Got Some alone pretty much kicks the crap out of Riot Act....and for me, the proper comparison to Given to Fly is Unthought the way that it builds slowly, steadily raising you up off the ground, until it explodes and sends you soaring above everything....anyway, have fun listening to Help Help, Cropduster and Bushleaguer ..
You can have Unthought Known, and I'll take Thumbing My Way.
It's a very poppy record, it screams mainstream. It will sell a butt load of records, but that's okay because that's what the band wants (to appeal to the mainstream) if you don't believe me watch ESPN.
this album won't even sell 500,000 copies. i can't bet you a 12 pack of your fave beer on that. big deal that's its being promoted on espn. espn has been doing that as of late with new cd from bands. they did the same with green day's cd and some of pearl jam's self titled.
Really? Avocado sold 750,000 copies and everyone here is raving about how much better backspacer is.
Have you not listened to what they did with Speed of Sound :?
you can't just pick a songs and say that it's a 'glaring weakness'. you have to say what's weak about it. if you're gonna be hater, at least hate by the book.
Ha ha, typically Riot Act is my least favorite (even though it has some redeeming qualities i.e. All or None, 1/2 Full, Thumbing My Way... and after I relistened to the whole album last week I appreciated it a little more.. but still no love for Cropduster or Get Right). That being said, my first reaction after listening to Backspacer was to go running to Riot Act. That's not to say I can't stand Backspacer, far from it. It's just the direction in sound took me by surprise, especially the production.
I really like some of the experiments and I find the additions of strings and even horns worked (I liked Parting Ways, and to me the addition of horns only ever benefits a song). So now it's digesting a bit more (the middle three songs are the strongest part - Just Breathe-Amongst the Waves-Unthought Known). Is it the best since Yield? No. I'll stick my neck out right now and say I thourghly loved Avocado on first listen and still love it now. But I like it. Not love it, but decidedly like it.
I wanna live my life with the volume full!
2000 Toronto
2003 Montreal
2005 Ottawa
2009 Berlin
Have you not listened to what they did with Speed of Sound :?
you can't just pick a songs and say that it's a 'glaring weakness'. you have to say what's weak about it. if you're gonna be hater, at least hate by the book.
Agreed. But it's still not a bad album. If someone like Coldplay released it, it would by far and away be the greatest thing sine sliced bread and they would release 8 singles off it. I haven't listened to Riot Act for ages in full but want to.
As for Backspacer, I am only half way through it on my first listen and so far it sounds excellent. I like the poppier sound and think it's a good record so far. Lyrically it's excellent and it's the happiest I have heard the band sound in years.
The one thing I have noticed with some fans of bands is that just because their favourite band release a new album, it is fantastic - end of story. If a favourite band released an album just full of sheep bleets and fart noises, many fans would still be in awe of it despite it still being tosh in the eyes of others. And just because the album isn't as good as album 1, 3 or 6, doesn't mean it's still not a great piece of work.
Let's be honest, if ALL PJ albums were the same, the vast majority of us would have lost patience many moons ago.
Rock on!!!!
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
not sure Riot Act is better, but the unbridled enthusiasm for BS has surprised me -- it is good. But I don't think it is better then Ten, Yield, Binaural, No Code or S/T - different. But parts feel really hollow to me. I guess I am one of those bruting, self loathing PJ fans who likes to be depressed by my music (which is why I dig The End). I am glad everyone loves it, but I am just quite surprised.
not sure Riot Act is better, but the unbridled enthusiasm for BS has surprised me -- it is good. But I don't think it is better then Ten, Yield, Binaural, No Code or S/T - different. But parts feel really hollow to me. I guess I am one of those bruting, self loathing PJ fans who likes to be depressed by my music (which is why I dig The End). I am glad everyone loves it, but I am just quite surprised.
LOL. I was about to post that I'd wager 90 percent of the people who don't like it are dark, depressed motherfuckers who can't stand it that their favorite band isn't as dark and depressed as they are.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
There, I said it. Seems like the more I read these boards the more I see people getting destroyed for not liking Backspacer. NEWSFLASH, it's not the best thing since Yield.
