a look back at Israel's criminal acts last year

lots of clips from c-span, bbc, cnn, press conferences, news articles, footage of the area....from Israel's disgusting behavior when they started massacring Palestinians in Gaza a year ago Dec 27th.
how can they tell the populace to go to the center of Gaza for their own safety and then bomb the center of the city with 150mm shells? how can they bomb UN and Red Cross buildings then first say it's a lie, then say well there were militants there, then change their story a 3rd time to it was a targeting error and then bomb some of the same buildings again? how can they shoot civilians with white flags? how can they bomb hospitals, water treatment facilities, refugee centers, UN food aid buildings, electrical plants, run over bodies with tanks and not allow anyone in or the dead to be removed instead letting them sit and some be eaten by dogs?
over 1,000 innocent Palestinian civillians. over 100 women, over 300 children, 16 World Health Organization health personnel, 16 medical personnel,5 of the UN's UNRWA, 3 Israeli civillians and 1 World Food Programme worker were killed in this massacre. it's sickening that not only can this happen in this day and age but with my tax money and government's consent and silence. even the president elect, Obama, wouldn't say a word about it.
what would happen if Mexico did this to parts of Texas or California ?
how can they tell the populace to go to the center of Gaza for their own safety and then bomb the center of the city with 150mm shells? how can they bomb UN and Red Cross buildings then first say it's a lie, then say well there were militants there, then change their story a 3rd time to it was a targeting error and then bomb some of the same buildings again? how can they shoot civilians with white flags? how can they bomb hospitals, water treatment facilities, refugee centers, UN food aid buildings, electrical plants, run over bodies with tanks and not allow anyone in or the dead to be removed instead letting them sit and some be eaten by dogs?
over 1,000 innocent Palestinian civillians. over 100 women, over 300 children, 16 World Health Organization health personnel, 16 medical personnel,5 of the UN's UNRWA, 3 Israeli civillians and 1 World Food Programme worker were killed in this massacre. it's sickening that not only can this happen in this day and age but with my tax money and government's consent and silence. even the president elect, Obama, wouldn't say a word about it.
what would happen if Mexico did this to parts of Texas or California ?
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Post edited by Unknown User on
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I'm sorry, but your statement is purely moronic. It is the perfect example of a piece of shit sentence that self-righteous assholes like to say when they feel the need to comment on something and still feel 'neutral'. Yeah, you feel great when you make a neutral statement like that. You sit there sympathizing with both sides without actually doing anything to gain any true knowledge about this issue. Yes, I am assuming that you have no knowledge about this issue, and the truth is you don't. Not if you make a statement like that. It's pathetic to see people in this world pretend like they care. You should be ashamed for making such a disgusting statement at the expense of the 1400 Palestinians and over 300 children who lost their lives.
You might find that my post was a 'disproportionate response' to your post. Well that's too fucking bad for you.
so...its a war....u will never find right..is all shit..both partys feel the pain...
like your country is in war..with terrorism,right?
+ i dont have to call u names or attack to u as a person to proove u that im right..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
and yes i would see them more than once if i spend less time on this site..
my opinion stays..people die ,suffer from both partys..peoples pain dont have color,or nationality
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
As for the loss of life on the Palestinian side, of course there will casualties of innocent civilians and children. That is what happens when the terrorists set up operations from a school playground, mosque and crowded civilian areas.
Israel is perhaps the most humane army in the world. As someone who actively serves in reserve duty every year, I have witnessed soldiers getting attacked or worse because they wanted to help the Palestinians that they came in contact with.
One more reminder in case anyone forgot, Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza entirely over 5 years ago leaving no civilian or military presence in the area. The Hamas party was elected by the citizens of Gaza to be their leaders, but instead of concentrating their efforts towards helping the poor and hungry living there, they focus on attacking Israel.
I know that no matter what they hear, the antisemitic hate mongers in the world will continue to bash Israel for trying to protect her citizens from unprovoked terrorist attacks, but If you are going to insult, slander and attack people for not agreeing with you saying that they are "not informed of the facts", you should at least recognize that there are 2 sides in every story and know them both.
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
Actually, what provoked the attack was a planned invasion about 6 months before the ceasefire which Israel broke on November 4th 2008.
