Plan to Build Mosque Near Ground Zero



  • __ Posts: 6,651
    aerial wrote:
    Christains have never declare there hatred for muslims, or any nation.........they have not declared death to anyone as the muslim exstremist have on there is no comparing Christians (or Christian extremist) to Muslim extremist........fact is the extremist are embedded in this country and we have to stop the political Correctness and be’s just common sense....

    As I've said before, if you send me your address I'd be happy to send you a history book for your birthday.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    justam wrote:
    It seems hateful to make it a problem that some american citizens might want to build a religious/community structure. In this article, they are rejected, seen as being terrorist-linked and somehow part of the group that attacked NYC!

    Don't the people wanting to build the new structure live here too? Aren't they part of our country, aren't they people who live in NYC? Since when is it okay to attack Americans and make nasty assumptions because they aren't Christian?! :evil:

  • __ Posts: 6,651
    edited May 2010
    aerial wrote:
    scb wrote:
    the wolf wrote:
    I don't have a huge problem with this, but i do think it may be in bad taste in ways.

    It reminds me of when the Klan put up their cross here on our city square at christmas time.

    they have the right to do it in the name of their christian beliefs, but it's also bad form.

    I don't know.

    I don't really think comparing a Muslim peace group to the KKK is a good analogy. I don't think you meant to imply a similarity between the groups, but I think the implication is there nonetheless.

    I also don't think this was meant to be an in-your-face-with-our-religion type of thing. My understanding is that there has been much talk about how best to rebuild this neighborhood and how to turn it into a site for peace and healing instead of war and suffering. Then this group stepped up and suggested that they could build a community center, which the community needs, and it could be a place where all kinds of people could come together as a neighborhood and learn to love one another across their differences. I believe the mosque part is their way of reclaiming Islam from the extremists, and showing the community that it is a peaceful religion, that they don't hate anyone, and that everyone is welcome.

    I don't see this as being in any way similar to the KKK claiming your city square for their religion. I understand that some people may see it that way, but I think those would be the people who are ignorant about and bigoted against Muslims. I don't think the community should be denied their opportunity to heal in the way they see fit just to placate some hate groups.

    See how
    You will never see how twisted your reasoning is....calling Americans hate groups when it’s the Muslim extremist that hate!.....have you not heard about this?
    We are rebuilding were the war has devastated their nation (because it is a war) are the Muslims over here rebuilding the world trade center?

    I am so fucking sick of this attitude from ignorant, arrogant, hateful, self-righteous fuckers like you! THIS IS NOT JUST YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY. THIS IS MY COUNTRY - AND THE COUNTRY OF MANY, MANY OTHER PEOPLE YOU ACT LIKE AREN'T AMERICANS BECAUSE THEY DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. I didn't call Americans hate groups; I called hate groups hate groups. You and your fucking hate groups are not the only Americans. YOU DO NOT REPRESENT THE UNITED STATES. YOU DO NOT REPRESENT CHRISTIANITY. YOU ARE THE EXTREMISTS. You spout off all your bullshit about freedom all the time and yet try to deny freedom for any Americans who aren't exactly like you. THIS COMMUNITY WANTS A FUCKING MOSQUE. IT'S THEIR COMMUNITY. THEY ARE AMERICANS. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO WERE ATTACKED WHILE YOU SAT AND WATCHED FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR LIVING ROOM - AND YET YOU WANT TO DENY THEIR FREEDOM TO HEAL IN THEIR OWN WAY AND DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WITH THEIR COMMUNITY. IF YOU REALLY LOVE AMERICANS AS MUCH AS YOU SAY YOU DO, WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE?!?! It's people like YOU who make extremists want to bomb us. It's people like YOU who turn peaceful people into extremists. It's people like YOU who will be the downfall of this whole world. I am ashamed that YOU are party of MY country! If you hate America as much as you act like you do, why don't YOU get the fuck out?? Let me say it again... YOU DON'T REPRESENT THIS COMMUNITY, THIS COUNTRY, OR CHRISTIANITY!! :evil: :evil:
    Post edited by _ on
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    I am completely confused by some peoples willingness to give America away to anybody, then say it's ok that they have attacked our country and now want to build a mosiliem a few blocks from ground zero ? to me that's a slap in the face to all Americans especially those that lost loved ones in that attack, it's my opinion that anybody American or not that dosn't love our country enuff to stand up for it can move the country of their choice asap and in some countries the may be supperised how well they have it as Americans.


