Ed wrote music for a grand total of 7 songs over the first 3 albums (porch, rvm, elderly woman, corduroy, not for you, immortality, betterman). 7 out of 33 songs. He has 5 out of the 11 songs on this album. On those first 3 albums, Stone wrote 8 of the Ten songs on his own and at least half of the rest of VS-Vitalogy... so 19 out of 33 we'll say. This album, he has I believe ONE song he wrote himself, and maybe 2 other co-writer credits (not coincidentally, it's the best song on the album). On the last album, Ed wrote music for... 4-5 songs? Stone had... 2? 3?
You say I'm delusional? You're right, the distribution of song-writing duties hasn't changed AT ALL over the years :roll: PJ is Ed's baby now, and Stone may be ok with that, but I'm not. His was always the most interesting music. And it's annoying when you have people that talented going to waste. Ed did an entire solo album, and still sticks 3 more songs just like the ones from his solo album onto BS, while Stone had his solo album shelved (so clearly, he had material) and can't get more than one song on this album? You don't believe that any more than I do.
I don't know how they pick the songs, but I don't think anyone would disagree that they suck at it. The proof of that is the songs left off Binaural and Riot Act, which are largely far better than any of the songs actually on those albums. Even the band has admitted that. I know they said they tried to get away from that this time, but I don't think it worked. Sue me.
I don't mean this quite as shittily as it's going to come out, but why are you still around then? The band has been "Ed's baby" since Vitalogy. It's been damn near 15 years. At some point, it seems you'd realize Ten/Vs.-era Pearl Jam isn't coming back. Why are you still here?
See I love the first three STP albums. Love them, love them, love them. I still consider Purple to be one of the best pieces of music of all time. The fourth and fifth albums didn't do much for me. Surprisingly, however, I didn't go on the STP website and bitch about it. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on to other bands.
Hail Hail Slight of Jeff!!
Toledo '96, Cleveland '98, Columbus '00, Cleveland '03, Toledo '04
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
furthermore.....this issue of no bass lines? do any of you know what a bass line is? are you listening with earbuds or in front of a computer (bass response is bad with both those mediums). wtf? i gotta get off of this board and go to the gearheads page where at lease 20-30% of the people know what the hell they're talking about.
Mostly in my car and on high end headphones and a decent stereo. But I'll admit I'm not a gearhead. What I am is a dude that loves hearing Even Flow live because I can shake my ass during that song, or pump fists during alive, or sway with my arms around my gf to some of the ballads. Tell, what body movements can you make during a song like Johnny Guitar? Maybe a little of those air guitar strums, or Ed's acid-infused hand motions? Let's face it, they're trying to do punk now... head banging for a few seconds, then a few seconds to stand stock still and listen to the 'fuck the man' lyrics, then back to head banging with some arm wind-milling. Gone are the days of PJ writing a song that can get a whole arena on the same page for singing along or dancing or anything like that.
So your idea of a good song is "it has a good beat and I can dance to it." That explains a lot
Bet you loooooove the new Beyonce song.
If you wanna simplify it, sure. For a white guy, I like to get down. Give me something I can jam to.
Ed wrote music for a grand total of 7 songs over the first 3 albums (porch, rvm, elderly woman, corduroy, not for you, immortality, betterman). 7 out of 33 songs. He has 5 out of the 11 songs on this album. On those first 3 albums, Stone wrote 8 of the Ten songs on his own and at least half of the rest of VS-Vitalogy... so 19 out of 33 we'll say. This album, he has I believe ONE song he wrote himself, and maybe 2 other co-writer credits (not coincidentally, it's the best song on the album). On the last album, Ed wrote music for... 4-5 songs? Stone had... 2? 3?
You say I'm delusional? You're right, the distribution of song-writing duties hasn't changed AT ALL over the years :roll: PJ is Ed's baby now, and Stone may be ok with that, but I'm not. His was always the most interesting music. And it's annoying when you have people that talented going to waste. Ed did an entire solo album, and still sticks 3 more songs just like the ones from his solo album onto BS, while Stone had his solo album shelved (so clearly, he had material) and can't get more than one song on this album? You don't believe that any more than I do.
I don't know how they pick the songs, but I don't think anyone would disagree that they suck at it. The proof of that is the songs left off Binaural and Riot Act, which are largely far better than any of the songs actually on those albums. Even the band has admitted that. I know they said they tried to get away from that this time, but I don't think it worked. Sue me.
I don't mean this quite as shittily as it's going to come out, but why are you still around then? The band has been "Ed's baby" since Vitalogy. It's been damn near 15 years. At some point, it seems you'd realize Ten/Vs.-era Pearl Jam isn't coming back. Why are you still here?
See I love the first three STP albums. Love them, love them, love them. I still consider Purple to be one of the best pieces of music of all time. The fourth and fifth albums didn't do much for me. Surprisingly, however, I didn't go on the STP website and bitch about it. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on to other bands.