Read on:
Israel’s Lies
01.29.2009 | The London Review of Books
By Henry Siegman
'...Israel, not Hamas, violated the truce: Hamas undertook to stop firing rockets into Israel; in return, Israel was to ease its throttlehold on Gaza. In fact, during the truce, it tightened it further. This was confirmed not only by every neutral international observer and NGO on the scene but by Brigadier General (Res.) Shmuel Zakai, a former commander of the IDF’s Gaza Division. In an interview in Ha’aretz on 22 December, he accused Israel’s government of having made a ‘central error’ during the tahdiyeh, the six-month period of relative truce, by failing ‘to take advantage of the calm to improve, rather than markedly worsen, the economic plight of the Palestinians of the Strip . . . When you create a tahdiyeh, and the economic pressure on the Strip continues,’ General Zakai said, ‘it is obvious that Hamas will try to reach an improved tahdiyeh, and that their way to achieve this is resumed Qassam fire . . . You cannot just land blows, leave the Palestinians in Gaza in the economic distress they’re in, and expect that Hamas will just sit around and do nothing.’
The truce, which began in June last year and was due for renewal in December, required both parties to refrain from violent action against the other. Hamas had to cease its rocket assaults and prevent the firing of rockets by other groups such as Islamic Jihad (even Israel’s intelligence agencies acknowledged this had been implemented with surprising effectiveness), and Israel had to put a stop to its targeted assassinations and military incursions. This understanding was seriously violated on 4 November, when the IDF entered Gaza and killed six members of Hamas. Hamas responded by launching Qassam rockets and Grad missiles. Even so, it offered to extend the truce, but only on condition that Israel ended its blockade. Israel refused. It could have met its obligation to protect its citizens by agreeing to ease the blockade, but it didn’t even try. It cannot be said that Israel launched its assault to protect its citizens from rockets. It did so to protect its right to continue the strangulation of Gaza’s population...'
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/ja ... -palestine
How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe
Oxford professor of international relations Avi Shlaim served in the Israeli army and has never questioned the state's legitimacy. But its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating conclusions
Avi Shlaim - The Guardian, Wednesday 7 January 2009
Not according to the IDF it isn't:
Israeli soldiers tell of indiscriminate killings by army and a culture of impunity
The Guardian, Tuesday 6 September 2005
From a distance of 70 metres and through the sight of his machine gun, Assaf could tell that the Palestinian man was aged between 20 and 30, unarmed and trying to get away from an Israeli tank. But the details didn't matter much, because Assaf's orders were to "fire at anything that moved".
Assaf, a soldier in the Israeli army, pressed the trigger, firing scores of bullets as the body fell to the ground. "He ran and I started shooting for a few seconds. He fell. I was a machine. I fire. I leave and that's that. We never spoke about it afterwards."
It was the summer of 2002, and Assaf and his armoured unit had been ordered to enter the Gaza town of Dir al Balah following the firing of mortars into nearby Jewish settlements. His orders were, he told the Guardian, "'Every person you see on the street, kill him'. And we would just do it."...'
Israeli troops say they were given shoot-to-kill order
The Guardian, Tuesday 6 September 2005
Some of the soldiers, who also spoke to the Guardian, say they acted on standing orders in some parts of the Palestinian territories to open fire on people regardless of whether they were armed or not, or posed any physical threat.
The soldiers say that in some situations they were ordered to shoot anyone who appeared on a roof or a balcony, anyone who appeared to be kneeling to the ground or anyone who appeared on the street at a designated time. Among those killed by soldiers acting on the orders were young children...'
http://www.jerusalemites.org/articles/e ... 004/19.htm
Killing children is no longer a big deal
Gideon Levy - October.19.2004
Yeah, sure, of course they did.
'In a study entitled 'One Big Prison', the respected Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem observed that the crippling economic arrangements Israel had imposed on Gaza would remain in place. In addition, Israel would continue to maintain absolute control over Gaza's land borders, coastline, and airspace, and the Israeli army would continue to operate in Gaza. "So long as these methods of control remain in Israeli hands," B'Tselem concluded, "Israel's claim of 'an end of the Occupation' is questionable". HRW (Human Rights Watch) was even more emphatic that evacuating settlers and troops from inside Gaza would not end the occupation: "Whether the Israeli army is inside Gaza or redeployed around it's periphery, and restricting entrance and exit, it remains in control."
http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/D ... y/4222.htm
Key Sharon advisor: "disengagement" aims to stop Palestinian state
By Israel Insider staff and partners October 6, 2004
In a stunning admission, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's senior adviser said that the purpose of the Israeli government's policy was to supend diplomatic moves to establish a Palestinian state. "The significance of the 'disengagement' plan is the freezing of the peace process," Dov Weissglas told Haaretz.
