Ah soulsinging sounds extremely idealistic- I like that in a person, its eternally hopeful.
I think you and many should realize the south is not full of what you think-
there comes the generalizing- it wouldn't be kind or fair for me to generalize other areas of the country by reputation alone and we know that can certainly be done.
I am a Yankee enjoying southern weather like a hell of a lot of others here - don't really feel a kinship- midwest girl at heart- but I just think it unwise to categorize people most especially when the poster of the thread sighted a run in with a clearly religious fanatic who doesn't represent most people I've come in contact with in the South.
I do think ya'll were just foolin though
i'm definitely not fooling. yeah, they have nicer weather, but they're polluting our collective subconscious with their bullshit. sure there are reasonable people there and unreasonable people up here, but the proportions are a lot higher in jesus country. fuck em. we'd be better off without them. i've got my beefs with the midwest, but they learned how to be conservative without being an inbred superstititious bibel thumper for the most part.
I don't know about that entirely. Wasn't the epicenter of the abortion debate, complete with a recent murder, grounded in religious fundamentalism and located in the midwest? (And no, I'm NOT trying to turn this into an abortion debate, just talking about religious zealots.) :thumbdown: :x
I live in the south, 4th generation Texan to be exact, and yup, we've got our share of wackos. My state even has a governor that takes pride in milking the Christian, family values thing for all it's worth. (We like to say he "puts the goober in gubernatorial.") But there are plenty of other people here who would be perfectly happy to export the wackos to some region of their choice. I don't think I should be the one who has to relocate to some snowy land just to escape them. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'll find intolerant people anywhere I go. :eh: :problem:
Milarso, congratulations on your upcoming fatherhood! As for the crazy woman who accosted you after work, I would probably be tempted to be rude but in the long run I find it more satisfying to take the higher ground. Anyone who says something that off the wall to you probably can't have a reasonable discussion about why you feel differently. I'd have probably have just left it with a "Thank you for your concern" comment although if I was feeling really naughty I might say something to completely freak her out, like "Well, I'm a polygamist and I can't marry her until my other wives give her the OK" or "Actually, we're Wiccans and we have our own type of fertility ceremony." She'd probably leave you alone after that.
so we've gone from...
a lady at work that all babies born out of wedlock are an abomination...
to religious freaks in general...
to the idea that all people in the south are religious freaks and not worthy of being a part of our country...
so we've gone from...
a lady at work that all babies born out of wedlock are an abomination...
to religious freaks in general...
to the idea that all people in the south are religious freaks and not worthy of being a part of our country...
gotta love generalizations...
thank you thats what I've been trying to get across
although if I was feeling really naughty I might say something to completely freak her out, like "Well, I'm a polygamist and I can't marry her until my other wives give her the OK"
That seriously made me laugh!
Thanks to everyone for the congratulations and support.
My girlfriend and I are pretty much over the initial shock of our baby news, and are starting to get really excited!
On Tuesday we are going to see the doctor and start figuring out what to do next. (This is both of our first experiences with this, so we aren't quite sure what to expect...)
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
although if I was feeling really naughty I might say something to completely freak her out, like "Well, I'm a polygamist and I can't marry her until my other wives give her the OK"
That seriously made me laugh!
Thanks to everyone for the congratulations and support.
My girlfriend and I are pretty much over the initial shock of our baby news, and are starting to get really excited!
On Tuesday we are going to see the doctor and start figuring out what to do next. (This is both of our first experiences with this, so we aren't quite sure what to expect...)
... expect a miracle! it is a wonderfully happy time in your life, Congrats again
Just report her. I am so sick of people pushing their crap on other people. We are going backwards because closeted white christians miss the good ole days.
They were not good! Look it up! It just looks good in the rearviewmirror. Oh, and I guess if you had the power then you'd like it the same way again.
Let's just divide the country into halves and the jesus freaks can have the South.
Don't get your knickers in a knot mate- feeling the Australian thing
there's plenty of reasonable people in the south- its the "generalizing" that really hurts all people
We went to our first doctor's appt. today. It was the first trip to the OBGYN for me, and it was everything I could have hoped for
Actually, we didn't really learn much. Apparently it's not uncommon for my gf to have her period at irregular intervals, so they couldn't give us an accurate due date, and we had to schedule an ultrasound.
Then we went and saw a movie (the men who stare at goats--OK, but unless you are dead set on seeing it, wait til it comes on DVD) then went to dinner (nothing special, just Texas Roadhouse).
Then we went back to my house, where he proceeded to throw up. Several, several, times...
I thought she was only supposed to be sick in the morning...