I dunno, I keep hoping one day they'll do what they're capable of and get back to their strengths. I see flashes of it now and again... like the breakdown in Supersonic, or Amongst the Waves. The jams at the end of Unthought Known and Force of Nature... they keep coming close. I keep hoping. Maybe I'm an idiot for it, but this band meant a lot to me and I keep rooting for them. Like how I stuck with the Detroit Tigers through the worst decade in baseball, and one day it paid off and they made the playoffs again But I have moved on in many ways. I rarely listen to PJ, I sold Riot Act because it was weak. I listen to tons of new bands daily, more so than PJ by far.
I stick around here because the Moving Train is addictive, I get good tips from Other Music, it's a great way to waste free time, and I already bought the damn membership so why not? Don't worry though, I won't be long. My membership has lapsed and I don't intend to renew it. I'll still give them a listen when they have new stuff, I love seeing them live, I love their middle albums. Hell, I don't even hate the new stuff, I just know they can and have done better. But I do think the passion I felt has waned, maybe more so because I've tried to force it for so long. I'll always love Ten-Binaural, but the last 3 have convinced me that the band is set on moving in directions I'm not a big fan of, so it might be time for me to cut my losses.
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Ed wrote music for a grand total of 7 songs over the first 3 albums (porch, rvm, elderly woman, corduroy, not for you, immortality, betterman). 7 out of 33 songs. He has 5 out of the 11 songs on this album. On those first 3 albums, Stone wrote 8 of the Ten songs on his own and at least half of the rest of VS-Vitalogy... so 19 out of 33 we'll say. This album, he has I believe ONE song he wrote himself, and maybe 2 other co-writer credits (not coincidentally, it's the best song on the album). On the last album, Ed wrote music for... 4-5 songs? Stone had... 2? 3?
You say I'm delusional? You're right, the distribution of song-writing duties hasn't changed AT ALL over the years :roll: PJ is Ed's baby now, and Stone may be ok with that, but I'm not. His was always the most interesting music. And it's annoying when you have people that talented going to waste. Ed did an entire solo album, and still sticks 3 more songs just like the ones from his solo album onto BS, while Stone had his solo album shelved (so clearly, he had material) and can't get more than one song on this album? You don't believe that any more than I do.
I don't know how they pick the songs, but I don't think anyone would disagree that they suck at it. The proof of that is the songs left off Binaural and Riot Act, which are largely far better than any of the songs actually on those albums. Even the band has admitted that. I know they said they tried to get away from that this time, but I don't think it worked. Sue me.
I don't mean this quite as shittily as it's going to come out, but why are you still around then? The band has been "Ed's baby" since Vitalogy. It's been damn near 15 years. At some point, it seems you'd realize Ten/Vs.-era Pearl Jam isn't coming back. Why are you still here?
See I love the first three STP albums. Love them, love them, love them. I still consider Purple to be one of the best pieces of music of all time. The fourth and fifth albums didn't do much for me. Surprisingly, however, I didn't go on the STP website and bitch about it. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on to other bands.
I dunno, I keep hoping one day they'll do what they're capable of and get back to their strengths. I see flashes of it now and again... like the breakdown in Supersonic, or Amongst the Waves. The jams at the end of Unthought Known and Force of Nature... they keep coming close. I keep hoping. Maybe I'm an idiot for it, but this band meant a lot to me and I keep rooting for them. Like how I stuck with the Detroit Tigers through the worst decade in baseball, and one day it paid off and they made the playoffs again But I have moved on in many ways. I rarely listen to PJ, I sold Riot Act because it was weak. I listen to tons of new bands daily, more so than PJ by far.
I stick around here because the Moving Train is addictive, I get good tips from Other Music, it's a great way to waste free time, and I already bought the damn membership so why not? Don't worry though, I won't be long. My membership has lapsed and I don't intend to renew it. I'll still give them a listen when they have new stuff, I love seeing them live, I love their middle albums. Hell, I don't even hate the new stuff, I just know they can and have done better.
And now it makes sense. You arent really a PJ fan anymore if you're selling your PJ records. You're just here to piss real fans off.
Toledo '96, Cleveland '98, Columbus '00, Cleveland '03, Toledo '04
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
I dunno, I keep hoping one day they'll do what they're capable of and get back to their strengths. I see flashes of it now and again... like the breakdown in Supersonic, or Amongst the Waves. The jams at the end of Unthought Known and Force of Nature... they keep coming close. I keep hoping. Maybe I'm an idiot for it, but this band meant a lot to me and I keep rooting for them. Like how I stuck with the Detroit Tigers through the worst decade in baseball, and one day it paid off and they made the playoffs again But I have moved on in many ways. I rarely listen to PJ, I sold Riot Act because it was weak. I listen to tons of new bands daily, more so than PJ by far.
I stick around here because the Moving Train is addictive, I get good tips from Other Music, it's a great way to waste free time, and I already bought the damn membership so why not? Don't worry though, I won't be long. My membership has lapsed and I don't intend to renew it. I'll still give them a listen when they have new stuff, I love seeing them live, I love their middle albums. Hell, I don't even hate the new stuff, I just know they can and have done better.
And now it makes sense. You arent really a PJ fan anymore if you're selling your PJ records. You're just here to piss real fans off.
No, I'm not a fan of their new stuff. I've been devoted to this band for over 10 years. I somehow doubt getting rid of one album means I'm not a fan. Do you have every album by every band you ever liked? I can't think of a single band whose entire catalogue I own. PJ comes closer than anyone to that distinction.
I'm not trying to piss people off. I often hope someone will catch something I missed and it'll change my mind about their recent material.
I dunno, I keep hoping one day they'll do what they're capable of and get back to their strengths. I see flashes of it now and again... like the breakdown in Supersonic, or Amongst the Waves. The jams at the end of Unthought Known and Force of Nature... they keep coming close. I keep hoping. Maybe I'm an idiot for it, but this band meant a lot to me and I keep rooting for them. Like how I stuck with the Detroit Tigers through the worst decade in baseball, and one day it paid off and they made the playoffs again But I have moved on in many ways. I rarely listen to PJ, I sold Riot Act because it was weak. I listen to tons of new bands daily, more so than PJ by far.
I stick around here because the Moving Train is addictive, I get good tips from Other Music, it's a great way to waste free time, and I already bought the damn membership so why not? Don't worry though, I won't be long. My membership has lapsed and I don't intend to renew it. I'll still give them a listen when they have new stuff, I love seeing them live, I love their middle albums. Hell, I don't even hate the new stuff, I just know they can and have done better.
And now it makes sense. You arent really a PJ fan anymore if you're selling your PJ records. You're just here to piss real fans off.
No, I'm not a fan of their new stuff. I've been devoted to this band for over 10 years. I somehow doubt getting rid of one album means I'm not a fan. Do you have every album by every band you ever liked? I can't think of a single band whose entire catalogue I own. PJ comes closer than anyone to that distinction.
I'm not trying to piss people off. I often hope someone will catch something I missed and it'll change my mind about their recent material.
I have the entire PJ catalog minus a handful of boots. I have the entire Neil Young catalog, the entire Beatles catalog, the entire Stooges catalog, the entire George Harrison catalog, the entire John Lennon catalog....need I go on?
Toledo '96, Cleveland '98, Columbus '00, Cleveland '03, Toledo '04
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
And now it makes sense. You arent really a PJ fan anymore if you're selling your PJ records. You're just here to piss real fans off.
No, I'm not a fan of their new stuff. I've been devoted to this band for over 10 years. I somehow doubt getting rid of one album means I'm not a fan. Do you have every album by every band you ever liked? I can't think of a single band whose entire catalogue I own. PJ comes closer than anyone to that distinction.
I'm not trying to piss people off. I often hope someone will catch something I missed and it'll change my mind about their recent material.
I have the entire PJ catalog minus a handful of boots. I have the entire Neil Young catalog, the entire Beatles catalog, the entire Stooges catalog, the entire George Harrison catalog, the entire John Lennon catalog....need I go on?
By all means, you can type whatever you need to "prove" you're a bigger, more real music fan than me. Don't let me stop you. I have most of PJ, Tragically Hip, Wilco, the best albums by the Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, etc... but why the hell would I need a copy of Arc? Do you like Arc? Do you throw it on often to remind yourself how much it/Neil kicks ass? Or do you just have it for the sake of completion and so that you can say to people like me that "I'm for real because I even pretend to think Arc is a great album"?
Why would I buy albums I don't want to listen to? Why would I play 'With the Beatles" when I could put on Abbey Road, or even Help/Hard Day's Night/Please Please Me if I want some light Beatles pop?
?[/quote]I'm not trying to piss people off. I often hope someone will catch something I missed and it'll change my mind about their recent material.[/quote]
I have the entire PJ catalog minus a handful of boots. I have the entire Neil Young catalog, the entire Beatles catalog, the entire Stooges catalog, the entire George Harrison catalog, the entire John Lennon catalog....need I go on?[/quote]
By all means, you can type whatever you need to "prove" you're a bigger, more real music fan than me. Don't let me stop you. I have most of PJ, Tragically Hip, Wilco, the best albums by the Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, etc... but why the hell would I need a copy of Arc? Do you like Arc? Do you throw it on often to remind yourself how much it/Neil kicks ass? Or do you just have it for the sake of completion and so that you can say to people like me that "I'm for real because I even pretend to think Arc is a great album"?
Why would I buy albums I don't want to listen to? Why would I play 'With the Beatles" when I could put on Abbey Road, or even Help/Hard Day's Night/Please Please Me if I want some light Beatles pop?[/quote]
Actually I've always said that when I meet Neil I'd insist he owes me $10 for Arc. Not the point. You're the one here hating.
Toledo '96, Cleveland '98, Columbus '00, Cleveland '03, Toledo '04
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
So there is, definitely, a change in Pearl Jam's sound. The band has admitted it, fans have noticed it. Older bandmates now. More mature, smoothed out. And yet, there music still rivets us in different ways.