Weissglas, an initiator of the plan, explained that the deep freeze would prevent implementation of the "Road Map" backed by the Quartet of the United States, Russia, EU and UN: "when you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed indefinitely from our agenda. And all this with authority and permission. All with a presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses of Congress."
"The disengagement is actually formaldehyde," he said. "It supplies the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians."...'
If Israel wanted to protect it's citizens then it would end the occupation and fortify it's internationally recognized 1967 borders, instead of stealing more and more land and rejecting international law and the will of the international community - excluding the U.S.
I never denied being an Israeli. If you were not so busy with spewing hatred you would have seen that I wrote in my previous post that I am an active reserve soldier in the IDF.
The problem with going to the 1967 borders is that "the west bank" was Jordanian territory back then. Israel has had peace with Jordan for nearly 20 years. During all that time, Jordan never said that they wanted the west bank.
As for stealing more land, Israels borders have gotten smaller since the 1967 war: The Sinai peninsula was given to Egypt during the peace process, In the early 90's The P.L.O recieved control over extended areas in the west bank, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak offered Yassir Arafat over 90% of the west bank during peace talks in the year 2000, Israeli leaders have been saying year after year that they are prepared to start peace talks with any arab nation with "a clean sleight" and so on.
The Israeli people want nothing more than to live in peace with our neighbors, thousands of Israeli tourists visit Egypt and Jordan every year. If the world wants to help the palestinan people, they should focus more on the people living in poverty while their "leaders" live in wealth than focusing on "how horrible Israel is".
P.S. What does that even mean?
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
who did this? i don't know if this is a generalization or what. nobody is asking you to defend anybody.
i wonder if you can defend the use of phosphorus rounds and depleted uranium?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
So much pain, so much violence and bloodshed, when will it end? When will we, as a human race, wake up and realize that we are all One connected consciousness? That to hurt, maim, attack, or kill any single piece of the whole is only a self-inflicted abuse? When will we surrender to the infinite power of Love as an answer to our desperate cries for Peace and Harmony?
I don't know... I hope we, as a collective, understand the consequences of our actions soon......
as i already stated in another post, a foreign power that violently occupies their homeland, bulldozes their houses at gun-point, uproots their olive groves at gun-point, sets up hundreds of armed checkpoints to disrupt normal life, batters down villagers front doors in the dead of night at gun-point, builds an illegal ‘separation’ wall to annex their territory, steals their water and isolate their communities, builds illegal settlements and blockades exports and imports to cause economic ruin.....
i also find it hard to defend the US, who, by the way, have given more money to Israel than to any other country, and gives one-third of the American foreign-aid budget to Israel, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes.
no doubt you are also aware, the money we send is used to fund those bombs Israel used to slaughter some of the 1400 Palestinians murdered in January this year. they had our name on them. love from america. we should be more ashamed than usual.
end the blockade of Gaza. free Palestine. boycott Israel.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
This is the smartest thing that anyone here has said!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
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Mike DESTROYING in Seattle 2013
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - HST
Instagram (great concert shots of many bands): concertaholic
'...The sum of this complex tale is that Jordan was part of the Palestine Mandate for a mere eight months, from July 1920 to March 1921. Even that is vitiated by two facts: the League of Nations formally bestowed the mandatory responsibility on Great Britain only in July 1922, making the eight month period legally irrelevant; and the British disposed of almost no authority in Transjordan during those months when they theoretically held it as part of Palestine. In fact, the east bank lacked any ruler; Paris stayed away, London did not seek direct control, and the Hashemites had other priorities. "At that moment," reported Herbert Samuel, the British High Commissioner of Palestine, "Trans-Jordan was left politically derelict."
