Tomorrow I make the biggest decision of my life

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited March 2010 in All Encompassing Trip
Tomorrows DDay so to speak. Its the last day to put in my two weeks if I want to go to the Seattle shows. There is no way I am gonna get the time off if I ask. So theirs that option, out in two weeks tomorrow. Then I would obviously be without a job when i came back from the show, and I admit, its an insane thing to do. No, the show isnt necessarily the reason i would quit, but it does add more urgency to my feelings of being stalled, feeling like I need to move on, etc...

Or I could stay at my job, not put in my two weeks tomorrow, and continue looking for jobs, while I have this job. That said, to do this, to not put in my two weeks tomorrow, would mean I would miss the Seattle shows. I think I would be pretty depressed

Is it crazy to consider quitting without another job waiting for me, especially in the worst economy since the Great Depression? Hell yeah! But I also feel like, and wonder, what would Ed say? Chris Mccandless? Sean Penn? Zach Braff? When I would tell them about feeling trapped, and how everyday is the same, and how I am not happy, I wonder what they would say? Would they say, hold off and continue your job, or would they say, just go for it?

Needless to say I dont think I will get much sleep tonight, and even when I make my decision tomorrow I doubt I will be saying "thats a load off my shoulder!". Knowing me, I bet I will second guess my decision, no matter what it is!

Adult life is so much fun!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • hinxhinx Posts: 416
    As someone with a pretty decent resume who is SERIOUSLY struggling to even get interviews, let alone get hired, I'd strongly urge you to think hard about this. If you've got a stash of savings you can live off of for a bit once you quit, maybe it'll be okay, but I don't think it'll be as easy as you hope to land a good job when you start to look. :?
  • Who the fuck cares what Ed or Zach Braff would say? You are your own person but making a post like that seems like you want opinions, and I would say that you would be an idiot to quit without another guaranteed job.
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    You never quit a job unless you have another one lined up. My dad taught me that when I was a kid.
  • definitely think hard about this! i lost my first job out of college 6 years ago...when the economy was good...and it took me 6 months just to find a job in retail!! it put me into a major quarter-life crisis...i wasn't sure what i wanted to i wanted my future to unfold...i was freaking out! but, it did allow me to take time to move out to austin with family and expand my job search between 2 cities. if you have family or a support system in other cities...maybe move away for a bit??! if anything, maybe it will give you the chance to clear your head and figure things out without having to stress too much about finding anything more than a part-time job?! i feel lucky that my parents and other family were willing to help me out during my search...i don't know if you have that luxury?!

    if you go through with leaving your job...i'd just make sure that you'd be okay settling for any job you can find until you find something that you'd really want to do...or that there are people that could help you out.

    i know that you're trying to do something that you are really passionate about...but sometimes you have to suck it up and work as a host(ess) at a sports bar for awhile :D at least that's what i did ;)

    good luck with whatever you decide!
  • well you currently work at a grocery store am i right? So it's not like your pissing away a career...this is truly a job.

    right now colleges are beginning their autumn quarter/semester so what I would do is go to a bunch of places that are high school towns because they probably have a bunch of high school seniors who are leaving for college which means there should be plenty of 8-10 dollar an hour openings in that area.

    See if you can find something there, then quit your other job.

    WARNING: I don't do interviews so i dont know what goes on in a reference check, but if i found out that a potential employee flaked out on his job in order to go to a rock concert, that would raise a huge red flag that this person is a flake.
  • Dude, there is no concert that would be worth attending that would mean losing your job, in this or any other economy. I wouldn't even entertain the idea unless you have 6-8 months of savings that could get you by until you find another. I lost my job this past March after the insurance company i worked for downsized and I just took a new full time job last week. I was lucky that I had a good severance buyout that got me by but trying to find work sucked. I applied for at least 20-30 jobs and only had 2 interviews (luckily I landed my new job on the 2nd). I don't really think your decision is going to be the biggest of your life. Judging by your post I'm guessing your in your early to mid-20's? I don't mean to come of like a judgemental prick or anything but just can't believe your really waffling on whether to see the PJ show or keep your job. Skip the show, buy the bootleg, keep working the job you hate til you find a new and better one. You'll feel better about yourself in the longrun, just my opinion anyway.

    Good luck man!
    08/17/98 - Indianapolis, IN
    08/18/00 - Indianapolis, IN
    04/23/03 - Champaign, IL
    04/25/03 - Cleveland, OH
    08/24/09 - Chicago, IL
  • I personally cant make it any clearer than Ive made it, in tons of posts on the old board, and tons of posts on this one.

    In my original post I listed several reasons for wanting to quit. And in my "life stalled" thread as well. If you cant physically read those, I really dont want to debate with you.

    Its like people on this board are illiterate. I posted this thread to get thoughts on my upcoming decision.

