14 years and counting...



  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,194
    Kat said:
    Wayfair Workers Walk Out Over Business With Migrant Detention Center
    The online retailer furnished a migrant detention facility for children on the southern border, and its employees are furious.

    Hundreds of outraged Wayfair employees at the company’s Boston headquarters walked off the job Wednesday to protest the online retailer’s business with a contractor that operates migrant detention centers.

    Workers learned last week that the furniture outlet sold $200,000 worth of bedroom furniture to a government contractor called BCFS for the purpose of outfitting an immigrant detention facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, reportedly capable of detaining 1,600 migrant children.

    continued at

    Anyone checking to see if protocol was followed for the purchasing and bid? Typically, the GAO and GSA put out a bid with specs and bidders cannot be on the federal debarred list. How much has BCFS or Wayfair contributed to Team Trump Treason or repubs? What were the specs for the furniture? Made in the USA? Certain % of content or components made in USA? Is BCFS authorized via their contract to purchase furniture on behalf of the US government and by extension the tax payers? I’m sure there’s some furniture manufacturer somewhere in ‘Murica looking for business. Or just another case of geez, let’s open a detention center for kids, house them for months but hey, they don’t need no stinking beds? Shame.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • benjsbenjs Posts: 9,097
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    I'm all for drawing attention to the topic, and can understand where you're coming from, but I think your analogy's a bit off though. It would make more sense in the context of IBM's relationship with Nazi Germany, where IBM could've refused Hitler's business, but chose not to, supporting the dirty tabulating of the atrocities. Let me think about this more but I can get with that rationale. 

    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    edited June 2019
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    Post edited by dignin on
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    I'm all for drawing attention to the topic, and can understand where you're coming from, but I think your analogy's a bit off though. It would make more sense in the context of IBM's relationship with Nazi Germany, where IBM could've refused Hitler's business, but chose not to, supporting the dirty tabulating of the atrocities. Let me think about this more but I can get with that rationale. 

    Yeah it's not a perfect analogy and hyperbolic, but I couldn't think of another on the fly.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,314
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    hippiemom = goodness
  • benjsbenjs Posts: 9,097
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,405
    For all the talk that there are less immigrants coming you would think the infrastructure we had in place would be sufficient to handle all those coming across the border.  Why is there such a strain on the system right now if the problem is supposedly decreasing?
    This problem has been talked about for years but not much care in it.  Now that Trump is President it has become a focal point.

    Change my mind.
    Yes and no, we have a lot more folks coming than ever before.  We don’t have enough facilities because the numbers are so much higher than in the past.  It starts with more facilities and more judges- the quicker they can get in front of a judge, the quicker they get released into the country, less time in the cages.

    starts with the govt.  since one side is holding things up, we can’t get more facilities or judges or anything, so it just bottlenecks in the cages.

    i feel for the border towns as much as the immigrants.  They’re being inundated and overrun and have no where to turn since the govt won’t address the needs.
    Gee. Seems like things have gotten progressively worse since Trump was sworn in. Who would've thought?

    Thanks for admitting this, though. Means a lot coming from a blind Trump supporter. 
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,314
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    hippiemom = goodness
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    Unpainted Arizona!

    hopefully no one has to boycott apples or the such 
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,314
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    hippiemom = goodness
  • For all the talk that there are less immigrants coming you would think the infrastructure we had in place would be sufficient to handle all those coming across the border.  Why is there such a strain on the system right now if the problem is supposedly decreasing?
    This problem has been talked about for years but not much care in it.  Now that Trump is President it has become a focal point.

    Change my mind.
    Yes and no, we have a lot more folks coming than ever before.  We don’t have enough facilities because the numbers are so much higher than in the past.  It starts with more facilities and more judges- the quicker they can get in front of a judge, the quicker they get released into the country, less time in the cages.

    starts with the govt.  since one side is holding things up, we can’t get more facilities or judges or anything, so it just bottlenecks in the cages.

    i feel for the border towns as much as the immigrants.  They’re being inundated and overrun and have no where to turn since the govt won’t address the needs.
    Gee. Seems like things have gotten progressively worse since Trump was sworn in. Who would've thought?