I saw someone early say that Amongst The Waves was the next Given to Fly. :shock:
Just because you don't think Backspacer is the best thing since sliced bread doesn't make you any less of a fan. I see this shit on the board over and over again "They aren't going to remake Ten, so get over it." <-- Calm all that crap down.
I like Backspacer, it's a solid record, but I don't love it. It has it's glaring weaknesses (in my opinion) But hey, just because don't like it as much as you doesn't mean I'm any less of a fan. It just means we have a different musical taste, get over it.
It's a very poppy record, it screams mainstream. It will sell a butt load of records, but that's okay because that's what the band wants (to appeal to the mainstream) if you don't believe me watch ESPN.
I don't like the piano in any of it, I feel as if the orchestra add on kills the end of "The End". Speed of Sound would be much better with if it didn't have so many records. I LOVED the demo, highly dissapointed with all the extra "stuff" in it.
Sorry, I'm a Pearl Jam fan and I was somewhat dissapointed with Backspacer, shoot me.
I think every post you've made over the last few days has been negative towards Backspacer. Did you really need to make a thread about your feelings as well toward the album? I'm pretty sure everyone knows you don't like it, that's fine, now move along...
Really? Because I've seen 4 threads alone dedicated to Amongst the Waves. If they can voice their opinion and be repetitive, don't I have that same right? That repetitive clam has two sides to it. It's all an opinion (even if it's positive or negative)
You like Backspacer.
I don't like it as much as you do.
If you have the right to post post after post confessing your love for it, I have the right to do the opposite.
i love freedom of speech and freedom of expression - i don't and have never taken those things for granted. i'm just one of those people who, perhaps cos i've been around a little bit longer than you (and full respect to you - i was your age 10 years ago which is not long at all, so i'm not being condescending there), doesn't mind a bit of a positivity injection every now and then. that doesn't mean i would like any of this to stop - imagine how shit life would be if, like in many countries, we couldn't air our grievances! so keep on giving feedback - be it positive, negative or otherwise. it's all healthy discussion. and part of that healthy discussion is people's right to disagree with your negative feedback.
rock on brother
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
i love freedom of speech and freedom of expression - i don't and have never taken those things for granted. i'm just one of those people who, perhaps cos i've been around a little bit longer than you (and full respect to you - i was your age 10 years ago which is not long at all, so i'm not being condescending there), doesn't mind a bit of a positivity injection every now and then. that doesn't mean i would like any of this to stop - imagine how shit life would be if, like in many countries, we couldn't air our grievances! so keep on giving feedback - be it positive, negative or otherwise. it's all healthy discussion. and part of that healthy discussion is people's right to disagree with your negative feedback.
rock on brother
I would just be nice if the people who felt the need to shit all over everything could take a break for a week or so after a new album comes out. Give us some time to overreact and overrate it and gush on and on about how it's the greatest thing since Yield in peace, even if it's not.
It's sort of like you open a present you really, really love Christmas morning, and you're all excited about it, and your brother says, "Meh, it's not as good as what I got last year." It would be cool if the Debbie Downers would let us be stupid and enjoy our Backspacer for a few days, even if they know better.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
i love freedom of speech and freedom of expression - i don't and have never taken those things for granted. i'm just one of those people who, perhaps cos i've been around a little bit longer than you (and full respect to you - i was your age 10 years ago which is not long at all, so i'm not being condescending there), doesn't mind a bit of a positivity injection every now and then. that doesn't mean i would like any of this to stop - imagine how shit life would be if, like in many countries, we couldn't air our grievances! so keep on giving feedback - be it positive, negative or otherwise. it's all healthy discussion. and part of that healthy discussion is people's right to disagree with your negative feedback.
rock on brother
I would just be nice if the people who felt the need to shit all over everything could take a break for a week or so after a new album comes out. Give us some time to overreact and overrate it and gush on and on about how it's the greatest thing since Yield in peace, even if it's not.
