At what point?



  • So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    Look man I just joined this fan club a year ago ok . You and a few others like to call us Hypocrites but aren't you also being a Hypocrite. Obama is doing a lot of the same shit Bush did and I don't hear you saying a damn thing.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    Look man I just joined this fan club a year ago ok . You and a few others like to call us Hypocrites but aren't you also being a Hypocrite. Obama is doing a lot of the same shit Bush did and I don't hear you saying a damn thing.

    If you paid attention more, you would see that I have many grievences with the Obama admin. I'm pretty sure I've listed them several times on here.
  • inmytree wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    When did making fun of someone's beliefs become the same as disagreeing with some one and where the hell did forcing religion on some one come into play.

    I'm assuming you're addressing my comment...

    anyhoo, making fun and disagreeing can be the same see, when one makes fun, they are usually just don't like their method of disagreeing....

    Yeah it just shows that you're a hack and can't put up any valid points.
  • How about you make a valid point and respond to why as of January 2009 it became such a pressing issue. Newsflash, Ron Paul didn't have that big of an impact to let it spread like this.
  • If you paid attention more, you would see that I have many grievences with the Obama admin. I'm pretty sure I've listed them several times on here.

    Ok Im willing to give you that ,but I don't remember anything specific. Sorry....
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    prfctlefts wrote:
    inmytree wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    When did making fun of someone's beliefs become the same as disagreeing with some one and where the hell did forcing religion on some one come into play.

    I'm assuming you're addressing my comment...

    anyhoo, making fun and disagreeing can be the same see, when one makes fun, they are usually just don't like their method of disagreeing....

    Yeah it just shows that you're a hack and can't put up any valid points.

    does it...? or does it show that you're a thin-skinned baby who can't handle the heat...?

    I have points, you just cry about them....

    if you want to get personal, my PM box is open... :)
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    edited November 2009
    FiveB247x wrote:
    Once again I completely agree - sadly, protest and uprisings (if any) are not where they need to be. Hopefully it will keep spreading and people will wake up.

    When the media refuses to cover protests, then no one knows about them. I'm all for protesting and speaking up but the problem is first and foremost our gov't controlled media. If the average joe doesn't hear about them (and they NEVER report on protesting that may be against what the gov't wants), then the word doesn't spread. Start first with overthrowing our corrupt communication channels.
    Post edited by Jeanwah on
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    this is the question i've been asking of the tea party folks since they sprang out of nowhere in the first place. not one has ever given me an answer. this is not a grass roots constitutional movement, it's a partisan movement planned and fueled entirely by opposition to obama and obama only. they did the same to clinton. even moderate dems are incredibly reviled by the right... they refuse to give them a fair shake, actively attempt to sabotage all they do, and then play the victim when america resoundingly rejects their bullshit. biggest bunch of opportunistic whining sore losers i ever saw.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:

    I didn't know Jeanine Garofalo was a PJ Fan!
    Were do you get your information on the TEA Party?
    I did not see what your talking about yesterday.....what racist signs did they have?
    There is no treason .....and it is legal to demonstrate.....all Americans need to let politician know that we are holding them accountable for now on.
    You must be young an idealistic which is one of the best stages in life .....I have to say tho, even when I was young I never hated as you my time it was peace and love for everyone to everyone......what can make someone be so disrepectful to another human being?....

    you seriously did not see what i was talking about? it is on pretty much every news website out there. inmytree even posted it for you. do you not watch the videos that people post on here? we post things to make points and maybe educate those that would like to learn something that they did nto know. jeanne garofalo has nothing to do with this conversation. they had the usual racist signs of obama in the joker whiteface, swastikas, the hitler mustache, etc etc. why don't you google it and look for it? do you not have a proper search engine?? i know that you do because you have posted links on here is all there is you choose to see it.

    it IS treason when government officials are inciting people to rise up in revolution and threaten their elected officials that disagree with her. this is something that NEVER happened during the war protests, elected officials did not openly support the protestors or encourage them to threaten or do violence to their elected officials. they tucked their tails and ran the other way. how do i know? i was there.... threatening violence to elected officials at the behest of other opposing elected officials is TREASON. bachmann told these nutjobs to go into their representative's offices and ambush them. this is not civil disobedience, but it is threatening the government, which is a big difference from a legal demonstration, rally, or "press conference". it is far beyond that now.

