

    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    aerial wrote:
    Glen Beck has not be proven wrong yet...if not for him Van Jones one of Obamas advisers, the self proclaimed communist radical that believes white people are putting toxins in black neighborhoods would not have been made to resign....if not for Glen calling out Acorn they would still be spending millions of our tax dollars on seedy projects. I hope everyone will watch him...he has begged anyone to prove him wrong....he has stated several times he hopes he is wrong.....Obama was put in to office by some other machine a machine that hates whites (god haven’t we gotten over the racist crap yet?) And promotes communistic views...this guy just wants power! Mothers with children have health care its called welfare...I was on it one time. I now have a job I hate, but I love the benefits. So get a job with benefits if you want health care. Don’t think for a minute Obama health care will be free...we will all be paying for it!

    so you agree with Glenn Beck that we must drill for oil wherever we can even if it causes the polar bears to be extinct? i loved his quote about we should even drill through a polar bears head if we have to and they are cute and all but this is our way of life

    Are you realy woried about polar bears? Do you drive a car, or an SUV maybe. Do you eat meat? Because these things contribute to global warming you know! You know that methane gas in cow shit causes global warming? As far as i'm concerned global warming is a bunch of crap so people like Gore can make a bunch of money while they fly around in there jets. But how does drilling our own oil contribute to global warming? Not saying that it doesn't, I just don't know how it does.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    Obama has put down and belittled anybody with a republican opinion many many times, if you watched the campaign you know that. What happened to the President showing respect to both sides of the aisle.

    Who? Quote?

    I’ve heard Obama say his door is open. Anybody with an idea he’ll listen to.

    Has Congress explored the idea of expanding free clinics?

    No, No, NO......anybody with an idea that HE LIKES he'l listen to.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Smellyman wrote:
    anybody who gets there "news" from Beck needs their voting rights taken away along with their testicles. They shouldn't breed.

    Wow, you're intelligent! Go back to your bong dude!
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Glen Beck has not be proven wrong yet...if not for him Van Jones one of Obamas advisers, the self proclaimed communist radical that believes white people are putting toxins in black neighborhoods would not have been made to resign....if not for Glen calling out Acorn they would still be spending millions of our tax dollars on seedy projects. I hope everyone will watch him...he has begged anyone to prove him wrong....he has stated several times he hopes he is wrong.....Obama was put in to office by some other machine a machine that hates whites (god haven’t we gotten over the racist crap yet?) And promotes communistic views...this guy just wants power! Mothers with children have health care its called welfare...I was on it one time. I now have a job I hate, but I love the benefits. So get a job with benefits if you want health care. Don’t think for a minute Obama health care will be free...we will all be paying for it!
    You are new here... I thought you should know... we aren't very trusting here. That's to say, we don't take things we read on face value... like too many people do. I mean, just because something is said on T.V. doesn't mean it's true. I'm probably the worst of the bunch... I admit it, i have trust issues.
    So, can you send me to some verification to the following points you are trying to make:
    1. "[Van Jones] believes white people are putting toxins in black neighborhoods." Source, please.
    2. "Obama was put in to office by some other machine a machine that hates whites" What machine?
    3. "[President Obama] promotes communistic views" Example of Communistic views.
    I searched, couldn't find it. I knew about the '9-11 Truthers' and his association with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) and calling Republicans 'assholes'... but, the other three... I need you to direct me to them (and don't bother sending me to the New Republic Forum Board).
    Regarding racism... Racism will stop when people stop being racist. NOTE: You can save the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton speech because I am refering to them, too.
    And don't bother calling me a 'Kool-aid drinking nigger lover'... I'm not a full on supporter of President Obama. I am looking for Truth.
    Finally... you admit to be on a Publicly Funded Entitlement Program yourself... and this comment, "Mothers with children have health care its called welfare" means that you had Public Health Care, right? How was the quality of that Health Care? Would you recommend it or say it is adequate? Or does it need to be fixed?
    You no longer need it... so, now it is bad? Was it bad when you were taking it in? Are you paying back all of the free handout money you and your family accepted when you were on the Government dole? And don't say, "I pay taxes, now". You were getting the taxes that I was paying. I was never on Welfare... I was paying for you. If you're so critical of 'Socialism'... shouldn't you be paying back what you took out?
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    yup, if your going to debate with cosmo you better have some notarized documentation
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    mb262200 wrote:

    No, No, NO......anybody with an idea that HE LIKES he'l listen to.

    All I get from that statement is some dribble that sounds like a whinny child.

    Yes I took your bait. I’m a dumbass.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    mb262200 wrote:
    yup, if your going to debate with cosmo you better have some notarized documentation
    Nope. All I ever ask for is something I can verify myself to rebut assinine opinions derived from vague recollections of a blurb from cable television.
    So, because you cannot provide a shred of verifiable data, you leave no other option except to write you off as an uninformed/misinformed dufus that thinks he understands the complexity of Political issues by sitting your ass with a television remote in your hand.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    mb262200 wrote:
    Smellyman wrote:
    anybody who gets there "news" from Beck needs their voting rights taken away along with their testicles. They shouldn't breed.

