Why is that? All I said was that I loved this record from the start, and much prefer it to Avocado and Riot Act due to less clutter to skip....I'm loving all the different directions it pulls me..from punk to rock etc..it's a great feeling, especially since I wasn't expecting much..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I am very immature, thank you very much...and yes, sorry for your loss..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
its defiantly an age thing.. I always thought i responded/related to the guys very well, even though they've always been easily twice my age.. but i think with this new album, myself along with alot of other younger fans (im 21) might have hit a road bump in the "relating" area.. Its not bad persay.. Its just like when a friend or older sibling you are close to gets married, has kids... and you feel kind of "left out" or not left out per-say but, left behind.. Or unable to relate as much as you used to... That's probably a horrible example but i hope it at least sort of makes sense.
absolutely, and again why i think it's a mindset thing. i married at 23....i know people right here on this board, married in their 20s, some having kids in their 20s, etc.....and sure, being sappy, finding your love, having a family if that's your thing.....all definitely mindset. i mean really, let's be honest, outside of matt, ed and the boys actually went for fatherhood a little older, all over 40 or around there. sure, most people go for parenthood later nowadays, but usually early to mid-30s. so really, i think where ed and company are at is more in line with a mindset/outlook than necessarily age, tho sure...i think perhaps you appreciate more of it (generally speaking) as you get older?
and the young, they can't see beyond today
the old, the wisdom they can't give away
the young men they pretend
the old men comprehend
or sumthin' like that
I don't really plan on doing the kid thing but yeah, i think you are right. I'll appreciate Backspacer more in like 9 years Maybe mind set is a much better word because i know people who had two kids before they could even drink legally :shock: So im sure its an age/mind set / space in time thing..
Why is that? All I said was that I loved this record from the start, and much prefer it to Avocado and Riot Act due to less clutter to skip....I'm loving all the different directions it pulls me..from punk to rock etc..it's a great feeling, especially since I wasn't expecting much..
it's not just about this album, just you in general.....puh-leese. besides, 'feel giddy'....? yea, real champ-like. face it, you put the pussy on a pedestal and now you are a sap. and sure, happily married and loved.
and good, already working on those lower expectations will take you far in life!
leathermandi....i hear yea. mindset. i'm not 'doing the kid thing' either, but yes....i am happily in love. and sure, i am older. hahahaha.
absolutely, and again why i think it's a mindset thing. i married at 23....i know people right here on this board, married in their 20s, some having kids in their 20s, etc.....and sure, being sappy, finding your love, having a family if that's your thing.....all definitely mindset. i mean really, let's be honest, outside of matt, ed and the boys actually went for fatherhood a little older, all over 40 or around there. sure, most people go for parenthood later nowadays, but usually early to mid-30s. so really, i think where ed and company are at is more in line with a mindset/outlook than necessarily age, tho sure...i think perhaps you appreciate more of it (generally speaking) as you get older?
I honestly don't feel ready to be a parent....I want to be able to fly off to Vegas, go to concerts, attend Met games whenever etc..and the wife feels the same..though we both want kids, just not yet ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I was having that same thought. A lot of these new songs speak to me and fit me because I find myself in similar circumstances. Grown up, job, married, kids, getting a little older (37), more responibility, and generally happy with life.
The same way they spoke to me when I was young, disaffected, angry, depressed, unsure of my place in the world and Ten, Vs, and Vitalogy spoke to me in my late teens, early 20s.
I feel the same way you do me at 31 though, married, 3 kids ... you are 37?!? :shock: DAYUM! you gettin' old man! :P
Now I am depressed.
Fortunately I can listen to Unthought Known and cheer myself right back up again!!
Why is that? All I said was that I loved this record from the start, and much prefer it to Avocado and Riot Act due to less clutter to skip....I'm loving all the different directions it pulls me..from punk to rock etc..it's a great feeling, especially since I wasn't expecting much..
it's not just about this album, just you in general.....puh-leese. besides, 'feel giddy'....? yea, real champ-like. face it, you put the pussy on a pedestal and now you are a sap. and sure, happily married and loved.
and good, already working on those lower expectations will take you far in life!
I felt like such a pussy typing the word 'giddy,' but yeah, the record made me feel like a kid again on Saturday night..had those butterflies floating around, which doesn't happen often these days....and low expectations because I wasn't feeling The Fixer..the rest of the album is on point....and sure, I can't be a prick all of the time.. ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
it's not just about this album, just you in general.....puh-leese. besides, 'feel giddy'....? yea, real champ-like. face it, you put the pussy on a pedestal and now you are a sap. and sure, happily married and loved.
and good, already working on those lower expectations will take you far in life!