    aerial my age is of no consequence to this situation. you say i am young and idealistic, which i am not. if i seem like that then you seem to be old and brainwashed with the black and white mentality of a 5th grader. i do not hate you or anyone else, but your incessant inability to see things from both sides makes you look misguided. for anyone to support michelle bachmann and this press conference it is laughable.

    what are you gonna do when this health bill passed this weekend? what are you gonna do, except maybe benefit from it and NOT have the least bit of gratitude because it was not your party or like minded individuals that gave it to you.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    When did making fun of someone's beliefs become the same as disagreeing with some one and where the hell did forcing religion on some one come into play.
    he said these protests and arguments on this board were like zealots shoving their beliefs on people. pay attention please.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    edited November 2009
    FiveB247x wrote:
    At what point?

    At what point will we look around and be so fed up with the nation around us that we are serious about fixing the problems that continually haunt us?

    When it's too late. That said, I do have hope, but I've lost hope in this country. Blast me if you want, but too many people don't want to deal with big issues, the majority doesn't want to deal, they want to work, come home and watch tv. We've become lazy, and that's why nothing will happen until it's too late. For this country anyway. Same with climate change. Too many don't think it's cause for worry. Well, it will be when we start losing our coasts dramatically.
    Post edited by Jeanwah on
  • How about you make a valid point and respond to why as of January 2009 it became such a pressing issue. Newsflash, Ron Paul didn't have that big of an impact to let it spread like this.

    Look I know where you're trying to take this. You are trying to make this into a racial issue. Sure ther are some people that don't like Obama b/c he's black,but that's not the reason. It's Healthcare, Un-employment,more out of control spending and the Majority of the country don't want to see this country move to the far left and thats what Obama and his administration want to do. I could keep going ,but I have to go to work.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    this is the question i've been asking of the tea party folks since they sprang out of nowhere in the first place. not one has ever given me an answer. this is not a grass roots constitutional movement, it's a partisan movement planned and fueled entirely by opposition to obama and obama only. they did the same to clinton. even moderate dems are incredibly reviled by the right... they refuse to give them a fair shake, actively attempt to sabotage all they do, and then play the victim when america resoundingly rejects their bullshit. biggest bunch of opportunistic whining sore losers i ever saw.
    my thought exactly SS. i have been asking these same questions since the townhall thread months ago.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    How about you make a valid point and respond to why as of January 2009 it became such a pressing issue. Newsflash, Ron Paul didn't have that big of an impact to let it spread like this.

    Look I know where you're trying to take this. You are trying to make this into a racial issue. Sure ther are some people that don't like Obama b/c he's black,but that's not the reason. It's Healthcare, Un-employment,more out of control spending and the Majority of the country don't want to see this country move to the far left and thats what Obama and his administration want to do. I could keep going ,but I have to go to work.
    sources on the far left thing please. that is all unfounded and the same stuff spouted by rush and beck and hannity, same old tired talking point with no evidence. i feel your fear, but the health bill is predicted to pass this weekend. what happens after that?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    this is the question i've been asking of the tea party folks since they sprang out of nowhere in the first place. not one has ever given me an answer. this is not a grass roots constitutional movement, it's a partisan movement planned and fueled entirely by opposition to obama and obama only. they did the same to clinton. even moderate dems are incredibly reviled by the right... they refuse to give them a fair shake, actively attempt to sabotage all they do, and then play the victim when america resoundingly rejects their bullshit. biggest bunch of opportunistic whining sore losers i ever saw.

    I agree, but I'm sure there's some people who believe somewhat that the idea of the teaparty was sincere. I feel bad for these folks, because they were mislead.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310

    I didn't see any of it-- but I believe you. There's morons in every movement. They are always given the most press. Change = any deviation from the status quo, so there is obviously an agenda to discredit any REAL change anywhere-- whether it's the type you want to see, or the type I want to see. None of us will get our way when we keep believing that the morons, or "MORANS" :) are automatically assumed to be the leaders of any movement that is pushing for equality.

    Whenever I speak in defense of this movement, I speak from my personal experiences with it from actually being there a few times. I haven't been to all of them, nor could I be for all of them, so I can't speak for all of them.

