Well that's a pretty silly response. Our nation closer resembles a 3rd world nation in terms of education, healthcare and similar than the richest in the world. And your comment is exactly what's wrong with our nation - people are too f'in spoiled and comfortable to fix or help change anything. We have a small elite rich class which runs the nation, a shrinking middle cass and a growing lower class. The majority do not want things to stay the same - those with priveledge want things to stay the same... very different comment than what you specify. Also, we are the richest most powerful nation in the history of the world, we should always try and aim more better results to help the less fortunate (at home or abroad) - to not do so is like sending your child to school in hopes they receive a D+ or C- for passing. For such a religious nation, we sure don't have people who actually follow through on the tenets of the religions they believe (help the poor, be good people, etc).
The first solution in any problem is to correcting diagnosis it and look in the mirror. The American public wines about everything yet does nothing to change anything. If we want to see substancial change,
that's a big 'if' and that's my point. you're assuming most people do want substantial change. i'd say you're wrong about that. even with our problems today, we have it pretty easy. nobody in america wants too much upheaval becos we've got it pretty good overall.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Well that's a pretty silly response. Our nation closer resembles a 3rd world nation in terms of education, healthcare and similar than the richest in the world. And your comment is exactly what's wrong with our nation - people are too f'in spoiled and comfortable to fix or help change anything. We have a small elite rich class which runs the nation, a shrinking middle cass and a growing lower class. The majority do not want things to stay the same - those with priveledge want things to stay the same... very different comment than what you specify. Also, we are the richest most powerful nation in the history of the world, we should always try and aim more better results to help the less fortunate (at home or abroad) - to not do so is like sending your child to school in hopes they receive a D+ or C- for passing. For such a religious nation, we sure don't have people who actually follow through on the tenets of the religions they believe (help the poor, be good people, etc).
The first solution in any problem is to correcting diagnosis it and look in the mirror. The American public wines about everything yet does nothing to change anything. If we want to see substancial change,
that's a big 'if' and that's my point. you're assuming most people do want substantial change. i'd say you're wrong about that. even with our problems today, we have it pretty easy. nobody in america wants too much upheaval becos we've got it pretty good overall.
This sounds super....can you give some specific solutions to the problems you speak of...?
can our education system improve, sure...tell us how, give specifics please....
helping those less fortunate, I'm all for it...tell us how...
Good education is not merely a reflection of how much money we throw into schools and programs, it has more to do with the parenting and communities around the children. So if we want substantial results from our education system, there should be community organizations like this one which has proved to be successful. http://www.hcz.org/ Every hear the saying - it takes a village to raise a child? Well right now, no one in our village gives a crap about anything unless it directly effects them in some negative manner. No one wants to acknowledge the long term effects of neglect, health care, crime, drugs, etc on their own life, even if others are involved. Not in my back yard or I only do what helps me is the battle cry of this society. When you have a system that promotes selfishness, greed, self-importance and self-involvement, these are the types of results you get. It's only going to get worse over time too... I'm 32yrs old, I think about the society in my parents life when they were my age compared to mine, or a kids born now what it'll be like 32 yrs from now. It's not only getting worse, it's deteriating. Whether you want to talk about family values, religion, greed, selfishness, lack of attention, drugs, crime, education or whatever the issue, it all relays back to the environment around you and poor guidence. This is de-evolution... society slowly spiraling out of control and breaking at the seems. Respect for law, appreciation for what you have in life, but instead we see the opposite.. from government, from politicians, from our society as a whole - greed, selfishness and entitlement. As I've stated previously, the same things that drove the people to found this nation will be the same things that tear it apart.
This sounds super....can you give some specific solutions to the problems you speak of...?
can our education system improve, sure...tell us how, give specifics please....
helping those less fortunate, I'm all for it...tell us how...
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?
Look man I just joined this fan club a year ago ok . You and a few others like to call us Hypocrites but aren't you also being a Hypocrite. Obama is doing a lot of the same shit Bush did and I don't hear you saying a damn thing.
he raises a valid point which you still didn't answer. where were you then? saying, i just joined this fan club a year ago is not an answer.
you and aerial have both dodged that question the three times he asked it. why did it change in january 09?
i, for one, would be able to understand your thoughts a little better if i knew the answer to that.
