have fun GTFLYGIRL sounds like a cool time, I have seen over 150-200 concerts but have never seen PJ, well maybe someday.
what? ... this makes absolutely no sense ... where the heck do you live and why the hell would you pay the annual dues if you aren't going to go to shows?
I think he pays the annual dues just for the privilege of arguing with us.
what? ... this makes absolutely no sense ... where the heck do you live and why the hell would you pay the annual dues if you aren't going to go to shows?
I think he pays the annual dues just for the privilege of arguing with us.
espcially you ....still glad we ain't neighbors
They should charge you double to get to argue with me.
have fun GTFLYGIRL sounds like a cool time, I have seen over 150-200 concerts but have never seen PJ, well maybe someday.
what? ... this makes absolutely no sense ... where the heck do you live and why the hell would you pay the annual dues if you aren't going to go to shows?
I have been a PJ fan since listining to a greatest hit's CD but have not had the chance to see a show,
also I am ROCK N ROLL collector I have records t=shirts buttons autographed stuff a Led Zep gold record (first album) old stuff that goes waaaaaay back.
I have been a PJ fan since listining to a greatest hit's CD but have not had the chance to see a show,
also I am ROCK N ROLL collector I have records t=shirts buttons autographed stuff a Led Zep gold record (first album) old stuff that goes waaaaaay back.
what greatest hits cd? ... i didn't know they had one ...
still find it weird as to me - the only reason to pay for the membership is to go to shows ... so, ultimately, i guess what i'm saying is GO TO A SHOW ... it's what makes them magical ...
Well, as I just mentioned, I ask because I'm curious and interested in understanding her perspective. :?
so are you gonna tear her argument down when you discover that shes young, ifthats the case????
she's not "young" (in a traditional sense of whatever "young" is...) she has referneced her age in the past a few times... here is an example of when she was arguing with me about child welfare laws.... (easy to locate as it was my first experience with her....)
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers).........
I think scb is just trying to get some sort of a better understanding of who she is and what she has lived through as she comes on here and expresses views that are *fairly* angry, bitter and hateful rather often... :(
she's not "young" (in a traditional sense of whatever "young" is...) she has referneced her age in the past a few times... here is an example of when she was arguing with me about child welfare laws.... (easy to locate as it was my first experience with her....)
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers).........
I think scb is just trying to get some sort of a better understanding of who she is and what she has lived through as she comes on here and expresses views that are *fairly* angry, bitter and hateful rather often... :(
yeah i dont believe i was asking what YOU thought SCB was thinking.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well, as I just mentioned, I ask because I'm curious and interested in understanding her perspective. :?
so are you gonna tear her argument down when you discover that shes young, ifthats the case????
she's not "young" (in a traditional sense of whatever "young" is...) she has referneced her age in the past a few times... here is an example of when she was arguing with me about child welfare laws.... (easy to locate as it was my first experience with her....)
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers).........
I think scb is just trying to get some sort of a better understanding of who she is and what she has lived through as she comes on here and expresses views that are *fairly* angry, bitter and hateful rather often... :(
No I am not...I am saying we should be Cautious ....
Cautious of WHAT??? OK. Let me 'splain it to you, Lucy... because you are obviously not aware of what it is like here in New York. Everywhere you go... there are people of different races and ethnicities, and with many differing religious beliefs. There are many, many Muslim people. My son's best friend at school is Shar, Muslim. There are tons of Muslims. We are to be cautious of them building a COMMUNITY CENTER AND A MOSQUE? You don't think that stating we should be cautious of this is hateful, fear-mongering BULLSHIT?
I personally knew four people who were killed on 9/11... was at two funerals.... Horrible. Most everyone I know (in NY) knew someone who died that day....
Additionally, I knew one person well who was killed years before when the Trade Center was bombed in 1993. Her name was Monica Smith. She was six months pregnant. I knew her, her husband and two of her three brothers through a close friendship with her sister in law with whom i worked for four years leading up to the bombing that day. We waited ALL DAY LONG to hear from Monica. We heard about the bombing... I told "Cara", her sister in law, not to worry... Then we heard which tower... I told her not to worry.. then we heard the basement... i told her not to worry... Cara and I had plans to go out that night... they never heard from Monica... she was dead... Her wake, with her pregnant belly in the casket was one of the most heart-wrenching of experiences... I asked Cara what she thought of this mosque.