    Wow, you're intelligent! Go back to your bong dude!

    says the guy who admits he only gets his news from Beck.

    Sorry, but I will never be able to take you seriously.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Smellyman wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    Smellyman wrote:
    anybody who gets there "news" from Beck needs their voting rights taken away along with their testicles. They shouldn't breed.

    Wow, you're intelligent! Go back to your bong dude!

    says the guy who admits he only gets his news from Beck.

    Sorry, but I will never be able to take you seriously.

    Hey, why don't come over to my house and you can watch how much sleep I lose.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    mb262200 wrote:
    And... end of story.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    And... end of story.

    Cosmo, you complain about Beck but nobdy on here even knew that czars existed until I brought it up. You know how I knew watching Beck. I asked you a week ago to watch Beck and debate him for me...whats up? If Beck is full of shit and misleading please show me some of your factual data. I'm not being an ass, i'm being serious.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Cosmo wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    yup, if your going to debate with cosmo you better have some notarized documentation
    Nope. All I ever ask for is something I can verify myself to rebut assinine opinions derived from vague recollections of a blurb from cable television.
    So, because you cannot provide a shred of verifiable data, you leave no other option except to write you off as an uninformed/misinformed dufus that thinks he understands the complexity of Political issues by sitting your ass with a television remote in your hand.

    And how do you know what data is varifiable? I don't give a shit where you get your data...chances are, it's tampered. It all just depends on what you want to believe, and if it's something YOU don't believe it's not valuable or factual and the person is an idiot, crazy , or a dufus. My personal beliefs is that there is something much more going on, people are not seeing the whole picture....The American Union, The Amero, The New World Order is coming, but by the time people like you see that it will be too late.
  • People also have 'personal beliefs' that everything in the bible is true.. Sorry, no thanks.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    mb262200 wrote:
    Cosmo wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    yup, if your going to debate with cosmo you better have some notarized documentation
    Nope. All I ever ask for is something I can verify myself to rebut assinine opinions derived from vague recollections of a blurb from cable television.
    So, because you cannot provide a shred of verifiable data, you leave no other option except to write you off as an uninformed/misinformed dufus that thinks he understands the complexity of Political issues by sitting your ass with a television remote in your hand.

    And how do you know what data is varifiable? I don't give a shit where you get your data...chances are, it's tampered. It all just depends on what you want to believe, and if it's something YOU don't believe it's not valuable or factual and the person is an idiot, crazy , or a dufus. My personal beliefs is that there is something much more going on, people are not seeing the whole picture....The American Union, The Amero, The New World Order is coming, but by the time people like you see that it will be too late.
    Verifiable data is when you say, 'Obama said this...'. You must have gotten it somewhere. I just want you to provide it (and please, don't tell me to watch T.V.). If he said it as President, there would have t be a written transcript of the statement a
    And you believe that source data is 'tampered' with... what do YOU base your beliefs on? How do you know the information YOU receive is not tampered with?
    And 'your personal beliefs'... that means you're telling me you are just verbally farting, right?
    Add: Isn't a 'New World order' a G.H.W. Bush thing? ... orld_Order
    So, you believe President Obama is carrying the wishes of... George H.W. Bush?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    From what I can understand Bush signed it before he left office. The czars that work for Obama has worked for Bush and so on. Our government is run by radicals and our president is simply a front man to keep people distracted from the real issues and take all the blows. The New World Order has been in the works ever since the Kenedy assasination. But this is just what I choose to believe from the information that I have seen. One Czar was reported saying " the best way to create a socialists country is to collapse the financial system, give people cars and houses and credit cards that they know they can't afford and make everybody broke".....hmmmm sounds like america in the last 15 years or so.
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    mb262200 wrote:
    From what I can understand Bush signed it before he left office. The czars that work for Obama has worked for Bush and so on. Our government is run by radicals and our president is simply a front man to keep people distracted from the real issues and take all the blows. The New World Order has been in the works ever since the Kenedy assasination. But this is just what I choose to believe from the information that I have seen. One Czar was reported saying " the best way to create a socialists country is to collapse the financial system, give people cars and houses and credit cards that they know they can't afford and make everybody broke".....hmmmm sounds like america in the last 15 years or so.

    That is why I marched in Washington. I don't have all the answers like Cosmo does LOL.....I see something happening and it scares me! Cosmo I have nothing to prove to you.....and I don't care if you believe what I say...Why would I....I was just giving my opinion. Wish you would try and prove Glen Beck wrong. If you can do that I would be your biggest Fan!
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • you're citing Fox News as a reliable news source? EVen THEY admit they're not a real news source and call their channel "Infotainment."

    The fact is that 70% of Americans support health care reform and no amount of temper tantrums from Gleen Beck's under-educated minions is going to change that.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Jasunmark wrote:
    you're citing Fox News as a reliable news source? EVen THEY admit they're not a real news source and call their channel "Infotainment."

    The fact is that 70% of Americans support health care reform and no amount of temper tantrums from Gleen Beck's under-educated minions is going to change that.