Funny thing about it? Stone and Ed and Ament have all said at various times, and repeatedly, that what happened with the songs on Ten and Vs. was 'magical', that, yeah, these songs came together quickly and greatly, but they never felt like they were writing music, that it felt like they weren't trying to actually write music until Vitalogy, and then dove into that aspect hard afterward, going on to No Code and Yield with the layers and textures, etc, etc.
Therein lies the immediate brilliance that resulted from the convergence of Stone/Ament and Ed and the others in the beginning. Magic.
Now? No, of course not. Band has been around the block a few times. They're older. They strive NOT to sound like 'old' pearl Jam. They want to evolve and morph and try new stuff.
That they still captivate as many fans as they do with this music and sell 750,000+ albums per release at a time when the Internet has utterly destroyed traditional cd/record sales, says something.
1998: East Troy2; East Lansing
2000: Noblesville; Auburn Hills; Chicago
2003: East Troy; Clarkston1
2004: Toledo; Grand Rapids
2006: Grand Rapids; Auburn Hills
2009: Chicago
2010: Columbus
2011: East Troy (PJ20), both
2013: Wrigley Field
2014: Detroit
can we lock this thread? i guarantee the office at pitchfork is howling over what direction it's gone.
Those undecided,........ Needn't have faith to be free
And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently
I dunno, I keep hoping one day they'll do what they're capable of and get back to their strengths. I see flashes of it now and again... like the breakdown in Supersonic, or Amongst the Waves. The jams at the end of Unthought Known and Force of Nature... they keep coming close. I keep hoping. Maybe I'm an idiot for it, but this band meant a lot to me and I keep rooting for them. Like how I stuck with the Detroit Tigers through the worst decade in baseball, and one day it paid off and they made the playoffs again But I have moved on in many ways. I rarely listen to PJ, I sold Riot Act because it was weak. I listen to tons of new bands daily, more so than PJ by far.
I stick around here because the Moving Train is addictive, I get good tips from Other Music, it's a great way to waste free time, and I already bought the damn membership so why not? Don't worry though, I won't be long. My membership has lapsed and I don't intend to renew it. I'll still give them a listen when they have new stuff, I love seeing them live, I love their middle albums. Hell, I don't even hate the new stuff, I just know they can and have done better.
And now it makes sense. You arent really a PJ fan anymore if you're selling your PJ records. You're just here to piss real fans off.
No, I'm not a fan of their new stuff. I've been devoted to this band for over 10 years. I somehow doubt getting rid of one album means I'm not a fan. Do you have every album by every band you ever liked? I can't think of a single band whose entire catalogue I own. PJ comes closer than anyone to that distinction.
I'm not trying to piss people off. I often hope someone will catch something I missed and it'll change my mind about their recent material.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
can we lock this thread? i guarantee the office at pitchfork is howling over what direction it's gone.
i can guarantee he's a laughing at how pathetic you all are in this thread. i know i am laughing at how some of you sheep are. do you people really think emailing a writer is gonna do anything, who cares what someone thinks of it. what matters is that YOU like it.
opinions are like asshole everyone has one
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Ed wrote music for a grand total of 7 songs over the first 3 albums (porch, rvm, elderly woman, corduroy, not for you, immortality, betterman). 7 out of 33 songs. He has 5 out of the 11 songs on this album. On those first 3 albums, Stone wrote 8 of the Ten songs on his own and at least half of the rest of VS-Vitalogy... so 19 out of 33 we'll say. This album, he has I believe ONE song he wrote himself, and maybe 2 other co-writer credits (not coincidentally, it's the best song on the album). On the last album, Ed wrote music for... 4-5 songs? Stone had... 2? 3?
You say I'm delusional? You're right, the distribution of song-writing duties hasn't changed AT ALL over the years :roll: PJ is Ed's baby now, and Stone may be ok with that, but I'm not. His was always the most interesting music. And it's annoying when you have people that talented going to waste. Ed did an entire solo album, and still sticks 3 more songs just like the ones from his solo album onto BS, while Stone had his solo album shelved (so clearly, he had material) and can't get more than one song on this album? You don't believe that any more than I do.
I don't know how they pick the songs, but I don't think anyone would disagree that they suck at it. The proof of that is the songs left off Binaural and Riot Act, which are largely far better than any of the songs actually on those albums. Even the band has admitted that. I know they said they tried to get away from that this time, but I don't think it worked. Sue me.
I don't mean this quite as shittily as it's going to come out, but why are you still around then? The band has been "Ed's baby" since Vitalogy. It's been damn near 15 years. At some point, it seems you'd realize Ten/Vs.-era Pearl Jam isn't coming back. Why are you still here?
See I love the first three STP albums. Love them, love them, love them. I still consider Purple to be one of the best pieces of music of all time. The fourth and fifth albums didn't do much for me. Surprisingly, however, I didn't go on the STP website and bitch about it. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on to other bands.
Sleightofjeff, you know that your STP message board analogy isn't a very fair comparison. You're not obsessed with STP whereas, though I don't know him personally, I'd wager a guess that soulsinging IS obsessed with Pearl Jam. That's why he's passionate about this songwriting-distribution debate. It's not like he's just trying to be an asshole. That's why it sucks being on the unpopular side of an topic around here. You can't state a negative opinion because people like imissyoualready and THEBIBLEISTEN will accuse you of trying to piss people off.
That being said, I totally disagree with soulsinging's opinion. I think the other four members of PJ are great musicians and play awesome live. But creatively....they have been the four wheels on the Eddie Vedder-mobile for about a decade now. And whereas Stone was pissed in the Vitalogy years that Eddie had taken over creativly, now, he's seems more than happy just to still have a guy like Ed around to ride the coattails of.
U2's All That you Cant Leave behind - 5.0 (easily u2's best album this decade)
Green Days 21st Century Breakdown - 4.8
Nine Inch Nails' The Fragile - 2.0 (that one is almost beyond belief)
Weezers Make Believe - 0.4
Coldplays A rush of blood to the head 4.9
Of those 5, I would rate U2's, NIN's, and Coldplays albums as 21st Century classics, and I only would put about 15-20 albums in that category. Granted, Weezer's Make Believe is poor, but a 0.4? The point is, they either hate anything mainstream (not named Radiohead), or they do it on purpose. I dont know which.
hmmmmmm I'm gonna play music reviewer just for fun...
yeah, I would say pitchfork is wrong on all counts...
I'll give the U2 album a 7.5. maybe an 8.
I'll give the Green Day album a 0.1 because it's worthless shite. Dookie was good as a zeitgeist album but otherwise I don't hear any reason for them to continue recording music, other than the fact that people like them and keep buying their records and attending their shows. well, they can have fun with that.
NIN - The Fragile. I have this one. A lot of it sounds the same. I'll give it a 5.5.
Weezer's Make Believe - a 6.5. It's got some really fun songs on it.
Coldplay - blah, I can't even be bothered to rate them.
that was fun. we all have our own opinions. art affects us all differently. there's no point in getting upset when people disagree... there will always be people who disagree. i find other people's opinions interesting, but ultimately, I like what I like.
as Eddie once said when introducing a certain song we all know... "you are yours"
I agree pitchfork eats a fat one. They automatically bash a band based on their success even with records from Indie Rock bands. When they give a band a good review they always follow it up with a less positive review. They hate most mainstream rock no matter how awesome it is with the exception of Radiohead. I love Radiohead, but they are not the only mainstream band that puts out good records.
Out of the Blue and Into the Black................Uncle Neil Philly 08 here I come!!!!
So the 'haute' thing to do if you're a pitchfork reviewer is to show off your writing more than your knowledge of music. They make no bones about it - just read any of a gazillion catch phrases or 'shock' phrases in their reviews that serve little more than to one-up each other or show off writing 'precociousness'.
The site thrives on controversy - giving an album, any album, a 0.0 rating is nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt, imho - and self-adulation when it 'stumps' for certain indie acts that wind up becoming popular, and then increasingly dumping on that act as they gain popularity. Case in point: Death Cab For Cutie.
Nine years ago when I started visiting pitchfork to 'discover' bands I'd never heard of, I came across Death Cab For Cutie. Liked the review, bought the album (their second release, 'We Have The Facts and We're Voting Yes') and rest is history. Took me a few years to realize pitchfork's path, but it became clearly evident when "Transatlanticism" was released, the album that blew up Death Cab for the masses. I loved that album. It still was before most people had heard of Death Cab, but they'd been gaining steam for a couple of years. Anyway, pitchfork trashed it. ... Go and read pitchfork's ratings on Death Cab albums from oldest to most recent. Their ratings progressively worsen. By design, if you ask me.
Regardless, I like going to pitchfork because they compile a bunch of professional critics' reviews/stories in one place easily enough for each album, and I can discover a new independent/indie band, like Death Cab.
I merely read their reviews with a grain of salt, knowing I'll likely get a good chuckle out of some assclown writer's lack of knowledge or funny metaphor/turn of phrase, knowing they wrote it not to advance their story, but to get their own jollies off.
Post edited by SweetAndLow on
1998: East Troy2; East Lansing
2000: Noblesville; Auburn Hills; Chicago
2003: East Troy; Clarkston1
2004: Toledo; Grand Rapids
2006: Grand Rapids; Auburn Hills
2009: Chicago
2010: Columbus
2011: East Troy (PJ20), both
2013: Wrigley Field
2014: Detroit
Animal Collective - My Girls
Annie - Heartbeat
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Beyoncé - Crazy In Love
Daft Punk - One More Time
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
Hercules and Love Affair - Blind
Jay-Z - 99 Problems
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
LCD Soundsystem - Losing My Edge
M.I.A. - Paper Planes (Diplo Remix)
Missy Elliot - Get Ur Freak On
Outkast - B.O.B.
Outkast - Hey Ya
R Kelly - Ignition (Remix)
Radiohead - Idioteque
The Knife - Heartbeats
The Rapture - House Of Jealous Lovers
The Walkmen - The Rat
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
Here's Pitchfork's top 20 songs of the decade. Why would I care what these people have to say about PJ?
a few of those songs belong on the list. ... I'm a big fan of LCD Soundsystem, but two LCDSS songs greatest this past decade? Them pitchfork pigs are slobbering on themselves.
1998: East Troy2; East Lansing
2000: Noblesville; Auburn Hills; Chicago
2003: East Troy; Clarkston1
2004: Toledo; Grand Rapids
2006: Grand Rapids; Auburn Hills
2009: Chicago
2010: Columbus
2011: East Troy (PJ20), both
2013: Wrigley Field
2014: Detroit
Yeah there are a few songs that I like on that list. But in total, I look at that list and kinda laugh. It just highlights how silly music criticism or criticism of any art really is.
"All but pushed Stone out of the band"????????????
Man you seriously dont know what your'e talking about. Do you know how PJ picks songs? You need to go do some homework.......FER REELZ. And everytime you post you end up correcting what you said in the previous post. I recommend you take about 3 weeks off from posting and go watch all the interviews you've missed in the last few years. You'll come back a better, more accurate poster.
"They've all but pushed Stone out of the band" LMMFAO!!!
Ed wrote music for a grand total of 7 songs over the first 3 albums (porch, rvm, elderly woman, corduroy, not for you, immortality, betterman). 7 out of 33 songs. He has 5 out of the 11 songs on this album. On those first 3 albums, Stone wrote 8 of the Ten songs on his own and at least half of the rest of VS-Vitalogy... so 19 out of 33 we'll say. This album, he has I believe ONE song he wrote himself, and maybe 2 other co-writer credits (not coincidentally, it's the best song on the album). On the last album, Ed wrote music for... 4-5 songs? Stone had... 2? 3?
You say I'm delusional? You're right, the distribution of song-writing duties hasn't changed AT ALL over the years :roll: PJ is Ed's baby now, and Stone may be ok with that, but I'm not. His was always the most interesting music. And it's annoying when you have people that talented going to waste. Ed did an entire solo album, and still sticks 3 more songs just like the ones from his solo album onto BS, while Stone had his solo album shelved (so clearly, he had material) and can't get more than one song on this album? You don't believe that any more than I do.
I don't know how they pick the songs, but I don't think anyone would disagree that they suck at it. The proof of that is the songs left off Binaural and Riot Act, which are largely far better than any of the songs actually on those albums. Even the band has admitted that. I know they said they tried to get away from that this time, but I don't think it worked. Sue me.
It's getting stronger in me the opinion that it might have been a collective decision of the whole band, right or wrong, to put some Into The Wild leftovers in Backspacer, given the large success the soundtrack has had. Maybe they thought that way Backspacer could sell more and I don't see anything wrong with that. I personally think it wasn't a good idea to include the "solo" songs in their record and not because I don't like those songs, but because I'd rather have them on their own and without the over-production. I just don't see why they had to rearrange Speed of Sound that way, for instance. It just doesn't sound right. Stick to acoustic and publish an Into The Wild Part II, rather. Either way, it is true that Stone has had less to say over the years and left more and more space to Eddie instead. And it shows. There was a time when they all shared 20% of royalties and everybody knows that after a while Stone agreed to give 4% to Eddie and so did the rest of the band, so now Eddie gets 36% and the rest of them only 14%. So that could be an explanation for Stone's "withdrawal" from songwriting in Pearl Jam.
Verona '00 | Dublin '06 | Barcelona '06 | London '07 | Copenhagen '07 | Berlin '09 | Dublin '10 | Belfast '10 | Berlin '10 | Toronto1 '11 | Toronto2 '11 | Amsterdam1 '12 | Stockholm '12 | Oslo '12 | Copenhagen '12 | Brooklyn1 '13 | Brooklyn2 '13 | Amsterdam1 '14 | Amsterdam2 '14 | Vienna '14 | Berlin '14
I seriously doubt it; I think that the overwhelming feeling on this thread has been that the only thing worse than his review is that idea!
Forget about him, he's just not worth it.
I don't even know how good Backspacer is yet, that will take some time for me to have a real distanced opinion of it. However, I do enjoy listening to it more than I expect to every time I put it on. Some of the negative shit here makes me think i'm gonna listen to something rubbish, then I put it on again and like it a lot, so I'm happy so far... in years to come we'll see.
Hail Hail Slight of Jeff!!
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
If you wanna simplify it, sure. For a white guy, I like to get down. Give me something I can jam to.
That made me laugh, honky.
for the least they could possibly do
I dunno, I keep hoping one day they'll do what they're capable of and get back to their strengths. I see flashes of it now and again... like the breakdown in Supersonic, or Amongst the Waves. The jams at the end of Unthought Known and Force of Nature... they keep coming close. I keep hoping. Maybe I'm an idiot for it, but this band meant a lot to me and I keep rooting for them. Like how I stuck with the Detroit Tigers through the worst decade in baseball, and one day it paid off and they made the playoffs again
I stick around here because the Moving Train is addictive, I get good tips from Other Music, it's a great way to waste free time, and I already bought the damn membership so why not? Don't worry though, I won't be long. My membership has lapsed and I don't intend to renew it. I'll still give them a listen when they have new stuff, I love seeing them live, I love their middle albums. Hell, I don't even hate the new stuff, I just know they can and have done better. But I do think the passion I felt has waned, maybe more so because I've tried to force it for so long. I'll always love Ten-Binaural, but the last 3 have convinced me that the band is set on moving in directions I'm not a big fan of, so it might be time for me to cut my losses.