    But its impossible to sort of weigh everyones thoughts, when those thoughts are discussing things I have NEVER said or done. I have NEVER said I was gonna quit this job ONLY BECAUSE of the show. yes its a factor, but Iam not 2 years old. I can understand when I need a future job, I dont want to mention the concert.

    But I can obviously mention the stuff I listed in my original thread and all my other threads.

    Ultimately, I am not happy. I dont know about you, but when I feel like that, what makes the LEAST amount of sense is to continue doing the same exact thing, over and over. its the definition of insane. To continue doing an action that has proven to provide one thing, and you continue doing it, hoping and thinking the results will be different the next day.
  • Dude, there is no concert that would be worth attending that would mean losing your job, in this or any other economy. I wouldn't even entertain the idea unless you have 6-8 months of savings that could get you by until you find another. I lost my job this past March after the insurance company i worked for downsized and I just took a new full time job last week. I was lucky that I had a good severance buyout that got me by but trying to find work sucked. I applied for at least 20-30 jobs and only had 2 interviews (luckily I landed my new job on the 2nd). I don't really think your decision is going to be the biggest of your life. Judging by your post I'm guessing your in your early to mid-20's? I don't mean to come of like a judgemental prick or anything but just can't believe your really waffling on whether to see the PJ show or keep your job. Skip the show, buy the bootleg, keep working the job you hate til you find a new and better one. You'll feel better about yourself in the longrun, just my opinion anyway.

    Good luck man!

    Your right, but as I said, I am unhappy. When you are unhappy, desperate measures sound appealing and make sense. I feel stuck and trapped at my job. I feel like I am wasting my life. I feel like if I dont get a move on quick, I will NEVER LEAVE. I feel like I let myself down.

    So yes, the concert is a factor and WILL be a factor in the decision, but obviously, its not the only thing weighing in my mind.

    The idea of a new slate, starting fresh, sounds so appealing to me right now. I feel like I wasted 25 years of my life. What i feel like doing is just quitting and saying, "I messed up 25 years of my life, I dont want to waste another second".

    I also think the romantic notion of either after these shows, just getting on the greyhound and packing up and moving to a random place is exacting a pull on me as well. To just pack up and say "hey I need to move to a new place" and just move to a new city.

    This was never just about the concert. Is the concert important? Hell yes. But is it the ONLY factor rolling around in my head? No!
  • Tomorrows DDay so to speak. Its the last day to put in my two weeks if I want to go to the Seattle shows. There is no way I am gonna get the time off if I ask. So theirs that option, out in two weeks tomorrow. Then I would obviously be without a job when i came back from the show, and I admit, its an insane thing to do. No, the show isnt necessarily the reason i would quit, but it does add more urgency to my feelings of being stalled, feeling like I need to move on, etc...

    Or I could stay at my job, not put in my two weeks tomorrow, and continue looking for jobs, while I have this job. That said, to do this, to not put in my two weeks tomorrow, would mean I would miss the Seattle shows. I think I would be pretty depressed

    Is it crazy to consider quitting without another job waiting for me, especially in the worst economy since the Great Depression? Hell yeah! But I also feel like, and wonder, what would Ed say? Chris Mccandless? Sean Penn? Zach Braff? When I would tell them about feeling trapped, and how everyday is the same, and how I am not happy, I wonder what they would say? Would they say, hold off and continue your job, or would they say, just go for it?

    Needless to say I dont think I will get much sleep tonight, and even when I make my decision tomorrow I doubt I will be saying "thats a load off my shoulder!". Knowing me, I bet I will second guess my decision, no matter what it is!

    Adult life is so much fun!!!
    What exactly is it that you do for a living???

    What is your job title????
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • hinxhinx Posts: 416
    Sorry buddy, next time I'll be sure to read your entire posting history before responding to your poorly worded and rambling posts about wtf Zach Braff would tell you to do with your life.

    Good luck!
  • WildsWilds Posts: 4,329
    Call in sick for those days. If you get fired, then at least (depending on many factors), you could potentially file for and receive unemployment.

    And I don't know what kind of job/career you are in, how much money you have saved up, etc.

    All of those things are important to know when making a big decision like this.

    If you are working check out at a super market, and it's a part time, type job, then that would be an easier decision than if you have a career going on.

    Also how much responsibility do you have? Kids? Tons of debt?
  • Fuck it. It sounds like you've made up your mind. Quit your job, then, and see where the wind takes you. I can promise you it'll be a kickass show, and when you wake up the morning after (unemployed), you'll be so PUMPED that you'll go out there, rock some new job interview and suddenly find your happiness.

    Rock stars do it all the time.
  • I am young, I feel like I wasted my life, I feel like my life is mapped out for me, and I feel like every day is exactly the same....