    Maybe if I write it big enough you'll be able to get it through your fucking head:
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    edited May 2010
    Godfather. wrote:
    yes aerial, christians may have never openly declared hatred for muslims, yet they do hate them. this is a case in point because hatred is what will keep this mosque from being built. we never declared war on iraq and afghanastan, but yet we are at war with those two countries. we have not declared those things, but our actions in their countries IMPLY that we hate them. don't you see how those things all are connected???? and why is there no comparison between christian extremists and muslim extremists? they are both fucking extremists right????

    and yes, political correctness is the cause of all of this :roll: :roll: how about the arrogance of "american exceptionalism?? that crap is enough to make anybody want to kill us.

    i am going to use the movie step brothers as a quick example.. to the rest of the world the US looks like derek, the cocky, arrogant brother that feels he is better and more exceptional than the other brothers, while dale and brennan are the smaller countries that are not the economic powers that derek is, yet they just want to make a life and not have any trouble or too many what happens? dale and brennan gang up on derek. do you see how all of this hatred can be caused by american exceptionalism and arrogance?

    I'm sure another country would love to have you... :?


    Post edited by _ on
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    aerial wrote:
    _outlaw wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Christains have never declare there hatred for muslims, or any nation.........they have not declared death to anyone as the muslim exstremist have on there is no comparing Christians (or Christian extremist) to Muslim extremist........fact is the extremist are embedded in this country and we have to stop the political Correctness and be’s just common sense....
    that's not common sense. punishing an entire group of people based one their connection by religion to a set group of extremists is completely irrational. how much more obvious can this get? you know what would be pretty funny, if you were just fucking with us because you're so wrong you have to be joking. don't you see how this only makes the problem worse? you know who can stop muslim extremists? muslims. so stop alienating them and start trying to work with them in rational ways and they can help overcome islamic fundamentalism easily, but instead you choose to just make problems worse and not work with anyone. you're clearly from the same ideology of supporting the wars overseas that have only made the US look worse in the muslim world due to the huge killing of civilians by US bombs. I'm pretty sure you're from the same party who supports unconditional support of Israel because in some strange way you see the in a "battle against terror" similar to our own delusional battle back home, and as Gen. Petraeus said, our position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hurting our status elsewhere in the world, like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc... The entire Muslim world is still watching what the US does everyday. ordinary Muslim people around the world are waiting for a change in policy and until you show any change (and I'm not speaking of the crap Obama has been spouting off, let alone the insane GOP), they will sit, wait, and watch bombs dropping over their people and military occupations by the US operated and supported in many different forms.

    I can’t be cautious of Muslims but you can act as if you know what my ideology is and you don’t even know me? So what’s the difference you have assumptions and I have mine....does that make us both Haters or just two people with different opinions?

    You spout off your bullshit ideology on here every day, aerial, so he DOES know what your ideology is. You, on the other hand, have not had similar conversations with every single Muslim American, so you DON'T know have any basis on which to make assumptions. You are not just two people with different opinions. And you are the only hater.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    justam wrote:
    I think you're forgetting that we are a country of immigrants. The only people who were here BEFORE the immigrants were the native americans.

    This idea that people who came later than your ancestors somehow are less American is false. No one is giving America away!! America has built itself as a place with people who have ancestors from all over.

    I don't have a promlem with people wanting to be Americans and your right Americans built america...they came here to be Americans and help to build it not destory it,they gave up everything and left it behind with the country they left even changed their names to be Americans and learned our language, people on here don't think that's important anymore.