PS- I did end up talking to my HR rep. and she was literally appalled by what Liz (the advertising lady who cornered me earlier) said about my girlfriend's pregnancy. Apparently she has received a reprimand, and told that she should refrain from voicing her political/religious beliefs to other employees while on company property.
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
We went to our first doctor's appt. today. It was the first trip to the OBGYN for me, and it was everything I could have hoped for
Actually, we didn't really learn much. Apparently it's not uncommon for my gf to have her period at irregular intervals, so they couldn't give us an accurate due date, and we had to schedule an ultrasound.
Then we went and saw a movie (the men who stare at goats--OK, but unless you are dead set on seeing it, wait til it comes on DVD) then went to dinner (nothing special, just Texas Roadhouse).
Then we went back to my house, where he proceeded to throw up. Several, several, times...
I thought she was only supposed to be sick in the morning...
PS- I did end up talking to my HR rep. and she was literally appalled by what Liz (the advertising lady who cornered me earlier) said about my girlfriend's pregnancy. Apparently she has received a reprimand, and told that she should refrain from voicing her political/religious beliefs to other employees while on company property.
No morning sickness is all day but good news- usually just the first trimester. Buy lots of saltines and maybe stay away from the roadhouse til the really hungry 2nd trimester arrives. I'm very happy for you both keep the news coming
On Tuesday we went in for the ultrasound and got some nice pics of our little guy or girl. We found out that my gf is about 11 weeks along, so we've got about six an a half months left before the big arrival.
I told my folks awhile ago, and they were very supportive, but she was a little nervous about telling her parents.
We told them over Thanksgiving and they were very excited, so everything's going much better than we had thought it would.
Don't know if anyone cares about this, but it's nice to sound off. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes.
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
On Tuesday we went in for the ultrasound and got some nice pics of our little guy or girl. We found out that my gf is about 11 weeks along, so we've got about six an a half months left before the big arrival.
I told my folks awhile ago, and they were very supportive, but she was a little nervous about telling her parents.
We told them over Thanksgiving and they were very excited, so everything's going much better than we had thought it would.
Don't know if anyone cares about this, but it's nice to sound off. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes.
glad to hear it's going well for you!
believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
On Tuesday we went in for the ultrasound and got some nice pics of our little guy or girl. We found out that my gf is about 11 weeks along, so we've got about six an a half months left before the big arrival.
I told my folks awhile ago, and they were very supportive, but she was a little nervous about telling her parents.
We told them over Thanksgiving and they were very excited, so everything's going much better than we had thought it would.
Don't know if anyone cares about this, but it's nice to sound off. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes.
Ah soulsinging sounds extremely idealistic- I like that in a person, its eternally hopeful.
I think you and many should realize the south is not full of what you think-
there comes the generalizing- it wouldn't be kind or fair for me to generalize other areas of the country by reputation alone and we know that can certainly be done.
I am a Yankee enjoying southern weather like a hell of a lot of others here - don't really feel a kinship- midwest girl at heart- but I just think it unwise to categorize people most especially when the poster of the thread sighted a run in with a clearly religious fanatic who doesn't represent most people I've come in contact with in the South.
I do think ya'll were just foolin though
i'm definitely not fooling. yeah, they have nicer weather, but they're polluting our collective subconscious with their bullshit. sure there are reasonable people there and unreasonable people up here, but the proportions are a lot higher in jesus country. fuck em. we'd be better off without them. i've got my beefs with the midwest, but they learned how to be conservative without being an inbred superstititious bibel thumper for the most part.[/quot
Ahh spoken like a true progerssive elitist. I can't help but laugh how narrow minded you are. You don't know a thing about the south.
On Tuesday we went in for the ultrasound and got some nice pics of our little guy or girl. We found out that my gf is about 11 weeks along, so we've got about six an a half months left before the big arrival.
I told my folks awhile ago, and they were very supportive, but she was a little nervous about telling her parents.
We told them over Thanksgiving and they were very excited, so everything's going much better than we had thought it would.
Don't know if anyone cares about this, but it's nice to sound off. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes.
Lots of us care and it's good that you let us know how things are going. Glad to hear that your families are being supportive. I'm sure it was scary telling the parents but what a plus that they're happy about what's to come!
Even though this is a big responsibility, you have some time to be getting prepared and it sounds like the important people in your life are on your side. Good luck! :thumbup:
We went to our first doctor's appt. today. It was the first trip to the OBGYN for me, and it was everything I could have hoped for
Actually, we didn't really learn much. Apparently it's not uncommon for my gf to have her period at irregular intervals, so they couldn't give us an accurate due date, and we had to schedule an ultrasound.
Then we went and saw a movie (the men who stare at goats--OK, but unless you are dead set on seeing it, wait til it comes on DVD) then went to dinner (nothing special, just Texas Roadhouse).
