Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
This is the UK's answer to Univeral Healthcare.
A single payer authoritarian Gov run healthcare system that covers pre existing conditions.
Everybody has healthcare. Its all SUBSIDIZED...NOBODY CAN BE TURNED AWAY.
the problem is no one can get in,and so few can get QUALITY CARE no matter how much is spent.
We have brand new drugs being devloped everyday in the western world and yet these patients in the UK are denied.
If you don't think that this can't happen here you're WRONG.
this is one hospital for fuck sake...
and your comments above are just scaremongering lies... genuine lies.
"no-one can get in" ... thats just utter shit. utter shit. It's illegal here for a hospital to refuse medical care to any British citizen. illegal.
"so few can get QUALITY CARE" ... its 100% better quality care than some 16 year old girl who gets gang-raped in Alabama who will then be 'charged' by the ever compassionate US medical system for a rape kit, the abortion and 3 bandages.
don't read one fucking article and then think its the 11th commandment or something... its a run down inner city hospital... I live in a rural area of Scotland... the hospitals around here are genuinely fantastic as are most in the UK. There will be hospitals in Manchester, Glasgow & London that are perhaps not as good.. but its not a perfect system... its a fuckload better system than the US medicals version of darwinism though. instead of the fittest surving its the richest.
using one bad example of a hospital and saying its like ALL hospitals .. is like me saying all americans are gun wielding burger munching right wing racists with really bad dress sense.
smarten up.
Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
Dunk is from Scotland ... the article says the drug is available in Scotland.
Do insurance companies never deny funding for any medicines or treatments??
You're talking about people being denied a particular drug ... what about cases like the guy who was on Medicaid that Trent Reznor helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for as he could not get transplant treatment in Nevada http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2 ... 45k-f.html
... and are hospitals aren't 'nothing but shitholes' :roll:
Post edited by chime on
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
My stepfather has cancer and when his blood count gets low they have to give him this injection that I'm told costs $3k. I don't know the name of it, I'm not a medical professional. It has to get approved by the insurance company every time. So what if they decide they don't want to cover it anymore? I mean if he needs it why the need for the phone call? Are they going to say no?
I seriously would sign on for UHC under two conditions. Illegal aliens start having to pay up front, because they are the ones that skip town and leave us with the bill. And they are not to be covered under ANY law, in fact in order to pay for our citizens for health care it is time to end all funding for people who are in this country illegally. Cut that spending out and money will appear. Also no insurance for any able bodied unemployed person unless they are actively looking for work. No more sitting on the couch collecting a check.
I seriously would sign on for UHC under two conditions. Illegal aliens start having to pay up front, because they are the ones that skip town and leave us with the bill. And they are not to be covered under ANY law, in fact in order to pay for our citizens for health care it is time to end all funding for people who are in this country illegally. Cut that spending out and money will appear. Also no insurance for any able bodied unemployed person unless they are actively looking for work. No more sitting on the couch collecting a check.
You wouldn't like our system then ... if an overseas visitor is on holiday in the UK and has an accident any treatment in an accident and emergency department would be free (we also throw in free compulsory psychiatric care and family planning treatment ) ... you can be charged for other treatment though
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
I seriously would sign on for UHC under two conditions. Illegal aliens start having to pay up front, because they are the ones that skip town and leave us with the bill. And they are not to be covered under ANY law, in fact in order to pay for our citizens for health care it is time to end all funding for people who are in this country illegally. Cut that spending out and money will appear. Also no insurance for any able bodied unemployed person unless they are actively looking for work. No more sitting on the couch collecting a check.
You wouldn't like our system then ... if an overseas visitor is on holiday in the UK and has an accident any treatment in an accident and emergency department would be free (we also throw in free compulsory psychiatric care and family planning treatment ) ... you can be charged for other treatment though
My stepfather has cancer and when his blood count gets low they have to give him this injection that I'm told costs $3k. I don't know the name of it, I'm not a medical professional. It has to get approved by the insurance company every time. So what if they decide they don't want to cover it anymore? I mean if he needs it why the need for the phone call? Are they going to say no?
Yes. An insurance company accountant may one day decide that the cost of your step father's health care is over running the premiums you've paid in by too high of a margin and deny any further injections... unless you can pay some or all of the costs (they take Visa and MasterCard... but, prefer cash). This is how Americans with Health Care insurance have been driven to the poor house because they pay whatever it takes for the well being of a loved one.
