Tomorrow I make the biggest decision of my life



  • After 4 threads.....
    After all the drama.....
    After all the nonsense.......

    I am willing to bet the OP a box of Ramen noodles that when tomorrow is all said and done.....

    He will still be working at the grocery store.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    After 4 threads.....
    After all the drama.....
    After all the nonsense.......

    I am willing to bet the OP a box of Ramen noodles that when tomorrow is all said and done.....

    He will still be working at the grocery store.....

  • beakbeak Posts: 148
    After 4 threads.....
    After all the drama.....
    After all the nonsense.......

    I am willing to bet the OP a box of Ramen noodles that when tomorrow is all said and done.....

    He will still be working at the grocery store.....

    Put me down for a few cans of spam. I'll place them at the next canned food drive that is held at my work place around Christmas time.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    JaneNY wrote:
    I also think the romantic notion of either after these shows, just getting on the greyhound and packing up and moving to a random place is exacting a pull on me as well. To just pack up and say "hey I need to move to a new place" and just move to a new city.

    This was never just about the concert. Is the concert important? Hell yes. But is it the ONLY factor rolling around in my head? No!

    Don't just pick a random place. Do some research. Think about what type of place you would like to live. I can tell you I live in a small town and don't like it much. They are over-romanticized - the idea of 'everyone looks out for everyone' is bullshit, and there's less choice in terms of culture, restaurants, medical care. I've done my best to 'bloom where I was planted' for 25 years, but you are young. If you feel that pull to go somewhere else, and have a little savings and reasonable work ability, its all going to be easier now than when you're older.

    Everyone's giving you practical advice, and they are right - you need money for food and rent, and medical care. I've been practical and responsible most of my life (and have arranged my work life so I CAN travel to shows pretty much when I want) but I would find it suffocating to never be able to go anywhere. I don't really know what to tell you except good luck.

    What practical advice? Its alternated between hinting that I am a spoiled, idiot, and that people dont care what the hell I do.

    People make decisions. You make decisions every day. Some decisions you make I wouldnt agree with, but I dont think I am going to say you are spoiled for making them.

    Ultimately, I have noticed the feeling of being restless in your twenties, of not being satisfied, of feeling lost and helpless, is something millions of people go through. I am not unique and I know this.

    But reading the responses from you all, sure make it sound like I am some odd freak. And I think thats rude and dishonest frankly.

    from us all?? youve put all the respondants in the same basket?? now that is ignorant.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited September 2009
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Every suggestion you have come up with involves this guy living off others.

    Collect Welfare
    Mooch off his friends
    Mooch off his family

    Why not tell this guy to act like a responsible adult?

    You make it sound like helping your friends and/or family is a bad thing. Is that what they teach you in America? That it's everyone for themselves and fuck everybody else? Personally, if one of my friends hated his job, decided he needed to quit it, and needed to crash at my place for a month, or a few months until he sorted out a place of his own then I wouldn't think twice about it. But then maybe my definition of the word 'friend' isn't the same as yours?

    Seriously, are Americans all really so fearful and conservative? I thought America was founded on ideals of freedom and adventure? Sounds to me like that's all dead and buried.

    'In God We Trust'?.......I wonder if Mary would have found a place to stay in America on the night of 25th December - a friendly innkeeper - or if Jesus would have had to be born on the street instead - perhaps in a trash can, or in a cardboard box? :lol:

    No you #%*@... It's called personal responsibility. Don't ever quit a job unless you have a few months savings or another job lined up. It's not the end of the world if you miss a goddamn pj concert although it might feel like it at first but you will get over it .just save your money . they will be back in the states to tour again next year.

    also your only in your 20's dude, you got your whole life ahead of you quit being so down on your self it could be a hell of alot worse. I know from some of your other post you are against the wars going on right now but why not join the Coast Guard it will give you a chance to see the world and you don't have to worry about getting your nuts blown off.
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,680
    yeah this isnt a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would suggest making a more calculated and not so hasty move, and get yourself in a position where you have the opportunity to go to more PJ shows next time around.
  • MayDay10 wrote:
    yeah this isnt a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would suggest making a more calculated and not so hasty move, and get yourself in a position where you have the opportunity to go to more PJ shows next time around.
    You mean he should???

    Keep his job
    Work the next year
    Save a few $$$$$$$$$$$
    And use work vacation days to go to a couple shows next tour?????

    What a concept!!!!!!!

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,680
    sure. that doesnt rule out a complete life change. Major change is just something that normally has better results when a lot of thought gets put into it. Especially in the US because you do not want to leave yourself without medical benefits on purpose.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    After 4 threads.....
    After all the drama.....
    After all the nonsense.......

    I am willing to bet the OP a box of Ramen noodles that when tomorrow is all said and done.....

    He will still be working at the grocery store.....
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    prfctlefts wrote:
    No you #%*@... It's called personal responsibility. Don't ever quit a job unless you have a few months savings or another job lined up. It's not the end of the world if you miss a goddamn pj concert although it might feel like it at first but you will get over it .just save your money . they will be back in the states to tour again next year.

    also your only in your 20's dude, you got your whole life ahead of you quit being so down on your self it could be a hell of alot worse. I know from some of your other post you are against the wars going on right now but why not join the Coast Guard it will give you a chance to see the world and you don't have to worry about getting your nuts blown off.

    It's possible to hate a job so much that you have to leave. I've known the feeling myself in the past, and no amount of 'personal responsibility' means jack shit when every day feels like your soul is being raped by an ugly corporate cock - if you'll excuse my French.
    Sometimes you need to just say 'Fuck it!" and walk. It's called being self-sufficient and not being afraid of life.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Byrnzie wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    No you #%*@... It's called personal responsibility. Don't ever quit a job unless you have a few months savings or another job lined up. It's not the end of the world if you miss a goddamn pj concert although it might feel like it at first but you will get over it .just save your money . they will be back in the states to tour again next year.

    also your only in your 20's dude, you got your whole life ahead of you quit being so down on your self it could be a hell of alot worse. I know from some of your other post you are against the wars going on right now but why not join the Coast Guard it will give you a chance to see the world and you don't have to worry about getting your nuts blown off.

    It's possible to hate a job so much that you have to leave. I've known the feeling myself in the past, and no amount of 'personal responsibility' means jack shit when every day feels like your soul is being raped by an ugly corporate cock - if you'll excuse my French.
    Sometimes you need to just say 'Fuck it!" and walk. It's called being self-sufficient and not being afraid of life.

    There's a world of difference between a job that crushes your soul (which my gf is doing now, she's been hospitalized for work related stress) and adolescent whining because your menial job won't give you the night off for a show you really want to see.

    If this is the biggest decision in the OP's life... that's a pretty soft life if you ask me. No wonder he's obsessed with hip hop and black culture... life on the streets with real problems probably sounds so much more interesting and good for one's cred than suburban angst.
  • Death could come, live, live!
  • After 4 threads.....
    After all the drama.....
    After all the nonsense.......

    I am willing to bet the OP a box of Ramen noodles that when tomorrow is all said and done.....

    He will still be working at the grocery store.....

    Speedy I hope you're right, but the OP has been lashing out at people who are giving him the advice of staying at his current job. He has ALREADY made his decision and while his original post said he wanted discussion...what he wanted was a bunch of sheep saying "yes go for it...fuck the job...go see Pearl Jam." He doesn't appear to be interested in the other side of the argument.
    I hope this poster considers that if he is fired WITH CAUSE he cannot collect Unemployment (well in Canada he can't....can't see it being different in the US), If that is his plan after Seattle. How do I know this?? Cause I just lost my job due to cutbacks I am lucky that I have a severance that will get me through a few months, plus my part time gig at the ACC to have a few extra bucks rolling in. I also have the option of going on unemployment when my severance runs out. I have looked into things...obviously more than the OP has. I am already pounding the pavement though cause I want to be working again ASAP.

    Bottom the OP. I know the Seattle shows aren't your only reason for quitting...I totally get the whole wanting a change thing. I hated being at my job and have been looking for work long before I lost my job this week its just not great out there right now. I know it sucks to miss this show and you feel like this job is taking away your independence, fun, and stuff...but its a job. Its more than many people have right now. Please give up the Seattle shows...I promise they will be back next year and the shows will be just as kick ass. Plus, you will be able to go to more of them if you hang in there, save your money, and find another job before letting this one go.
    I know this isn't the sheep reply that you wanted, but take it from someone who is currently where you are about to SUCKS!
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • Hey Byrnzie.. Some other HST quotes that seem to say he's an idiot:

    "No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master." --Hunter S. Thompson

    "A man who has blown all his options can't afford the luxury of changing his ways." --Hunter S. Thompson

    But then, he also said, "Buy the ticket, take the ride."

    Goddammit, I love HST. And my personal favorite, though it has nothing to do with the topic at hand:

    "I feel the same way about disco as I do about herpes." --Hunter S. Thompson
  • Call your boss and tell him/her you can't come into work for the next week because a crocodile bit off your face.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • Tomorrows DDay so to speak. Its the last day to put in my two weeks if I want to go to the Seattle shows. There is no way I am gonna get the time off if I ask. So theirs that option, out in two weeks tomorrow. Then I would obviously be without a job when i came back from the show, and I admit, its an insane thing to do. No, the show isnt necessarily the reason i would quit, but it does add more urgency to my feelings of being stalled, feeling like I need to move on, etc...

