Yeah I would have just paid the damn bill. The hell with gettting locked up and having to spend the night in county. But on the other hand I think tipping is getting out of control.Every where you look now these days somebody has a tip jar out on the counter. Just the other day I was at D.Q. and they had a tip jar and it said " Tipping is not a city in china" :lolno: :wtf: I mean cmon man They don't bring you your order or anything out of the ordinary so why should they think that they deserve a tip. Don't get me wrong I tip anywhere from 18 to 25% when I go out to eat or a bar tab,and I also tip my barber,cab drivers, but that's about it.
Yeah I would have just paid the damn bill. The hell with gettting locked up and having to spend the night in county. But on the other hand I think tipping is getting out of control.Every where you look now these days somebody has a tip jar out on the counter. Just the other day I was at D.Q. and they had a tip jar and it said " Tipping is not a city in china" :lolno: :wtf: I mean cmon man They don't bring you your order or anything out of the ordinary so why should they think that they deserve a tip. Don't get me wrong I tip anywhere from 18 to 25% when I go out to eat or a bar tab,and I also tip my barber,cab drivers, but that's about it.
Wow... agreement, here. Must be because it's not in the Moving Train, right?
And I agree with the 'Tip Jars'. Some of them i can sort of understand... like at a Starbucks or a Smoothie Bar.... maybe. They get the lose change... including those damn pennies.
But, the Taco Bell? Uhhh... nope. I go to the Taco Bell because I DON'T have any spare change.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
or anyone in the customer service industry, for that matter :roll:
never thought of bus drivers though, that's a good point.
What does that do with anything? Just because you are cheap... has nothing to do with me.
And YES... i leave a tip for hotel maids, car valets, taxi drivers, bell hops and sky caps... and YES... airport shuttle bus drivers.... I give them a tip, too. What is your stupid fucking point?
I'm not cheap, you can save your generalizations, thanks.
My "stupid fucking point" is that you were saying you tip because people are assholes to waitresses.
What dunk was saying was that people are assholes to bus drivers.
What I was saying was people are assholes to lots of people in the customer service industry.
I didn't think I had to spell it out, but that's what I was saying, and I wasn't trying to offend your ideals on tipping, so you can also spare me your hostility.
You know, I have/had waitressed many years in my life and never EXPECTED a tip from anyone. I also never paid attention to who left how much and who didn't. I would just count my money at the end of the day and feel that, plus the lousy salary, was what I made that day. Some people may not have the money to eat out AND tip too. I don't think that should make it so they can't eat out. If they have the money for their food, then they should be able to eat out. Those mandatory tips, however, are different. People know they have to pay it before they even order. I think its wrong to have mandatory tipping, but if people choose to go to such establishments, then they have to pay it. I choose not to go to those places.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why I HAVE to tip a lousy server. The business should just up the servers pay, not force me to tip. I may tip if the service was bad, but I want to have the choice. I want to be able to tip what I feel I should, not some predetermined amount.
That argument has been around this site for years. The twist this time is this couple actually went to jail!! That is so wrong. I would never want my business attached to such a petty thing as not tipping ending up that I put the people in jail. It makes me, as a bystander, think the place must really suck and I wouldn't eat there.
Whatever, its their business. I pity the owners becuase the outcome of this is not going to put them in a good light.
Why not just do away with tips and add the $18 to the cost of the shit you're buying. That way, there's no confusion. People should only receive tips if they deserve them.
Because that's too easy! No, actually it has to do with what the wait staff ends up having to pay taxes on. I haven't waited on tables in years, but it use to be that we only had to pay like 8% tax on our tips and we paid a lot more on our wages.
after waiting tables for 7 years, i despised every mother fucker and their screaming kids that walked through the door. that profession eats away at your soul.
so glad i dont have to do that anymore.
generally gratuity is added on the bill for parties of 6 or more. most of the time i wouldnt add it anyway, and take my chances, but for some tables of fucking morons who act like they've never been to a restaurant before, you bet your ass im adding gratuity. been burned too many times.
I didn't know tips were mandatory, always thought tips were for good service.
By definition, a 'gratuity' is:
'Something given voluntarily or beyond obligation, usually in response to or in anticipation of service.'
'an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation'
'Something given voluntarily or beyond obligation, usually in response to or in anticipation of service.'
