The oil has been spilling for what? 60 something, 70 something days? With no end in site. At this point at can't believe there isn't more outrage across the country. We have lost the Gulf of Mexico! And we seem to be doing nothing - not even talking about it. What's wrong with this country? My opinion: Fat & lazy. Too lazy too care about what is going on around us as long as we get our paycheck, food, and tv.
I think people feel helpless and hopeless.
Yes, you're probably right. We live in an environment where everything seems to be out of our control.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
The oil has been spilling for what? 60 something, 70 something days? With no end in site. At this point at can't believe there isn't more outrage across the country. We have lost the Gulf of Mexico! And we seem to be doing nothing - not even talking about it. What's wrong with this country? My opinion: Fat & lazy. Too lazy too care about what is going on around us as long as we get our paycheck, food, and tv.
well said.
very well said.
im my humble opinion.
students all through school should study environmental science.
to many do not care and are just plain stupid about the environment.
do kids even play outside anymore?
fuck xbox, fuck hand held gadgets...
get off your asses and go outside.
my friend eyedclaar lives for the forest and mountainous land.
he loves animals too.
most ppl have no clue what i am even typing.
wake up ppl.
btw, the gulf of mexico is ruined for at least our lifetime.
and it is only getting worse.
and it is spreading into every ocean worldwide.
Yes, you're probably right. We live in an environment where everything seems to be out of our control.
very well said.
im my humble opinion.
students all through school should study environmental science.
to many do not care and are just plain stupid about the environment.
do kids even play outside anymore?
fuck xbox, fuck hand held gadgets...
get off your asses and go outside.
my friend eyedclaar lives for the forest and mountainous land.
he loves animals too.
most ppl have no clue what i am even typing.
wake up ppl.
btw, the gulf of mexico is ruined for at least our lifetime.
and it is only getting worse.
and it is spreading into every ocean worldwide.
thank you stupid ppl.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce ... 32157.html
I agree.
right now i am having to listen to 2 attys in my office bitching about Obama and how evil he is!!!!!! never hear them talk about the Gulf.
gawd help me. (I just turn up my PJ Radio louder)
At least Anderson Cooper is trying to talk about it every night.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
And I hear about it every day on NPR.