Good education is not merely a reflection of how much money we throw into schools and programs, it has more to do with the parenting and communities around the children. So if we want substantial results from our education system, there should be community organizations like this one which has proved to be successful. http://www.hcz.org/ Every hear the saying - it takes a village to raise a child? Well right now, no one in our village gives a crap about anything unless it directly effects them in some negative manner. No one wants to acknowledge the long term effects of neglect, health care, crime, drugs, etc on their own life, even if others are involved. Not in my back yard or I only do what helps me is the battle cry of this society. When you have a system that promotes selfishness, greed, self-importance and self-involvement, these are the types of results you get. It's only going to get worse over time too... I'm 32yrs old, I think about the society in my parents life when they were my age compared to mine, or a kids born now what it'll be like 32 yrs from now. It's not only getting worse, it's deteriating. Whether you want to talk about family values, religion, greed, selfishness, lack of attention, drugs, crime, education or whatever the issue, it all relays back to the environment around you and poor guidence. This is de-evolution... society slowly spiraling out of control and breaking at the seems. Respect for law, appreciation for what you have in life, but instead we see the opposite.. from government, from politicians, from our society as a whole - greed, selfishness and entitlement. As I've stated previously, the same things that drove the people to found this nation will be the same things that tear it apart.
This sounds super....can you give some specific solutions to the problems you speak of...?
can our education system improve, sure...tell us how, give specifics please....
helping those less fortunate, I'm all for it...tell us how...
wow, you have a really bad view of the world around you...it seems you only focus on the negative...I bet that's tiring...just an observation, not a judgment...
I agree that education begins in the home...
the rest of your post is painted with broad brushstrokes...as every every one in this world is a greedy evil prick who cares for nothing but themselves...well, not everyone is this way...
look for the good, it's not too hard...I say turn off the tv, if you haven't already, worry about what you can control and make a plan...or go out and be a community organizer...you may become president some day...
I enjoy and respect you passion...I'm serious... :thumbup:
Well that's a pretty silly response. Our nation closer resembles a 3rd world nation in terms of education, healthcare and similar than the richest in the world. And your comment is exactly what's wrong with our nation - people are too f'in spoiled and comfortable to fix or help change anything. We have a small elite rich class which runs the nation, a shrinking middle cass and a growing lower class. The majority do not want things to stay the same - those with priveledge want things to stay the same... very different comment than what you specify. Also, we are the richest most powerful nation in the history of the world, we should always try and aim more better results to help the less fortunate (at home or abroad) - to not do so is like sending your child to school in hopes they receive a D+ or C- for passing. For such a religious nation, we sure don't have people who actually follow through on the tenets of the religions they believe (help the poor, be good people, etc).
The first solution in any problem is to correcting diagnosis it and look in the mirror. The American public wines about everything yet does nothing to change anything. If we want to see substancial change,
that's a big 'if' and that's my point. you're assuming most people do want substantial change. i'd say you're wrong about that. even with our problems today, we have it pretty easy. nobody in america wants too much upheaval becos we've got it pretty good overall.
again, you assume your values are the best and most desirable. why should we help others? ever heard of ayn rand and objectivism? plenty of people don't think that's all that important. sure, for those at the bottom rung here things are bad, but the average american has a better lifestyle than most of the world. maybe we are spoiled, but what's your point? the fact remains that most americans dont care and dont want the same things you do. they don't want dramatic change. they may want some change, some more security, a few tweaks here and there, but a complete overhaul of society is not of interest to most people in this country. we may be too spoiled and comfortable to change things, but we got to being spoiled and comfy by doing what we are doing now... so if it's worked enough to make us the richest, most powerful nation in world history, why suddenly adopt dramatic changes that might screw that up?
i'm not saying this is how i personally feel, i'm saying this is why you're so frustrated. becos most people are generally pretty happy with their lives in this country, just as most people in norway are pretty happy with theirs and most in china are pretty happy with theirs. it's human, we adapt to our surroundings. and things here aren't THAT bad so it's tough to sell anyone on dramatic change. why? why give up something pretty good for uncertain promises of something better with the possibility of a complete catastrophe?