It's sort of like you open a present you really, really love Christmas morning, and you're all excited about it, and your brother says, "Meh, it's not as good as what I got last year." It would be cool if the Debbie Downers would let us be stupid and enjoy our Backspacer for a few days, even if they know better.
true that - i almost feel silly talking about how much i love this album, just waiting for the barrage of condescending shoot-downs to ensue. there should really be an exclusive thread for lovers of the new album to overreact and overrate it in peace
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
It's a very poppy record, it screams mainstream. It will sell a butt load of records, but that's okay because that's what the band wants (to appeal to the mainstream) if you don't believe me watch ESPN.
this album won't even sell 500,000 copies. i can't bet you a 12 pack of your fave beer on that. big deal that's its being promoted on espn. espn has been doing that as of late with new cd from bands. they did the same with green day's cd and some of pearl jam's self titled.
Really? Avocado sold 750,000 copies and everyone here is raving about how much better backspacer is.
The only PJ album I was ever dissapointed with was Riot Act. BY A LONG SHOT
yep, RA is probably the bands weakest effort to date and (correct me if I'm wrong) but had the worst reviews by critics, and sold the least. I know I was managing a music store when RA came out and we barely sold any of them.
*I know some of you love RA and actually I do to but as far as PJ albums go it's just my least fav. Some of the B-sides from that album should have been included on the release and some of the released stuff should have been B-sides :?
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
There, I said it. Seems like the more I read these boards the more I see people getting destroyed for not liking Backspacer. NEWSFLASH, it's not the best thing since Yield.
I saw someone early say that Amongst The Waves was the next Given to Fly. :shock:
Just because you don't think Backspacer is the best thing since sliced bread doesn't make you any less of a fan. I see this shit on the board over and over again "They aren't going to remake Ten, so get over it." <-- Calm all that crap down.
I like Backspacer, it's a solid record, but I don't love it. It has it's glaring weaknesses (in my opinion) But hey, just because don't like it as much as you doesn't mean I'm any less of a fan. It just means we have a different musical taste, get over it.
It's a very poppy record, it screams mainstream. It will sell a butt load of records, but that's okay because that's what the band wants (to appeal to the mainstream) if you don't believe me watch ESPN.
I don't like the piano in any of it, I feel as if the orchestra add on kills the end of "The End". Speed of Sound would be much better with if it didn't have so many records. I LOVED the demo, highly dissapointed with all the extra "stuff" in it.
Sorry, I'm a Pearl Jam fan and I was somewhat dissapointed with Backspacer, shoot me.
Youre entitled to your opinion, and i respect that, but i seriously think you should have an AUDIOSCOPE evaluation
There, I said it. Seems like the more I read these boards the more I see people getting destroyed for not liking Backspacer. NEWSFLASH, it's not the best thing since Yield.
I saw someone early say that Amongst The Waves was the next Given to Fly. :shock:
Just because you don't think Backspacer is the best thing since sliced bread doesn't make you any less of a fan. I see this shit on the board over and over again "They aren't going to remake Ten, so get over it." <-- Calm all that crap down.
I like Backspacer, it's a solid record, but I don't love it. It has it's glaring weaknesses (in my opinion) But hey, just because don't like it as much as you doesn't mean I'm any less of a fan. It just means we have a different musical taste, get over it.
It's a very poppy record, it screams mainstream. It will sell a butt load of records, but that's okay because that's what the band wants (to appeal to the mainstream) if you don't believe me watch ESPN.
I don't like the piano in any of it, I feel as if the orchestra add on kills the end of "The End". Speed of Sound would be much better with if it didn't have so many records. I LOVED the demo, highly dissapointed with all the extra "stuff" in it.
Sorry, I'm a Pearl Jam fan and I was somewhat dissapointed with Backspacer, shoot me.
Complete and total disagreement here. You have your opinion and that's fine and I won't flame you for it. But wow.
i'm imagining all the Backspacer haters as dark, brooding goth kids ... like the ones from that South Park episode.
Nah, I just prefer my Pearl Jam not to have any extra strings in it. All that added stuff to me distracts from stone Jeff and mike.
It's not like the entire album is awash in them. It's a couple of songs. And in some of them, the bells and whistles are hardly noticeable.