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
And now it makes sense. You arent really a PJ fan anymore if you're selling your PJ records. You're just here to piss real fans off.
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
Now this thread has me kicking myself for not putting my Parliament cd in my car this morning
No, I'm not a fan of their new stuff. I've been devoted to this band for over 10 years. I somehow doubt getting rid of one album means I'm not a fan. Do you have every album by every band you ever liked? I can't think of a single band whose entire catalogue I own. PJ comes closer than anyone to that distinction.
I'm not trying to piss people off. I often hope someone will catch something I missed and it'll change my mind about their recent material.
I have the entire PJ catalog minus a handful of boots. I have the entire Neil Young catalog, the entire Beatles catalog, the entire Stooges catalog, the entire George Harrison catalog, the entire John Lennon catalog....need I go on?
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
By all means, you can type whatever you need to "prove" you're a bigger, more real music fan than me. Don't let me stop you. I have most of PJ, Tragically Hip, Wilco, the best albums by the Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, etc... but why the hell would I need a copy of Arc? Do you like Arc? Do you throw it on often to remind yourself how much it/Neil kicks ass? Or do you just have it for the sake of completion and so that you can say to people like me that "I'm for real because I even pretend to think Arc is a great album"?
Why would I buy albums I don't want to listen to? Why would I play 'With the Beatles" when I could put on Abbey Road, or even Help/Hard Day's Night/Please Please Me if I want some light Beatles pop?
I have the entire PJ catalog minus a handful of boots. I have the entire Neil Young catalog, the entire Beatles catalog, the entire Stooges catalog, the entire George Harrison catalog, the entire John Lennon catalog....need I go on?[/quote]
By all means, you can type whatever you need to "prove" you're a bigger, more real music fan than me. Don't let me stop you. I have most of PJ, Tragically Hip, Wilco, the best albums by the Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, etc... but why the hell would I need a copy of Arc? Do you like Arc? Do you throw it on often to remind yourself how much it/Neil kicks ass? Or do you just have it for the sake of completion and so that you can say to people like me that "I'm for real because I even pretend to think Arc is a great album"?
Why would I buy albums I don't want to listen to? Why would I play 'With the Beatles" when I could put on Abbey Road, or even Help/Hard Day's Night/Please Please Me if I want some light Beatles pop?[/quote]
Actually I've always said that when I meet Neil I'd insist he owes me $10 for Arc. Not the point. You're the one here hating.
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
Funny thing about it? Stone and Ed and Ament have all said at various times, and repeatedly, that what happened with the songs on Ten and Vs. was 'magical', that, yeah, these songs came together quickly and greatly, but they never felt like they were writing music, that it felt like they weren't trying to actually write music until Vitalogy, and then dove into that aspect hard afterward, going on to No Code and Yield with the layers and textures, etc, etc.
Therein lies the immediate brilliance that resulted from the convergence of Stone/Ament and Ed and the others in the beginning. Magic.
Now? No, of course not. Band has been around the block a few times. They're older. They strive NOT to sound like 'old' pearl Jam. They want to evolve and morph and try new stuff.
That they still captivate as many fans as they do with this music and sell 750,000+ albums per release at a time when the Internet has utterly destroyed traditional cd/record sales, says something.
1998: East Troy2; East Lansing
2000: Noblesville; Auburn Hills; Chicago
2003: East Troy; Clarkston1
2004: Toledo; Grand Rapids
2006: Grand Rapids; Auburn Hills
2009: Chicago
2010: Columbus
2011: East Troy (PJ20), both
2013: Wrigley Field
2014: Detroit
And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently
What goes on?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
opinions are like asshole everyone has one
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Sleightofjeff, you know that your STP message board analogy isn't a very fair comparison. You're not obsessed with STP whereas, though I don't know him personally, I'd wager a guess that soulsinging IS obsessed with Pearl Jam. That's why he's passionate about this songwriting-distribution debate. It's not like he's just trying to be an asshole. That's why it sucks being on the unpopular side of an topic around here. You can't state a negative opinion because people like imissyoualready and THEBIBLEISTEN will accuse you of trying to piss people off.
That being said, I totally disagree with soulsinging's opinion. I think the other four members of PJ are great musicians and play awesome live. But creatively....they have been the four wheels on the Eddie Vedder-mobile for about a decade now. And whereas Stone was pissed in the Vitalogy years that Eddie had taken over creativly, now, he's seems more than happy just to still have a guy like Ed around to ride the coattails of.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
That's what i'm going by me me me me me and only me
hmmmmmm I'm gonna play music reviewer just for fun...
yeah, I would say pitchfork is wrong on all counts...
I'll give the U2 album a 7.5. maybe an 8.