You may call it "negative", but I don't choose to live with illusions in my life. I call them as I see them. And if anyone met me, you'd know I'm a very positive person, but as I've stated, I don't pretend things are a certain way, nor to I sugar-coat them. If they were good, I'd say so. And Yes there are plenty of good people doing good things in our nation and the world, but to me, we don't have nearly enough of that, and in all honesty, our society as a whole shows no signs of really moving in that direction. People like to think that because things are getting better, everything remains the same and this is very faulty logic. Whether it's the environment, or whatever the issue, things change, and if you're fixing problems or addressing them, they will get worse (whether immediately or long haul)...and that's how I see our society. Wanting to stay stagnent because some issues don't effect them or they don't see the long term ramifications on our nation or themselves at that moment, and then complain after its too late. Our nation lacks responsibility and accountability - from the highest of offices to lowest of citizens.
Good education is not merely a reflection of how much money we throw into schools and programs, it has more to do with the parenting and communities around the children. So if we want substantial results from our education system, there should be community organizations like this one which has proved to be successful. http://www.hcz.org/ Every hear the saying - it takes a village to raise a child? Well right now, no one in our village gives a crap about anything unless it directly effects them in some negative manner. No one wants to acknowledge the long term effects of neglect, health care, crime, drugs, etc on their own life, even if others are involved. Not in my back yard or I only do what helps me is the battle cry of this society. When you have a system that promotes selfishness, greed, self-importance and self-involvement, these are the types of results you get. It's only going to get worse over time too... I'm 32yrs old, I think about the society in my parents life when they were my age compared to mine, or a kids born now what it'll be like 32 yrs from now. It's not only getting worse, it's deteriating. Whether you want to talk about family values, religion, greed, selfishness, lack of attention, drugs, crime, education or whatever the issue, it all relays back to the environment around you and poor guidence. This is de-evolution... society slowly spiraling out of control and breaking at the seems. Respect for law, appreciation for what you have in life, but instead we see the opposite.. from government, from politicians, from our society as a whole - greed, selfishness and entitlement. As I've stated previously, the same things that drove the people to found this nation will be the same things that tear it apart.
This sounds super....can you give some specific solutions to the problems you speak of...?
can our education system improve, sure...tell us how, give specifics please....
helping those less fortunate, I'm all for it...tell us how...
wow, you have a really bad view of the world around you...it seems you only focus on the negative...I bet that's tiring...just an observation, not a judgment...
I agree that education begins in the home...
the rest of your post is painted with broad brushstrokes...as every every one in this world is a greedy evil prick who cares for nothing but themselves...well, not everyone is this way...
look for the good, it's not too hard...I say turn off the tv, if you haven't already, worry about what you can control and make a plan...or go out and be a community organizer...you may become president some day...
I enjoy and respect you passion...I'm serious... :thumbup:
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Yes I know Rand, and do not agree with that notion. Secondly, look around our nation, things aren't ok and even. We have the largest deficit we've ever had, social indicators are not close to decent... so basically, our population is under the assumption that things are ok, when in fact, we need to make major changes to our way of life in order to compensate for balance. People want to continue at the same level of entitlements and rewards, yet don't want to chip in to do so. Whether it's the economy, healthcare, environment, education, etc... all of these areas are slowly getting or are weak/weaker and the effects are creeping into everyday life. People don't want to make the changes, well ok then, reap what you sow. That's about it.
again, you assume your values are the best and most desirable. why should we help others? ever heard of ayn rand and objectivism? plenty of people don't think that's all that important. sure, for those at the bottom rung here things are bad, but the average american has a better lifestyle than most of the world. maybe we are spoiled, but what's your point? the fact remains that most americans dont care and dont want the same things you do. they don't want dramatic change. they may want some change, some more security, a few tweaks here and there, but a complete overhaul of society is not of interest to most people in this country. we may be too spoiled and comfortable to change things, but we got to being spoiled and comfy by doing what we are doing now... so if it's worked enough to make us the richest, most powerful nation in world history, why suddenly adopt dramatic changes that might screw that up?
i'm not saying this is how i personally feel, i'm saying this is why you're so frustrated. becos most people are generally pretty happy with their lives in this country, just as most people in norway are pretty happy with theirs and most in china are pretty happy with theirs. it's human, we adapt to our surroundings. and things here aren't THAT bad so it's tough to sell anyone on dramatic change. why? why give up something pretty good for uncertain promises of something better with the possibility of a complete catastrophe?