I felt like such a pussy typing the word 'giddy,' but yeah, the record made me feel like a kid again on Saturday night..had those butterflies floating around, which doesn't happen often these days....and low expectations because I wasn't feeling The Fixer..the rest of the album is on point....and sure, I can't be a prick all of the time.. ..
ya sap.
and it's ok, we love you anyway......
i didn't hear anything outside of got some on conan before getting my CD....and yea, i am still not feelin' the fixer, amongst a few other tunes. c'est la vie. maybe i will, maybe i won't. either way, will not diminish my love of pj, nor ruin my world...so all is a-ok. but i do love, love, love just breathe.........
I am right around the Median age of the band and maybe after years of angst and the Bush Administration and other things to throw stones at, perhaps like me, it's time to reflect on the good things in life like having kids and family. I hear a lot of that in here. Mortality too which is something on my mind as well. They still rock it out but in a more refined way. Kind of like a fine wine.
Curious to see if those that don't like it as much fall into a younger age bracket.
Yeah, agreed on that. But I found it to be really morbid as well...and dark. Hard for me to get through dealing with the death of my grandpa.
There's certainly some of that. Obviously The End, and Just Breathe is beautiful, sentimental, yet a little morbid as well.
But then there's songs like The Fixer, Amongst The Waves, Unthought Known, and Supersonic, songs that leave you with a big smile on your face.
I think The End just leaves you in such a dark place, I always want to start the album over again to make me feel better... but that just ends up leaving me in the same place, doomed to repeat the album for eternity. Oh well, there are worse fates.
1998: East Troy 2000: East Troy, Rosemont 2003: Champaign 2006: Chicago (UC), Milwaukee 2007: Chicago (Lolla) 2009: Chicago (UC), Chicago (UC) 2010: Noblesville 2011: East Troy (PJ20), East Troy (PJ20) 2013: Chicago (WF), Seattle 2014: St. Louis 2016: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF) 2018: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF) 2022: St. Louis 2023: Chicago (UC), Chicago (UC) 2024: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF)
and it's ok, we love you anyway......
i didn't hear anything outside of got some on conan before getting my CD....and yea, i am still not feelin' the fixer, amongst a few other tunes. c'est la vie. maybe i will, maybe i won't. either way, will not diminish my love of pj, nor ruin my world...so all is a-ok. but i do love, love, love just breathe.........
So doesn't the record version of Got Some knock you on your ass? It's absolutely perfect....And don't you have that feeling with Unthought Known of being lifted up from the ground, soaring above everything..I don't know how else to describe it..in a Given to Fly kind of way that only Pearl jam can do...
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm 29, and absolutely loved this album from the first listen on Saturday night. I haven't felt this giddy about a record since Yield..for me, there are no fillers here that need to be skipped..unlike Avocado and Riot Act, which obviously have many great tracks, but are also littered with unfortunate clunkers..
what's funny is i think the exact opposite...ed's lyrics are superb and i love the phrasing...the lyrics to amongst the waves, unthough known, speed of nature really speak to me...i'm enjoying happy ed
Ed is what makes this album. Lyrics, phrasing, vocal delivery. He really carries the day.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
And don't you have that feeling with Unthought Known of being lifted up from the ground, soaring above everything..I don't know how else to describe it..in a Given to Fly kind of way that only Pearl jam can do...
Yeah, the combo of Amongst the Waves and Unthought Known. What a ride! Then right as they softly set you back down at the end, Supersonic gone and took my soul! Woo!
1998: East Troy 2000: East Troy, Rosemont 2003: Champaign 2006: Chicago (UC), Milwaukee 2007: Chicago (Lolla) 2009: Chicago (UC), Chicago (UC) 2010: Noblesville 2011: East Troy (PJ20), East Troy (PJ20) 2013: Chicago (WF), Seattle 2014: St. Louis 2016: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF) 2018: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF) 2022: St. Louis 2023: Chicago (UC), Chicago (UC) 2024: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF)
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
Phew! And I was starting to feel old, thanks Jose!
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
Phew! And I was starting to feel old, thanks Jose!
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
49 here so i'm the old bastard and i freaking love the direction this band has taken it fits me to a TTTTT ,I have allways trusted this band and i'm not about to stop now plus the Tshirt rocks fucking BACKSPACER awsome , i feel bad for those that don't hear it ....
Sat down and listend to the album today for the 4th time but this time I sat down with the book, read all the words, and really took it all in. Hit me in alot of ways...espesially The End, making me think of a friend in stage 4 lymphomia. When the album was over I called my fiance' and told her I was picking up my daughter at school...had a really big urge to spend the day with her and really enjoy life and the people in it. Like the album alot, fits with me well. I'm 37, not married but with my fiance for 16 years( we take things slow) and have a beautiful 5 yr old.
Maybe someone said this already because I haven't read all the post, but have you guys put the cd in a pc yet? gives you screensavers and artwork and some other stuff....pretty cool.
I'm willing to bet that all the people who don't like the album now will come out of the shows blown away by most of these new songs, even after all these yrs people still don't get how this band works ..