    Yes, we do think it's important to be American. We just disagree with your attempt to define what it means to be American on your terms while completely disregarding anyone else, despite the fact that they are just as American as you. My family has been here since before the American Revolution. Aside from the Natives, you can't get any more American than me. (And I'm a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, English-speaking, Christian, if that makes you feel any better.) But I - and many others - disagree with what you say it means to be American. How can you say my ideas don't count? As a matter of fact, if you want to maintain your bullshit notion that people who have been here longer get to define what it means to be American, chances are you should be deferring to me, because it's likely that your relatives got here after mine. And if you don't buy that, why don't you just defer to the fucking settlers, who came here to establish a great nation whose main fucking purpose was to allow people to practice whatever religion they choose, without persecution. So you see, it's extremely UN-AMERICAN for you to discriminate against people on the basis of their religion.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    yes, they help to build it by spreading a disastrous disease to the current inhabitants and stripped them of their culture and resources.........


    they can go back then if they don't like it here.


    What the fuck are you talking about?? Who can go back to where??
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    what ?..... wake up sunshine you don't know shit about me and "don't say you do" you and a few others are always using what if's and how abouts to back up your statments "'Rid Europe of the Jewish scourge" give me a fuckin break that's just straight up bullshit if that all you got to throw at me and disagree with me save it for someone that buys into your backwards ass bull shit.

    Yes... I don't know you.... I can only go by the words you use to express your opinions. You are applying the SAME reasoning to justify your belief about Muslims. Fear and intolerance in order to secure your position.
    The Model Citizens of Germany weren't bad people for believing the Jews were the cause of Germany's problems in 1939... they were using the same justification to get the Jews out of Germany. The same thing with the Americans that feared the Japanese in 1942. They believed they were doing the right thing... just as you believe you are. They believed 'those people' presented a threat to their country... exactly the same way you believe Muslims present a threat you your country.
    Your overt expression of 'getting rid of them' are exactly the same things those Americans were saying about Japanese Americans and those Germans were saying about Jewish Germans. From things YOU say... you lead me to believe that they would have never found any Jews hiding in your attic, would they?
    Me? I don't believe Muslims pose a threat and I'm not afraid of them. Radical religious extremist are a threat, but I don't believe ALL Muslims are radical extremist. I believe that good police work will uncover the real threat and that mob justice will make us less like Americans and more like extremists.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    justam wrote:
    I think you're forgetting that we are a country of immigrants. The only people who were here BEFORE the immigrants were the native americans.

    This idea that people who came later than your ancestors somehow are less American is false. No one is giving America away!! America has built itself as a place with people who have ancestors from all over.

    I don't have a promlem with people wanting to be Americans and your right Americans built america...they came here to be Americans and help to build it not destory it,they gave up everything and left it behind with the country they left even changed their names to be Americans and learned our language, people on here don't think that's important anymore.

    How is building a Mosque 'Destroying America'? What about Jew that come here and build Temples? Are they 'Destroying America' , too? Contrary to your strong belief, not every Muslim that comes here is a terrorist. Most of them DO want to assimilate to American society... which guarantees them the freedom of religion. Yet, you want to get rid of them all.
    Or... is it your opinion that everyone that comes here needs to convert to Christianity?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    See how
    You will never see how twisted your reasoning is....calling Americans hate groups when it’s the Muslim extremist that hate!.....have you not heard about this?
    We are rebuilding were the war has devastated their nation (because it is a war) are the Muslims over here rebuilding the world trade center?
    Christianity has its own personal hate group... it's called the 'Ku Klux Klan'. The Klan is to Christianity... as Al Qaeda is to Islam. Just as the Klan does NOT represent all of Christianity, all of Islam is not represented by Al Qaeda. Both the Klan and al Qaeda are extremist groups that stake claim to their respective religions. Just as only a fool will believes all Christians are Klansmen... only an idiot believes all Muslims are Al Qaeda.
    American extremists such as the Klan and American Neo-Nazis hate. It is a small minority of Amercans, but, they ARE Americans.
    Side Note: As for 'rebuilding their country'... we wouldn't have to rebuild their country if we hadn't devestated it by bombing the shit out of it.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    I am completely confused by some peoples willingness to give America away to anybody, then say it's ok that they have attacked our country and now want to build a mosiliem a few blocks from ground zero ? to me that's a slap in the face to all Americans especially those that lost loved ones in that attack, it's my opinion that anybody American or not that dosn't love our country enuff to stand up for it can move the country of their choice asap and in some countries the may be supperised how well they have it as Americans.