A few months of rule that was neither de facto nor de jure is hardly reason, seventy years later, to call Jordan a part of Palestine. Besides, it is preposterous to base today's major decisions of war and peace on the transient interests of the British Empire after World War I. That Jordan was briefly part of the Palestine Mandate does not establish a vital link; it merely recalls a historical curiosity. As L. Dean Brown observes, "Jordan is Palestine only in the sense that Nebraska, which was part of the Louisiana Purchase, is still Louisiana."
We're talking about the West Bank and Gaza here, not the handing back of the Sinai which you stole from Egypt in the 1967 war.
Yeah, sure he did. This is what was offered - it resembles a piece of Swiss cheese: http://www.unitedmethodistdivestment.co ... Israel.jpg
http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e14120.htm
U.S. "Enhancing Terror"
Interview with Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky: The Barak proposal in Camp David, the Barak-Clinton proposal, in the United States, I didn't check the Canadian media, in the United States you cannot find a map, which is the most important thing of course, check in Canada, see if you can find a map. You go to Israel, you can find a map, you go to scholarly sources, you can find a map. Here's what you find when you look at a map: You find that this generous, magnanimous proposal provided Israel with a salient east of Jerusalem, which was established primarily by the Labor government, in order to bisect the West Bank. That salient goes almost to Jericho, breaks the West Bank into two cantons, then there's a second salient to the North, going to the Israeli settlement of Ariel, which bisects the Northern part into two cantons.
So, we've got three cantons in the West Bank, virtually separated. All three of them are separated from a small area of East Jerusalem which is the center of Palestinian commercial and cultural life and of communications. So you have four cantons, all separated from the West, from Gaza, so that's five cantons, all surrounded by Israeli settlements, infrastructure, development and so on, which also incidentally guarantee Israel control of the water resources.
This does not rise to the level of South Africa 40 years ago when South Africa established the Bantustans. That's the generous, magnanimous offer. And there's a good reason why maps weren't shown. Because as soon as you look at a map, you see it.
Solomon: All right, but let me just say, Arafat didn't even bother putting a counter-proposal on the table.
Chomsky: Oh, that's not true.
Solomon: They negotiated that afterwards.
Chomsky: That's not true.
Solomon: I guess my question is, if they don't continue to negotiate -
Chomsky: They did. That's false.
Solomon: That's false?
Chomsky: Not only is it false, but not a single participant in the meetings says it. That's a media fabrication . . .
Solomon: That Arafat didn't put a counter-proposal . . .
Chomsky: Yeah, they had a proposal. They proposed the international consensus, which has been accepted by the entire world, the Arab states, the PLO. They proposed a settlement which is in accordance with an overwhelming international consensus, and is blocked by the United States.
Solomon: If you don't talk -
Chomsky: Yeah, they did talk. They talked. They proposed that.
Solomon: Once they walked out of Camp David,
Chomsky: They didn't walk out of Camp David . . .
Solomon: Both camps . . .
Chomsky: No, no, both sides walked out of Camp David.
Solomon: All right, once Camp David disbands, the radicals take over the process, my question is, how do . . .
Chomsky: No, no, the radicals didn't take over the process.
Solomon: You don't think that the Sharon, the right-wing Israeli . . .
Chomsky: No, Barak stayed in power for months. Barak cancelled it. That's how it ended.
Solomon: OK. The problem that people look at now in the Middle East is they say it's spun out of control because the radicals are on both sides now.
Chomsky: No, there's three sides. You're forgetting the United States. The radicals in the United States who have blocked this proposal for 25 years, continue to block it.
Solomon: How do we get back, now, there's so much distrust?
Chomsky: The first way we get back is by trying the experiment of minimal honesty. If we try that experiment of minimal honesty, we look at our own position and we discover what I just described. That for 25 years, the United States has blocked the political settlement, which is supported by the majority of the American population and by the entire world, except for Israel...'
2) I addressed both the west bank and gaza in my previous posts providing facts that on both fronts Israel has unilaterally handed land over to Palestinian control. Besides that, In every war since the dawn of time one of the results is border changes. Sinai was not "stolen", it was won as part of the war and stayed in Israeli hands as part of the cease fire agreement with Egypt
3) You can quote internet sources all day long, but fact is, the people who write the articles (on both sides) are for the most part reporters who have their own agendas and not historians. My arguments here are based on years of academic study (I have a B.A. in Jewish history and am a history teacher) and the fact that I am pretty sure that I am one of the few, if not the only one, in this debate that actually lives in the region and has this conflict as part of my every day life. The Palestinian - Israeli conflict does not have a simple and easy solution. The only way to achieve real and lasting peace is through real peace talks that bind both sides. Israel has already proven in the past that she is ready and willing to make sacrifices for peace, but only if it is a real peace that will not in the future endanger her existence.
