gen a week ago. If they add MLB the Show (no chance in hell), I may not need to purchase a retail game again ... although I did pick up Assetto Corsa Competizione for $30 (see F1 thread for a video). Pretty amazing sim racing game for consoles.
Game Pass has pretty much cured my game buying addition. Too many quality titles to choose from. It's like if Netflix, if Netflix actually had good movies to watch.
I've been meaning to try Assetto, I think I downloaded it before I got my SX. Game Pass is a great thing. Quite a backlog of games in progress
Fallout 3 was the worst for me (or best). I would literally take several trips to a cleared dungeon to sell the crap off for caps. I also horded several collections of stuff in my Home, like every gnome I found, every toy car, drawers and drawers full of pre-war money, etc. So much other stuff I cant even think of. Weapons, Armor, clothing, etc
Me and my friend would meticulously place/organize everything in our homes, send each other pictures and laugh. At one point, I entered the door and some glitch in the game made everything in the room suspended and fall down. It caused the game to shut down and my XBox to freeze. Got the game back on and my home was just a pile of crap.
Apparently we have monster mansion, old skool gaming. In addition I put my Switch online and can access Snes games, not sure how to find N64 games though?!?
The Bethesda / Microsoft acquisition just cleared the last legal hurdles and now the first round of benefits is here: 20 past Bethesda games are hitting Game Pass right now (some were already there). But several are getting a 60 FPS boost option on Series S and X right away ... Skyrim; Fallout 4; Fallout 76; Dishonored; Prey
I'll most likely be testing 60 FPS Fallout 76 out this weekend. Already enjoying the non-existant load times on the Series X ... they have been as big a game changer as when I discovered mutations in that game.
Also, sounds like Microsoft is kind of saying it is possible for future Bethesda games to be released on other systems (i.e. SONY PS5), but that Microsoft realllllly likes the concept of Game Pass for releasing exclusives. I think those tea leaves are pretty easy to read ...
The 60 FPS for Fallout 76 is a game changer on Series X. But it doesn't happen automatically. You need to go into the game settings in the main menu and go to "manage game and add-ons" and select the 60 FPS ... I think this is done because the game lowers the resolution to achieve the 60 FPS but it makes up for it in spades in smoothness.
I fired up Skyrim to see what it was like with 60 FPS ... it manages 4K too and looks surprising great for a ten year old game. May need to do a fourth journey into Skyrim to see what it is like to use swords and axes now that combat runs smooth!
It's not xbox or playstation but I did get my wife a Ms. Pac-Man for Christmas. She is pumped. We got street fighter last Christmas.
This is great! I came to this thread to say I've been playing a lot of Pac Man lately on my NES Classic. Nice set up. My wife's aunt and uncle used to have one of those old sit down Pac Man arcade's like this one:
MLB The Show 21 will be available on xbox Game Pass on day one. holy poops! Didn't see that one coming at all, being it's a game made by Sony. Saves me $70.
Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury on the Switch arrive Monday
My kids finished that in a couple of days. The Luigi’s Mansion game that came with the Switch went by pretty quickly, too.
I remember games taking longer to complete when I was younger.
I’m pretty sure that Zelda took me a solid month, at least.
And I still never completed Adventure Island, goddamn it!
I like Luigi's Mansion but got stuck on Zelda. I like the N64 and Cube. I've only got one game for the Switch which is Animal Crossing. I recently put the Switch online and they have all the SNES games.
Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury on the Switch arrive Monday
My kids finished that in a couple of days. The Luigi’s Mansion game that came with the Switch went by pretty quickly, too.
I remember games taking longer to complete when I was younger.
I’m pretty sure that Zelda took me a solid month, at least.
And I still never completed Adventure Island, goddamn it!
I like Luigi's Mansion but got stuck on Zelda. I like the N64 and Cube. I've only got one game for the Switch which is Animal Crossing. I recently put the Switch online and they have all the SNES games.
I'm envious; our free trial to Switch online just ran out.
Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury on the Switch arrive Monday
My kids finished that in a couple of days. The Luigi’s Mansion game that came with the Switch went by pretty quickly, too.
I remember games taking longer to complete when I was younger.
I’m pretty sure that Zelda took me a solid month, at least.
And I still never completed Adventure Island, goddamn it!
I like Luigi's Mansion but got stuck on Zelda. I like the N64 and Cube. I've only got one game for the Switch which is Animal Crossing. I recently put the Switch online and they have all the SNES games.
I'm envious; our free trial to Switch online just ran out.
Well, I got 12 months access for just £8 from ebay, so perhaps you could do something similar!
Finally got a PS5 about two weeks ago. Love Astro Bot ( Loved it for PSVR ) this version was a great demo and really a fun little game , platinumed it this weekend and just finished up Spider Man Miles Morales.
Don't see a ton more out there , plan on replaying GOW on this bad boy.
MLB The Show 21 will be available on xbox Game Pass on day one. holy poops! Didn't see that one coming at all, being it's a game made by Sony. Saves me $70.
and IMO that will swing the door open for NCAA Hoops as well.
Do any Switch gamers know if I need to pay for the service once the free trial runs out to continue to play those games? I'm not interested in playing those games with someone in Belfast; I just want to play the games. And as far as I can tell, there are no game cartridges for the Switch that have these old-school games.
Yes in order to keep using and playing those games you have to have an active online account.
People have done all the work already developed the entire thing into various stylings, games, etc. They are contained in singular img files, most of them hosted at arcade punks.
You just download a file, flash it onto a mini SD card and you're ready to go. The hardest thing would be configuring a controller (which is easy because it prompts you right when it detects a controller).
There are many easy to follow YouTube vids out there
I used to have this image
its been too long for a good baseball game on Microsoft console
Game Pass is a great thing. Quite a backlog of games in progress
Me and my friend would meticulously place/organize everything in our homes, send each other pictures and laugh. At one point, I entered the door and some glitch in the game made everything in the room suspended and fall down. It caused the game to shut down and my XBox to freeze. Got the game back on and my home was just a pile of crap.
Of course I organized it all again.
Finally got a PS5 about two weeks ago. Love Astro Bot ( Loved it for PSVR ) this version was a great demo and really a fun little game , platinumed it this weekend and just finished up Spider Man Miles Morales.
Don't see a ton more out there , plan on replaying GOW on this bad boy.