She is not opposed.
But you know... Monica's family was from Equador. She was buried back in Equador. Her parents speak very little English... so I guess they all had no right being here anyway, huh?
Mosque to go up near New York's ground zero
By Nicole Bliman, CNN
May 7, 2010 3:19 a.m. EDT
Here are some important parts...
The 12 members who were at the meeting voted unanimously to support the project. Community board members are appointed by the borough president and serve as advisers to the borough president and the mayor's office.
"Three hundred of the victims were Muslim, that's 10 percent of the victims," she said. "We are Americans too. The 9/11 tragedy hurt everybody including the Muslim community. We are all in this together and together we have to fight against extremism and terrorism."
Cordoba House is still in its early stages of development. The American Society for Muslim Advancement is hoping to raise funds for the center to be completed in three to five years.
Okay cry baby you want a response to this post...looking for sympathy are you?....well FUCK YOU and the REST of the Bill Ayers Saul Alinsky educated idiots on the moving train.....how about this you Fucking BITCH........I moved to NY two years prior to the Terrorist bombing of the trade center....I was in the mist of the shit with my brothers baby! And my grandmother.....my Grandmother fucking died in the shit....I don’t really post this because it is private and It kills me to even think about that day lying under the car with my niece only 16 months old trying to filter her breathing so afraid she would suffocate...not knowing were my grandmother was......so you and the fucking rest that are all so fucking assuming get the fuck off your high horse and get to know the people you insult.........
I NEVER said I hate Muslims! I said we should be cautious.....I also said If Christians were doing the same I WOULD BE CAUTIOUS also....if fuckin Martians had come to earth and did the same thing I WOULD BE CAUTIOUS .....Cautious does not mean hate!
wow....just wow...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
she's not "young" (in a traditional sense of whatever "young" is...) she has referneced her age in the past a few times... here is an example of when she was arguing with me about child welfare laws.... (easy to locate as it was my first experience with her....)
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers).........
I think scb is just trying to get some sort of a better understanding of who she is and what she has lived through as she comes on here and expresses views that are *fairly* angry, bitter and hateful rather often... :(
yeah i dont believe i was asking what YOU thought SCB was thinking.
Yeah, I don't believe I was asking YOU how old AERIAL is either. So I don't even know why we're having this conversation. GTFLYGIRL at least helped answer my question.
I have been a PJ fan since listining to a greatest hit's CD but have not had the chance to see a show,
also I am ROCK N ROLL collector I have records t=shirts buttons autographed stuff a Led Zep gold record (first album) old stuff that goes waaaaaay back.
what greatest hits cd? ... i didn't know they had one ...
still find it weird as to me - the only reason to pay for the membership is to go to shows ... so, ultimately, i guess what i'm saying is GO TO A SHOW ... it's what makes them magical ...
yes they do....I think thats what it is ? my favorite song is yellow ledbetter ? it also has a few cover tunes ..
where o where can my baby be ? and it also has Jeramy any way great CD !!
and I will make the show when they come to SD.
she's not "young" (in a traditional sense of whatever "young" is...) she has referneced her age in the past a few times... here is an example of when she was arguing with me about child welfare laws.... (easy to locate as it was my first experience with her....)
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers).........
I think scb is just trying to get some sort of a better understanding of who she is and what she has lived through as she comes on here and expresses views that are *fairly* angry, bitter and hateful rather often... :(
yeah i dont believe i was asking what YOU thought SCB was thinking.
no.. but i thought you might be interested in the fact that she has posted in the past that she is not "young..."
i suppose a direct quote from aerial regarding her approximate age wasn't what you were interested in when you questioned scb what she would do if she found out that she was young.... sort of made your question a moot point...since i was pointing out that she isn't "young" (again.. in the traditional sense of young... whatever "young" means to you...)
Also, i responded as to what i though scb meant as to me it was quite obvious why she was asking... and she has confirmed that i was 100% on target... whatever... later... :roll:
I have been a PJ fan since listining to a greatest hit's CD but have not had the chance to see a show,
also I am ROCK N ROLL collector I have records t=shirts buttons autographed stuff a Led Zep gold record (first album) old stuff that goes waaaaaay back.
what greatest hits cd? ... i didn't know they had one ...
still find it weird as to me - the only reason to pay for the membership is to go to shows ... so, ultimately, i guess what i'm saying is GO TO A SHOW ... it's what makes them magical ...
yes they do....I think thats what it is ? my favorite song is yellow ledbetter ? it also has a few cover tunes ..
where o where can my baby be ? and it also has Jeramy any way great CD !!
and I will make the show when they come to SD.
well FUCK YOU and the REST of the Bill Ayers Saul Alinsky educated idiots on the moving train.....how about this you Fucking BITCH.......