This is what the whole (access to affordable) Health Care Reform has always been about. The make Health Care (Insurance Companies) stop the practice of denying claims because it is not profitable for them.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
My stepfather has cancer and when his blood count gets low they have to give him this injection that I'm told costs $3k. I don't know the name of it, I'm not a medical professional. It has to get approved by the insurance company every time. So what if they decide they don't want to cover it anymore? I mean if he needs it why the need for the phone call? Are they going to say no?
costs are going through roof, it is holding wages down and it is causing people to loose their livelihood (i know several people that have lost everything and filed bankruptcy due to emergency medical care)
I have an anecdotal experience that goes to show how fucked up our access to Health Care is...
I have been a voluenteer crew member for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer Research for the past 8 years. A teammate of mine (Jim) and his 2 daughters and their husbands have been involved for the same amount of time. They voluenteered because his wife, Jackie (their mom) was fighting for her life, due to the very disease were are trying to fight.
Jim worked for (and retired from) an Health Care Insurance Company.
When Jackie was first diagnosed, the insurance kicked in and there weren't any problems and she went into remission for a while. When the cancer re-appeared, all of a sudden, the insurance company (whom he had worked for in a magement position for 30+ years) denied further treatment. They used their savings and his pension and took out a second on their home to pay for the treatment. They not only had to fight the horrible disease... they had to fight the insurance company as well. This should not happen to law abiding, taxpaying American citizens who paid their premiums for the insurance they were told would be there.
Jackie passed away 3 years ago and Jim had to continue to fight the very company he had worked for all of those years. Lawyers got involved and the company finally re-imbursed part of the costs for Jackie's treatments... but none of the hospice care and end of life comfort costs.
This shouldn't be the norm. All that talk about 'Death Panels' and shit.... the Death Panels are already at YOUR insurance companies. They decide whether you are a liability or not to their shareholders. It sickens me that this happens to people like Jim and Jackie in our country.
Anyway, we dedicate our Pit Stop at the San Diego 3-Day Walk in Jackie's memory.
Those of you whom are against Health Care reform... I hope you never have to face the realities of the system in place. The system is fucked up because its primary concern in the bottom line, not your best interests. This has been going on for way to long in our country and doing nothing about it isn't going to fix it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
All these people screaming for Universal Health Care will be the same people screaming 5 years down the road because they are getting taxed too much. Bigger government..YAE! Go Government! :roll:
All these people screaming for Universal Health Care will be the same people screaming 5 years down the road because they are getting taxed too much. Bigger government..YAE! Go Government! :roll:
i do not think paying taxes is the biggest concern of those of us that are for universal health care. i don't give a shit about paying taxes, it is a necessary part of being a citizen of this country. i am more concerned about preventing situations like the one that cosmo described. that shit should not happen in this country, but it does everyday, and until we change it our system is always going to be fucked. i hope you never find yourself in a situation like that...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I have an anecdotal experience that goes to show how fucked up our access to Health Care is...
I have been a voluenteer crew member for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer Research for the past 8 years. A teammate of mine (Jim) and his 2 daughters and their husbands have been involved for the same amount of time. They voluenteered because his wife, Jackie (their mom) was fighting for her life, due to the very disease were are trying to fight.
Jim worked for (and retired from) an Health Care Insurance Company.
When Jackie was first diagnosed, the insurance kicked in and there weren't any problems and she went into remission for a while. When the cancer re-appeared, all of a sudden, the insurance company (whom he had worked for in a magement position for 30+ years) denied further treatment. They used their savings and his pension and took out a second on their home to pay for the treatment. They not only had to fight the horrible disease... they had to fight the insurance company as well. This should not happen to law abiding, taxpaying American citizens who paid their premiums for the insurance they were told would be there.
Jackie passed away 3 years ago and Jim had to continue to fight the very company he had worked for all of those years. Lawyers got involved and the company finally re-imbursed part of the costs for Jackie's treatments... but none of the hospice care and end of life comfort costs.
This shouldn't be the norm. All that talk about 'Death Panels' and shit.... the Death Panels are already at YOUR insurance companies. They decide whether you are a liability or not to their shareholders. It sickens me that this happens to people like Jim and Jackie in our country.
Anyway, we dedicate our Pit Stop at the San Diego 3-Day Walk in Jackie's memory.
Those of you whom are against Health Care reform... I hope you never have to face the realities of the system in place. The system is fucked up because its primary concern in the bottom line, not your best interests. This has been going on for way to long in our country and doing nothing about it isn't going to fix it.
