What about the Oil????

Why is the top story on here not always about the oil spill? Why do people that I talk to not realize the impact that this is making. Our ocean is being destroyed and people seem semi oblivious to it! There is so much to be said...and people are not saying it. Why aren't more people irate...fucking livid..that this is happening. I actually heard someone at work say "your still talking about the oil spill?" WTF. I found that the only way that people will listen is to tell them that dolphins are washing up on shore dead! People are so good at ignoring things...until it is at their doorstep. I just wonder why people aren't screaming..livid...sick. I know that some people are upset and everyone thinks it sucks...but this should be the top story on everything and people should be demanding that more be done to stop this. OUR OCEAN IS DYING AT OUR OWN HANDS. Makes me ashamed to be human.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
Post edited by Unknown User on
they're caught up in bullshit that truly means nothing.
i am positive most people are uneducated about the earth.
ask them to spell environment or ecosystem and they'll run, hiding.
however, they can tell you who won the most recent American Idol.
they can barely tell you about their new BMW sport utility vehicle.
they do have a tv in every room of their house.
every kid gets an iphone and some other stupid bullshit they do not need or deserve.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Maybe it's because it's nice to be able to talk about something positive once in a great while. Like Pearl Jam shows or PJ related topics. I do not like talking about negative topics or things that upset me all the time. It's nice to come on here and talk about something positive once in a while. This doesn't mean I don't know what kind of impact this is having on the planet that I reside on. It just means that I talk about it enough and it frustrates me beyond belief that it hasn't been stopped yet. I do not go to BP or Amoco gas stations. That is my small contribution to this fucked up situation. Better than doing nothing I guess.
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
09.23.02 Chicago
06.18.03 Chicago | 06.21.03 Alpine Valley
10.03.04 Grand Rapids
10.05.05 Chicago
05.16.06 Chicago | 05.17.06 Chicago | 06.29.06 Milwaukee
08.02.07 Chicago | 08.05.07 Chicago
08.23.09 Chicago | 08.24.09 Chicago
05.07.10 Noblesville | 05.09.10 Cleveland
09.03.11 Alpine Valley | 09.04.11 Alpine Valley
07.19.13 Chicago
10.17.14 Moline
08.20.16 Chicago
08.18.18 Chicago
09.18.22 St. Louis
09.05.23 Chicago
Everyone should take 5 minutes to watch the live feed of the oil and think about what it is doing to our environment. It is like watching a holocaust.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
So where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts? Where are the T.V. Benefits with celebrities and musicians giving heart felt speeches on the poorfisherman, wildlife, beaches, loss of income and sabotaged gulfeconomy? I find it rather strange how these people (including our own government) are so quick to help Haiti and other countries...but sit on their butts for this one. Just the facts. Post if you agree
We should be helping Haiti and other countries but I do agree with this. I know people will say that BP is supposed to be taking care of everything but they aren't doing enough and what they are doing isn't fast enough. Lots of living creatures are dying and people are losing their livelyhood.
want to be enlightened"
BP, Halliburton and the other companies involved
all have 400 trillion X's as much money as the average citizen.
our country... no, wait... the world, is in economic crisis.
these cock suckers can pay and pay and pay before i give a fucking penny.
who do we give money to?
here take my $3.00 all the while you're holding multiple bank vaults filled with gold.
the very elite wealthy have been fucking us over for thousands of years.
i support bands like pearl jam and neil young because i feel they give a fuck... (and they do rock)
if my health were better i would be scrubbing coral reefs and bathing marine animals 20 hours a day.
benefit concerts are a fantastic idea.
just remember who has fleets of oil vessels, oil refineries, and oil wells overflowing with money.
this is killing.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I think it was Chadwick that said most people are uneducated and I think there is some truth in that. The problem is (and this has been discussed in other threads) we are now drilling for oil in more unaccessible places. When there is a problem it's difficult to fix.
We need to look at what we use and cut the need for so much oil. I've mentioned banning cars with poor consumption but that never gets the smallest response on here. Perhaps it's because there are a lot on here that complain about the oil spill but drive huge petrol guzzlers.
We all need to make sacrifices to cure the problem but how many are willing to?
want to be enlightened"
Corey Lynn, where do you live? I was just thinking to myself yesterday about how much media attention the spill is getting outside of the gulf coast states. I see/hear about it nonstop everyday, but i'm in Florida.
Also, it is heartbreaking and sad. I have made myself go to the beach as much asI can in the last few weeks just in case I can't enojy it like I used to. I don't know how bad it will get for local communities, and in addition, I was under the impression that BP was entitled to fix this. I don't know where the money would go if someone held a benefit concert. Maybe to coastal communities in louisiana and their workers who are having trouble?
I think the biggest problem is no one can really help unless they possess technical knowledge of underwater drilling and geology. If there is an earthquake in Haiti, it's not too hard for John Travolta to fly a jumbo-jet full of goods to help out. There is not much that can be done individually to stop the leak, BUT there can be something done to help clean up the shorelines.
In regards to donations and raising money, I'd rather see that BP pay for every cent of this cleanup as a result of their ongoing incompetence.
i vote for neil & pearl jam being very vocal spokesmen.
neil's so badass anyway, he'll whip ass just by looking at tony hayward.
are the fishermen being paid now and for the next 50 years?
it will take multiple generations to restore life to that area.
the exxon valdez oil spill in alaska is still not fully recovered and it's been 21 years this past March.
i read an articale the other day that said the fish are just now returning to price willaim sound.
the gulf will be full of crude oil for a longtime and it's spreading across the globe.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I have been thinking a lot about what people could do as individuals,aside from helping with the clean up efforts, or donations. And I have realized that what I can do as an individual is get the word out there. People act shocked when they see the pictures or hear how detrimental this will be. If enough people are talking about this and angry about this..but, also vocal, then maybe someone will listen...maybe I am wrong.. all I see is a bunch of finger pointing, which I have done my share of too. But, as everyone is pointing fingers..the oil continues to gush, creatures continue to was up with the waves, and chemicals continue to poison our waters. I do not know the solution to this, or how feasible it is that it can be stopped, but, keeping quiet and turning a blind eye will surly keep all answers hidden.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
It's at least worth checking out the links. Any other links would be appreciated.
Yeah. I guess all news is a pick and choose sort of thing. I have found that I trust the media way less since this started (not that I had much trust for them in the first place). I have new paranoid feelings that all is not well..an anxiety that has grown for me since the oil started spilling. My trust is wearing thin.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
That is why I spend most of my free time outside. Otherwise, my head might explode.
i vote for going outside and having a glass of tea with lemon.
be well.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
A young heron sits dying amidst oil in Barataria Bay, just inside the
the coast of Louisiana.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
like a list of sea turtles picked up dead... number & growing.
where most of the turtles are being found?
number of dolphins in critical condition?
number of dead dolphins.
they do keep record of this, yes/no?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I have not. What is it?
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
these two guys put crude oil in water and use certain "grasses" that absorb the oil....they say that the ones with boats and nets could help clean up the soaked "grasses", you should watch it, I am curious your thoughts.
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
Dead dolphin covered in oil
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this
I have seen that. It looks like it would work on the surface oil. The problem that I see is that BP is using dispersants (poisonous toxins) to break the oil up into little pieces and to keep it from coming to the surface and I do not think that the hay would be able to get to it. It looks like it works great to get the surface oil though. I also wonder if sea life would be more likely to ingest the hay. ..but, it probably wouldn't be any more harmful for them than just being there in the tar pits.
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this