    Maybe if I write it big enough you'll be able to get it through your fucking head:

    hay cup cake your starting to crack.. you are starting to make this personal along with a few others so I'll ask you this...what the hell makes you think I will subscribe to your word twisting fucked up hippie bullshit ?
    I have stated not all people are bad, I have no problem with anybody wanting to be Americans legally ,
    if your gay or lesbian I don't give a fuck or if a person is red black yellow brown or white it's all the same to me !!!! every fuckin time I post ANYTHING you and your all knowing bullshit start running off at the key pad..
    who the fuck do you think you are ? before you start trying to change my mind maybe you should try re-thinking your actions and comments. also telling me I'M NOT THE ONLY AMERICAN.....DUHHHH ! but on this forum myself and Aerial seem to the only proud Americans, you and few others take the fact that you are American for granted and bitch and whine about the people of this country who stand up for it, your starting to make me sick with the hippie rant you and the others on this forum are spewing...can you get that through your FUCKING HEAD: ?????, so all this aside have nice day ;)

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    justam wrote:
    I think you're forgetting that we are a country of immigrants. The only people who were here BEFORE the immigrants were the native americans.

    This idea that people who came later than your ancestors somehow are less American is false. No one is giving America away!! America has built itself as a place with people who have ancestors from all over.

    I don't have a promlem with people wanting to be Americans and your right Americans built america...they came here to be Americans and help to build it not destory it,they gave up everything and left it behind with the country they left even changed their names to be Americans and learned our language, people on here don't think that's important anymore.

    How is building a Mosque 'Destroying America'? What about Jew that come here and build Temples? Are they 'Destroying America' , too? Contrary to your strong belief, not every Muslim that comes here is a terrorist. Most of them DO want to assimilate to American society... which guarantees them the freedom of religion. Yet, you want to get rid of them all.
    Or... is it your opinion that everyone that comes here needs to convert to Christianity?

    more hippie bullshit cosmo ? the jews ? wtf have I said about the jewish people ? you and sbc can save your
    crap for someone else.

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,309
    Godfather. wrote:
    hay cup cake your starting to crack.. you are starting to make this personal along with a few others so I'll ask you this...what the hell makes you think I will subscribe to your word twisting fucked up hippie bullshit ?
    I have stated not all people are bad, I have no problem with anybody wanting to be Americans legally ,
    if your gay or lesbian I don't give a fuck or if a person is red black yellow brown or white it's all the same to me !!!! every fuckin time I post ANYTHING you and your all knowing bullshit start running off at the key pad..
    who the fuck do you think you are ? before you start trying to change my mind maybe you should try re-thinking your actions and comments. also telling me I'M NOT THE ONLY AMERICAN.....DUHHHH ! but on this forum myself and Aerial seem to the only proud Americans, you and few others take the fact that you are American for granted and bitch and whine about the people of this country who stand up for it, your starting to make me sick with the hippie rant you and the others on this forum are spewing...can you get that through your FUCKING HEAD: ?????, so all this aside have nice day ;)

    i would rather side with hippies than people like you who are the reason people hate this country. why are you so condescending and why are you name calling again? that all you have left...things are not as black and while and simplistic as you make them out to be. and who gives a shit if you are a "proud american"? i am a proud american but i choose to not delude myself into thinking that this country is perfect and that we never do anything wrong. there is a difference between being proud of your country and being blindly supportive of it. if you want a bunch of proud americans to post with perhaps you should visit the toby keith forum...or the stupid teabagger forums...or the forums that preach "american exceptionalism". that said, i hope they build this mosque and cultural center and that it actually serves to unite the community like it says it will. we will have to wait and see. either way you will not support it so you can just deal with it, ok cupcake?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    How is building a Mosque 'Destroying America'? What about Jew that come here and build Temples? Are they 'Destroying America' , too? Contrary to your strong belief, not every Muslim that comes here is a terrorist. Most of them DO want to assimilate to American society... which guarantees them the freedom of religion. Yet, you want to get rid of them all.
    Or... is it your opinion that everyone that comes here needs to convert to Christianity?

    more hippie bullshit cosmo ? the jews ? wtf have I said about the jewish people ? you and sbc can save your
    crap for someone else.