In the last paragragh of your post you said you hoped those people who are against reforming health care don't have to go through what your friends did. I am not so polite. Those are the exact people that should have to go through it.
the only winners are those in the health insurance industry that laugh their asses off at us for allowing them to continue to fatten their bank accounts while doing their damndest to make everyones experience as miserable as possible. they can't be trusted to do what is in the best interest of our society when it comes to providing adequate health care that is financially within our reach. it's so obvious that they could not care less.
they laugh, their customers pull their hair out and cry. kinda messed up don't you think?
when i first moved to the States three years ago to work in the Health profession, i got the biggest shock ever when i started to have an understanding of how the system works. i thought to myself, how could a country so apparently advanced, have such a backward system. i couldn't believe it. i'd come from a country where people were allowed to purchase health coverage from any health insurance provider (no matter which state you lived in). we had the power to actively research all of the companies available and find the best coverage to suit our needs and find the best premium available to suit our needs. we knew up front what was covered. we were issued with a PDS which clearly showed what you were and were not covered for. as an example it said you would get ex amount of $ for dental and x amount of $ per night in hospital. you knew exactly where you stood. there were different covers available that really did cater to almost anyones needs. for an example they had a cover that us younger people could choose that didn't cover you for hip replacements, etc, but of course the option was there if you wanted the higher cover.
if you did not have health insurance in the past and just covered yourself under the medicare system and you had a known condition, you had to serve a 12 month waiting period. once the 12 months were up, you were automatically covered at the level of cover you chose. not what the insurance company wanted to pay. what you chose. seems kinda simple to me. you could also transfer between health insurance providers to the same level of cover you had before, with no waiting periods if you had already served them.
why do you allow your Health providers to dictate to you? they are the root of the problem. nothing will change while you keep putting your trust in the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies who have been ripping off people for years.
All these people screaming for Universal Health Care will be the same people screaming 5 years down the road because they are getting taxed too much. Bigger government..YAE! Go Government! :roll:
I have never complained about taxes and I think we need some sort of UHC.
I work in social services and see how tax $$$ and government spending can work to improve lives... in turn society
in terms of health care..... if my insurance premiums stayed the same year to year at a low manageable rate my job would give me raises instead of putting my raise towards the extra amount they will have to pay on the prems.
So in reality, I would be making more (yes getting taxed more) so it would be a wash IMO. Plus everyone would have insurance, my care would be guaranteed and the system as a whole would feel less burden. That to me is work a few hundred in extra taxes.
the only winners are those in the health insurance industry that laugh their asses off at us for allowing them to continue to fatten their bank accounts while doing their damndest to make everyones experience as miserable as possible. they can't be trusted to do what is in the best interest of our society when it comes to providing adequate health care that is financially within our reach. it's so obvious that they could not care less.
they laugh, their customers pull their hair out and cry. kinda messed up don't you think?
when i first moved to the States three years ago to work in the Health profession, i got the biggest shock ever when i started to have an understanding of how the system works. i thought to myself, how could a country so apparently advanced, have such a backward system. i couldn't believe it. i'd come from a country where people were allowed to purchase health coverage from any health insurance provider (no matter which state you lived in). we had the power to actively research all of the companies available and find the best coverage to suit our needs and find the best premium available to suit our needs. we knew up front what was covered. we were issued with a PDS which clearly showed what you were and were not covered for. as an example it said you would get ex amount of $ for dental and x amount of $ per night in hospital. you knew exactly where you stood. there were different covers available that really did cater to almost anyones needs. for an example they had a cover that us younger people could choose that didn't cover you for hip replacements, etc, but of course the option was there if you wanted the higher cover.
if you did not have health insurance in the past and just covered yourself under the medicare system and you had a known condition, you had to serve a 12 month waiting period. once the 12 months were up, you were automatically covered at the level of cover you chose. not what the insurance company wanted to pay. what you chose. seems kinda simple to me. you could also transfer between health insurance providers to the same level of cover you had before, with no waiting periods if you had already served them.
why do you allow your Health providers to dictate to you? they are the root of the problem. nothing will change while you keep putting your trust in the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies who have been ripping off people for years.
More or less yes.
I would support insurance companies becoming not for profits however that is the harder road to take because that would have to be started from the ground up. But there is no reason why insurance execs need to make 1 mil. 150K is still a good salary. With a NFP system all the money they make would go back into operations of the company.
