Kat, Sea, 10C - can there PLEASE be a limit on buying merch?

I'm talking about the city-specific shirts and posters.
It makes me sick to my stomach seeing people buy 10 of the same shirt with the obvious intention to put 9 (or maybe all 10) up on eBay. It fucks over the fans and it's a big fuck you to the band who obviously does their best to prevent scalping.
I know there have been one-per-person policies on buying specific merchandise at shows in the past -- can we PLEASE have that again?
Thank you.
PS - Please bump this up if you agree with me.
It makes me sick to my stomach seeing people buy 10 of the same shirt with the obvious intention to put 9 (or maybe all 10) up on eBay. It fucks over the fans and it's a big fuck you to the band who obviously does their best to prevent scalping.
I know there have been one-per-person policies on buying specific merchandise at shows in the past -- can we PLEASE have that again?
Thank you.
PS - Please bump this up if you agree with me.
Everything has chains...Absolutely nothing's changed. - PJ
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
Post edited by Unknown User on
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
This is the same with poster's. But again, money talks. If you're by the table, with 500 bucks in your hand, and you want something, and there's no limit, it's your birthday. Spend, baby, spend!
Probably the 2010 tour, like what Santos layed down here with the preorder's of Posters; I hope he kicks out the jam & bring the preorder on these shirts for each city things.
Yeah, I know Kat/Sea can't do anything about this -- but I figure they are the most likely people here to bring their concerns to the 10C. That is, if enough people care.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
The Cubs shirt I wanted, which I was willing to spend $35 on (which is a lot for a t-shirt), sold on eBay for well over $200.
Sorry for the rant, but I feel strongly on the subject. I think the limit of 1 per person on merch should be STRICTLY enforced.
Some people were putting the blame on people paying the money on ebay, not on the people out to make a quick $.
If they limit one per fan that will help, or if they just make more shirts.
Not sure why they make limited quantities?
as far as the issue of blaming the buyers or the sellers, I am torn.
yeah, the guys buying 20 limited edition shirts (as they did at LA2) are bottom dwelling scumbags for sure.
however, if there is no buyer, there is no market.
I've got a great silk screener. I have a mind to make a bunch of knockoffs and flood ebay with them for cheap.
that's kind of like punishing the buyer, but you know what they say...
You doing worse than the shirt flippers is somehow making this situation better?
Shit, if you went to a show, and someone bought all the merch before you had a chance to even see the merch table.. you wouldn't be tempted to try to buy some? What if it were your first show? The time of your life? It's not all the buyers fault, sure, they kinda make the economy, but flipping ripped off t-shirts is way worse (to me, anyways).
I know what I'm trying to say, just not sure if it's getting out the way I want.
Limit 1 per person, please.
the philly shows ARE GOING TO GET OUT OF CONTROL... i can see it now with all the hype WE are adding
i see fights happening ... and people buying them.. walking away from the table and yelling TSHIRT FOR SALE $200
seriously, who in their right mind would pay $200 for a t-shirt anyway
no buyers=no market for the sellers
and I dont buy stuff at shows Im there to see they band and have a good time without worrying about STUFF
if the 10c happens to sell posters or t-shirts later on, great.
the only solution is if the 10c were to manage a table at the ticket window-but then it might take longer to get your tickets
I went to Chicago, and I missed getting a Cubs shirt. It sucked, but life went on. I still have my memories, poster, pics I took, and bootleg cd to remember the show. I went to Seattle, got (2) Seahawks shirts. I was hoping to trade one for a Cubs shirt. Didn't happen, so I got an SLC poster for it. I'm going to Philly, and I had a friend ask me to pick him up a shirt. I couldn't get a shirt for someone who is a die hard PJ, and Philly sports fan if there was a limit. Here's my thought.... If you want the merchandise that badly, then get in line early enough to get it. I had to leave the restaurant I was at in Seattle to get in line early, and made my friend that had no interest in it come with. It's the nature of the beast, this has been going on for years with the posters. People buy them, and flip them on ebay.
10C does enough for the fan club members, and has a ton of stuff going on and to deal with. I'm sure that t-shirts are their last thought. While the idea of a (1) shirt per person limit would be ok, they still only have like (1) box of these shirts at the show, so even with a limit, there's a REALLY good chance that they'd still sell out super fast, and odds are, people are still going to try to make some money on ebay. It happens.
If you are at the show and want the shirt that bad, leave the bar and get in line.
2000: Cincinnati, Columbus
2003: Cleveland, Columbus
2004: Toledo
2006: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Gorge Night 1
2008: Washington D.C.
2009: Chicago Night 1, Seattle Night 1, Philadelphia Night 3, Philadelphia Night 4
2010: Columbus, Indianapolis, Cleveland
2011: Detroit EV, Chicago 1 EV
2012: Atlanta
2013: Chicago, Pittsburgh
2014: Cincinnati
I was in line, in fact third in line!!! people were shady in front of me!!!!
i got assed out because of that crap..
read my post in this thread!!!
