The ONLY thing I don't love about BS....



  • Eddie Veddar is a feeling/thinking man
    he sees this world and himself very clearly
    Things bug him, frustrate him, sadden him, challenge him
    they also make him happy, encouraged, invigorated, re-vitalized
    This is a man who is both burdened and liberated simultaneuosly
    by what he sees and feels - by paying attention to his experiences
    Writing, music and art in general, are a vital gift to him in his eyes
    and he utilizes these forms of higher consciousness as relief, release
    and as a service to his fellow human beings and he is fuckin' grateful
    for this awesome vehicle of keeps him here
    His relationship with words, music, people and life
    are stated in the art he presents to us in a way that
    comes directly from his heart
    The heart in all of us knows no bullshit; it is genuine and sincere with
    every miraculous life-giving palpitation in both one's chest and mind
    Mr. Veddar knows this and it is a principle that he has
    made a consciously active part of him
    We can hear this in his messages in the form
    of musical lyrics and melodies
    As a writer, Ed knows that he is merely a conduit for ideas
    and his ego is humbled by that fact, allowing him to convey
    them in as un-jaded a way as possible
    It is his hope (to me anyway) that those of us
    who choose to listen
    Will be awakened to our own personal power and to
    acknowledge the paradox and shear beauty within both ourselves
    and the external, physical world that we currently inhabit
    That last sentiment is God, The Great Spirit, Buddha, Jah, Allah, The Force
    The Universe - assign whatever title one wants to it
    there is an omnipotent "Power" at work even an atheist cannot deny
    and we all encapsulate it and live within its flow
    Eddie Veddar is an existentialist and a philosopher and
    he informs us that we all are as well
    Listen and be thankful for who you are and what you have
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