... etc.
If obligatory, I assume it would become a service fee. This should be CLEARLY marked and properly defined as a fee, not a gratuity, on the menu or displayed. Nice advertising for the restaurant :roll:
When the Bus Driver picks me up at my front door and delivers me to my destination without making any stops.. then, YES... I will tip him/her.
You have a BUS driver do that? Where do you live? Is that a service you can request or is this just what busses do where you are? Here we would call that a taxi.
tipping is different everywhere, not every waitress makes 4 dollars an hour.
here, where they make the same wage as anybody else in an entry level job, i don't tip if the service is shitty.
this is where the meaning has gotten out of hand.
Minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour and waiters and waitresses are taxed on an I.R.S. scale that assumes they are tipped something along the lines of 8% or so. So, if you leave a 10% tip, they get taxed on 8% of that.
And the point i am making is that the service depends on so many other factors besides the waitress herself. Insufficient staffing because the owner or manager want to cut operating costs to increase profits... inept or insufficient workers in the kitchen. You may take it out on the waitress... I am not. That is all I'm saying.
I don't care what criteria you use to tip... or justify for not tipping. I leave something for the waitress just about every time... unless I actually see her pissing on my omlette. I don't have a level of expectations or demand that my wishes be fulfilled. As long as I get the meal I ordered and there is no spit or piss on it... i'm good.
We use to figure out ways to fudge the numbers. It wasn't that we paid 8% on our tips, we paid 8% on what amount of revenue came in during our shift. That is where the 8% figured in. I can't remember how we did it, but we had ways of making lots of it go away and us not charged so much. I remember way back when we were not taxed on our tips. It was great. That was my main income and the check the restaurant paid me didn't add up to anything that mattered. I would often forget to cash the thing. I have even worked for a couple restaurants for tips only, no wages. I wasn't put on the books and therefore didn't have to pay taxes on my tips. It ended up that I brought home way more money than if I had got paid in addition to the tips. We couldn't let the other staff know this, but I loved it. The owners benifitted also from not having to pay me. It was a win-win situation.
I quit waitressing not too long after they started taxing our tips. It didn't seem fair, especially because the restaurant didn't have to pay us minimum wage, ONLY because we got tips, and then when they started taxing our tips, they didn't change the way restaurants had to pay us. So, we took big hits in our amount of money we got each day. What should had happened was the restaurant having to increase our wages closer to minimum wage, since we were now being taxed on the tips that made them not having to pay us minimum.
These people were just pissed off and I may have done the same thing.
When the Bus Driver picks me up at my front door and delivers me to my destination without making any stops.. then, YES... I will tip him/her.
You have a BUS driver do that? Where do you live? Is that a service you can request or is this just what busses do where you are? Here we would call that a taxi.
Yeah, and we tip taxi cab drivers. We do have some door to door bus services, but its for senior citizens, low income, or disabled people. I don't think people tip them. They may if there were extraordinary circumstances, but even then I really don't think they get tips.
I guess they should, since they do everything taxis do, and even more, since they deal with a hard population to deal with. They have to get wheelchairs in and out, use lifts, etc.
We do have some door to door bus services, but its for senior citizens, low income, or disabled people. I don't think people tip them. They may if there were extraordinary circumstances, but even then I really don't think they get tips. .
That we have as well. It's a service paid for by taxes and drivers don't get tipped. I didn't know Cosmo was disabled (or in one of the other categories)..... sorry. We also can tip cabbies, but one is not obliged t).
[quote="Heatherj43" We do have some door to door bus services, but its for senior citizens, low income, or disabled people. I don't think people tip them. They may if there were extraordinary circumstances, but even then I really don't think they get tips. .
That we have as well. It's a service paid for by taxes and drivers don't get tipped (neither do other bus drivers... that's their job to drive the bus!). I didn't know Cosmo was disabled..... sorry.[/quote]
Is he? I didn't read that. I am guessing these bus drivers make enough money that tipping isn't necessary, but waitstaff do need tips. Its their main income. I just don't feel it should be forced. It isn't the customer who made these rules. I feel its so outdated! Pay waitstaff regular wages and then let them get tips for good service if the customer wants to tip them. Hairdressers, cab drivers, etc all get their full wage plus tips, it is only wait staff, that I know of, who are penalized because they also receive tips. Its as if tips are expected and I justr don't feel they should be. Charge customers enough for their food, that owners can pay regular pay to their staff, and let people tip as a gratituity, as it is suppose to be.