    Or I could stay at my job, not put in my two weeks tomorrow, and continue looking for jobs, while I have this job. That said, to do this, to not put in my two weeks tomorrow, would mean I would miss the Seattle shows. I think I would be pretty depressed

    Is it crazy to consider quitting without another job waiting for me, especially in the worst economy since the Great Depression? Hell yeah! But I also feel like, and wonder, what would Ed say? Chris Mccandless? Sean Penn? Zach Braff? When I would tell them about feeling trapped, and how everyday is the same, and how I am not happy, I wonder what they would say? Would they say, hold off and continue your job, or would they say, just go for it?

    Needless to say I dont think I will get much sleep tonight, and even when I make my decision tomorrow I doubt I will be saying "thats a load off my shoulder!". Knowing me, I bet I will second guess my decision, no matter what it is!

    Adult life is so much fun!!!

    You had me until Zach Braff's name entered the equation. Douche.
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    no offense to the OP, but this is the most ridiculous thread and decision I've ever seen. You are going to quit your job so you can see a concert? I can't believe you are even torn over this. Why would you quit your job? Do you know how many people would kill to make money right now so they could feed their kids or just get out of the house to work again? And you want to quit to see some concerts?! seriously. Some of you PJ fans take the band waaaaaaaaay to seriously. If you proposed this question to Eddie he would punch you in the face. Again, no offense.
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    That shit you see in the movies and on TV is all fantasy. Zach Braff isn't quitting any job in real life right now so he can do what he wants. Same thing with the show Friends- those assholes couldn't afford that big ass apartment with their shitty jobs. You need to separate the shit you see on TV from reality. I'll help:

    Something you will see on TV: People with jobs in a coffee shop, or a struggling actor living in a big apartment in Manhattan.

    Reality of that: People with jobs in a coffee shop live in the Bronx and risk their lives coming home each night, and struggling actors live on someone couch if they are lucky and are usually selling themselves on the street to feed their addiction to some sort of controlled substance.

    Something You will see on TV: Someone quitting their job to stick it to the man and everything turns out great before the movie ends

    Reality: after you quit your job you will go through a phase where you think you did the right thing, and it will last a couple weeks then you will want to have some money, then the 'man' you stuck it to will be the person whose ass you try to kiss to get your job back when you realize getting a job isn't that easy right now. You will get to go to concerts but nothing else afterwards because you won't have any money. This cycle and lack of worth ethic will continue into adulthood and you will be broke, living with your parents and let me tell you, living with your parents and being broke isn't the lifestyle you want to lead if you want to ever get laid again. Zach Braff can quit his job because the movie ends and everything is alright. You need to value every job you have, even if it sucks, and don't quit one until you have a BETTER one lined up. That is the only reason in reality to quit your job, not to go to concerts but to better your situation
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    skippybrew wrote:
    Hey Byrnzie.. Some other HST quotes that seem to say he's an idiot:

    "No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master." --Hunter S. Thompson

    "A man who has blown all his options can't afford the luxury of changing his ways." --Hunter S. Thompson

    But then, he also said, "Buy the ticket, take the ride."

    Goddammit, I love HST. And my personal favorite, though it has nothing to do with the topic at hand:

    "I feel the same way about disco as I do about herpes." --Hunter S. Thompson

    So, do you think he's an idiot, or do you love him? :?
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    "Keep the the bootleg" - Danimal
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Reading these endless threads about whether to quit a job makes me feel like my life has stalled and I'm smothered.

    This is the last one I peek in on. The OP obviously has some sort of mental disorder or is completely naive and spoiled.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Posts: 7,262
    know1 wrote:
    Reading these endless threads about whether to quit a job makes me feel like my life has stalled and I'm smothered.

    This is the last one I peek in on. The OP obviously has some sort of mental disorder or is completely naive and spoiled.
    Well, now wait a second, here. The OP should be a newspaper columnist. He/she writes and wants responses. Also, he/she gets responses. I think these threads basically reflect something that makes the OP happy, and that he/she should cater his/her career moves towards that end.

    OP, try bloggin or podcasting or twittering or something like that. You'll find an audience no matter what medium you use to communicate. . . Case in point :D
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • Ms. Haiku wrote:
    know1 wrote:
    Reading these endless threads about whether to quit a job makes me feel like my life has stalled and I'm smothered.

    This is the last one I peek in on. The OP obviously has some sort of mental disorder or is completely naive and spoiled.
    Well, now wait a second, here. The OP should be a newspaper columnist. He/she writes and wants responses. Also, he/she gets responses. I think these threads basically reflect something that makes the OP happy, and that he/she should cater his/her career moves towards that end.

    OP, try bloggin or podcasting or twittering or something like that. You'll find an audience no matter what medium you use to communicate. . . Case in point :D

    If you get married, will Mr. Haku look like this?
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Posts: 7,262

    If you get married, will Mr. Haku look like this?
    Oi! I don't get what that picture has to do with my response.