But government ran is easier cause we already have those systems in place via medicare and medicaid. It would only be an expansion not a new system.
Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
so you have been to all hospitals in the US and the UK....nice work..
I don't need to. All I have to do is read articles like this. I swear to god I think some of you if not most are living on another planet.why the fuck do you want the gov to run our Healthcare ? Yes, we do need to do something about the cost. But the CBO has already said premiums will go up and it will bakrupt this country if we go to a UHCS. What more proof do you need? Every single state is going broke because of Medicaid I don't understand why some of you think Big gov is the answer to every problem we face. I guess this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated by liberal thinking your whole life.
Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
so you have been to all hospitals in the US and the UK....nice work..
I don't need to. All I have to do is read articles like this. I swear to god I think some of you if not most are living on another planet.why the fuck do you want the gov to run our Healthcare ? Yes, we do need to do something about the cost. But the CBO has already said premiums will go up and it will bakrupt this country if we go to a UHCS. What more proof do you need? Every single state is going broke because of Medicaid I don't understand why some of you think Big gov is the answer to every problem we face. I guess this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated by liberal thinking your whole life.
so one article makes you an authority...you have not experienced universal health care so how can you have such a strong opinion that every other countrie's universal health care and every hospital is shit?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
so you have been to all hospitals in the US and the UK....nice work..
I don't need to. All I have to do is read articles like this. I swear to god I think some of you if not most are living on another planet.why the fuck do you want the gov to run our Healthcare ? Yes, we do need to do something about the cost. But the CBO has already said premiums will go up and it will bakrupt this country if we go to a UHCS. What more proof do you need? Every single state is going broke because of Medicaid I don't understand why some of you think Big gov is the answer to every problem we face. I guess this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated by liberal thinking your whole life.
I'm just curious has the universal health care system in other countries ever bankrupt any of them since you're basing this analysis on these other countries?
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
so you have been to all hospitals in the US and the UK....nice work..
I don't need to. All I have to do is read articles like this. I swear to god I think some of you if not most are living on another planet.why the fuck do you want the gov to run our Healthcare ? Yes, we do need to do something about the cost. But the CBO has already said premiums will go up and it will bakrupt this country if we go to a UHCS. What more proof do you need? Every single state is going broke because of Medicaid I don't understand why some of you think Big gov is the answer to every problem we face. I guess this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated by liberal thinking your whole life.
I'm just curious has the universal health care system in other countries ever bankrupt any of them since you're basing this analysis on these other countries?
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
All these people screaming for Universal Health Care will be the same people screaming 5 years down the road because they are getting taxed too much. Bigger government..YAE! Go Government! :roll:
Here's a solution.
I hear about all this crying about "strapping the debt on our kids"... how about instead of piling the costs of access to Health Care on the top of the trillion dollars we already owe on the war onto the backs of future generation... we spread it out?
Since these are YOUR wars... how about YOU pay for them? Raise your taxes to pay for the wars you chose to support. These wars were OUR choices, not our kids. How about WE pay for the decision we made? You believe in in that Conservative cornerstone of 'personal responsibility', right? Well, so do I. I think we need to take the personal responsibility of our actions and decisions. The soldiers have to face the physical and emotional pains of our choosing to go to war... how about US civilians feel the financial pains? You support our troops, right? They and their families are the ONLY ones carrying the burdens of the wars while you sit comfortably in you living rooms... a half a world away from the bullets and I.E.D.s.
That way... maybe you'll shut the fuck up already about the debt YOU are responsible for and are laying on the laps of your kids. At least, our kids will have access to Health Care that they will be paying for.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I guess this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated by liberal thinking your whole life.
assumptions, assumptions
personally I will share with you, in an effort to show you how far off your assumptions are....
I grew up in a very, VERY conservative household with a very Very Catholic father...... went to Catholic school for 10 years. So I was indoctrinated with religious right winged thinking my whole life.
Not until I found my mind, my brain..... did I start thinking for myself, took a awhile (with the help of some drugs) to get that shit out of my head.
All these people screaming for Universal Health Care will be the same people screaming 5 years down the road because they are getting taxed too much. Bigger government..YAE! Go Government! :roll:
Here's a solution.
I hear about all this crying about "strapping the debt on our kids"... how about instead of piling the costs of access to Health Care on the top of the trillion dollars we already owe on the war onto the backs of future generation... we spread it out?