Oh and btw, I like the idea of calling it a "fee" if its mandatory, but make sure the staff aren't being hit for so much in taxes that tips end up hurting them.
i assume bus drivers make a decent wage, waiters do not.
the wait staff wage here is $2.35 an hour (probably a few cents more than that now). anytime they think about raising it, the restaurant association cries about going out of business, so it barely moves.
plus you have to tip out to bartenders, busboys, and whoever else they decide to make you give your money to.
Is he? I didn't read that. I am guessing these bus drivers make enough money that tipping isn't necessary, but waitstaff do need tips. Its their main income. I just don't feel it should be forced. It isn't the customer who made these rules. I feel its so outdated! Pay waitstaff regular wages and then let them get tips for good service if the customer wants to tip them. Hairdressers, cab drivers, etc all get their full wage plus tips, it is only wait staff, that I know of, who are penalized because they also receive tips. Its as if tips are expected and I justr don't feel they should be. Charge customers enough for their food, that owners can pay regular pay to their staff, and let people tip as a gratituity, as it is suppose to be.
Sorry.. me making assumptions as you were describing a door to door bus service (which he seems to be able to enjoy) specifically aimed at certain people and not a general service.
I agree with you... pay a decent wage, let the gratuity be just that. Like in all other professions, you do well, you reap the rewards (good tips). You do crap, you get nothing. Whereas Cosmo was saying it's not always waiting staff's fault, etc., a good waiter/waitress will certainly not let people hang around for cutlery, etc. If it is busy, there is a way to handle/sooth customers. It's all about service.....
once again i think the point of the bus driver is that he said people are assholes to waitresses so therefore that is why he tips everytime no matter what.
people spit and abuse and beat bus drivers (yes, it happens), so people are assholes to bus drivers too.
hence, do you tip your bus driver?
i assume bus drivers make a decent wage, waiters do not.
that may be the case and thats a flaw in the hallowed system... but my point was that Cosmo tips waitresses regardless of the service simply because waitresses/waiters get a lot of shit from assholes thrown at them...
but so bus drivers.
but he doesnt tip a bus driver as he doesnt get dropped off at his front door step... which isnt really the point.. a bus service runs on a predetermined route, why would it take him to his door? a waitresses job is to get your order, deliver it to your stationary self... a bus drivers is to pick up you up at a stop and drop you off at your stop. so surely he has met the basic requirements of his job?
both do their customer service jobs that meet the requirements of their jobs... so why not tip the bus driver? why does the waitress get tipped?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i assume bus drivers make a decent wage, waiters do not.
that may be the case and thats a flaw in the hallowed system...
how is that a flaw :?:
because a bus driver earns a decent wage if 3 people get on his bus throughout an 8 hour day.
a waitress gets 3 people through an 8 hour day will mean she earns $3 an hour plus the 3 people's earlier tips.
to me, and the rest of the civilised world, thats clearly a flaw Captain America :thumbup:
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
that may be the case and thats a flaw in the hallowed system...
how is that a flaw :?:
Waitstaff should just be paid more per hour and then we wouldn't have to worry about the tip.
Although that would just make your Cheeseburger cost $16.75 instead of $8.50 at the local diner though.
food cost would double? how does McDonalds get away with charging $4 for a burger?
if people tip 15% on average, then raise the cost of the food 15% and pay them a decent hourly wage. A burger will still cost the same as it would have done because the 15% tip you would have paid is now in the cost.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Ok, last night I waited on an official asshole table.