    Do you even listen to anything YOU say?
    Godfather. wrote:
    I don't have a promlem with people wanting to be Americans and your right Americans built america...they came here to be Americans and help to build it not destory it,they gave up everything and left it behind with the country they left even changed their names to be Americans and learned our language, people on here don't think that's important anymore.
    You say they come here to 'Destroy America".... I ask, "How is building a Mosque destroying America?" Are you saying that building Mosques destroys America? If so, then how is Muslims building a Mosques any different from Jews building a Temple? It's the same thing. If you believe that the Muslims should give up everything they left behind in Egypt, Lebannon, Iraq, etc... do you also think that Jews should also leave everything they left behind?
    That is the reasoning you are trying to invoke, here. And the only reason I ask you is because of the crap that YOU are saying. Things such as, 'Rounding them up and getting rid of them' and 'Coming here to destroy America'. You are saying the EXACT SAME things that people said about the Japanese here and the Germans said in Europe. To me, that is crap.
    You think of yourself as a 'Proud American'... yet, crap on the foundations of America. The America I believe in is the one that opens doors of opportunity based upon freedom. The America you believe in groups all people, in this case, Muslims, into one group and wants to lay the blame of a few at the feet of the whole. Our basic difference is apparently I can distinguish between terrorists and Muslims and you cannot. If that is you opinion of being 'Hippie'... that's on you. Mine is more a belief on being American and believing in the principles that make our nation what it is. Not the tyranny you wish to impose on all Muslims... and others in America's past imposed on all of the Japanese... Whether you like it or not.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    being a legal american doesn't mean you have to give up your religion.
    why can't they build mosques and temples in 'merica?

    ps... bets on when this thread gets locked?
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    haffajappa can't take that bet bro LOL ! probably get locked soon.
    I don't believe that it is wrong to build a temple in America but I do think it is a huge lack of respect to build the muslim temple so close to ground zero.

    as for cosmo sbc and the others, you people keep twisting what I post and adding your own bullshit are you really that board or just need somebody to argue with who dose not follow along with your burnt out hippie bullshit ?
    really you guys keep throwing in crap like the Jewish is that all about. if it's just a thing to attack me..bring it on, it's all opinion here and you guys seem to think that yours is all high and mighty well I got news for dose not me mean shit to me and other proud Americans so keep looking for reasons to fight the system in your own little world if thats what makes you all happy,go load up your bong and stare at the Abby Hoffman poster on your wall but don't try and sell it to me.

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    edited May 2010
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    How is building a Mosque 'Destroying America'? What about Jew that come here and build Temples? Are they 'Destroying America' , too? Contrary to your strong belief, not every Muslim that comes here is a terrorist. Most of them DO want to assimilate to American society... which guarantees them the freedom of religion. Yet, you want to get rid of them all.
    Or... is it your opinion that everyone that comes here needs to convert to Christianity?

    more hippie bullshit cosmo ? the jews ? wtf have I said about the jewish people ? you and sbc can save your
    crap for someone else.

    Do you even listen to anything YOU say?
    Godfather. wrote:
    I don't have a promlem with people wanting to be Americans and your right Americans built america...they came here to be Americans and help to build it not destory it,they gave up everything and left it behind with the country they left even changed their names to be Americans and learned our language, people on here don't think that's important anymore.
    You say they come here to 'Destroy America".... I ask, "How is building a Mosque destroying America?" Are you saying that building Mosques destroys America? If so, then how is Muslims building a Mosques any different from Jews building a Temple? It's the same thing. If you believe that the Muslims should give up everything they left behind in Egypt, Lebannon, Iraq, etc... do you also think that Jews should also leave everything they left behind?
    That is the reasoning you are trying to invoke, here. And the only reason I ask you is because of the crap that YOU are saying. Things such as, 'Rounding them up and getting rid of them' and 'Coming here to destroy America'. You are saying the EXACT SAME things that people said about the Japanese here and the Germans said in Europe. To me, that is crap.
    You think of yourself as a 'Proud American'... yet, crap on the foundations of America. The America I believe in is the one that opens doors of opportunity based upon freedom. The America you believe in groups all people, in this case, Muslims, into one group and wants to lay the blame of a few at the feet of the whole. Our basic difference is apparently I can distinguish between terrorists and Muslims and you cannot. If that is you opinion of being 'Hippie'... that's on you. Mine is more a belief on being American and believing in the principles that make our nation what it is. Not the tyranny you wish to impose on all Muslims... and others in America's past imposed on all of the Japanese... Whether you like it or not.

    what are you stoned ?