Since these are YOUR wars... how about YOU pay for them? Raise your taxes to pay for the wars you chose to support. These wars were OUR choices, not our kids. How about WE pay for the decision we made? You believe in in that Conservative cornerstone of 'personal responsibility', right? Well, so do I. I think we need to take the personal responsibility of our actions and decisions. The soldiers have to face the physical and emotional pains of our choosing to go to war... how about US civilians feel the financial pains? You support our troops, right? They and their families are the ONLY ones carrying the burdens of the wars while you sit comfortably in you living rooms... a half a world away from the bullets and I.E.D.s.
That way... maybe you'll shut the fuck up already about the debt YOU are responsible for and are laying on the laps of your kids. At least, our kids will have access to Health Care that they will be paying for.
I second that motion
I say we increase federal income tax to 45% during times of war so that the war can be supported and the homeland, domestic issues, do not suffer......
I say we increase federal income tax to 45% during times of war so that the war can be supported and the homeland, domestic issues, do not suffer......
yeah i agree.. how funny would it be to see the "america fuck yeah!!" crowd protesting against a potential war because of the implications of a 45% tax rate??? oh the irony would be soooo sweeeet.... you can't have multiple wars and no funding for them or else you get what we have in this country right now....
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I have an anecdotal experience that goes to show how fucked up our access to Health Care is...
I have been a voluenteer crew member for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer Research for the past 8 years. A teammate of mine (Jim) and his 2 daughters and their husbands have been involved for the same amount of time. They voluenteered because his wife, Jackie (their mom) was fighting for her life, due to the very disease were are trying to fight.
Jim worked for (and retired from) an Health Care Insurance Company.
When Jackie was first diagnosed, the insurance kicked in and there weren't any problems and she went into remission for a while. When the cancer re-appeared, all of a sudden, the insurance company (whom he had worked for in a magement position for 30+ years) denied further treatment. They used their savings and his pension and took out a second on their home to pay for the treatment. They not only had to fight the horrible disease... they had to fight the insurance company as well. This should not happen to law abiding, taxpaying American citizens who paid their premiums for the insurance they were told would be there.
Jackie passed away 3 years ago and Jim had to continue to fight the very company he had worked for all of those years. Lawyers got involved and the company finally re-imbursed part of the costs for Jackie's treatments... but none of the hospice care and end of life comfort costs.
This shouldn't be the norm. All that talk about 'Death Panels' and shit.... the Death Panels are already at YOUR insurance companies. They decide whether you are a liability or not to their shareholders. It sickens me that this happens to people like Jim and Jackie in our country.
Anyway, we dedicate our Pit Stop at the San Diego 3-Day Walk in Jackie's memory.
Those of you whom are against Health Care reform... I hope you never have to face the realities of the system in place. The system is fucked up because its primary concern in the bottom line, not your best interests. This has been going on for way to long in our country and doing nothing about it isn't going to fix it.
And people wonder why a guy will grab a gun and shoot up the place.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I seriously would sign on for UHC under two conditions. Illegal aliens start having to pay up front, because they are the ones that skip town and leave us with the bill. And they are not to be covered under ANY law, in fact in order to pay for our citizens for health care it is time to end all funding for people who are in this country illegally. Cut that spending out and money will appear. Also no insurance for any able bodied unemployed person unless they are actively looking for work. No more sitting on the couch collecting a check.
You wouldn't like our system then ... if an overseas visitor is on holiday in the UK and has an accident any treatment in an accident and emergency department would be free (we also throw in free compulsory psychiatric care and family planning treatment ) ... you can be charged for other treatment though
Big difference between being a tourist and being someone that is in the country illegally sucking the taxpayers dry and causing the rates to go up for everything. I like that plan you have.
We have illegals popping out babies left and right, who pays for it? The citizen taxpayer. They take their kids to the ER with the sniffles because they get the meds and can't be denied care. My sister in law is an ER nurse, she said it happens all the time.
Big difference between being a tourist and being someone that is in the country illegally sucking the taxpayers dry and causing the rates to go up for everything. I like that plan you have.
We have illegals popping out babies left and right, who pays for it? The citizen taxpayer. They take their kids to the ER with the sniffles because they get the meds and can't be denied care. My sister in law is an ER nurse, she said it happens all the time.