And, btw, I was educated at the State University of New York at Stony Brook Graduate School of Social Welfare... since you questioned my education...
OK... boys... can you play EDUCATION for me tonight... because at least on person on here is questioning mine!
have fun at the show. i just saw them in kansas city and st louis and since i got home i have been less willing to fight petty battles on here. funny how that works because i have always been up for a good debate or a good old fashioned fight... i hope they play education for you..
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
have fun GTFLYGIRL sounds like a cool time, I have seen over 150-200 concerts but have never seen PJ, well maybe someday.
what? ... this makes absolutely no sense ... where the heck do you live and why the hell would you pay the annual dues if you aren't going to go to shows?
I have been a PJ fan since listining to a greatest hit's CD but have not had the chance to see a show,
also I am ROCK N ROLL collector I have records t=shirts buttons autographed stuff a Led Zep gold record (first album) old stuff that goes waaaaaay back.
Oh MAN... granted I've been out of PJ for a while (I go thru phases, but will always love them of course)
but, you haven't even reached the next "level"
Go to a show and thats where it really starts
And, btw, I was educated at the State University of New York at Stony Brook Graduate School of Social Welfare... since you questioned my education...
OK... boys... can you play EDUCATION for me tonight... because at least on person on here is questioning mine!
Off topic, but I have a question for you that I'd like to ask before your ban kicks in:
How old are you?
Just wondering. You've mentioned a few times that we don't know you, so I'm just trying to learn.
espcially you
is it important??
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I'll do what I can to make that happen for you tonight, GTFLYGIRL. I have a friend who has a connection.
Of course not. I'm just curious and interested in understanding her perspective.
then why ask??????????????
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
They should charge you double to get to argue with me.
Well, as I just mentioned, I ask because I'm curious and interested in understanding her perspective. :?
so are you gonna tear her argument down when you discover that shes young, ifthats the case????
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I have been a PJ fan since listining to a greatest hit's CD but have not had the chance to see a show,
also I am ROCK N ROLL collector I have records t=shirts buttons autographed stuff a Led Zep gold record (first album) old stuff that goes waaaaaay back.
Uh... no. I'm going to know how old she is, have a better sense of how that influences her world view, and move on with my life. WTF??? :?
what greatest hits cd? ... i didn't know they had one ...
still find it weird as to me - the only reason to pay for the membership is to go to shows ... so, ultimately, i guess what i'm saying is GO TO A SHOW ... it's what makes them magical ...
just curious... like you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
she's not "young" (in a traditional sense of whatever "young" is...) she has referneced her age in the past a few times... here is an example of when she was arguing with me about child welfare laws.... (easy to locate as it was my first experience with her....)
I think scb is just trying to get some sort of a better understanding of who she is and what she has lived through as she comes on here and expresses views that are *fairly* angry, bitter and hateful rather often... :(
yeah i dont believe i was asking what YOU thought SCB was thinking.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yes. Thank you.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Yeah, I don't believe I was asking YOU how old AERIAL is either. So I don't even know why we're having this conversation. GTFLYGIRL at least helped answer my question.
yes they do....I think thats what it is ? my favorite song is yellow ledbetter ? it also has a few cover tunes ..
where o where can my baby be ? and it also has Jeramy any way great CD !!
and I will make the show when they come to SD.
no.. but i thought you might be interested in the fact that she has posted in the past that she is not "young..."
i suppose a direct quote from aerial regarding her approximate age wasn't what you were interested in when you questioned scb what she would do if she found out that she was young.... sort of made your question a moot point...since i was pointing out that she isn't "young" (again.. in the traditional sense of young... whatever "young" means to you...)
Also, i responded as to what i though scb meant as to me it was quite obvious why she was asking... and she has confirmed that i was 100% on target... whatever... later... :roll:
Are you referring to Rearviewmirror?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Oh MAN... granted I've been out of PJ for a while (I go thru phases, but will always love them of course)
but, you haven't even reached the next "level"
Go to a show and thats where it really starts
But warning, you might get addicted!!