    Post edited by Godfather. on
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    hay cup cake your starting to crack.. you are starting to make this personal along with a few others so I'll ask you this...what the hell makes you think I will subscribe to your word twisting fucked up hippie bullshit ?
    I have stated not all people are bad, I have no problem with anybody wanting to be Americans legally ,
    if your gay or lesbian I don't give a fuck or if a person is red black yellow brown or white it's all the same to me !!!! every fuckin time I post ANYTHING you and your all knowing bullshit start running off at the key pad..
    who the fuck do you think you are ? before you start trying to change my mind maybe you should try re-thinking your actions and comments. also telling me I'M NOT THE ONLY AMERICAN.....DUHHHH ! but on this forum myself and Aerial seem to the only proud Americans, you and few others take the fact that you are American for granted and bitch and whine about the people of this country who stand up for it, your starting to make me sick with the hippie rant you and the others on this forum are spewing...can you get that through your FUCKING HEAD: ?????, so all this aside have nice day ;)

    i would rather side with hippies than people like you who are the reason people hate this country. why are you so condescending and why are you name calling again? that all you have left...things are not as black and while and simplistic as you make them out to be. and who gives a shit if you are a "proud american"? i am a proud american but i choose to not delude myself into thinking that this country is perfect and that we never do anything wrong. there is a difference between being proud of your country and being blindly supportive of it. if you want a bunch of proud americans to post with perhaps you should visit the toby keith forum...or the stupid teabagger forums...or the forums that preach "american exceptionalism". that said, i hope they build this mosque and cultural center and that it actually serves to unite the community like it says it will. we will have to wait and see. either way you will not support it so you can just deal with it, ok cupcake?

    think I'll stick around to be a thorn in your hippie ass.........skippy

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    justam wrote:
    I think you're forgetting that we are a country of immigrants. The only people who were here BEFORE the immigrants were the native americans.

    This idea that people who came later than your ancestors somehow are less American is false. No one is giving America away!! America has built itself as a place with people who have ancestors from all over.

    I don't have a promlem with people wanting to be Americans and your right Americans built america...they came here to be Americans and help to build it not destory it,they gave up everything and left it behind with the country they left even changed their names to be Americans and learned our language, people on here don't think that's important anymore.

    How is building a Mosque 'Destroying America'? What about Jew that come here and build Temples? Are they 'Destroying America' , too? Contrary to your strong belief, not every Muslim that comes here is a terrorist. Most of them DO want to assimilate to American society... which guarantees them the freedom of religion. Yet, you want to get rid of them all.
    Or... is it your opinion that everyone that comes here needs to convert to Christianity?

    quote from cosmo: "I hope he is not allowed to preach about that whole anti-American/fundamentalist Islamic religion crap in open court. But, im guessing... he will.
    And instead of the Death Penalty... how about a 297,300 year sentence with no parole eligability at Pelican Bay, California in the Neo-Nazi psychos cell block... and rooming with the multiple murderer who partially ate some of his victims?
    That would make Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba look like a stint at Club Med."

    I like it !! :thumbup:
    I think your catching on. :lol:

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    haffajappa can't take that bet bro LOL ! probably get locked soon.
    I don't believe that it is wrong to build a temple in America but I do think it is a huge lack of respect to build the muslim temple so close to ground zero.

    as for cosmo sbc and the others, you people keep twisting what I post and adding your own bullshit are you really that board or just need somebody to argue with who dose not follow along with your burnt out hippie bullshit ?
    really you guys keep throwing in crap like the Jewish is that all about. if it's just a thing to attack me..bring it on, it's all opinion here and you guys seem to think that yours is all high and mighty well I got news for dose not me mean shit to me and other proud Americans so keep looking for reasons to fight the system in your own little world if thats what makes you all happy,go load up your bong and stare at the Abby Hoffman poster on your wall but don't try and sell it to me.