    Just curious...where do you get this 70%?
  • mb262200 wrote:
    Just curious...where do you get this 70%?

    Hey, if you get to just pull made up "facts" our of your in foil hat, why shouldn't I?
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Jasunmark wrote:
    you're citing Fox News as a reliable news source? EVen THEY admit they're not a real news source and call their channel "Infotainment."

    The fact is that 70% of Americans support health care reform and no amount of temper tantrums from Gleen Beck's under-educated minions is going to change that.

    Well I'm hearing 80% ( may not be the exact percentage but close) of Americans are happy with there health care. I do not want people to go without heath care. Can we just put those people on Medicare or medicaid (after they fix it). I don't want the government making decisions concerning my health. I think I can handle it myself.
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Jasunmark wrote:
    you're citing Fox News as a reliable news source? EVen THEY admit they're not a real news source and call their channel "Infotainment."

    The fact is that 70% of Americans support health care reform and no amount of temper tantrums from Gleen Beck's under-educated minions is going to change that.
    I watch all the news. I'm just saying can anyone prove Glen Beck wrong?

    Obama attended a church for 20 years and claims he never heard Wright hating on white people. He LIES. For the record most everyone else in the Whitehouse lies also! Are there no others that are tired of it!
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Jasunmark wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    Just curious...where do you get this 70%?

    Hey, if you get to just pull made up "facts" our of your in foil hat, why shouldn't I?

    I was just asking....jeez....I don't understand you liberal democrats, you have everything going in your favor, so why are some of you so angry.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    60% of all statistics are made up.

    Anyone believing what anyone on Fox News or any other American news media needs to read/watch other sources for news (independent and international)
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Jeanwah wrote:
    60% of all statistics are made up.

    Anyone believing what anyone on Fox News or any other American news media needs to read/watch other sources for news (independent and international)

    Independent news? Where do you get Independent news? I'm interested.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    From what I can understand Bush signed it before he left office. The czars that work for Obama has worked for Bush and so on. Our government is run by radicals and our president is simply a front man to keep people distracted from the real issues and take all the blows. The New World Order has been in the works ever since the Kenedy assasination. But this is just what I choose to believe from the information that I have seen. One Czar was reported saying " the best way to create a socialists country is to collapse the financial system, give people cars and houses and credit cards that they know they can't afford and make everybody broke".....hmmmm sounds like america in the last 15 years or so.

    That is why I marched in Washington. I don't have all the answers like Cosmo does LOL.....I see something happening and it scares me! Cosmo I have nothing to prove to you.....and I don't care if you believe what I say...Why would I....I was just giving my opinion. Wish you would try and prove Glen Beck wrong. If you can do that I would be your biggest Fan!
    Wait a second...
    So... the two of you are saying this has nothing to do with President Obama... and everything to do with this vast conspiracy that has been afoot since 1963? Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan G.H.W.Bush, Clinton, G.W.Bush and Obama are all co-conspirators?
    Why have you waited 46 years to do something? Or did Glenn Beck just start telling you about it after Obama was elected? Why wasn't he sounding the alarm during the Bush's terms?
    As for Glenn Beck... give me something you believe from him and let me check it out.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Cosmo wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    From what I can understand Bush signed it before he left office. The czars that work for Obama has worked for Bush and so on. Our government is run by radicals and our president is simply a front man to keep people distracted from the real issues and take all the blows. The New World Order has been in the works ever since the Kenedy assasination. But this is just what I choose to believe from the information that I have seen. One Czar was reported saying " the best way to create a socialists country is to collapse the financial system, give people cars and houses and credit cards that they know they can't afford and make everybody broke".....hmmmm sounds like america in the last 15 years or so.

    That is why I marched in Washington. I don't have all the answers like Cosmo does LOL.....I see something happening and it scares me! Cosmo I have nothing to prove to you.....and I don't care if you believe what I say...Why would I....I was just giving my opinion. Wish you would try and prove Glen Beck wrong. If you can do that I would be your biggest Fan!
    Wait a second...
    So... the two of you are saying this has nothing to do with President Obama... and everything to do with this vast conspiracy that has been afoot since 1963? Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan G.H.W.Bush, Clinton, G.W.Bush and Obama are all co-conspirators?
    Why have you waited 46 years to do something? Or did Glenn Beck just start telling you about it after Obama was elected? Why wasn't he sounding the alarm during the Bush's terms?
    As for Glenn Beck... give me something you believe from him and let me check it out.

    Check this out Glen was against Bush.
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Actually, Beck doesn't talk about it.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    aerial wrote:
    Check this out Glen was against Bush.
    So... I still don't get it. If Glenn Beck knew about it during the Bush terms (2000-2008) why has it taken you so long to voice dissent about it?
    NOTE: By 'You", I mean the Tea Party people.
    Why weren't these demonstrations going on during the Bush Terms? Was it because of the competition with the War Protests? What?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    Actually, Beck doesn't talk about it.

    I take some of this at face value. For example, I do not believe that the U.S. is responsible for 9/11.
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