It is a man & woman. I walk up to the table to tell them the specials. Before I have a chance to speak, the man (who looks like a much older version of my evil ex-husband) says "we're not ready yet." I explain, I'm only here to inform them of the specials in addition to the menu. I tell the specials and come back several minutes later when they've had time to look over the menu. They ask me, "What is that man eating?" and point to another table. I tell them that's the Grouper. They ask me if I've tried either the grouper or ahi. "No, I can order dinner at the end of the night, but I haven't tried either of these specials." The man says, "Sounds like you got a Cheap Charlie running this place." So, the woman orders "your most humble glass of sauvignon blanc." It's our cheapest wine by the glass, it's only $6. Then she orders the grouper and he orders the ahi, medium. Who eats ahi medium? They have no appetizer or salad. When I bring their meals the guy says, "Did you sample these on the way out? Why is mine so much smaller than hers? I want you to pay up for the portion you ate." Real funny. So I just laugh and say, "Oh, but I had your permission, right? haha." They LOVE their meal. When the busser goes to clear the plates, the man says, "How does it feel, knowing you're a busser? You clear plates and pick up trash for a living." Ok, what the F is wrong with this guy?! They don't order dessert or coffee and their bill was $72.84. They ask for their bill, I bring it, I run his credit card & he leaves me $7.16. Talk about Cheap Charlie!!!! My boss tried to look him up in the phone book. We couldn't find his name, which is good, hopefully he doesn't live around here.
What's ahi? Is it a faux-pas not having an appetizer or a salad? Or desert and coffee? You and the busser had to deal with his stupid sense of humour but you got just under 10% (guy rounding up his bill to a neat $80.00) for taking down an order and bringing two plates (single course) and a glass or two of wine to a table. Not bad I would say when you consider the amount of time you spent on these two people (10 minutes maybe?).
Ok, last night I waited on an official asshole table.
It is a man & woman. I walk up to the table to tell them the specials. Before I have a chance to speak, the man (who looks like a much older version of my evil ex-husband) says "we're not ready yet." I explain, I'm only here to inform them of the specials in addition to the menu. I tell the specials and come back several minutes later when they've had time to look over the menu. They ask me, "What is that man eating?" and point to another table. I tell them that's the Grouper. They ask me if I've tried either the grouper or ahi. "No, I can order dinner at the end of the night, but I haven't tried either of these specials." The man says, "Sounds like you got a Cheap Charlie running this place." So, the woman orders "your most humble glass of sauvignon blanc." It's our cheapest wine by the glass, it's only $6. Then she orders the grouper and he orders the ahi, medium. Who eats ahi medium? They have no appetizer or salad. When I bring their meals the guy says, "Did you sample these on the way out? Why is mine so much smaller than hers? I want you to pay up for the portion you ate." Real funny. So I just laugh and say, "Oh, but I had your permission, right? haha." They LOVE their meal. When the busser goes to clear the plates, the man says, "How does it feel, knowing you're a busser? You clear plates and pick up trash for a living." Ok, what the F is wrong with this guy?! They don't order dessert or coffee and their bill was $72.84. They ask for their bill, I bring it, I run his credit card & he leaves me $7.16. Talk about Cheap Charlie!!!! My boss tried to look him up in the phone book. We couldn't find his name, which is good, hopefully he doesn't live around here.
I just don't get this! The guy spent $80 bucks at this establishment, yet the boss tries to look him up in the phone book? Also, I don't feel tips are promised, even for good service. No one HAS to give a tip, unless its posted and automatically taken out, which I feel is wrong. I also know that many people leave a high tip, that should take care of those who tip too low or not at all.
Do you run after the people who tip too much and give it back? No you don't, so don't mess with those who leave a low tip or no tip.
I understand that wait staff are taxed a percent according to how much the restaurant made, but take that out on your legislator or boss. Regardless, at the end of the day, the tips equal what they should according to what you are taxed, and it really should not matter how they got to be the right amount.
Tipping use to be for above the norm service. Not for good service, but for above the call of duty service. I hate that its expected.
What's ahi? Is it a faux-pas not having an appetizer or a salad? Or desert and coffee? You and the busser had to deal with his stupid sense of humour but you got just under 10% (guy rounding up his bill to a neat $80.00) for taking down an order and bringing two plates (single course) and a glass or two of wine to a table. Not bad I would say when you consider the amount of time you spent on these two people (10 minutes maybe?).
there is SO MUCH more to it than that. Believe me, a waiters job doesnt begin and end with the ten minutes he or she is at your table.
if you can't afford a decent tip (15% to 20%) for good service dont go to a restaurant. go to Mc Donald's. Waiting tables require too much bullshit for crappy tips. you really arent paying enough for quality service if you tip poorly.
i have very little respect for bad tippers. sorry. if i even catch a friend or relative giving a shitty tip (that isnt called for), i wont go out with them unless they make up for it.
Ok, last night I waited on an official asshole table.
It is a man & woman. I walk up to the table to tell them the specials. Before I have a chance to speak, the man (who looks like a much older version of my evil ex-husband) says "we're not ready yet." I explain, I'm only here to inform them of the specials in addition to the menu. I tell the specials and come back several minutes later when they've had time to look over the menu. They ask me, "What is that man eating?" and point to another table. I tell them that's the Grouper. They ask me if I've tried either the grouper or ahi. "No, I can order dinner at the end of the night, but I haven't tried either of these specials." The man says, "Sounds like you got a Cheap Charlie running this place." So, the woman orders "your most humble glass of sauvignon blanc." It's our cheapest wine by the glass, it's only $6. Then she orders the grouper and he orders the ahi, medium. Who eats ahi medium? They have no appetizer or salad. When I bring their meals the guy says, "Did you sample these on the way out? Why is mine so much smaller than hers? I want you to pay up for the portion you ate." Real funny. So I just laugh and say, "Oh, but I had your permission, right? haha." They LOVE their meal. When the busser goes to clear the plates, the man says, "How does it feel, knowing you're a busser? You clear plates and pick up trash for a living." Ok, what the F is wrong with this guy?! They don't order dessert or coffee and their bill was $72.84. They ask for their bill, I bring it, I run his credit card & he leaves me $7.16. Talk about Cheap Charlie!!!! My boss tried to look him up in the phone book. We couldn't find his name, which is good, hopefully he doesn't live around here.
that guy kinda reminds me of ron burgundy ....but that is a piss poor tip job. i'd have given you a solid $14 or so.
When the busser goes to clear the plates, the man says, "How does it feel, knowing you're a busser? You clear plates and pick up trash for a living." Ok, what the F is wrong with this guy?! .
it amazes me how some people treat waitstaff like subhumans. i've seen so many people who get so irate about not getting their well-done steaks out at the speed of a McDonald's drive thru, then yell at the waiter. i'm like, "in what other situation would you be so angry to talk down to a fellow human being that way?" Its like when it comes to food, people turn into animals.
What's wrong with this is the guy referred to my bosses as Cheap Charlie, then his wife ordered the cheapest glass of wine because it was the cheapest. And they didn't order salad or soup or apps or dessert, I assume, because he's cheap. Then, on top of talking shit, and me being as pleasant & accomodating as possible the bastard leaves a 10% tip. 10% is bullshit. If you can't afford to tip at least 15%, then you should eat at place where the staff doesn't depend on tips. The table next to them, two guys, tipped me $50 on $220. I would have much rather the asshole couple not come in to eat, so that other people could have sat at that table, people that actually wanted to enjoy themselves.
What's ahi? Is it a faux-pas not having an appetizer or a salad? Or desert and coffee? You and the busser had to deal with his stupid sense of humour but you got just under 10% (guy rounding up his bill to a neat $80.00) for taking down an order and bringing two plates (single course) and a glass or two of wine to a table. Not bad I would say when you consider the amount of time you spent on these two people (10 minutes maybe?).
ahi is tuna best served rare. That man upset the whole staff. The things he said were incredibly rude. There is no reason to insult the busser. She is doing her job. He must have an awful job if he needs to put people down to feel better about himself. And I would have preferred to have waited on other people. You have to consider that the hour and a half they were sitting at my table is an hour and a half that I've just lost. Plus, I pretty much lost money waiting on them. I had to tip out $2.20 of the $7 he gave me and I'm paying taxes on that precious $7. It's recorded as part of my wages.
When the Bus Driver picks me up at my front door and delivers me to my destination without making any stops.. then, YES... I will tip him/her.
Hail, Hail!!!
Wow... agreement, here. Must be because it's not in the Moving Train, right?
And I agree with the 'Tip Jars'. Some of them i can sort of understand... like at a Starbucks or a Smoothie Bar.... maybe. They get the lose change... including those damn pennies.
But, the Taco Bell? Uhhh... nope. I go to the Taco Bell because I DON'T have any spare change.
Hail, Hail!!!
My "stupid fucking point" is that you were saying you tip because people are assholes to waitresses.
What dunk was saying was that people are assholes to bus drivers.
What I was saying was people are assholes to lots of people in the customer service industry.
I didn't think I had to spell it out, but that's what I was saying, and I wasn't trying to offend your ideals on tipping, so you can also spare me your hostility.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why I HAVE to tip a lousy server. The business should just up the servers pay, not force me to tip. I may tip if the service was bad, but I want to have the choice. I want to be able to tip what I feel I should, not some predetermined amount.
That argument has been around this site for years. The twist this time is this couple actually went to jail!! That is so wrong. I would never want my business attached to such a petty thing as not tipping ending up that I put the people in jail. It makes me, as a bystander, think the place must really suck and I wouldn't eat there.
Whatever, its their business. I pity the owners becuase the outcome of this is not going to put them in a good light.
so glad i dont have to do that anymore.
generally gratuity is added on the bill for parties of 6 or more. most of the time i wouldnt add it anyway, and take my chances, but for some tables of fucking morons who act like they've never been to a restaurant before, you bet your ass im adding gratuity. been burned too many times.
By definition, a 'gratuity' is:
'Something given voluntarily or beyond obligation, usually in response to or in anticipation of service.'
'an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation'
'Something given voluntarily or beyond obligation, usually in response to or in anticipation of service.'
... etc.
If obligatory, I assume it would become a service fee. This should be CLEARLY marked and properly defined as a fee, not a gratuity, on the menu or displayed. Nice advertising for the restaurant :roll:
You have a BUS driver do that? Where do you live? Is that a service you can request or is this just what busses do where you are? Here we would call that a taxi.
I quit waitressing not too long after they started taxing our tips. It didn't seem fair, especially because the restaurant didn't have to pay us minimum wage, ONLY because we got tips, and then when they started taxing our tips, they didn't change the way restaurants had to pay us. So, we took big hits in our amount of money we got each day. What should had happened was the restaurant having to increase our wages closer to minimum wage, since we were now being taxed on the tips that made them not having to pay us minimum.
These people were just pissed off and I may have done the same thing.
I guess they should, since they do everything taxis do, and even more, since they deal with a hard population to deal with. They have to get wheelchairs in and out, use lifts, etc.
That we have as well. It's a service paid for by taxes and drivers don't get tipped. I didn't know Cosmo was disabled (or in one of the other categories)..... sorry. We also can tip cabbies, but one is not obliged t).
That we have as well. It's a service paid for by taxes and drivers don't get tipped (neither do other bus drivers... that's their job to drive the bus!). I didn't know Cosmo was disabled..... sorry.[/quote]
Is he? I didn't read that. I am guessing these bus drivers make enough money that tipping isn't necessary, but waitstaff do need tips. Its their main income. I just don't feel it should be forced. It isn't the customer who made these rules. I feel its so outdated! Pay waitstaff regular wages and then let them get tips for good service if the customer wants to tip them. Hairdressers, cab drivers, etc all get their full wage plus tips, it is only wait staff, that I know of, who are penalized because they also receive tips. Its as if tips are expected and I justr don't feel they should be. Charge customers enough for their food, that owners can pay regular pay to their staff, and let people tip as a gratituity, as it is suppose to be.
Oh and btw, I like the idea of calling it a "fee" if its mandatory, but make sure the staff aren't being hit for so much in taxes that tips end up hurting them.
the wait staff wage here is $2.35 an hour (probably a few cents more than that now). anytime they think about raising it, the restaurant association cries about going out of business, so it barely moves.
plus you have to tip out to bartenders, busboys, and whoever else they decide to make you give your money to.
Sorry.. me making assumptions as you were describing a door to door bus service (which he seems to be able to enjoy) specifically aimed at certain people and not a general service.
I agree with you... pay a decent wage, let the gratuity be just that. Like in all other professions, you do well, you reap the rewards (good tips). You do crap, you get nothing. Whereas Cosmo was saying it's not always waiting staff's fault, etc., a good waiter/waitress will certainly not let people hang around for cutlery, etc. If it is busy, there is a way to handle/sooth customers. It's all about service.....
people spit and abuse and beat bus drivers (yes, it happens), so people are assholes to bus drivers too.
hence, do you tip your bus driver?
under that premise i mean.
for the record, i don't tip my bus driver, lol
that may be the case and thats a flaw in the hallowed system... but my point was that Cosmo tips waitresses regardless of the service simply because waitresses/waiters get a lot of shit from assholes thrown at them...
but so bus drivers.
but he doesnt tip a bus driver as he doesnt get dropped off at his front door step... which isnt really the point.. a bus service runs on a predetermined route, why would it take him to his door? a waitresses job is to get your order, deliver it to your stationary self... a bus drivers is to pick up you up at a stop and drop you off at your stop. so surely he has met the basic requirements of his job?
both do their customer service jobs that meet the requirements of their jobs... so why not tip the bus driver? why does the waitress get tipped?
how is that a flaw :?:
Although that would just make your Cheeseburger cost $16.75 instead of $8.50 at the local diner though.
because a bus driver earns a decent wage if 3 people get on his bus throughout an 8 hour day.
a waitress gets 3 people through an 8 hour day will mean she earns $3 an hour plus the 3 people's earlier tips.
to me, and the rest of the civilised world, thats clearly a flaw Captain America :thumbup:
food cost would double? how does McDonalds get away with charging $4 for a burger?
if people tip 15% on average, then raise the cost of the food 15% and pay them a decent hourly wage. A burger will still cost the same as it would have done because the 15% tip you would have paid is now in the cost.
It is a man & woman. I walk up to the table to tell them the specials. Before I have a chance to speak, the man (who looks like a much older version of my evil ex-husband) says "we're not ready yet." I explain, I'm only here to inform them of the specials in addition to the menu. I tell the specials and come back several minutes later when they've had time to look over the menu. They ask me, "What is that man eating?" and point to another table. I tell them that's the Grouper. They ask me if I've tried either the grouper or ahi. "No, I can order dinner at the end of the night, but I haven't tried either of these specials." The man says, "Sounds like you got a Cheap Charlie running this place." So, the woman orders "your most humble glass of sauvignon blanc." It's our cheapest wine by the glass, it's only $6. Then she orders the grouper and he orders the ahi, medium. Who eats ahi medium? They have no appetizer or salad. When I bring their meals the guy says, "Did you sample these on the way out? Why is mine so much smaller than hers? I want you to pay up for the portion you ate." Real funny. So I just laugh and say, "Oh, but I had your permission, right? haha." They LOVE their meal. When the busser goes to clear the plates, the man says, "How does it feel, knowing you're a busser? You clear plates and pick up trash for a living." Ok, what the F is wrong with this guy?! They don't order dessert or coffee and their bill was $72.84. They ask for their bill, I bring it, I run his credit card & he leaves me $7.16. Talk about Cheap Charlie!!!! My boss tried to look him up in the phone book. We couldn't find his name, which is good, hopefully he doesn't live around here.
I just don't get this! The guy spent $80 bucks at this establishment, yet the boss tries to look him up in the phone book? Also, I don't feel tips are promised, even for good service. No one HAS to give a tip, unless its posted and automatically taken out, which I feel is wrong. I also know that many people leave a high tip, that should take care of those who tip too low or not at all.
Do you run after the people who tip too much and give it back? No you don't, so don't mess with those who leave a low tip or no tip.
I understand that wait staff are taxed a percent according to how much the restaurant made, but take that out on your legislator or boss. Regardless, at the end of the day, the tips equal what they should according to what you are taxed, and it really should not matter how they got to be the right amount.
Tipping use to be for above the norm service. Not for good service, but for above the call of duty service. I hate that its expected.
if you can't afford a decent tip (15% to 20%) for good service dont go to a restaurant. go to Mc Donald's. Waiting tables require too much bullshit for crappy tips. you really arent paying enough for quality service if you tip poorly.
i have very little respect for bad tippers. sorry. if i even catch a friend or relative giving a shitty tip (that isnt called for), i wont go out with them unless they make up for it.
that guy kinda reminds me of ron burgundy
ahi is tuna best served rare. That man upset the whole staff. The things he said were incredibly rude. There is no reason to insult the busser. She is doing her job. He must have an awful job if he needs to put people down to feel better about himself. And I would have preferred to have waited on other people. You have to consider that the hour and a half they were sitting at my table is an hour and a half that I've just lost. Plus, I pretty much lost money waiting on them. I had to tip out $2.20 of the $7 he gave me and I'm paying taxes on that precious $7. It's recorded as part of my wages.