    I dont know about you, but those are strong feelings. At least for me, those are feelings that roar. They yell. I cant turn them off. Or actually I guess I have for 1 and a half years of this job, but they are now sort of screaming. They are banging my head with drum sticks. They drown out the sound of the outside world.

    Ultimately, I am 25 years old. I never took that backpacking trip that all males my age seem to take. I feel scared. And as I said, there are no surprises in my life anymore.

    I take this decision very seriously. obviously, or I would have made a decision already.

    Reguardless of if I choose to stay with the job or leave, I dont think I will have a good feeling in my stomach tomorrow at all. Either decision has major consequences.

    Ed, Sean Penn, Chris and Zach Braff all seem to identify with the idea that alot of us feel trapped, tied in, smothered and unable to move. Zach braff's entire career has been about tv shows, and movies that capture the feeling of being lost and helpless in your twenties. And Ed and Sean, captured those feelings of Chris, that match the description I just gave.

    Sometimes you have to tread water to learn how to swim

    The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences.

    That precipice and edge and cliff is just around the corner

    If you arent feeling your life you must do everything you possible can to start finding yourself

    It should not be denied that being footloose has always exhilarated us. It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations. Absolute freedom. And the road has always led west.
  • Ya know...The more I think about it.....

    The more I think you should quit your job, go to the shows, and move to seattle.....

    GO FOR IT!!!!

    I like that idea you have.....

    Just pack up your shit....
    Hop on a Greyhound bus.....
    And just move to a new city........

    You only live once....I say give your 2 weeks notice and dont look back!!!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Wilds wrote:
    Call in sick for those days. If you get fired, then at least (depending on many factors), you could potentially file for and receive unemployment.

    And I don't know what kind of job/career you are in, how much money you have saved up, etc.

    All of those things are important to know when making a big decision like this.

    If you are working check out at a super market, and it's a part time, type job, then that would be an easier decision than if you have a career going on.

    Also how much responsibility do you have? Kids? Tons of debt?

    work at supermarket. No kids. No debt. No wife. Have an apartment that I pay rent on, but thats about it.

    My job is extremely busy, every single month except for august. My boss specifically allows vacation time only during august, as its the only time, mainly that grocery stores arent busy. From September on, every single day, is getting a little more, and little more, ramped up and geared up for the insane buisness that we see during November and December. I took my weeks vacation in late august, I had a family wedding to go to. I needed to take that time off. So I have no vacation time left, until next year. My work also has strict attendance policies. 3 or more strikes is bad. I think I have three at this point. So calling in sick for 4 days is out of the question. I will be burning up catch getting to and staying in Seattle as well. I need to go up, that day I assume, Monday, the stay monday and tuesday and come home wednesday. So thats missing 3 days of work. Its not gonna fly. I cant call in sick 3 days. I think 6 absensces or strikes they fire or suspend you.

    I was going with my cousin for the seattle shows. He bailed, I dont drive, so I was counting on him to take me up. I will most likely take the greyhound, which is some dough. And then two nights at a hotel is some dough as well.

    Is it insane I am entertaining of quitting my job is this new great depression. I already said yes, it is. But it also, to a desperate person in desperate times, a 25 year old person, it actually looks interesting.
  • Ya know...The more I think about it.....

    The more I think you should quit your job, go to the shows, and move to seattle.....

    GO FOR IT!!!!

    I like that idea you have.....

    Just pack up your shit....
    Hop on a Greyhound bus.....
    And just move to a new city........

    You only live once....I say give your 2 weeks notice and dont look back!!!!!!

    Somehow I dont think you really believe this, but realistically could it be done? I mean, the quitting of the job is one thing, but the idea of just moving to a city, via greyhound, can it be done? I mean, say I went to seattle shows. Stayed 2 nights at the hotel, and then what? This is getting into hypotheticals here, but, realitically, what would happen?
  • WildsWilds Posts: 4,329
    So I can identify with you pretty well. I had a kick ass job/career going on right after college. I was a rep for a cool micro brewery.

    But I wasn't happy. so I quit, and moved to Korea to teach English as a second language.

    When I moved back, life picked up just as I'd left it. Then it went on fast forward. Got married, now have two beautiful kids, and I got all that wanderlust out of my system and hit the reset button.

    Life goes on. Take the plunge and quit. Who knows where that path will lead, but if you are able to exist on peoples couches, don't have too many things tying you down, then now is the time to jump into the unknown.

    It will never get any easier to make a crazy decision.
  • panhandling on Pike & 2nd
  • Ya know...The more I think about it.....

    The more I think you should quit your job, go to the shows, and move to seattle.....

    GO FOR IT!!!!

    I like that idea you have.....

    Just pack up your shit....
    Hop on a Greyhound bus.....
    And just move to a new city........