    I consider myself, as far as classic definitions go to be a Libertarian / Conservative / Ron Paul Republican / and yes, even a Tea Party person-- but I prefer to have no label, since all of these labels mean far too many things to different people (I share almost nothing in common with Hannity or O'Reilly principally, yet we're all Conservatives?). I just want freedom and fairness by strict adherence to simple principles as stated in the Constitution. Everyone should. WE THE PEOPLE have nothing to lose by advocating this system of rule, and by pushing for more people to want it.

    I have met many like-minded people that feel as I do, who are able to speak their peace eloquently, and who share in this current movement against big government in favor of individual liberty and personal responsibility. Some people have just woken up to the fact that we're being robbed of our liberty everyday-- and just like people who have literally just woken up from sleep, they're groggy, incoherent, and saying somethings that don't always make sense. The anger and frustration is very real though, and given some time spent educating themselves, brushing up on their history, and ditching party lines for objectivity, the ineloquent members of any movement will either lose interest, or will transform themselves to better educate others. Ideas go through the same "survival of the fittest" natural selection that species do.

    It's like good music, my man. Dig a little bit and that's where you'll find most of the gems. Turn on MSNBC or Fox, and you'll find what's being called "the mainstream," and it's almost always CRAP. Once in a while, someone or some group can be both uber-mainstream, but still talented, principled, and awesome. It kind of reminds me of this one band that I love :D
    good post vinny. i have a lot of respect for you and your posts. now if maybe 3 or 4 more people on your side were this articulate we might be able to have a serious worthwhile debate. :thumbup:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    How about you make a valid point and respond to why as of January 2009 it became such a pressing issue. Newsflash, Ron Paul didn't have that big of an impact to let it spread like this.

    Look I know where you're trying to take this. You are trying to make this into a racial issue. Sure ther are some people that don't like Obama b/c he's black,but that's not the reason. It's Healthcare, Un-employment,more out of control spending and the Majority of the country don't want to see this country move to the far left and thats what Obama and his administration want to do. I could keep going ,but I have to go to work.

    I have no interest in it being a racial thing? Why? Because it isn't a racial issue. It's strictly political. The President was not even given a fair shake before this whole tea party movement. How has Obama moved to the "far left"? Is it the single payer health care system? The closing of Gitmo? Bringing the boys home from Iraq and Afghanistan? Abolishing "don't ask, don't tell"? All the gay marriages that are legal now?
  • it IS treason when government officials are inciting people to rise up in revolution and threaten their elected officials that disagree with her. this is something that NEVER happened during the war protests, elected officials did not openly support the protestors or encourage them to threaten or do violence to their elected officials. they tucked their tails and ran the other way. how do i know? i was there.... threatening violence to elected officials at the behest of other opposing elected officials is TREASON. bachmann told these nutjobs to go into their representative's offices and ambush them. this is not civil disobedience, but it is threatening the government, which is a big difference from a legal demonstration, rally, or "press conference". it is far beyond that now.

    Man you are so full of it . She never said that. and Nobody threatended anybody and what about Michel Moore he wanted people to storm the white house and remove bush if he wasn't impeached. I guess you forgot about that. and by the way. We own those buildings and we have every right to go in the hall and question our congressmen. What this administration is doing is treason
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    edited November 2009
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    I have tried to explain this before and will not answer the "where were you when Bush was President?" again.....if this movement started then would you understand it better?
    if so, why?......all I will say to that question for now on is "better late than never"!
    Post edited by aerial on
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    What this administration is doing is treason

    ..and that is??? making sure everyone can see a doctor if they're sick?
  • So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    this is the question i've been asking of the tea party folks since they sprang out of nowhere in the first place. not one has ever given me an answer. this is not a grass roots constitutional movement, it's a partisan movement planned and fueled entirely by opposition to obama and obama only. they did the same to clinton. even moderate dems are incredibly reviled by the right... they refuse to give them a fair shake, actively attempt to sabotage all they do, and then play the victim when america resoundingly rejects their bullshit. biggest bunch of opportunistic whining sore losers i ever saw.
    my thought exactly SS. i have been asking these same questions since the townhall thread months ago.

    The movement of spirited, principled, and intelligent Conservatives DID exist during the Bush years, again, with little to no media attention. We didn't gain any REAL leadership or face for our movement until Ron Paul decided to run for president, who again, was blacked out by the media.