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
did you see how the dumbass john boehner read from what he called "the preamble of the constitution yesterday?" that idiot does not even know that there is no preamble to the constitution and what he read was part of what you posted from the declaration of independence. when the minority leader of the house can not even keep from confusing these two distinctly different documents, and nobody in attendance caught it, it says a lot about the intelligence of the people involved with this "movement"...i will try to find the video and post it.[/quote]
Ok so he got the wrong Pre amble,but the Constitution does have a pre amble.
"We The People of the United States In order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic traquility,provide for the common defense.Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.Do ordain and establish this constitution of the united States of America "
did you see how the dumbass john boehner read from what he called "the preamble of the constitution yesterday?" that idiot does not even know that there is no preamble to the constitution and what he read was part of what you posted from the declaration of independence. when the minority leader of the house can not even keep from confusing these two distinctly different documents, and nobody in attendance caught it, it says a lot about the intelligence of the people involved with this "movement"...i will try to find the video and post it.
Ok so he got the wrong Pre amble,but the Constitution does have a pre amble.
"We The People of the United States In order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic traquility,provide for the common defense.Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.Do ordain and establish this constitution of the united States of America "
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
This sounds super....can you give some specific solutions to the problems you speak of...?
can our education system improve, sure...tell us how, give specifics please....
helping those less fortunate, I'm all for it...tell us how...
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
you and aerial have both dodged that question the three times he asked it. why did it change in january 09?
i, for one, would be able to understand your thoughts a little better if i knew the answer to that.
wow, you have a really bad view of the world around you...it seems you only focus on the negative...I bet that's tiring...just an observation, not a judgment...
I agree that education begins in the home...
the rest of your post is painted with broad brushstrokes...as every every one in this world is a greedy evil prick who cares for nothing but themselves...well, not everyone is this way...
look for the good, it's not too hard...I say turn off the tv, if you haven't already, worry about what you can control and make a plan...or go out and be a community organizer...you may become president some day...
I enjoy and respect you passion...I'm serious... :thumbup:
again, you assume your values are the best and most desirable. why should we help others? ever heard of ayn rand and objectivism? plenty of people don't think that's all that important. sure, for those at the bottom rung here things are bad, but the average american has a better lifestyle than most of the world. maybe we are spoiled, but what's your point? the fact remains that most americans dont care and dont want the same things you do. they don't want dramatic change. they may want some change, some more security, a few tweaks here and there, but a complete overhaul of society is not of interest to most people in this country. we may be too spoiled and comfortable to change things, but we got to being spoiled and comfy by doing what we are doing now... so if it's worked enough to make us the richest, most powerful nation in world history, why suddenly adopt dramatic changes that might screw that up?
i'm not saying this is how i personally feel, i'm saying this is why you're so frustrated. becos most people are generally pretty happy with their lives in this country, just as most people in norway are pretty happy with theirs and most in china are pretty happy with theirs. it's human, we adapt to our surroundings. and things here aren't THAT bad so it's tough to sell anyone on dramatic change. why? why give up something pretty good for uncertain promises of something better with the possibility of a complete catastrophe?
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
did you see how the dumbass john boehner read from what he called "the preamble of the constitution yesterday?" that idiot does not even know that there is no preamble to the constitution and what he read was part of what you posted from the declaration of independence. when the minority leader of the house can not even keep from confusing these two distinctly different documents, and nobody in attendance caught it, it says a lot about the intelligence of the people involved with this "movement"...i will try to find the video and post it.[/quote]
Ok so he got the wrong Pre amble,but the Constitution does have a pre amble.
"We The People of the United States In order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic traquility,provide for the common defense.Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.Do ordain and establish this constitution of the united States of America "
Silly Liberal
Ok so he got the wrong Pre amble,but the Constitution does have a pre amble.
"We The People of the United States In order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic traquility,provide for the common defense.Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.Do ordain and establish this constitution of the united States of America "
Silly Liberal
haha either way he read the wrong document, which he should be very embarrassed about by the way. thanks for pointing that out
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."