:shock: That's pretty shocking. Is this how you feel about people and how you treat people? That's not how I feel. Are you saying that you think everyone thinks that way?
You seem to have a set way of thinking about how all Christians think. Is this how Atheists and other religions think? I can tell you it's not. Most people don't set out to do bad things. Try.Try to treat people "Better" than you want to be treated. It's hard sometimes. All we can do is pray for help. Love. That's my belief. Goodnight everyone.
He obviously doesn't think "fuck the jews" or "mexicans" or "japs" (ESPECIALLY the japs, i'm watching you cosmo )
But he's got a great point. How come priests can preach the about jesus and sinning and then sexually abuse children? Or people who commit sins and then just go sit in a box and admit it then they're just forgiven for another week...
The lady next door to me growing up used to lock her child outside in the pouring rain all day and abuse him verbally and physically... she went to church every sunday. Once a childhood friend of mine was giving me a hard time because I didn't go to church (of course, her parents had raised her that this is proper) and when my mother approached her father about it, he gave my mom shit for not raising us to go to church - well 4 months later he left his wife and 4 kids for a 21 year old, and his daughter lost her virginity at the age of 14.... but they can go and be forgiven in the name of God...
But he's got a great point. How come priests can preach the about jesus and sinning and then sexually abuse children? Or people who commit sins and then just go sit in a box and admit it then they're just forgiven for another week...
The lady next door to me growing up used to lock her child outside in the pouring rain all day and abuse him verbally and physically... she went to church every sunday. Once a childhood friend of mine was giving me a hard time because I didn't go to church (of course, her parents had raised her that this is proper) and when my mother approached her father about it, he gave my mom shit for not raising us to go to church - well 4 months later he left his wife and 4 kids for a 21 year old, and his daughter lost her virginity at the age of 14.... but they can go and be forgiven in the name of God...[/quote]
Amen brother!!
Who the f*ck goes around skinning cats~~Ed
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
Again... "God, knowing our intentions" still allows us to get away with our indifference towards those in need... our hatred towards those whom are different. All it takes is a, 'Lord knows I'm trying... but, I think those Mexicans should be shot on sight at the border' or 'Jesus knows... no matter how much I try and try... I still hate them fucking Jews (or Niggers or Spics or wetbacks or Chinks or Japs or Gooks or etc...)' and all is forgiven because Jesus is there to take all of our bullshit and shittiness towards others away from us... as long as we claim Him as our personal saviour.
I would much rather take the responsibility for all of the sins in my life and face the consequences of them... instead of dumping them on the back of someone whose teachings I truely admire and respect. A lot of people have been and still are dumping some heavy shit onto Jesus... I ain't gonna be one of them. I'll carry my own weight and live with it.
I still stand by my belief that you ARE a descent person or you are not. Trying to be a good person... and still shitting all over others in NOT being a good person.
Let me add... this the way I see things. I am not trying to persuade anyone to agree with me... or disuade anyone from their own, personal beliefs. I'm just saying, this is how I feel and why.
:shock: That's pretty shocking. Is this how you feel about people and how you treat people? That's not how I feel. Are you saying that you think everyone thinks that way?
You seem to have a set way of thinking about how all Christians think. Is this how Atheists and other religions think? I can tell you it's not. Most people don't set out to do bad things. Try.Try to treat people "Better" than you want to be treated. It's hard sometimes. All we can do is pray for help. Love. That's my belief. Goodnight everyone.
You don't normally take something out of context and try to spin it against them... completely missing the point the person was trying to make... by focusing one one word, such as 'Nigger' or 'Gook'... do you? Because that is kinda stupid... and you're not stupid, are you?
The POINT is... you either ARE a good person... or you ARE NOT a good person. You can't 'TRY' to be a good person... if in reality... you are a dick, right?
Example: Are you a good person IF:
At Christmas time, you organize a contribution to collect money to help a needy family. You buy gifts for the single mother of three... clothing for her and toys for her kids... all wrapped in shining paper and festive ribbons and bows. You buy gift cards from local supermarkets for groceries and a Costco class case of Pampers for the baby. You do this in the Spirit of Christmas and charity in the name of our Lord, Jesus.
But... the rest of the year... you spout out about how that stupid whore should quit spreading her legs and collecting Welfare from working stiffs like yourself to feed their nasty little spawns that will probably grow up to be criminals whom you'll have to support in prison.
Are you a good person? Yes/No?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
On the science channel the other day, there was a scientist/researcher who "discovered" the "God center" of the brain. The "God center"is speculated to have "evolved" along with our intelligence to keep the human race from shitting their collective pants (and getting on with survival and stuff) when confronted with humans' realization of 2 things:
1) Oh my God, (pun not intented but I wish to my credit it were), we're just frickin' dangling all alone here in outerspace aren't we?
2) Oh my God! We're all gonna die, aren't we?
When the God center is activiated (via electrodes) subjects had the feeling of being not alone and at peace.
Just reporting from the SCI channel. I realize the REL channel has different programming.
Only God is perfect. God knows our intentions. Try.
how is God perfect when he made man in his own image???
Well if we go by the bible we made imperfect ourselves because of the sin.
But yeah god is the only "thing" perfect because he lives in the imagination of the believer as a projection of what they think is perfect, that's why do many things are done in the name of a imaginary friend.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Only God is perfect. God knows our intentions. Try.
how is God perfect when he made man in his own image???
Well if we go by the bible we made imperfect ourselves because of the sin.
But yeah god is the only "thing" perfect because he lives in the imagination of the believer as a projection of what they think is perfect, that's why do many things are done in the name of a imaginary friend.
Anyone who's taken an intro philosophy course would know that God is all knowing all powerful and all good...
there's nothing he cannot do...........
....but then can God make a soup so hot he can't eat it?
God disproven in one sentence.
(however i do like hitchhiker's guide's version better:
Now it is such a bizarrely impossible coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the nonexistence of God. The arguement goes something like this:
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't though of that" and promply vanishes in a puff of logic. )
But he's got a great point. How come priests can preach the about jesus and sinning and then sexually abuse children? Or people who commit sins and then just go sit in a box and admit it then they're just forgiven for another week...
The lady next door to me growing up used to lock her child outside in the pouring rain all day and abuse him verbally and physically... she went to church every sunday. Once a childhood friend of mine was giving me a hard time because I didn't go to church (of course, her parents had raised her that this is proper) and when my mother approached her father about it, he gave my mom shit for not raising us to go to church - well 4 months later he left his wife and 4 kids for a 21 year old, and his daughter lost her virginity at the age of 14.... but they can go and be forgiven in the name of God...
The lady next door to me growing up used to lock her child outside in the pouring rain all day and abuse him verbally and physically... she went to church every sunday. Once a childhood friend of mine was giving me a hard time because I didn't go to church (of course, her parents had raised her that this is proper) and when my mother approached her father about it, he gave my mom shit for not raising us to go to church - well 4 months later he left his wife and 4 kids for a 21 year old, and his daughter lost her virginity at the age of 14.... but they can go and be forgiven in the name of God...[/quote]
Amen brother!!
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
You don't normally take something out of context and try to spin it against them... completely missing the point the person was trying to make... by focusing one one word, such as 'Nigger' or 'Gook'... do you? Because that is kinda stupid... and you're not stupid, are you?
The POINT is... you either ARE a good person... or you ARE NOT a good person. You can't 'TRY' to be a good person... if in reality... you are a dick, right?
Example: Are you a good person IF:
At Christmas time, you organize a contribution to collect money to help a needy family. You buy gifts for the single mother of three... clothing for her and toys for her kids... all wrapped in shining paper and festive ribbons and bows. You buy gift cards from local supermarkets for groceries and a Costco class case of Pampers for the baby. You do this in the Spirit of Christmas and charity in the name of our Lord, Jesus.
But... the rest of the year... you spout out about how that stupid whore should quit spreading her legs and collecting Welfare from working stiffs like yourself to feed their nasty little spawns that will probably grow up to be criminals whom you'll have to support in prison.
Are you a good person? Yes/No?
Hail, Hail!!!
you go girl, sorry
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
how is God perfect when he made man in his own image???
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
1) Oh my God, (pun not intented but I wish to my credit it were), we're just frickin' dangling all alone here in outerspace aren't we?
2) Oh my God! We're all gonna die, aren't we?
When the God center is activiated (via electrodes) subjects had the feeling of being not alone and at peace.
Just reporting from the SCI channel. I realize the REL channel has different programming.
Well if we go by the bible we made imperfect ourselves because of the sin.
But yeah god is the only "thing" perfect because he lives in the imagination of the believer as a projection of what they think is perfect, that's why do many things are done in the name of a imaginary friend.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
there's nothing he cannot do...........
....but then can God make a soup so hot he can't eat it?
God disproven in one sentence.
(however i do like hitchhiker's guide's version better:
Now it is such a bizarrely impossible coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the nonexistence of God. The arguement goes something like this:
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't though of that" and promply vanishes in a puff of logic.