Like most tea party, repubs, libritarians or whatever you are mad at the wrong people:
You've been sold out. Your party (or at least the one that most closely resembles it anyway) bitches and moans about illegals taking work that most americans won't do (without healthcare and a fair wage) and sucking off the teet of the system. Here's the news, Conservatives controlled EVERY FUCKING BRANCH of government for a dacade. If Bush wanted to do something he did it, whether it was legal or not. Why then, if that's the case were there no laws made to keep people out or punish employers who hire illegals?
BECAUSE THEY DON"T WANT TO!!! The companies pay off the politicians to keep cheap labor to inflate their bottom line.
Why do you think they are allowed to go to the emergency room on our dime?
Because slaves aren't much good if they get sick.
And hey, you lean towards the tea party mentality right? Tell me if there were laws made to enforce against illegals (stopping the cheap labor) doesn't that qualify as Government interviening on the Freedoms and liberties of corporations.
bottom line: We are all puppets, we get to choose which puppeteers pull the strings.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
The laws are already there, they are not enforced.
This is the UK's answer to Univeral Healthcare.
A single payer authoritarian Gov run healthcare system that covers pre existing conditions.
Everybody has healthcare. Its all SUBSIDIZED...NOBODY CAN BE TURNED AWAY.
the problem is no one can get in,and so few can get QUALITY CARE no matter how much is spent.
We have brand new drugs being devloped everyday in the western world and yet these patients in the UK are denied.
If you don't think that this can't happen here you're WRONG.
this is one hospital for fuck sake...
and your comments above are just scaremongering lies... genuine lies.
"no-one can get in" ... thats just utter shit. utter shit. It's illegal here for a hospital to refuse medical care to any British citizen. illegal.
"so few can get QUALITY CARE" ... its 100% better quality care than some 16 year old girl who gets gang-raped in Alabama who will then be 'charged' by the ever compassionate US medical system for a rape kit, the abortion and 3 bandages.
don't read one fucking article and then think its the 11th commandment or something... its a run down inner city hospital... I live in a rural area of Scotland... the hospitals around here are genuinely fantastic as are most in the UK. There will be hospitals in Manchester, Glasgow & London that are perhaps not as good.. but its not a perfect system... its a fuckload better system than the US medicals version of darwinism though. instead of the fittest surving its the richest.
using one bad example of a hospital and saying its like ALL hospitals .. is like me saying all americans are gun wielding burger munching right wing racists with really bad dress sense.
smarten up.
Obviously you don't get it. This is what we don't want to happen to our Hospitals. Ill take our health care over N.I.C.E. any fucking day of the week pal. Your hospitals are nothing but shitholes. You have people there that cant even get cutting edge medicine for arthritis. What a disgrace.
why the link about getting arthritis treatment in Scotland and then tell me we can't get cutting edge car for arthritis... i live in fucking Scotland pal... ergo we can get cutting edge medicine pal.
if you'd researched your moan for perhaps 27 seconds you'd understand that although we have a National Health System, you are still able to purchase private care if you wish... keep posting the one or two links you find that shows our system to be flawed... you live in a country where the hospitals are so well run its untrue.. but thats probably out of practice, considering the vast amount of school shootings you have over there... so all those shot students need care, care they have to pay for, well their parents do... but if i lived in america i wouldnt let my kids go to school, its horrendous over there... schools are a fucking shithole warzone... kids killing each other and all that. what a disgrace. pal.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Dunk is from Scotland ... the article says the drug is available in Scotland.
Do insurance companies never deny funding for any medicines or treatments??
You're talking about people being denied a particular drug ... what about cases like the guy who was on Medicaid that Trent Reznor helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for as he could not get transplant treatment in Nevada http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2 ... 45k-f.html
... and are hospitals aren't 'nothing but shitholes' :roll:
I seriously would sign on for UHC under two conditions. Illegal aliens start having to pay up front, because they are the ones that skip town and leave us with the bill. And they are not to be covered under ANY law, in fact in order to pay for our citizens for health care it is time to end all funding for people who are in this country illegally. Cut that spending out and money will appear. Also no insurance for any able bodied unemployed person unless they are actively looking for work. No more sitting on the couch collecting a check.
You wouldn't like our system then ... if an overseas visitor is on holiday in the UK and has an accident any treatment in an accident and emergency department would be free (we also throw in free compulsory psychiatric care and family planning treatment
Yes. An insurance company accountant may one day decide that the cost of your step father's health care is over running the premiums you've paid in by too high of a margin and deny any further injections... unless you can pay some or all of the costs (they take Visa and MasterCard... but, prefer cash). This is how Americans with Health Care insurance have been driven to the poor house because they pay whatever it takes for the well being of a loved one.