    Green Tea Disease - is that you? Well, you haven't changed, eh?
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • Ms. Haiku wrote:

    If you get married, will Mr. Haku look like this?
    Oi! I don't get what that picture has to do with my response.

    Green Tea Disease - is that you? Well, you haven't changed, eh?

    hahaha. Nothing to do w/your response, it's an inside wrestling joke as there was a WWE wrestler 15 years ago named Haku. :mrgreen:
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Posts: 7,262
    Ms. Haiku wrote:

    If you get married, will Mr. Haku look like this?
    Oi! I don't get what that picture has to do with my response.

    Green Tea Disease - is that you? Well, you haven't changed, eh?

    hahaha. Nothing to do w/your response, it's an inside wrestling joke as there was a WWE wrestler 15 years ago named Haku. :mrgreen:
    Oh Thank Gawd! I had horrible flashbacks of a really unpleasant person who used to post here. I couldn't figure out how to add foe, dammit! I guess I don't need it now. Phew.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • thunderDAN wrote:
    That shit you see in the movies and on TV is all fantasy. Zach Braff isn't quitting any job in real life right now so he can do what he wants. Same thing with the show Friends- those assholes couldn't afford that big ass apartment with their shitty jobs. You need to separate the shit you see on TV from reality. I'll help:

    Something you will see on TV: People with jobs in a coffee shop, or a struggling actor living in a big apartment in Manhattan.

    Reality of that: People with jobs in a coffee shop live in the Bronx and risk their lives coming home each night, and struggling actors live on someone couch if they are lucky and are usually selling themselves on the street to feed their addiction to some sort of controlled substance.

    Something You will see on TV: Someone quitting their job to stick it to the man and everything turns out great before the movie ends

    Reality: after you quit your job you will go through a phase where you think you did the right thing, and it will last a couple weeks then you will want to have some money, then the 'man' you stuck it to will be the person whose ass you try to kiss to get your job back when you realize getting a job isn't that easy right now. You will get to go to concerts but nothing else afterwards because you won't have any money. This cycle and lack of worth ethic will continue into adulthood and you will be broke, living with your parents and let me tell you, living with your parents and being broke isn't the lifestyle you want to lead if you want to ever get laid again. Zach Braff can quit his job because the movie ends and everything is alright. You need to value every job you have, even if it sucks, and don't quit one until you have a BETTER one lined up. That is the only reason in reality to quit your job, not to go to concerts but to better your situation

    Lets take this one step further. The OP referenced Chris Mcandles (sp). If the OP had PAID ATTENTION to the END of the movie, He'd KNOW that after being alone out there for so long, Chris came to realize exactly what he had given up, and regretted doing so to a certain extent...and had TRIED to go back home, but couldn't cause of the high river, etc...If Chris had lived...he would NOT be telling the OP to drop everything and leave....He'd be saying...don't be a fuckin idiot like I was!!! Have some kind of backup plan...if you wanna take off for a while, so be it..but BE PREPARED FIRST!
    Eddie Vedder and Sean Penn, while they both identified with Chris Mcandles (sp), would also tell the OP they wouldn't repeat the mistakes he made either. Both are family the delusion that somehow either of them would say "ya quit your job son! Live a little! Is ridiculous! and Naive. Ed would say don't waste your last dollar on our show! Pay your rent! Buy food!
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
    Keep your job. I understand it doesn't make you happy but I can guarantee you'll be happier if you are employed and not worrying night and day about how you are going to make the rent. I've been stuck in jobs that I hated but you just have to figure a way to stick it out till you can find something else. Finding a job right now is hard, multiple that by 10 when your looking for a job unemployed. The first thing a potential employer is going to ask is "Why are you currently not working?" There are not many answers to that question that will keep them from blowing you off.
    Zach, Sean & Eddie probably have a combined net worth of over $150Million, so they are in a better position to make decisions with their hearts...they can afford to stop working and still afford a nice lifestyle.

    If the OP is so unhappy, perhaps he is best served by trying to figure out the cause of the unhappiness. I can see how someone would put all their eggs in the PJ basket, but once the gigs are done, reality will set in, and the OP will pretty-much be starting his life over.

    Why not keep your job, start looking for a new job, and, in the mean time, do whatcha gotta do to qualify for a more fulfilling job.

    In the words of Noel Gallagher (who just quit his job!) "please don't put your life in the hands of a rock and roll band"
  • Haha, this reminds me of the time I considered skipping out on rent to go see the Rolling Stones.
    Ed...buddy...pal...stay true to your word and play Boise again.

    Seattle, 12.7.93
    Salt Lake, 6.21.98
    Mountain View, 10.30.99
    Mountain View, 10.31.99
    Boise, 11.3.00
    Portland, 9.26.09
This discussion has been closed.