    Then explain to me why is is okay to build Jewish Temples, but not okay to build Mosques... I am trying to get you to explain your reasoning.
    All you can do is come up with moronic name calling when i am trying to figure out the warped logic you employ.
    And if i am stoned and can come up with pointed opinions and you cannot come up with anything other than idiotic remarks... what are you telling everybody about yourself?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    Godfather. wrote:
    haffajappa can't take that bet bro LOL ! probably get locked soon.
    I don't believe that it is wrong to build a temple in America but I do think it is a huge lack of respect to build the muslim temple so close to ground zero.

    as for cosmo sbc and the others, you people keep twisting what I post and adding your own bullshit are you really that board or just need somebody to argue with who dose not follow along with your burnt out hippie bullshit ?
    really you guys keep throwing in crap like the Jewish is that all about. if it's just a thing to attack me..bring it on, it's all opinion here and you guys seem to think that yours is all high and mighty well I got news for dose not me mean shit to me and other proud Americans so keep looking for reasons to fight the system in your own little world if thats what makes you all happy,go load up your bong and stare at the Abby Hoffman poster on your wall but don't try and sell it to me.


    they bring up the jewish thing because you seem to be wanting muslims to not be able to build a mosque, so in asking if this goes for any other religion they use a jewish synagogue/temple as an example. would you feel better if they changed it to buddhist temple?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    edited May 2010
    Godfather. wrote:
    quote from cosmo: "I hope he is not allowed to preach about that whole anti-American/fundamentalist Islamic religion crap in open court. But, im guessing... he will.
    And instead of the Death Penalty... how about a 297,300 year sentence with no parole eligability at Pelican Bay, California in the Neo-Nazi psychos cell block... and rooming with the multiple murderer who partially ate some of his victims?
    That would make Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba look like a stint at Club Med."

    I like it !! :thumbup:
    I think your catching on. :lol:

    When put into context... the subject matter were individual terrorists. Specifically, the John Belushi looking shiek being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where I was not opposed to preserving the principles of American Justice. Because i believe in America remaining America and not giving into terrorist wishes and becoming less like us and more like them.
    So, yes... i stand by those comments because i am speaking of individual terrorists.. not Muslims as a whole. And please, do not confuse my attitude towards known terrorists as coming around in agreement of your perverted view of what you perceive as Patriotism... because it's miles away from that.
    Post edited by Cosmo on
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Godfather. wrote:
    haffajappa can't take that bet bro LOL ! probably get locked soon.
    I don't believe that it is wrong to build a temple in America but I do think it is a huge lack of respect to build the muslim temple so close to ground zero.

    as for cosmo sbc and the others, you people keep twisting what I post and adding your own bullshit are you really that board or just need somebody to argue with who dose not follow along with your burnt out hippie bullshit ?
    really you guys keep throwing in crap like the Jewish is that all about. if it's just a thing to attack me..bring it on, it's all opinion here and you guys seem to think that yours is all high and mighty well I got news for dose not me mean shit to me and other proud Americans so keep looking for reasons to fight the system in your own little world if thats what makes you all happy,go load up your bong and stare at the Abby Hoffman poster on your wall but don't try and sell it to me.


    they bring up the jewish thing because you seem to be wanting muslims to not be able to build a mosque, so in asking if this goes for any other religion they use a jewish synagogue/temple as an example. would you feel better if they changed it to buddhist temple?
    How come you (and others here) made the connection... but Godfather cannot? I thought i was being quite clear and very specific... the 3 times i stated it.
    I guess I need to get the 'English to Glenn Beck' translation program in order to communicate with him. Any thoughts where I might locate it? I tried but, it wasn't there.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    Cosmo wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    haffajappa can't take that bet bro LOL ! probably get locked soon.
    I don't believe that it is wrong to build a temple in America but I do think it is a huge lack of respect to build the muslim temple so close to ground zero.

    as for cosmo sbc and the others, you people keep twisting what I post and adding your own bullshit are you really that board or just need somebody to argue with who dose not follow along with your burnt out hippie bullshit ?
    really you guys keep throwing in crap like the Jewish is that all about. if it's just a thing to attack me..bring it on, it's all opinion here and you guys seem to think that yours is all high and mighty well I got news for dose not me mean shit to me and other proud Americans so keep looking for reasons to fight the system in your own little world if thats what makes you all happy,go load up your bong and stare at the Abby Hoffman poster on your wall but don't try and sell it to me.