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
Actually, the solution would be to tell the workers at the merch tables to limit each customer to one shirt. It's not that hard. Tons of bands do it, and PJ has done it before. You're making this seem a lot harder than it really is.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
This is a merch cash cow for pj if they want it to be. I would expect a concern might be excess inventory, but my idea eliminates that possibility.
Once the tour is over and things get quiet for a couple months (dec-Jan), why not have an open time window to order each of these shirts- say 2 weeks. All 10c can order. After 2 weeks take them down from the web and place the orders based on actual orders, for all cities. Some will sell more than others, but everyone can get one, 10c doesn't get stuck with tons of extras, scalpers are out of luck, and thousands of fans are happy by paying original cost and getting what they want. 10c could make a bundle. Risk of excess inventory is controlled and minimized while profit is maximized.
It may be the nature of the beast, but that doesn't mean that people should just accept it. I am surprised that anyone who listens to Pearl Jam's music would imply that.
I don't mind making the shirts limited. I would be okay with not getting a shirt if I simply was outdone by a bunch of fans buying one shirt for them to wear. What's not right is not getting a shirt because some greedy fuckers decide that they are going to buy them all so that they can profit off the band. I can't imagine the band would be okay with that either.
I wasn't at a bar. I got to the show over an hour before the opening band went on. I left for the venue immediately after work without even stopping to go home so that I could buy some merchandise and enjoy Ben Harper. I stood in line. That didn't help the fact that people got there before me and bought (and were allowed to be) armfuls of shirts to scalp. I saw groups of guys split up, go to separate booths, buy a bunch of shirts, then run to the booth where there buddy was still was to cut in line and buy more.
Sorry, I don't see how anyone could just accept that as "the nature of the beast."
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
Print a bunch of shirts and sell them at this website.
This way you punish the dufuses that wil spend 200 bucks for a 35 dollar t-shirt and that market will dry up.
Next time 'round... the people who buy 10 shirts at the gigs will have to either have to eat the shirts... or sell them at a loss.
Hail, Hail!!!
Look man, I was bummed I didn't get a Chicago shirt. I was more bummed when it went for 500 bucks on ebay. But I am not entitled to a shirt at the show. If they sell out of a limited shirt, then they sell out. Life goes on, those things happen. I'm not sure why a Pearl Jam fan shouldn't be ok with the way things are. I am a fan of a band who sells shirts at their shows. Just because of that doesn't mean I am guaranteed one at every show I go to. I go to the shows for the music, and if I get a shirt, then it's an added bonus.
As far as greedy fuckers buying all of them up to make a profit, I understand, as I'm not a fan of it. Maybe I make less of a deal out of it because I'm used to seeing people drive the market up on things. If you think this is ridiculous for a shirt, check out Ohio state football tickets online sometime. I live in Columbus, and it's a joke for what people want to go to a game. Honestly man, it sucks, but as long as someone is willing to shell out 500 bucks for a shirt, it's going to keep happening. The merch booths used to limit posters to one per person, and flippers/scalpers still got people to buy them extra posters, and they still flipped them. So yes, it's the nature of the beast, and even with a 1 per person limit, it's not going to stop it.
2000: Cincinnati, Columbus
2003: Cleveland, Columbus
2004: Toledo
2006: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Gorge Night 1
2008: Washington D.C.
2009: Chicago Night 1, Seattle Night 1, Philadelphia Night 3, Philadelphia Night 4
2010: Columbus, Indianapolis, Cleveland
2011: Detroit EV, Chicago 1 EV
2012: Atlanta
2013: Chicago, Pittsburgh
2014: Cincinnati
If there is more available that alone will stop people from buying 10 or more at a time.
It is ironic that a "club" which is against selling anything over face value, creates an after market for products which they limit in the first place.
is that exactly what I thought I read."
I completely agree with you on all points!
I did want a lakers shirt, obviously I didn't get one. I was bummed. I did have the time of my life!
as for my idea, you'd laugh if you knew how lazy i am.
I was just saying that If I made a shirt of equal quality that looked exactly the same, I made no profit and I actually took away the profit of people trying to stick it to PJ fans, that's a negative somehow?
frankly the whole t shirt thing is ridiculous. you think they will be worth anything after 10 years like posters?
Bottom line, don't buy them on e bay and people won't buy 20 of them in the merch line.
This is the solution.
Hail, Hail!!!
2003-6/1, 10/25
2005-8/29, 9/4
2006-7/2, 7/22, 7/23
2008-4/15(EV solo)
2009-9/21, 9/22, 9/28
2011-9/3, 9/4
2013-7/19, 11/30
P.S. - who's got $100+ for a t-shirt these days? Or any day for that matter?!?!
Make the next 2 L.A. shirts the Clippers and the Sparks.
No one wants those.
Hail, Hail!!!