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
oh and one more thing, what's the name of the trees u guys keep planting everywhere and what's the reasonfor it....I know, do u know???
Doesn't mean anything. History is taught the way the country/government, etc. want it taught (at what ever level). You learn what is in your textbooks (sort of). I lived in various countries, and the history of one of them was taught in so many different ways. What is a hero for one country is a vilain in the other.....
Except it didn't happen quite like that now did it?
The Jewish leadership had no intention of accepting the U.N partition plan. They only agreed to publicly accept it in light of the fact that it had been rejected by the Arabs - and rightly so, considering that the Jews, who owned less than six percent of the land and comprised no more that one-third of the population, were to be given more than half of the overall territory. The fact that the Arabs rejected it gave the Zionist leadership the platform from which to pretend to be in compliance with the U.N, whereas behind the scenes they had already decided upon conquering all of Palestine from the Jordan to the sea.
From Jewish historian Illan Pappe in his book 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine':
The expected Arab and Palestinian rejection of the plan allowed Ben-Gurion and the Zionist leadership to claim that the U.N plan was a dead letter the day it was accepted - apart, of course, from the clauses that recognised the legality of the Jewish state in Palestine. It's borders, given the Palestinian rejection, said Ben-Gurion, 'will be determined by force and not by the partition resolution.' As would be the fate of the Arabs living in it.
"The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized .... Jerusalem was and will for ever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for Ever."
-- Menachem Begin, the day after the U.N. vote to partition Palestine.
Care to provide an example?
Yes it does. Israel can begin abiding by international law and the will of the international community - excluding the U.S - and abide by U.N resolution 242.
These so-called peace talks are just a stalling tactic and have nothing to do wth peace.
An interesting article here from a Jewish Rabbi and journalist on this subject:
http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n16/henry-sieg ... ocess-scam
The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam
Henry Siegman - 16 August 2007
'...all previous peace initiatives have got nowhere for a reason that neither Bush nor the EU has had the political courage to acknowledge. That reason is the consensus reached long ago by Israel’s decision-making elites that Israel will never allow the emergence of a Palestinian state which denies it effective military and economic control of the West Bank. To be sure, Israel would allow – indeed, it would insist on – the creation of a number of isolated enclaves that Palestinians could call a state, but only in order to prevent the creation of a binational state in which Palestinians would be the majority.
The Middle East peace process may well be the most spectacular deception in modern diplomatic history. Since the failed Camp David summit of 2000, and actually well before it, Israel’s interest in a peace process – other than for the purpose of obtaining Palestinian and international acceptance of the status quo – has been a fiction that has served primarily to provide cover for its systematic confiscation of Palestinian land and an occupation whose goal, according to the former IDF chief of staff Moshe Ya’alon, is ‘to sear deep into the consciousness of Palestinians that they are a defeated people’. In his reluctant embrace of the Oslo Accords, and his distaste for the settlers, Yitzhak Rabin may have been the exception to this, but even he did not entertain a return of Palestinian territory beyond the so-called Allon Plan, which allowed Israel to retain the Jordan Valley and other parts of the West Bank...'
I think humans are evolving extremely fast with the explosion of technology, ability to know anything anytime with a click of a button, ability to travel anywhere on the planet, exploration of the massive (universe) and tiny (atom) which leads us to conclusions that prove what you say about our "connected consciousness."
Some people feel incredibly moved by what you say and know it is true. Some people read it and call you a 'hippy' or just dismiss it as new-age jibberish.
Maybe our rapid evolution will lead to the enlightenment that you describe - to be known by every single person. An evolution purely of the mind and spirit. Peace.
Maybe I'm being too optimistic...
Part of me wants to think that is what 2012 is... the end of the world as we know it but a transcendence to a higher state of consciousness as a life form.
I'll keep dreaming...
(edit): my attempt to describe this is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.