    You only live once....I say give your 2 weeks notice and dont look back!!!!!!

    Somehow I dont think you really believe this, but realistically could it be done? I mean, the quitting of the job is one thing, but the idea of just moving to a city, via greyhound, can it be done? I mean, say I went to seattle shows. Stayed 2 nights at the hotel, and then what? This is getting into hypotheticals here, but, realitically, what would happen?
    what would happen???

    You will run out of money in a month.....
    You wont find another job.....
    You will either live in a cardboard box......or have mom and dad wire you some money, so you can move back in with them....

    But like i only live once.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • And I'll tell ya what....

    If you quit your job....
    Pack your crap....
    Jump on a bus....
    Move to seattle.....
    Blow what little money you have saved on Pearl Jam shows.......

    Do me a favor.....

    Send me your address and Ill send you $20 worth of ramen Noodles.......Because you are going to get real hungry , real quick.....

    And since you wont have a job, or an apartment(therefore no stove) Ill also send you a couple of bic lighters, so you casn warm up the ramen noodles.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • he'll need a tin can or something or else he'll have no container for the noodles
  • he'll need a tin can or something or else he'll have no container for the noodles
    good point....

    he will also need a spoon.....

    but wait....

    Where the fuck is he going to get the water to cook the ramen noodles????
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • he'll need a tin can or something or else he'll have no container for the noodles
    good point....

    he will also need a spoon.....

    but wait....

    Where the fuck is he going to get the water to cook the ramen noodles????
    it rains a lot in Seattle
  • Maybe Ed and Sean Penn can help you out.....Ya never know...

    But....They may be busy WORKING and making millions of fucking dollars......

    So that might not be a good idea to contact them.
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117 you're unhappy. Yes, only you can make yourself happy...but only if your responsibilities can be maintained.

    Look, if you live with your folks, quit. But if you are paying rent and bills and stuff, then you better have a job lined up before quitting. Being unhappy is no reason to just quit a job with no immediate alternative plan.
  • So today is the big day!!!!!!

    You may go from a nice job, and a nice apartment.

    To living in a cardboard box, eating ramen noodles, and panhandling!!!!!

    All for a couple of Pearl Jam shows in Seattle.......

    And you can deny that these Pearl Jam shows, are not the main reason for you to quit your job and move....
    And you can call us all illiterate.....
    And you can say we are not actually reading your posts.....

    But the FACT is.....You are going to quit your job so you can go to a couple of Pearl Jam shows.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Phone in sick.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aNiMaL wrote:
    But if you are paying rent and bills and stuff, then you better have a job lined up before quitting. Being unhappy is no reason to just quit a job with no immediate alternative plan.

    Do you not have welfare checks in the U.S? If he can't find a job straight away then he can simply claim welfare to see him through until he does.
    And he works in a supermarket right now. How many other retail jobs are there available? Must be hundreds. Getting a job in retail isn't difficult, even in during this current period.
    I walked out on a job before just so I could go to the pub and celebrate a friends birthday. It was a great move. I had a great night out and didn't regret it one bit the next day. Walking out on jobs that suck feels great. It feels liberating. If you walk out of one crappy job there's always another crappy job just around the corner. A couple of Pearl Jam shows are something he'll never forget. Crappy jobs are there for a reason - so that you can walk out of them to do more important things if and when they arise, and not have to give a shit about the consequences.

    If the supermarket you're at now hired you a few months ago, then the supermarket around the corner will hire you next month for the exact same reasons.
  • But I also feel like, and wonder, what would Ed say? Chris Mccandless? Sean Penn? Zach Braff? When I would tell them about feeling trapped, and how everyday is the same, and how I am not happy, I wonder what they would say? Would they say, hold off and continue your job, or would they say, just go for it?

    Someday soon in your life you will realize that it doesn't matter at all what other people would think or say... Besides a spouse or immediate family, no one else's opinion should matter besides your own, especially some random celebrity who has more money than any of us ever will or some kid who got himself killed because he he was too careless or thought he was too smart to do basic research before traveling.

    If you think that quitting your job is the right thing to do, then go for it... Just be prepared to come back to no job, and probably being unable to pay rent soon. But honestly, I saw that you worked in a grocery store... if you are not expecting to find another job making much money, then it shouldn't be too hard... now that kids are going back to college/school, a lot of hourly retail/food industry jobs are hiring to make up for the lost workforce.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • HorosHoros Posts: 4,518
    Wondering about the big decision.

    I live in the same area as the OP and believe me fast food jobs are even hard to come by. I manage a fast food place and in the last year I've hired 2 people out of 100s of applicants.

    Seems to me the OP really made his decision when he pre-ordered the tix. He must have known then that he would be unable to get the time off.

    Good luck to the OP. I have been homeless before and believe me it's no treat.
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