    Thanks for admitting this, though. Means a lot coming from a blind Trump supporter. 
    You think they’re flooding into the country because of trump?  I guess the economy doing great and less folks on
    foodstamps and better labor numbers could have something to do with it, but I think it’s more because their countries are war torn messes and they’re fleeing to get away from
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    edited June 2019
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
  • dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,405
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    You made your comment less than 24 hours ago and some people have just seen it. 
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    edited June 2019
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
  • dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,870
    ^^^ Exactly.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Posts: 6,152
    edited June 2019
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    Post edited by RoleModelsinBlood31 on
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,129
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,129
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    I wouldn’t insult you based on your vote or your beliefs, I’m comfortable
    knowing people have free will.  Sorry to see you don’t understand different strokes for different folks.
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,331
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    I wouldn’t insult you based on your vote or your beliefs, I’m comfortable
    knowing people have free will.  Sorry to see you don’t understand different strokes for different folks.
    How many more women would have to come forward with credible assault allegations before you would drop your support of him?

    “If one person in your life accused you of pooping in their kitchen sink, I could be persuaded to believe that that is a lie. But if over the course of the 73 years of your life, 22 separate people came forward with detailed accounts of times you had pooped in their kitchen sinks, I’m going to start to think you’re a sink pooper."

  • dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    I wouldn’t insult you based on your vote or your beliefs, I’m comfortable
    knowing people have free will.  Sorry to see you don’t understand different strokes for different folks.
    How many more women would have to come forward with credible assault allegations before you would drop your support of him?

    “If one person in your life accused you of pooping in their kitchen sink, I could be persuaded to believe that that is a lie. But if over the course of the 73 years of your life, 22 separate people came forward with detailed accounts of times you had pooped in their kitchen sinks, I’m going to start to think you’re a sink pooper."

    It’s not how many, it’s more like evidence, to
    me.  It’s a tough situation, but with 2 years of crying wolf about everything from toilet paper and his comb over to his Cheeto face it kinda falls on deaf ears and it’s harder to take seriously.  I certainly think it’s possible given his history but in an age where people are paid to start fights dressed as trump supporters and paid to say all kinds of things, I’ll wait for the rape kit and dna samples before I jump to any conclusion- on allegations against either side. 
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,194
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    I wouldn’t insult you based on your vote or your beliefs, I’m comfortable
    knowing people have free will.  Sorry to see you don’t understand different strokes for different folks.
    How many more women would have to come forward with credible assault allegations before you would drop your support of him?

    “If one person in your life accused you of pooping in their kitchen sink, I could be persuaded to believe that that is a lie. But if over the course of the 73 years of your life, 22 separate people came forward with detailed accounts of times you had pooped in their kitchen sinks, I’m going to start to think you’re a sink pooper."

    It’s not how many, it’s more like evidence, to
    me.  It’s a tough situation, but with 2 years of crying wolf about everything from toilet paper and his comb over to his Cheeto face it kinda falls on deaf ears and it’s harder to take seriously.  I certainly think it’s possible given his history but in an age where people are paid to start fights dressed as trump supporters and paid to say all kinds of things, I’ll wait for the rape kit and dna samples before I jump to any conclusion- on allegations against either side. 
    Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal payouts don’t bother your conscience?
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • benjsbenjs Posts: 9,097
    edited June 2019
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    I wouldn’t insult you based on your vote or your beliefs, I’m comfortable
    knowing people have free will.  Sorry to see you don’t understand different strokes for different folks.
    How many more women would have to come forward with credible assault allegations before you would drop your support of him?

    “If one person in your life accused you of pooping in their kitchen sink, I could be persuaded to believe that that is a lie. But if over the course of the 73 years of your life, 22 separate people came forward with detailed accounts of times you had pooped in their kitchen sinks, I’m going to start to think you’re a sink pooper."

    It’s not how many, it’s more like evidence, to
    me.  It’s a tough situation, but with 2 years of crying wolf about everything from toilet paper and his comb over to his Cheeto face it kinda falls on deaf ears and it’s harder to take seriously.  I certainly think it’s possible given his history but in an age where people are paid to start fights dressed as trump supporters and paid to say all kinds of things, I’ll wait for the rape kit and dna samples before I jump to any conclusion- on allegations against either side. 
    Find me one woman who decided to keep her soiled underwear after she was raped as a souvenir (I'm sorry for even writing that, it feels so distasteful). If you're willing to ignore mountains of circumstantial evidence and only admit it into your thought process if you see irrefutable proof of rape, and assume innocence until that point, then you have absolutely jumped to a conclusion, which is at odds with basic common sense. 
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    dignin said:
    dignin said:
    benjs said:
    Damn those wayfair employees are cruel. No furniture for you! Poor migrant kids 
    Met a few Wayfair employees at an AI conference over the past few days - absurdly fascinating company from a data perspective, and very kind (and brilliant) people. I don't understand the cause for protest though - had Wayfair not delivered this furniture, it'd have been sourced elsewhere. Or, considering the Trump administration, maybe they just wouldn't have equipped the place with furniture at all. 
    That's a pretty poor argument. The Nazis would have just taken their business elsewhere.