    I've said it before. There is credit to be given to Obama. Everyone realized that trying to convince W. of anything was like talking to a brick wall. Even if he was threatened, the guy was too obstintate or dumb, or whatever he really is to budge. Bush never promised change. Obama has, and he does seem like a guy more open to it than the last guy.

    The fact is, whether you like it or not, whether you think Libertarian-Conservatives are IDIOTS or not, the movement IS gaining momentum, and IS simulataneously being hijacked by Neo-Cons trying to sabotage it. If liberals want to experience the least amount of undesired results from this movement gaining ground, it'd be best that they focused on the REAL leaders of this movement, who stand for the same social changes that they do, gave them time on the air, and just maybe they would help us CRUSH the neo-con philosophy that WE ALL ABHOR. Aren't Libertarian-Conservatives "the lesser of two evils" to true liberals? Why not help support those of us who simply have different ideas, but at least adhere to some standards? I have no problem supporting true Blue-Dog Democrats-- after all, we aren't really all that different!
  • good post vinny. i have a lot of respect for you and your posts. now if maybe 3 or 4 more people on your side were this articulate we might be able to have a serious worthwhile debate.

    Oh so what just because Im not as articulate as some one im not worth listening to, Im not worthy of having an opinion ? You got some nerve.. :x
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    How about you make a valid point and respond to why as of January 2009 it became such a pressing issue. Newsflash, Ron Paul didn't have that big of an impact to let it spread like this.

    Look I know where you're trying to take this. You are trying to make this into a racial issue. Sure ther are some people that don't like Obama b/c he's black,but that's not the reason. It's Healthcare, Un-employment,more out of control spending and the Majority of the country don't want to see this country move to the far left and thats what Obama and his administration want to do. I could keep going ,but I have to go to work.

    no, we're pointing out that this is a partisan issue. though the one tea party i attended did feature a guy screaming at a female black news reporter that he hated his fucking nigger president. still, the point is this is all about anti-democratic/obama sentiment. the policies being protested now existed under bush too and none of you people gave a flying fuck when it was "your" guy doing it.
  • aerial wrote:
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    I have tried to explain this before and will not answer the "where were you when Bush was President?" again.....if this movement started then would understand it better?
    if so, why?......all I will say to that question for now on is "better late than never"!

    Because you lose all credibility when it appears to be strictly partisan. All this shit that you are rallying against went on for 8 years with the last administration. Eight years! How can you say it isn't partisan when the Republican is in fucking shit up and you are totally quiet, yet when the Dem gets sworn in it is the largest issue you could ever imagine and you want your country back?
  • good post vinny. i have a lot of respect for you and your posts. now if maybe 3 or 4 more people on your side were this articulate we might be able to have a serious worthwhile debate. :thumbup:

    Thanks, boss.
    They're out there! They just need to organize their thoughts and refine themselves... Or start listening to Pearl Jam!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    did you see how the dumbass john boehner read from what he called "the preamble of the constitution yesterday?" that idiot does not even know that there is no preamble to the constitution and what he read was part of what you posted from the declaration of independence. when the minority leader of the house can not even keep from confusing these two distinctly different documents, and nobody in attendance caught it, it says a lot about the intelligence of the people involved with this "movement"...i will try to find the video and post it.

    You know gimmie you really say some stupid things sometimes and this is a perfect example. How do you know no one caught it? Were you there? Of course not..So the man mis-spoke. Im sorry he's not perfect like your boy Obama. ATt least he didn't say he had been to 57 states like Obama did when he was on the campaign trail. You and a few others can make fun of us all you want. All it does is show your hypocrisy when it comes to freedom of speech and how immature you really are. Let me educate you. The silent majority is silent no more. Were awake we are good souls, we believe in the constitution,the declaration of Independence,and The Bill of Rights.Conservatism is on the ascendency. This weeks elections have sent shock waves through this administration and the halls of congress even though they pretend not to notice us and they do so at their own political risk.
    Our ranks continue to grow and our resolve continues to harden. and those who insist on not listening to the people, We the people. They will fall into the political abyss next November just as Corzine and Deeds did.