This is what the whole (access to affordable) Health Care Reform has always been about. The make Health Care (Insurance Companies) stop the practice of denying claims because it is not profitable for them.
Hail, Hail!!!
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-l ... ull.column
costs are going through roof, it is holding wages down and it is causing people to loose their livelihood (i know several people that have lost everything and filed bankruptcy due to emergency medical care)
I have been a voluenteer crew member for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer Research for the past 8 years. A teammate of mine (Jim) and his 2 daughters and their husbands have been involved for the same amount of time. They voluenteered because his wife, Jackie (their mom) was fighting for her life, due to the very disease were are trying to fight.
Jim worked for (and retired from) an Health Care Insurance Company.
When Jackie was first diagnosed, the insurance kicked in and there weren't any problems and she went into remission for a while. When the cancer re-appeared, all of a sudden, the insurance company (whom he had worked for in a magement position for 30+ years) denied further treatment. They used their savings and his pension and took out a second on their home to pay for the treatment. They not only had to fight the horrible disease... they had to fight the insurance company as well. This should not happen to law abiding, taxpaying American citizens who paid their premiums for the insurance they were told would be there.
Jackie passed away 3 years ago and Jim had to continue to fight the very company he had worked for all of those years. Lawyers got involved and the company finally re-imbursed part of the costs for Jackie's treatments... but none of the hospice care and end of life comfort costs.
This shouldn't be the norm. All that talk about 'Death Panels' and shit.... the Death Panels are already at YOUR insurance companies. They decide whether you are a liability or not to their shareholders. It sickens me that this happens to people like Jim and Jackie in our country.
Anyway, we dedicate our Pit Stop at the San Diego 3-Day Walk in Jackie's memory.
Those of you whom are against Health Care reform... I hope you never have to face the realities of the system in place. The system is fucked up because its primary concern in the bottom line, not your best interests. This has been going on for way to long in our country and doing nothing about it isn't going to fix it.
Hail, Hail!!!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
In the last paragragh of your post you said you hoped those people who are against reforming health care don't have to go through what your friends did. I am not so polite. Those are the exact people that should have to go through it.
they laugh, their customers pull their hair out and cry. kinda messed up don't you think?
when i first moved to the States three years ago to work in the Health profession, i got the biggest shock ever when i started to have an understanding of how the system works. i thought to myself, how could a country so apparently advanced, have such a backward system. i couldn't believe it. i'd come from a country where people were allowed to purchase health coverage from any health insurance provider (no matter which state you lived in). we had the power to actively research all of the companies available and find the best coverage to suit our needs and find the best premium available to suit our needs. we knew up front what was covered. we were issued with a PDS which clearly showed what you were and were not covered for. as an example it said you would get ex amount of $ for dental and x amount of $ per night in hospital. you knew exactly where you stood. there were different covers available that really did cater to almost anyones needs. for an example they had a cover that us younger people could choose that didn't cover you for hip replacements, etc, but of course the option was there if you wanted the higher cover.
if you did not have health insurance in the past and just covered yourself under the medicare system and you had a known condition, you had to serve a 12 month waiting period. once the 12 months were up, you were automatically covered at the level of cover you chose. not what the insurance company wanted to pay. what you chose. seems kinda simple to me. you could also transfer between health insurance providers to the same level of cover you had before, with no waiting periods if you had already served them.
why do you allow your Health providers to dictate to you? they are the root of the problem. nothing will change while you keep putting your trust in the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies who have been ripping off people for years.
I have never complained about taxes and I think we need some sort of UHC.
I work in social services and see how tax $$$ and government spending can work to improve lives... in turn society
in terms of health care..... if my insurance premiums stayed the same year to year at a low manageable rate my job would give me raises instead of putting my raise towards the extra amount they will have to pay on the prems.
So in reality, I would be making more (yes getting taxed more) so it would be a wash IMO. Plus everyone would have insurance, my care would be guaranteed and the system as a whole would feel less burden. That to me is work a few hundred in extra taxes.
More or less yes.
I would support insurance companies becoming not for profits however that is the harder road to take because that would have to be started from the ground up. But there is no reason why insurance execs need to make 1 mil. 150K is still a good salary. With a NFP system all the money they make would go back into operations of the company.
But government ran is easier cause we already have those systems in place via medicare and medicaid. It would only be an expansion not a new system.