    If it was a company I worked for I wouldn't want any part of that travesty either. Plus it brings more attention to this issue, which can only be a good thing.
    So your company doesn’t do anything you don’t agree with? 
    I own my company, so no. But if I worked for a company that did business with a government or another company involved in separating kids from their parents and holding them in squalor you bet I would speak up. You wouldn't?

    Especially when that company is so directly involved in profiting from the misery.
    I don’t think selling furniture to a border shelter/camp is really all that bad.  I guess I’m confused, complain about the conditions and boycott the conditions improving? 

    To each their own, but it seems pretty stupid to me. 
    If you think of furniture as a necessity for them to operate, then selling furniture to them can be seen as contributing to enabling the system when you had a choice of not doing so.
    So if they don’t sell them furniture than no one shows up at the border??? Who knew. Problem solved. Don’t need a wall just need no furniture!

    Yes, and I think it might cure cancer too.

    And if it doesn't do those things, everyone should throw in the towel and do nothing at all about anything. That's the spirit, why try and change anything.
    Yup cause shipping a bed means you aren’t trying to change anything. Mkay.

    That’s the spirit walk out in your job that would have provided migrants a bed! Nicely done! 

    Agreed- silliness.  Cry about the conditions but when there’s comfort to be given to them, boycott it!
    Says the guy who laughs about a drowned migrant family. Keep the bar high.
    Lmao where’s the beating a dead horse emoji or banging your head on a wall
    emoji when you need it?!  I’m not laughing at the horror of the victims, I’m laughing at the Don playing through!
    I don't think you know how political cartoons work. Or at least this one in particular, you just didn't get it. 
    It’s subjective.  I took it the way I took it.  It’s a cartoon.  Get a sense of humor.  The dude had a bubble over his head asking if he could play through.  That’s funny to me and I laughed when I saw it.  The same way I laughed when I read that Trump said he was “going to save the free world” the other day before he boarded Air Force 1.  It’s hilarious because it’s ridiculous. Sorry you were offended, I wasn’t meaning to be a dick, I thought it was funny.
    I get it, you took it the way you took it. I'm not offended in the least.

    But I'm 100% sure the artist did not intend on making the cartoon funny. 

    It reminds me of this one...

    Image result for lady justice political cartoon

    or this one which Canadians will remember.

    Image result for war memorial political cartoon

    They aren't always meant to be funny.

    I know. Holy fuck.  Let’s just move on, so this thread doesn’t get closed and your political cartoon lesson interrupted.
    At least you didn’t dispute that you’re a blind Baffoon supporter 

    I won’t dispute that I support him.  Why should I? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like how he does president but I like what he’s doing as prez 
    lol yep blind 
    I wouldn’t insult you based on your vote or your beliefs, I’m comfortable
    knowing people have free will.  Sorry to see you don’t understand different strokes for different folks.
    How many more women would have to come forward with credible assault allegations before you would drop your support of him?

    “If one person in your life accused you of pooping in their kitchen sink, I could be persuaded to believe that that is a lie. But if over the course of the 73 years of your life, 22 separate people came forward with detailed accounts of times you had pooped in their kitchen sinks, I’m going to start to think you’re a sink pooper."

    It’s not how many, it’s more like evidence, to
    me.  It’s a tough situation, but with 2 years of crying wolf about everything from toilet paper and his comb over to his Cheeto face it kinda falls on deaf ears and it’s harder to take seriously.  I certainly think it’s possible given his history but in an age where people are paid to start fights dressed as trump supporters and paid to say all kinds of things, I’ll wait for the rape kit and dna samples before I jump to any conclusion- on allegations against either side. 
    Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal payouts don’t bother your conscience?
    MY conscience? Not at all, I didn’t pay them offf, why would it bother me?  I don’t wake up thinking about trump or politics or climate change, lol, of course it wouldn’t bother my conscience.  Maybe if I were trump or something I guess, but honestly I haven’t thought about either of those names in a fre
    months now.
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
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