    based on the quality and intelligence of the speakers at this rally i can only assume that nobody caught it. followers tend to follow the smartest one in the room or the sharpest knife in the drawer. the scary thing is that boehner and bachmann actually have people following them because they are both stupider than a box of hammers...he did not MISSPEAK. he had a copy of the constitution in his hand to read from and he did not read from it so he quoted the wrong document. would you have caught it? did you even watch the video?? most likely not. i would think that saying 57 states is no worse mistake that confusing THE TWO MOSTIMPORTANT DOCUMENTS IN OUR HISTORY... obamas was a slip of the tongue, boehner had days to prepare for his speech at this rally and he still messed it up...

    i have no hypocracy when it comes to freedom of speech. if you would refer to your copy of the bill of rights, inciting violence against the government or elected officials is not covered speech. i am the immature one? htat is funny lol...

    where is this silent majority you speak of? if yo uare referencing the loss of two governorship this last election it does not matter. i would have voted against deeds and corzine. what about new york gop losing the 23rd district to the dems, who have not held that seat in more than 150 years. the "silent majority" is not rising, or else they would have swpet mccain in to office in 2008.

    i just re-read your should have pulled a william wallace and said "they will never take our freedom!!" it would have been a nice touch... ;)
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Jeanwah wrote:
    FiveB247x wrote:
    At what point?

    At what point will we look around and be so fed up with the nation around us that we are serious about fixing the problems that continually haunt us?

    When it's too late. That said, I do have hope, but I've lost hope in this country. Blast me if you want, but too many people don't want to deal with big issues, the majority doesn't want to deal, they want to work, come home and watch tv. We've become lazy, and that's why nothing will happen until it's too late. For this country anyway. Same with climate change. Too many don't think it's cause for worry. Well, it will be when we start losing our coasts dramatically.

    what's wrong with living ones life as one sees fit...? why is this suddenly a bad thing...? are there problems in the world...hell yeah...I'd be willing to bet each and every one on this board has their own issue to deal with...for me, I accept the world is not a perfect place and don't ever think it will be...

    with that said, I have great hope for this country...I think it's fantastic that folks speak out and protest, even the teaparty crowd...that is their one was hurt yesterday when a few hundred show up to botch the Pledge of Allegiance...I see that as a good thing....

    hey, you want to worry about the ills of the world, so be it....I support that....I also support those who just live life as they see fit...
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    aerial wrote:
    So perfect and aerial...if this is a grassroots American non-partisan uprising...why did it take off after January 2009? Where were these people with Medicare Part D, turning the largest surplus into the largest defitcit, and the trampling the Bush administration did on the Constitution you all love to carry in your pockets? Where were you then? Where were you when the Bush admin bailed out the banks on Wall Street. There were no massive protests there. There were no signs claiming expanding Medicare to Nazi Germany. Don't say it's been brewing for a while, we both know that is bullshit. Why did it all change in January of 2009?

    I have tried to explain this before and will not answer the "where were you when Bush was President?" again.....if this movement started then would understand it better?
    if so, why?......all I will say to that question for now on is "better late than never"!

    yes, i would. becos then i would have some reason to believe this is about the issues, not just a cloak to present the same old bullshit republican policies this country rejected in 08 and return to business as usual. all you want to see is obama gone. palin could be elected tomorrow and adopt every majoy position obama has now and you would all disappear and stop talking about socialism and praise palin for thinking about the common man. this isnt about the issues, it's about gaining validation for the redneck version of republicanism.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    it IS treason when government officials are inciting people to rise up in revolution and threaten their elected officials that disagree with her. this is something that NEVER happened during the war protests, elected officials did not openly support the protestors or encourage them to threaten or do violence to their elected officials. they tucked their tails and ran the other way. how do i know? i was there.... threatening violence to elected officials at the behest of other opposing elected officials is TREASON. bachmann told these nutjobs to go into their representative's offices and ambush them. this is not civil disobedience, but it is threatening the government, which is a big difference from a legal demonstration, rally, or "press conference". it is far beyond that now.

    Man you are so full of it . She never said that. and Nobody threatended anybody and what about Michel Moore he wanted people to storm the white house and remove bush if he wasn't impeached. I guess you forgot about that. and by the way. We own those buildings and we have every right to go in the hall and question our congressmen. What this administration is doing is treason
    questioning and mob like threatening are two entirely different things.

    erm....question for can this administration commit treason against itself?

    please explain that one to me my good man.....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    this thread is a great example of how the powers that be have managed to pit side against side - sorry FiveB ... the empire will not crumble until people start seeing the same things for what they are ...
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