I'll give the Green Day album a 0.1 because it's worthless shite. Dookie was good as a zeitgeist album but otherwise I don't hear any reason for them to continue recording music, other than the fact that people like them and keep buying their records and attending their shows. well, they can have fun with that.
NIN - The Fragile. I have this one. A lot of it sounds the same. I'll give it a 5.5.
Weezer's Make Believe - a 6.5. It's got some really fun songs on it.
Coldplay - blah, I can't even be bothered to rate them.
that was fun. we all have our own opinions. art affects us all differently. there's no point in getting upset when people disagree... there will always be people who disagree. i find other people's opinions interesting, but ultimately, I like what I like.
as Eddie once said when introducing a certain song we all know... "you are yours"
The site thrives on controversy - giving an album, any album, a 0.0 rating is nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt, imho - and self-adulation when it 'stumps' for certain indie acts that wind up becoming popular, and then increasingly dumping on that act as they gain popularity. Case in point: Death Cab For Cutie.
Nine years ago when I started visiting pitchfork to 'discover' bands I'd never heard of, I came across Death Cab For Cutie. Liked the review, bought the album (their second release, 'We Have The Facts and We're Voting Yes') and rest is history. Took me a few years to realize pitchfork's path, but it became clearly evident when "Transatlanticism" was released, the album that blew up Death Cab for the masses. I loved that album. It still was before most people had heard of Death Cab, but they'd been gaining steam for a couple of years. Anyway, pitchfork trashed it. ... Go and read pitchfork's ratings on Death Cab albums from oldest to most recent. Their ratings progressively worsen. By design, if you ask me.
Regardless, I like going to pitchfork because they compile a bunch of professional critics' reviews/stories in one place easily enough for each album, and I can discover a new independent/indie band, like Death Cab.
I merely read their reviews with a grain of salt, knowing I'll likely get a good chuckle out of some assclown writer's lack of knowledge or funny metaphor/turn of phrase, knowing they wrote it not to advance their story, but to get their own jollies off.
1998: East Troy2; East Lansing
2000: Noblesville; Auburn Hills; Chicago
2003: East Troy; Clarkston1
2004: Toledo; Grand Rapids
2006: Grand Rapids; Auburn Hills
2009: Chicago
2010: Columbus
2011: East Troy (PJ20), both
2013: Wrigley Field
2014: Detroit
Annie - Heartbeat
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Beyoncé - Crazy In Love
Daft Punk - One More Time
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
Hercules and Love Affair - Blind
Jay-Z - 99 Problems
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
LCD Soundsystem - Losing My Edge
M.I.A. - Paper Planes (Diplo Remix)
Missy Elliot - Get Ur Freak On
Outkast - B.O.B.
Outkast - Hey Ya
R Kelly - Ignition (Remix)
Radiohead - Idioteque
The Knife - Heartbeats
The Rapture - House Of Jealous Lovers
The Walkmen - The Rat
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
Here's Pitchfork's top 20 songs of the decade. Why would I care what these people have to say about PJ?
1998: East Troy2; East Lansing
2000: Noblesville; Auburn Hills; Chicago
2003: East Troy; Clarkston1
2004: Toledo; Grand Rapids
2006: Grand Rapids; Auburn Hills
2009: Chicago
2010: Columbus
2011: East Troy (PJ20), both
2013: Wrigley Field
2014: Detroit
It's getting stronger in me the opinion that it might have been a collective decision of the whole band, right or wrong, to put some Into The Wild leftovers in Backspacer, given the large success the soundtrack has had. Maybe they thought that way Backspacer could sell more and I don't see anything wrong with that. I personally think it wasn't a good idea to include the "solo" songs in their record and not because I don't like those songs, but because I'd rather have them on their own and without the over-production. I just don't see why they had to rearrange Speed of Sound that way, for instance. It just doesn't sound right. Stick to acoustic and publish an Into The Wild Part II, rather. Either way, it is true that Stone has had less to say over the years and left more and more space to Eddie instead. And it shows. There was a time when they all shared 20% of royalties and everybody knows that after a while Stone agreed to give 4% to Eddie and so did the rest of the band, so now Eddie gets 36% and the rest of them only 14%. So that could be an explanation for Stone's "withdrawal" from songwriting in Pearl Jam.
Washington D.C. '04, London '05,Hamilton '05,Grand Rapids '06,
Cleveland '06, Detroit '06,Pittsburgh '06,Cincinnati '06,Chicago '07
NYC '08, NYC '08, Chicago '09, Chicago '09, ACL '09, Columbus 2010, Noblesville 2010, Cleveland 2010, Buffalo 2010.
I seriously doubt it; I think that the overwhelming feeling on this thread has been that the only thing worse than his review is that idea!
Forget about him, he's just not worth it.
I don't even know how good Backspacer is yet, that will take some time for me to have a real distanced opinion of it. However, I do enjoy listening to it more than I expect to every time I put it on. Some of the negative shit here makes me think i'm gonna listen to something rubbish, then I put it on again and like it a lot, so I'm happy so far... in years to come we'll see.