I don't need to. All I have to do is read articles like this. I swear to god I think some of you if not most are living on another planet.why the fuck do you want the gov to run our Healthcare ? Yes, we do need to do something about the cost. But the CBO has already said premiums will go up and it will bakrupt this country if we go to a UHCS. What more proof do you need? Every single state is going broke because of Medicaid I don't understand why some of you think Big gov is the answer to every problem we face. I guess this is what happens when you've been indoctrinated by liberal thinking your whole life.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I'm just curious has the universal health care system in other countries ever bankrupt any of them since you're basing this analysis on these other countries?
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I'm just curious has the universal health care system in other countries ever bankrupt any of them since you're basing this analysis on these other countries?
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Here's a solution.
I hear about all this crying about "strapping the debt on our kids"... how about instead of piling the costs of access to Health Care on the top of the trillion dollars we already owe on the war onto the backs of future generation... we spread it out?
Since these are YOUR wars... how about YOU pay for them? Raise your taxes to pay for the wars you chose to support. These wars were OUR choices, not our kids. How about WE pay for the decision we made? You believe in in that Conservative cornerstone of 'personal responsibility', right? Well, so do I. I think we need to take the personal responsibility of our actions and decisions. The soldiers have to face the physical and emotional pains of our choosing to go to war... how about US civilians feel the financial pains? You support our troops, right? They and their families are the ONLY ones carrying the burdens of the wars while you sit comfortably in you living rooms... a half a world away from the bullets and I.E.D.s.
That way... maybe you'll shut the fuck up already about the debt YOU are responsible for and are laying on the laps of your kids. At least, our kids will have access to Health Care that they will be paying for.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hehe... that made me chuckle.
assumptions, assumptions
personally I will share with you, in an effort to show you how far off your assumptions are....
I grew up in a very, VERY conservative household with a very Very Catholic father...... went to Catholic school for 10 years. So I was indoctrinated with religious right winged thinking my whole life.
Not until I found my mind, my brain..... did I start thinking for myself, took a awhile (with the help of some drugs) to get that shit out of my head.
I second that motion
I say we increase federal income tax to 45% during times of war so that the war can be supported and the homeland, domestic issues, do not suffer......
yeah i agree.. how funny would it be to see the "america fuck yeah!!" crowd protesting against a potential war because of the implications of a 45% tax rate??? oh the irony would be soooo sweeeet....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
And people wonder why a guy will grab a gun and shoot up the place.
Big difference between being a tourist and being someone that is in the country illegally sucking the taxpayers dry and causing the rates to go up for everything. I like that plan you have.
We have illegals popping out babies left and right, who pays for it? The citizen taxpayer. They take their kids to the ER with the sniffles because they get the meds and can't be denied care. My sister in law is an ER nurse, she said it happens all the time.
Like most tea party, repubs, libritarians or whatever you are mad at the wrong people:
You've been sold out. Your party (or at least the one that most closely resembles it anyway) bitches and moans about illegals taking work that most americans won't do (without healthcare and a fair wage) and sucking off the teet of the system. Here's the news, Conservatives controlled EVERY FUCKING BRANCH of government for a dacade. If Bush wanted to do something he did it, whether it was legal or not. Why then, if that's the case were there no laws made to keep people out or punish employers who hire illegals?
BECAUSE THEY DON"T WANT TO!!! The companies pay off the politicians to keep cheap labor to inflate their bottom line.
Why do you think they are allowed to go to the emergency room on our dime?
Because slaves aren't much good if they get sick.
And hey, you lean towards the tea party mentality right? Tell me if there were laws made to enforce against illegals (stopping the cheap labor) doesn't that qualify as Government interviening on the Freedoms and liberties of corporations.
bottom line: We are all puppets, we get to choose which puppeteers pull the strings.
why the link about getting arthritis treatment in Scotland and then tell me we can't get cutting edge car for arthritis... i live in fucking Scotland pal... ergo we can get cutting edge medicine pal.
if you'd researched your moan for perhaps 27 seconds you'd understand that although we have a National Health System, you are still able to purchase private care if you wish... keep posting the one or two links you find that shows our system to be flawed... you live in a country where the hospitals are so well run its untrue.. but thats probably out of practice, considering the vast amount of school shootings you have over there... so all those shot students need care, care they have to pay for, well their parents do... but if i lived in america i wouldnt let my kids go to school, its horrendous over there... schools are a fucking shithole warzone... kids killing each other and all that. what a disgrace. pal.