I'm willing to bet that all the people who don't like the album now will come out of the shows blown away by most of these new songs, even after all these yrs people still don't get how this band works ..
I'm willing to bet that all the people who don't like the album now will come out of the shows blown away by most of these new songs, even after all these yrs people still don't get how this band works ..
I'm willing to bet that all the people who don't like the album now will come out of the shows blown away by most of these new songs, even after all these yrs people still don't get how this band works ..
Was the response similar on other releases?
I've been listening to PJ since 92. Some of the albums I can't listen to because I don't like the studio sound but I always have my bootleg collection. Bestt ,live band in the world as far as i'm concerned.
I'm willing to bet that all the people who don't like the album now will come out of the shows blown away by most of these new songs, even after all these yrs people still don't get how this band works ..
Was the response similar on other releases?
Well 1st of all back then there was no internet so it was only a few friends that i would talk to about the band ,but yeah for the NOCODE tour people were like ehmmm i don't know about this new album and as soon as they heard Hail Hail live it was like the fog lifted ....and anything before that i probably only saw them once or twice a yr ...
I'm willing to bet that all the people who don't like the album now will come out of the shows blown away by most of these new songs, even after all these yrs people still don't get how this band works ..
Was the response similar on other releases?
I've been listening to PJ since 92. Some of the albums I can't listen to because I don't like the studio sound but I always have my bootleg collection. Bestt ,live band in the world as far as i'm concerned.
Me too i never really listen to any studio releases at all except this one for at least a month or two till we get our boots
Why is that? All I said was that I loved this record from the start, and much prefer it to Avocado and Riot Act due to less clutter to skip....I'm loving all the different directions it pulls me..from punk to rock etc..it's a great feeling, especially since I wasn't expecting much..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I am very immature, thank you very much...and yes, sorry for your loss..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I don't really plan on doing the kid thing but yeah, i think you are right. I'll appreciate Backspacer more in like 9 years
it's not just about this album, just you in general.....puh-leese. besides, 'feel giddy'....? yea, real champ-like. face it, you put the pussy on a pedestal and now you are a sap.
and good, already working on those lower expectations will take you far in life!
leathermandi....i hear yea. mindset. i'm not 'doing the kid thing' either, but yes....i am happily in love. and sure, i am older.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I honestly don't feel ready to be a parent....I want to be able to fly off to Vegas, go to concerts, attend Met games whenever etc..and the wife feels the same..though we both want kids, just not yet
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Now I am depressed.
Fortunately I can listen to Unthought Known and cheer myself right back up again!!
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
I felt like such a pussy typing the word 'giddy,' but yeah, the record made me feel like a kid again on Saturday night..had those butterflies floating around, which doesn't happen often these days....and low expectations because I wasn't feeling The Fixer..the rest of the album is on point....and sure, I can't be a prick all of the time..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
ya sap.
and it's ok, we love you anyway......
i didn't hear anything outside of got some on conan before getting my CD....and yea, i am still not feelin' the fixer, amongst a few other tunes. c'est la vie. maybe i will, maybe i won't. either way, will not diminish my love of pj, nor ruin my world...so all is a-ok.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
There's certainly some of that. Obviously The End, and Just Breathe is beautiful, sentimental, yet a little morbid as well.
But then there's songs like The Fixer, Amongst The Waves, Unthought Known, and Supersonic, songs that leave you with a big smile on your face.
I think The End just leaves you in such a dark place, I always want to start the album over again to make me feel better... but that just ends up leaving me in the same place, doomed to repeat the album for eternity. Oh well, there are worse fates.
So doesn't the record version of Got Some knock you on your ass? It's absolutely perfect....And don't you have that feeling with Unthought Known of being lifted up from the ground, soaring above everything..I don't know how else to describe it..in a Given to Fly kind of way that only Pearl jam can do...
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
giddy up!!!
Ed is what makes this album. Lyrics, phrasing, vocal delivery. He really carries the day.
for the least they could possibly do
Hey norm glad you can hear it
You can allways count on me to land a hand
these songs are gonna ROCK live!!!!
Aside from The Fixer and Got Some...uh...no. (Unless you mean, as in rocking chair!)
don't feel bad, there's plenty of pj to love!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I agree..this album live IS GONNA ROCK!!!!
I've been listening to PJ since 92. Some of the albums I can't listen to because I don't like the studio sound but I always have my bootleg collection. Bestt ,live band in the world as far as i'm concerned.
Well 1st of all back then there was no internet so it was only a few friends that i would talk to about the band ,but yeah for the NOCODE tour people were like ehmmm i don't know about this new album and as soon as they heard Hail Hail live it was like the fog lifted ....and anything before that i probably only saw them once or twice a yr ...
Me too i never really listen to any studio releases at all except this one for at least a month or two till we get our boots