That doesn't change the fact that they are still there. Just because you don't like Backspacer doesn't mean you're "emo" - That's retarded.
I'm all for a happy record. I love a lot of their happier music, but it just sucks listening to this record and hearing all the little add-ons and what not. It seems forced, and it doesn't resemble Pearl Jam. (Ironically enough it sounds like something the Jonas Brothers would do in a record ) <-- In response to an earlier post.
You can have Unthought Known, and I'll take Thumbing My Way.
Any day of the week.
Have you not listened to what they did with Speed of Sound :?
Really? Avocado sold 750,000 copies and everyone here is raving about how much better backspacer is.
you can't just pick a songs and say that it's a 'glaring weakness'. you have to say what's weak about it. if you're gonna be hater, at least hate by the book.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
u gotta be more specific. I love Speed of Sound, so i still don't see a weakness.
I really like some of the experiments and I find the additions of strings and even horns worked (I liked Parting Ways, and to me the addition of horns only ever benefits a song). So now it's digesting a bit more (the middle three songs are the strongest part - Just Breathe-Amongst the Waves-Unthought Known). Is it the best since Yield? No. I'll stick my neck out right now and say I thourghly loved Avocado on first listen and still love it now. But I like it. Not love it, but decidedly like it.
2000 Toronto
2003 Montreal
2005 Ottawa
2009 Berlin
Lol, so now there's a standard to hate by? Right.
you cant just say, "listen to Speed of Sound." some people really like that song, which renders your simplistic statement meaningless.
As for Backspacer, I am only half way through it on my first listen and so far it sounds excellent. I like the poppier sound and think it's a good record so far. Lyrically it's excellent and it's the happiest I have heard the band sound in years.
The one thing I have noticed with some fans of bands is that just because their favourite band release a new album, it is fantastic - end of story. If a favourite band released an album just full of sheep bleets and fart noises, many fans would still be in awe of it despite it still being tosh in the eyes of others. And just because the album isn't as good as album 1, 3 or 6, doesn't mean it's still not a great piece of work.
Let's be honest, if ALL PJ albums were the same, the vast majority of us would have lost patience many moons ago.
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
LOL. I was about to post that I'd wager 90 percent of the people who don't like it are dark, depressed motherfuckers who can't stand it that their favorite band isn't as dark and depressed as they are.
for the least they could possibly do
rock on brother
I would just be nice if the people who felt the need to shit all over everything could take a break for a week or so after a new album comes out. Give us some time to overreact and overrate it and gush on and on about how it's the greatest thing since Yield in peace, even if it's not.
It's sort of like you open a present you really, really love Christmas morning, and you're all excited about it, and your brother says, "Meh, it's not as good as what I got last year." It would be cool if the Debbie Downers would let us be stupid and enjoy our Backspacer for a few days, even if they know better.
for the least they could possibly do
"I liked Pearl Jam better when they were sad and didn't want to compete with the Jonas Brothers."
Quality does not lead directly to album sales.
*I know some of you love RA and actually I do to but as far as PJ albums go it's just my least fav. Some of the B-sides from that album should have been included on the release and some of the released stuff should have been B-sides :?
Youre entitled to your opinion, and i respect that, but i seriously think you should have an AUDIOSCOPE evaluation
Complete and total disagreement here. You have your opinion and that's fine and I won't flame you for it. But wow.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Nah, I just prefer my Pearl Jam not to have any extra strings in it. All that added stuff to me distracts from stone Jeff and mike.
It's not like the entire album is awash in them. It's a couple of songs. And in some of them, the bells and whistles are hardly noticeable.
for the least they could possibly do
That doesn't change the fact that they are still there. Just because you don't like Backspacer doesn't mean you're "emo" - That's retarded.
I'm all for a happy record. I love a lot of their happier music, but it just sucks listening to this record and hearing all the little add-ons and what not. It seems forced, and it doesn't resemble Pearl Jam. (Ironically enough it sounds like something the Jonas Brothers would do in a record
I totally agree and I am no goth but I'm laughing at the joke :-D