Much needed win last night. Rose was dominant. The one thing I am still wondering is why in the hell the Bulls would foul when they were up 4 with 6 seconds left....that one didn't add up.
avoid the 4 point play :?
Bulls are just not very consistent during the course of the game. they got hot, and go on a quick 10pt run, then they get cold, and the other team goes on a 10pt run. it'd be nice to see them smooth the offense out.
i think i'd like to see Boozer get dealt...although it will never happen with his contract....and put taj in the starting line up. defensively, he is light years ahead...and offensivly, he's not far behind. his post game isn't bad and he can hit the 10-12ft jumper.
Much needed win last night. Rose was dominant. The one thing I am still wondering is why in the hell the Bulls would foul when they were up 4 with 6 seconds left....that one didn't add up.
avoid the 4 point play :?
Bulls are just not very consistent during the course of the game. they got hot, and go on a quick 10pt run, then they get cold, and the other team goes on a 10pt run. it'd be nice to see them smooth the offense out.
i think i'd like to see Boozer get dealt...although it will never happen with his contract....and put taj in the starting line up. defensively, he is light years ahead...and offensivly, he's not far behind. his post game isn't bad and he can hit the 10-12ft jumper.
No one is touching Boozer in a trade. But he is a perfect candidate for the amnesty clause.
Bull playing at home tonight? Sure sounds like it.
They had chicago prices on stub hub....
UC North.
Deng looks good. I think he can be that second scorer we need.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
Deng looked good...good to have him back. Thibs will be slobbering him tonight in the post game, as he should. He really does make the offense flow better.
avoid the 4 point play :?
Bulls are just not very consistent during the course of the game. they got hot, and go on a quick 10pt run, then they get cold, and the other team goes on a 10pt run. it'd be nice to see them smooth the offense out.
i think i'd like to see Boozer get dealt...although it will never happen with his contract....and put taj in the starting line up. defensively, he is light years ahead...and offensivly, he's not far behind. his post game isn't bad and he can hit the 10-12ft jumper.
No one is touching Boozer in a trade. But he is a perfect candidate for the amnesty clause.
i thought he was gonna get tossed, kramer style, a few times last night. sit down!
HA...I was thinking that same thing. That guy is such a clown.
when you team is in the SB, you are allowed to wear a football jersey to a basketball game.
i cannot allow it.
you are a fraud
touche...forgot about that. a hat is different than a jersey though
Deng looks good. I think he can be that second scorer we need.
"who's got tickets to the booze cruise?"
"elementary my dear Watson"
Now Rose has some back issues to go w/ his toe problems. Not good.
he is getting beat up. at least this stuff isn't serious...yet. :?
The NBA really fucked New Orleans when they vetoed that first Chris Paul trade w/ the Lakers. What a fucking mess that team is.
be interesting to see how they would look if kamen would play every night, and if Gordon was healthy.
but if they could hit a jump shot, they would be ok.
and, does DR really like the Notebook?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
6 and counting. so bad. :?
it's like being on tour with a certain itialian know's it's gonna be a train wreck for the opponent, yet you can't help but watch.
Why Thibs continues to play Rose against these horseshit teams is a mystery to me. We need him as healthy as possible come playoff time.