Then we went back to my house, where he proceeded to throw up. Several, several, times...
I thought she was only supposed to be sick in the morning...
PS- I did end up talking to my HR rep. and she was literally appalled by what Liz (the advertising lady who cornered me earlier) said about my girlfriend's pregnancy. Apparently she has received a reprimand, and told that she should refrain from voicing her political/religious beliefs to other employees while on company property.
Glad to hear it's going good and tell the advertising lady to focus on selling ads to keep your newspaper in business.
Reading 2004
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016 Fenway 2, 2018 MSG 2022 St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023 MSG 2024, MSG 2024 Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
Lots of us care and it's good that you let us know how things are going. Glad to hear that your families are being supportive. I'm sure it was scary telling the parents but what a plus that they're happy about what's to come!
Even though this is a big responsibility, you have some time to be getting prepared and it sounds like the important people in your life are on your side. Good luck! :thumbup:
It's kind of funny, because we were terrified to tell her dad, me especially. I just know he's really protective of his daughter (only child) and I kind of got the feeling when we were dating before that he didn't really care for me. But when we told him, he was so excited. My gf told me he went out and bought her mom a card that was like, "I know this isn't what we expected, but it's going to be so great to be grand parents..." And then he went to the store to buy toys
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
Lots of us care and it's good that you let us know how things are going. Glad to hear that your families are being supportive. I'm sure it was scary telling the parents but what a plus that they're happy about what's to come!
Even though this is a big responsibility, you have some time to be getting prepared and it sounds like the important people in your life are on your side. Good luck! :thumbup:
It's kind of funny, because we were terrified to tell her dad, me especially. I just know he's really protective of his daughter (only child) and I kind of got the feeling when we were dating before that he didn't really care for me. But when we told him, he was so excited. My gf told me he went out and bought her mom a card that was like, "I know this isn't what we expected, but it's going to be so great to be grand parents..." And then he went to the store to buy toys
I don't think you're the first to have that experience.
Nothing like a grandchild to change the rents' perspective!
i think most sensible people would agree that being a loving non-married parent to a child is always better than being a married shitty parent and lord knows there are a hell of a lot of shitty married parents. if i was you every time i see a news story online about shitty parents i'd email this chick the link and ask her how those married parents were doing.
I had 2 kids in 5 months. Am with the seconds mom now. Been that way for 4 years. Her family is all kinds of religious, but she is just a fake religious. We are not married. She acts like she would like to, but i expose her real reasonings for it and the subject gets dropped. And though our kids are abominations(joke), its not because we are not married.
How has the new year been treating you & your girl friend?
Things have been pretty great.
We moved in together at the first of the year, and have been getting along really well.
A couple of weeks ago we found out we are having a little boy, so that his been really exciting. Both of our sets of parents are extremely happy/excited.
But we are making it work. It's been quite an adjustment, but we're both finding lots to be happy about.
The baby is doing fine, and starting to move around, so we are just counting down the days until he makes is first appearance.
June 16 is the big day (at least that's what the midwife told us...)
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
How has the new year been treating you & your girl friend?
Things have been pretty great.
We moved in together at the first of the year, and have been getting along really well.
A couple of weeks ago we found out we are having a little boy, so that his been really exciting. Both of our sets of parents are extremely happy/excited.
But we are making it work. It's been quite an adjustment, but we're both finding lots to be happy about.
The baby is doing fine, and starting to move around, so we are just counting down the days until he makes is first appearance.
June 16 is the big day (at least that's what the midwife told us...)
This sounds wonderful- so very happy for you three!
We are expecting a new baby at our business too just about that very time. They just found out it is a little girl and they have a little boy of 4.
Yes yeah for midwives! I too was to have a midwife 26 years ago as we speak but I ran into complications. But I had my little boy healthy and that's what's important.
You have some very exciting times ahead- good luck and please post again and lets us know how wonderful life is Bless you and your little family
I know that may seem harsh to some people, but quite frankly I am tired of being the bigger person. If you are going to criticize my lifestyle choices, you better makes sure your own house is in order.
Yeah- I definitely understand your reaction, and perhaps you're right.
It's just been my experience that hostility is rarely a helps convert ignorance. I try to handle most confrontations with logic, but I've found that logic doesn't normally work with the outwardly religious...