    they bring up the jewish thing because you seem to be wanting muslims to not be able to build a mosque, so in asking if this goes for any other religion they use a jewish synagogue/temple as an example. would you feel better if they changed it to buddhist temple?
    How come you (and others here) made the connection... but Godfather cannot? I thought i was being quite clear and very specific... the 3 times i stated it.
    I guess I need to get the 'English to Glenn Beck' translation program in order to communicate with him. Any thoughts where I might locate it? I tried but, it wasn't there.

    life would be so much simpler if we all had a chalkboard and magnets of democrats!
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    life would be so much simpler if we all had a chalkboard and magnets of democrats!
    ...that links everything to Hitler.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,309
    Godfather. wrote:
    think I'll stick around to be a thorn in your hippie ass.........skippy

    are you going to reply to anything i said in that post or just sit there and wallow in your ignorance?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,309
    Cosmo wrote:
    I guess I need to get the 'English to Glenn Beck' translation program in order to communicate with him. Any thoughts where I might locate it? I tried but, it wasn't there.
    i can't get the link to work.... :(

    the english to glenn beck translation would be as follows...."gimmesometruth27, scb, cosmo, pepe and happajappa all hate america....RADICAL MUSLIMS all hate america...therefore, gimmesometruth27, scb, cosmo, pepe and happajappa are all RADICAL MUSLIMS!!!! BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!"
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    I am completely confused by some peoples willingness to give America away to anybody, then say it's ok that they have attacked our country and now want to build a mosiliem a few blocks from ground zero ? to me that's a slap in the face to all Americans especially those that lost loved ones in that attack, it's my opinion that anybody American or not that dosn't love our country enuff to stand up for it can move the country of their choice asap and in some countries the may be supperised how well they have it as Americans.


    Maybe if I write it big enough you'll be able to get it through your fucking head:

    hay cup cake your starting to crack.. you are starting to make this personal along with a few others so I'll ask you this...what the hell makes you think I will subscribe to your word twisting fucked up hippie bullshit ?
    I have stated not all people are bad, I have no problem with anybody wanting to be Americans legally ,
    if your gay or lesbian I don't give a fuck or if a person is red black yellow brown or white it's all the same to me !!!! every fuckin time I post ANYTHING you and your all knowing bullshit start running off at the key pad..
    who the fuck do you think you are ? before you start trying to change my mind maybe you should try re-thinking your actions and comments. also telling me I'M NOT THE ONLY AMERICAN.....DUHHHH ! but on this forum myself and Aerial seem to the only proud Americans, you and few others take the fact that you are American for granted and bitch and whine about the people of this country who stand up for it, your starting to make me sick with the hippie rant you and the others on this forum are spewing...can you get that through your FUCKING HEAD: ?????, so all this aside have nice day ;)


    You're right - I am starting to crack. I'm just sick of your and aerial's attitudes that you get to RE-define what it means to be American, to be a proud American, and to stick up for America. As far as I'm concerned, you are the ones who don't stick up for the United States and what it stands for. I'm starting to think there's no room in this country for people like y'all, who, if left to propogate your hateful, un-American ideas, will be the ruin of this country. So, yes, I am pissed... I'm pissed that your arrogance and ignorance is ruining my great nation, and that you seem to be getting away with it.

    P.S. Cupcake is one word. You are is abbreviated you're, not your. If you are going to act like you represent the United States, please learn our language. I'm not kidding.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    edited May 2010
    Godfather. wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    How is building a Mosque 'Destroying America'? What about Jew that come here and build Temples? Are they 'Destroying America' , too? Contrary to your strong belief, not every Muslim that comes here is a terrorist. Most of them DO want to assimilate to American society... which guarantees them the freedom of religion. Yet, you want to get rid of them all.
    Or... is it your opinion that everyone that comes here needs to convert to Christianity?

    more hippie bullshit cosmo ? the jews ? wtf have I said about the jewish people ? you and sbc can save your
    crap for someone else.


    My name is scb, not sbc. And just because Cosmo is able to understand the world beyond the tip of his own nose does not make him a hippie. (Not that there's anything wrong with being a hippie...)
    Post edited by _ on
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