When put on the spot, it just seemed like a good idea to remove myself from the situation and go home and have a beer
First off congratulations. I agree, I know 2 super religious people and the only point of view concerning God and religion is their own, not much point even having a discussion.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I live in the south, 4th generation Texan to be exact, and yup, we've got our share of wackos. My state even has a governor that takes pride in milking the Christian, family values thing for all it's worth. (We like to say he "puts the goober in gubernatorial.") But there are plenty of other people here who would be perfectly happy to export the wackos to some region of their choice. I don't think I should be the one who has to relocate to some snowy land just to escape them. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'll find intolerant people anywhere I go. :eh: :problem:
Milarso, congratulations on your upcoming fatherhood! As for the crazy woman who accosted you after work, I would probably be tempted to be rude but in the long run I find it more satisfying to take the higher ground. Anyone who says something that off the wall to you probably can't have a reasonable discussion about why you feel differently. I'd have probably have just left it with a "Thank you for your concern" comment although if I was feeling really naughty I might say something to completely freak her out, like "Well, I'm a polygamist and I can't marry her until my other wives give her the OK" or "Actually, we're Wiccans and we have our own type of fertility ceremony." She'd probably leave you alone after that.
a lady at work that all babies born out of wedlock are an abomination...
to religious freaks in general...
to the idea that all people in the south are religious freaks and not worthy of being a part of our country...
gotta love generalizations...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Don't let stupid shit like this bother you. People are crazy for the most part.
That seriously made me laugh!
Thanks to everyone for the congratulations and support.
My girlfriend and I are pretty much over the initial shock of our baby news, and are starting to get really excited!
On Tuesday we are going to see the doctor and start figuring out what to do next. (This is both of our first experiences with this, so we aren't quite sure what to expect...)
Getting rid of the South!
And yes there is more than just sheep and hobits here.
she was right!
Actually, we didn't really learn much. Apparently it's not uncommon for my gf to have her period at irregular intervals, so they couldn't give us an accurate due date, and we had to schedule an ultrasound.
Then we went and saw a movie (the men who stare at goats--OK, but unless you are dead set on seeing it, wait til it comes on DVD) then went to dinner (nothing special, just Texas Roadhouse).
Then we went back to my house, where he proceeded to throw up. Several, several, times...
I thought she was only supposed to be sick in the morning...
PS- I did end up talking to my HR rep. and she was literally appalled by what Liz (the advertising lady who cornered me earlier) said about my girlfriend's pregnancy. Apparently she has received a reprimand, and told that she should refrain from voicing her political/religious beliefs to other employees while on company property.
I told my folks awhile ago, and they were very supportive, but she was a little nervous about telling her parents.
We told them over Thanksgiving and they were very excited, so everything's going much better than we had thought it would.
Don't know if anyone cares about this, but it's nice to sound off. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes.
glad to hear it's going well for you!
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
Awesome! Keep the updates coming.
i'm definitely not fooling. yeah, they have nicer weather, but they're polluting our collective subconscious with their bullshit. sure there are reasonable people there and unreasonable people up here, but the proportions are a lot higher in jesus country. fuck em. we'd be better off without them. i've got my beefs with the midwest, but they learned how to be conservative without being an inbred superstititious bibel thumper for the most part.[/quot
Ahh spoken like a true progerssive elitist. I can't help but laugh how narrow minded you are. You don't know a thing about the south.
Even though this is a big responsibility, you have some time to be getting prepared and it sounds like the important people in your life are on your side. Good luck! :thumbup:
Glad to hear it's going good and tell the advertising lady to focus on selling ads to keep your newspaper in business.
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
Fenway 2, 2018
MSG 2022
St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
MSG 2024, MSG 2024
Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
It's kind of funny, because we were terrified to tell her dad, me especially. I just know he's really protective of his daughter (only child) and I kind of got the feeling when we were dating before that he didn't really care for me. But when we told him, he was so excited. My gf told me he went out and bought her mom a card that was like, "I know this isn't what we expected, but it's going to be so great to be grand parents..." And then he went to the store to buy toys
Nothing like a grandchild to change the rents' perspective!
Things have been pretty great.
We moved in together at the first of the year, and have been getting along really well.
A couple of weeks ago we found out we are having a little boy, so that his been really exciting. Both of our sets of parents are extremely happy/excited.
But we are making it work. It's been quite an adjustment, but we're both finding lots to be happy about.
The baby is doing fine, and starting to move around, so we are just counting down the days until he makes is first appearance.
June 16 is the big day (at least that's what the midwife told us...)
My thought EXACTLY!!!...
Yay for Midwives! Hope you have a doula too
We are expecting a new baby at our business too just about that very time. They just found out it is a little girl and they have a little boy of 4.
Yes yeah for midwives! I too was to have a midwife 26 years ago as we speak but I ran into complications. But I had my little boy healthy and that's what's important.
You have some very exciting times ahead- good luck and please post again and lets us know how wonderful life is
First off congratulations. I agree, I know 2 super religious people and the only point of view concerning God and religion is their own, not much point even having a discussion.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon